Ran Jin was not in the mood to take a bath, but just took a shower and washed away all the alcohol she didn't like.

When I came out of the bathroom, my throat was as dry as if it had been rubbed in the sand, and I had a nausea that kept turning up and down in my chest, which was uncomfortable.

Chi Yu was no longer in the bedroom, and could vaguely smell the scent of some fried eggs.

Is Xiaoyu really cooking? She can't cook at all. Fried eggs can easily be caught by the oil.

Ran Jin wants to? Go to the kitchen to have a look, think of yesterday's kiss, in a dilemma, and finally give up.

She had no appetite at all and wanted to leave after drying her hair.


A familiar and tender voice came from outside the door. When Ran Jin put down his hair comb, his eyes were slightly rounded.

Of course she could hear whose voice it was, Nana.

"Mom, how are you?"

Nana is very good, even if the bedroom door is left open, she just asks outside and doesn't break in directly.

Feeling even more helpless, Ran Ban had no choice and walked to the door and opened it.

Nainai was wearing a cute little skirt that Ran Ban had never seen before, holding the hem of the skirt with her little hands. Seeing the door opened, she looked up at Ran Ban with excitement and fear.

Nana's big bright and clear eyes are the same as always, but when we met every once in a while, she would stand in the yard and wait anxiously. Once Ran Jin appeared in her field of vision, she would scream happily and rush up. Thump her a full.

Nana has been like this all these years? Lively, cute and warm.

But now, Nana in front of her is still cute, but she is full of thoughts, and her little brows are raised by a hill, pressing down on her tender face with a sense of sadness and melancholy that doesn't match her age.

Seeing Nana, Ran Ban remembered that she asked Ah Kuan to send Nana to the hospital, and felt guilt in her heart, and it was even more difficult to refuse Nana.

Ran Jin squatted down on one knee, looked at her, and asked her in a gentle voice, "What are you doing? Are you here?"

Nana didn't answer her question directly, but asked her: "Does mother not want to see me?"

"What? Yes?" Ran Jin felt sour when she said it.

In my memory, Nana never said such a thing, although sometimes she is timid and sometimes she is worried, but Nana has always been a cheerful and lively child.

Chi Li also said that she is very similar to Xiao Yu when she was a child.

In the same way, Nana is as smart as Chi Yu, who is highly sensitive to everything around him, and is good at observing.

Chi Li's death was clearly not told to her, she guessed it herself.

She must understand what happened recently? It's not very good, otherwise, I won't meet you late? Take her out of City A and live in an unfamiliar place.

Looking at Nana's dress and neatly combed hair, Ran Ban knew that Xiaoyu was busy, and she was still taking care of her.

No matter what Xiaoyu does, she does everything well.

There was a layer of tears in Nana's big eyes. She clearly wanted to? Ran Jin hugged her, just like every time they met after many days before.

But at the moment she didn't move, just looked at Ran Jin aggrievedly.

Ran Jin felt bad in his heart and took the initiative to hug Nana up.

Nainai's small chin rested on Ran Jin's shoulder, and her soft little fleshy face was pressed against Ran Jin's neck.

Ran Jin walked out with her in his arms, talking to her in a low voice while walking, Chi Yu who brought the fried eggs to the restaurant saw this scene, and vaguely heard Ran Jin say "I miss you too".

Nice job, Nana.

Chi Yu admired in his heart.

After admiring and a little envious, Ran Jin hadn't said anything to her that he missed.


Half an hour ago.

Nana woke up while Ran Jin was still taking a bath. Chi Yu asked her what she wanted to eat? She shook her head and said she didn't want to eat, so she wanted to see her mother.

Chi Yu said to her, "Mom may have left after taking a shower."

When Nana heard this, she felt like she was facing a big enemy: "Why?? Did I make my mother unhappy??"

"No, you did nothing wrong."

Nana's words made Chi Chi feel sad.

When my parents passed away and my elder sister was very tired from all her work alone, the six-year-old Chi Yu asked her a similar question - is it my fault? Why? Sister, are you so tired?

It is easy for children to blame themselves for the unhappiness of adults, and feel that they have done something wrong.

The mood of the year actually coincided with Nana.

"You've always been good." Chi Yu touched her head and comforted Nana, like reconciling with herself.

