The sultry night, the panic fled.

Unexpectedly, such a remote hiding place has still been discovered.

That's not the police, Da Ran understands.

Running wildly at midnight in midsummer, sweat wet her clothes, and her lungs were burning with pain.

Even though she ran with all her strength, her body was so weak that she was out of breath when she usually walked a few more steps, not to mention running wildly.

She was easily bitten by the black back rushing up behind her. She panicked and tried to shake the dog away, but was unsuccessful. A group of people stepped forward and pushed her to the ground.

When she was conscious again, she was awakened by a basin of ice-cold water.

When she woke up, she found her hands and legs tied, lying in an underground garage.

The spacious private garage was emptied, and there was no car, only the tall man behind her staring at her, and the woman sitting in front of her.

In the dim light, the woman was wearing a simple and rigid black suit, as if she had just returned from a meeting at the company.

"woke up?"

I saw clearly, it was a face that was extremely similar to myself.

But if you look carefully, you can really tell the difference.

Precisely because of this subtle difference, it made Da Ran feel uncomfortable.

No matter how many times she saw her, her clone, she would shudder, as if seeing a monster.

The man approached slowly, and Da Ran curled up on the ground with his limbs tied, making it difficult to move.

Suddenly, Da Ran found that the other party was holding a dagger in his hand.

"Are you afraid of this?" Ran Jin charged the sharp blade of the dagger up, glanced at the sharp enough to easily cut through her eyes and skin, and suddenly squatted down, the sharp blade inserted exactly into the dagger. In front of Da Ran's face.

Da Ran's breathing was stagnant, and his heartbeat missed a whole beat.

From the reflection of the blade, she saw her sealed mouth, her eyes full of bloodshot and fear.

"When you killed Chi Li's knife, it was similar to it." Ran Jin lowered his eyes, "After stabbing twelve knives in a row, you were able to leave calmly. I didn't see how scared you were."

Ran Jin took the tape off Da Ran's mouth, stood up, and called the police in front of her.

"Officer Yu, long time no see. I have helped you catch the fugitive you are chasing."

Saying that, Ran Jin gave the address of the garage.

Officer Yu was in the bureau, and in front of him was a hill of ashtrays with cigarette butts.

Hearing that Ran Jin had no emotion but a playful tone between the lines, Officer Yu was so angry that his brain hurt, but he was helpless at this time.

"Go!" After hanging up the phone, Officer Yu immediately took people to the garage.

When Da Ran heard that she really notified the police, her heart was filled with endless hatred, and after laughing like a madman, she suddenly shouted: "When I first saw you, I should have killed you. You shouldn't have come into the world! You **** who stole my face, stole my life and everything!"

Halfway through her shouting, she suddenly realized something, smiled contemptuously, and said with disgust as if she was looking at something dirty:

"I'm wrong, you're not a slut, you're not even a human being. You're just a copy, without parents and no roots. You're just my spare, and there's no difference between a car spare tire Seeing you imitating human speech, actions, and making various expressions, do you really think of yourself as a human? It is ridiculous, disgusting, and disgusting that a tool that is only worthy of being used is delusional to become a human. Disgusting! Bah!"

Da Ran's sharp, gun-wielding sarcasm made the people around him sound harsh, but Ran Ban showed no signs of being provoked at all.

It was like not even a word of it fell into her heart.

It also seems that her heart has long been filled with similar viciousness. One more sentence and one less sentence will not have any effect on her.

Da Ran's words didn't anger Ran Ban, but it did make her think of something.

When I thought of myself being taken to that big house when I was a child, I thought that my biological parents had really brought her home, and this was her home.

Unexpectedly, this girl at home who looked exactly like her would scream hysterically and cry endlessly as soon as she saw her.

Then she was locked up in a small house with tools in the backyard, smelled of rust, cold and frightened.

And Da Ran, ran to the small house at night, and stabbed her with a knife with a knife.

"It must be because of you that I am sick! It's all your fault!"

After the piercing, she hugged Ran Jin's injured arm, bit her hard, and sucked her blood.

"As long as I **** your blood, I'll be back to health!"

In fact, Da Ran didn't know Ran Ban's identity, but Ran Ban's face that was exactly the same as himself made her terrified.

The one thing that was said most to Ran Jin was - you are a monster! monster! Get out of my house? Go! To die, to die!

For a long time after that, Ran Jindu felt that he was a monster and should die.

After so many years, Ran Ban thought that he had forgotten such a boring past, but he did not expect that when he met Da Ran face to face again, he could still remember it.

Ran Jin stretched out his hand to Da Ran, and Da Ran tried to dodge, but he couldn't dodge.

Ran Jin grabbed the hair on the back of her head and broke her face apart, her eyes were calm with a suffocating coldness, and even her tone was smooth and unwavering as if she had no emotion:

"How do you think that's your business, but? You shouldn't be harassing Chi Yu. But it's really something you can do."

Da Ran was sorely pulled by her, and the second half of Ran Ban's sentence seemed to imply the pain in her foot that she cared about the most.

What did Da Ran think of? A more distorted smile bloomed on the originally distorted face, and the pain was so extreme that he still smiled:

"Yeah, you like to meet late...hahaha?! You are just a dirty spare, a thief who steals other people's lives, a shameless and despicable maggot! If you know your true identity, know how you are. What kind of expressions will people who come to this world show? I really want to see..."

Ran Jin's expressionless face suddenly burst into a smile.

She released Da Ran, and her inertia made Da Ran's chin hit the ground, which immediately broke a layer of skin.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept your life." She said easily, "Don't you want to be my clone? To fulfill you."

The light in Da Ran's eyes? After her words, the last bit of light she held up quickly disappeared.

From now on, there is only one Ranjian in this world.

When Ran Jin left the garage, he saw Officer Yu's police car.

The piercing siren broke through the night, and the shining police lights were reflected on her expressionless face, flickering constantly.

But this identity won't last too long.

Ran Jin lowered his eyes.

It will all be over soon.


When Da Ran was arrested, Officer Yu also obtained the first version of Chi Li's autopsy report. She was indeed hit with twelve knives, and the wound matched the suspected murder weapon.

The police successfully found the surveillance at the back door of Chili's lounge.

Although the surveillance footage is not particularly clear, it is still possible to see Da Ran's face. This face was identified by the Ran family's parents as "a madman who had plastic surgery to become our daughter".

Although there is Ran Jin's blood DNA on the murder weapon, there are countless witnesses when she appeared in the live broadcast building, and her parents' accusation that the murderer used her blood to frame her, seems to be justified.

After all, there is only blood on the murder weapon, no fingerprints.

In this way, all the evidence points to the "plastic killer".

Ran Ban was temporarily freed from suspicion.

But there was one more thing that made Lu Siyu uneasy.

When she called Chi Yu, Chi Yu was sleeping and eating in the rented laboratory.

When Chi Yu received a call from Lu Sima, he closed his sour eyes for a while, and thought, "Daran didn't shake out the matter of human cloning? Come on? Why? She has already? ? Caught, don't you make a mess?"

Lu Sima also had no idea for the time being.

She was so tired, she was drifting like a lonely ghost during this time, and her head hurt by Ran Jin still hurts from time to time.

Lu Sima said: "I'm about to die suddenly now, I can't think of anything, I have to get a good night's sleep. Now Xiaojian has become the real Ranjian, and she has arrived at Ran's house. It should be safe for the time being, I'll go to bed? Come on, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Well." Chi Yu said, "Go to sleep."

"What are you doing lately? I haven't seen you for a few days."

On the computer screen in front of Chi Yu's eyes, the official website of the International Lunar Orbit is displayed, and she is uploading the latest revised orbit coefficient with her authenticated account.

The screen of the mobile phone stayed on the email page that Ke Zhengxing sent her.

This email is Ke Zheng Xing's reply to her.

As expected by Chi Yu, although Ran Jin left the Chi Group, he still maintains a cooperative relationship with the Chi Group on the project of the Orbit to the Moon.

And recently, there is a newly established company called Xinghang Technology. I don't know who is the boss behind the scenes. It is competing with Ran Jin for the resources of the moon orbit.

It seems that Ran Jin is going to take the entire orbit to the moon, and Xinghang Technology is trying to stop her.


Chi Yu opened another email, Ran Jin's recent investigations were not clear, she was hiding skillfully, but based on these fragments, Chi Yu was still able to piece together her movement trajectory.

"I'm busy." Chi Yu said to Lu Sima, "Come back."

Lu Sima: "..."

During this period of time, Lu Sima knew how tired she was, but being late would only be more tired than her.

Thinking of the "Auntie" that Qi Tonghuan called, Lu Sima had to admit that he was getting old, and he couldn't compare with young people in terms of physical strength or energy.

East of the city, Ran's house.

The table was filled with sumptuous food, and the daughter finally took off her unfortunate electronic shackles and was free to go out.

Rarely agreed to go home, He Zhi and his aunt at home were enthusiastic about it.

Ran Ming brought his mother back, and planned to eat together as a family of four.

Since Ran Jin went to see grandma, grandma's health is getting better day by day.

In the past, she didn't want to eat anything and looked like she was waiting to die, but now she can eat whatever Ran Ming asked her to eat. Her health has recovered, her face has become more fleshy, and she has a smile on her face.

Today is also the grandmother who wants to hold a family dinner, and wants to have a good meal and chat with her granddaughter.

Afraid that Ran Ban would not agree, He Zhi personally went to find Ran Ban.

Ran Jin had been staying in a hotel outside and never went home. He Zhi begged her for a long time before she reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you, Xiaoban."

After Ran Jin coldly agreed to go home, He Zhi's eyes were full of tears, "Thank you for coming back to this house. Grandma really misses you so much, only you can save her life, you don't know her I love you so much..."

Ran Jin doesn't understand what He Zhi said? What's the point of meaningless hypocrisy?

They all? Understand who that grandma loves.

"Okay." Ran Jin said, "I have already promised to go back. I will definitely go back. You can go."

He Zhi didn't dare to provoke her again, so he planned to leave.

Before leaving, He Zhi reluctantly held Ran Jin's hand, looked at the scabs that had finally grown on her tiger's mouth, and said distressedly:

"Fortunately, you saved me that night, otherwise my mother might have died."

He Zhi mentioned this again.

On the night of the preliminary reconciliation between Ran Jin and He Zhi, Da Ran, who had been following He Zhi in the dark, saw the picture of He Zhi hugging Ran Ban.

There is a kind of panic and anger that he wants to be completely abandoned, which drives Da Ran crazy and wants to kill He Zhi on the spot.

Unfortunately, it was stopped, and Da Ran fled temporarily, but the surging hatred in her heart did not make her give up the assassination plan.

There is no difference between killing one person and killing two people.

She has already killed Chi Li, is she afraid of another life on her shoulders? Even if that person is his own mother.

He Zhi was sent to the hospital and managed to deal with the wound. Who knew that Da Ran would appear again, and he actually committed murder in the ward in a grand manner.

At that time, He Zhi really thought that he was going to be killed by his own daughter. Fortunately, Ran Jin came and rescued He Zhi. During the fight between Da Ran and Da Ran, he was slashed by her knife.

Another failed assassination attempt, and Da Ran fled in embarrassment.

That is to say, "Saving Yourself" this time made He Zhi feel more favorable towards Ran Jin.

Even He Zhi knew that the person who saved her was a clone.

A clone who was hurt by her whole family.

But when he saw the healthy, beautiful and powerful Ran Jin, He Zhi couldn't help but be moved.

What if she was the daughter of me and Ran Ming?

Our daughter is? It should be like this.

The opportunity is coming soon.

When Ran Jin revealed his willingness to reconcile, Da Ran suddenly handed over the murder weapon to the police, the blood and DNA were exactly the same!

The police immediately summoned Ran Jin, He Zhi was terrified, and Ran Ming turned dark.

First, they are afraid that the healthy daughter they have finally got will be imprisoned, and second, they are naturally afraid that the clone will be exposed, so that the old things they have done will be pulled up.

If that's the case...they're really done.

"This is your last chance. Me and her, you choose one."

At this moment, Ran Jin called He Zhi and said that she had a way to quickly reverse the current situation, as long as she identified Da Ran as she said, everything would be solved.

After all, it is his own flesh and blood, even if he is fed up with her madness and her cruelty, He Zhi is still a little reluctant.

In the end, it was Ran Ming who made the decision: "choose her, I'm fed up with that lunatic."


She eventually became "Ran Ban", but she couldn't stay in this Ran family.

When she was very young, she once stayed here for just three days, leaving her with wounds that were difficult to heal for three months, and wounds that were still branded in her memory so far.

I don't have any appetite for eating, so after eating, Ran Ban is about to leave.

Grandma was very reluctant to let her go, and dragged her to want her to stay for a while.

"You didn't want to come to see me before, but it's hard to come. Please stay with me more."

Grandma's words were like pleadings.

"Next time..." Ran Jin saw the tears in the grandma's eyes, and the cold words came to her lips, and she added two points of softness before she said it.

When he came out of Ran's house, Ran Jin's boredom to the point of panic was relieved.

After sitting in the car for a long time, he said, "Go to the hotel."

The driver took her to the hotel, and she connected Zhou Yu's voice call on the way.

Zhou Yu said that Xinghang Technology was in hot pursuit, and a new orbit to the moon might fall into their hands.

"Behind Xinghang Technology is Mingpeng Bio." Ran Jin sneered. After so long, Mingpeng Bio still doesn't trust her.

"If they really grabbed the orbit to the moon, the 'criminal evidence' is likely to be transferred to the moon again." Zhou Yu whispered, "That's right, it will be difficult to get hold of them. ."

Ran Jin was silent for a while, then said, "I'll find a way to do this."

"Okay." Zhou Yu replied respectfully.

"Have you contacted Mr. Zhao?"

"Not yet, he's still being watched."

After the two exchanged for a while, Ran Jin hung up the phone.

At this point she had already arrived at the hotel.

I don't know when it started to rain again, and the summer rain always comes? Menacing.

Ran Jin and two security guards took the elevator up from the underground garage together.

Standing in front of the curved glass wall washed by the rain, she stared at the blurred city, her eyes straight.

She has a lot to deal with, and a lot of obstacles are still in front of her, but at this moment the tiredness makes her mind go blank for a while.

Once slackened, late encounter will penetrate into her heart.

I don't know what Xiaoyu is doing now? What?

Still? Sad?

The elevator reached the top floor, and when I got out of the car, the tiredness of the past few days suddenly swept through.

Ran Jin had difficulty breathing, and the pain in her heart made her frown. She stopped and tried to prop up the wall to support her body, but she didn't expect that this prop was using her left hand, which she didn't quite understand.

As soon as he touched the wall, there was a burst of heart-wrenching pain.

Ran Jin swayed slightly, and when the security guard behind him was about to step forward to help her, he found that she had been hugged.

Ran Jin smelled the familiar scent of perfume, mixed with the faint scent of a summer night, as if the night that made her painful and unforgettable reappeared.

Heartbeat quickened.

Ran Jin raised his head slowly and saw Chi Yu's face as his weak waist was hugged.

The person who hugged her was really late.

The author has something to say: Chi Yu: No matter where you go, I can find you.


Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-05-23 11:28:00~2021-05-24 11:28:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: ______ 1 element;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Jing 2; artificial mentally retarded alchemist, 95311;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: walking in the sun, artificial mentally retarded alchemist, every day tomorrow, Feng Heng, Lin Linlin, desperately swaying without reservation, 38129809, the bag is orange, wind, sincerity, the customer has not yet , Lily, child name erika, long song and line, fat tower, can't understand some words, Taylor, dark, blue sky and white clouds 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 64 bottles of cat essence after the founding of the People's Republic of China; 60 bottles of cat essence every day tomorrow; 54 bottles of Xianxian; give me a call? 30 bottles; bobby 27 bottles; Gu Jiuxi 20 bottles; plasma cream cake without flowers 18 Bottles; 114t17 bottles of Shou Deyunkai; 3812980915 bottles; 10 bottles of Sanjiu Brand Ganmao Ling and Apple Pressure; 5 bottles of corn, □□dd□□dd6699, --- 5 bottles; 3 bottles of Qingyan and Arbor; 2 bottles of Aykong; yes Kim Jisoo's wife, 1 bottle of Ghost;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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