Nana felt a little relieved when she was denied the late meeting.

Chi Yu was afraid of this? The young child is too worried all day long, which affects her growth? So she put on a bright smile and said to her, "Then do you want mother to stay?"

"Think!" Nana's small body stood up.

"That's good, I'll see you in a while." Chi Yu pinched her cheek, "You're acting like a spoiled child with your mother, my mother must be reluctant to let you go, so she won't leave."


"Really, you are so cute, my mother will be soft-hearted."


Thinking of what Chi Yu said, Nana, who was gently and patiently comforted by Ran Ban in his arms, was a little surprised and proud.

Before I started acting like a spoiled child, my mother was reluctant to leave.

"The meal is ready." Chi Yu said, "You sit down first, and I'll serve it."

Ran Jin sighed softly in his heart, carried Nana to the chair by the dining table, and glanced at it, ordinary chairs and Nana's height were not suitable, and it was inconvenient to eat.

Nana immediately noticed it and said, "Mom feed me, how's mom? It's been a long time since I fed me."

Ran Jin: "..."

On the way to the kitchen, Chi Yu secretly gave Nanai a thumbs up.

Nana received her praise, full of pride.

Chi Yu put the bread into the toaster, baked it until golden brown and then spread it with butter. He also made a large pot of vegetable salad. When frying the eggs, he put a large bag of beef sausages and fried them together.

All the ingredients were bought in the morning while she was waiting for Nana.

The process of making breakfast was quite difficult, and the only good one was the back of his left hand was scalded by the oil that jumped up.

However, when the breakfast she made by herself filled the table, this scene full of life still made Chi Yu very satisfied.

Especially? Ran Jin is still here.

Whether she was feeding Nana or news of Xin Zhao, she stayed after all.

Chi Yu sat opposite Ran Jin and put the food on the plate in front of her one by one.

Ran Jin helped Naina cut the bread, his eyes fell on the plate and he said, "Don't bring it to me, I'll leave after feeding Nainai, I don't really want to eat it."

No argument or persuasion: "I'll give you Xin Zhao's contact information after breakfast."


What did Ran Ban want to say? Nana was staring at her, no matter what she said, she would be heard by her, so Ran Ban had to give up.

"Let's eat more vegetable salads, don't be picky eaters."

"Will the omelette taste too bland? I didn't put any seasonings, I'm afraid you won't have a good appetite?"

"Beef sausage tastes good, you can take a bite first, it shouldn't be too greasy."

"Orange juice? Finish it."


Chi Yuquan Cheng paid attention to Ran Jian's eating behavior and explained it sentence by sentence.

Ran Jin was a little hesitant at first, but when she gave up resistance and began to subconsciously obey Chi Yu's words, she was in a hurry.

Nana felt that all this was fresh in front of her, and she was overjoyed: "How are you, Mom? Listen to my aunt."

Ran Jin stopped using the knife and fork for a while.

What did you think? What did you think? Nana was annoying? Chi Yu apologized to Nana in his heart.

"Yeah." Chi Yu poured another glass of orange juice into the glass that Ran Jin had just finished drinking, and then smiled at Nana, "She listens to me the most and loves me the most."

Nainai hummed unconvincingly, ate a small mouthful of beef sausage that Ran Jin fed her, and muttered, "Mom loves me the most, and she didn't feed you."

As soon as Nainai said this, she was afraid that she would meet him late? He said, "I'll give you Xin Zhao's contact information when you feed me." Ran Jin got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

She seemed to leave calmly, but Chi Yu still discovered her embarrassment, and the tips of her ears were all red.

Chi Yu looked at Ran Jin's back and said with a smile, "I want to finish this glass of orange juice after I come out."

With his back to her, Ran Jin was so worried.


Nothing? Chi Yu, who had been in the kitchen, overestimated the burden of food on the stomach, and she endured it after eating this breakfast.

Ran Ban is even worse.

She, who has always been fed by Chi Yu, ate all the food Chi Yu gave her, and drank two large glasses of orange juice. She was so full that she couldn't sit down and walked back and forth by the window.

Although I was a little full, the nausea of ​​the hangover was suppressed a lot.

Head is not so? Dazed.

You don't have to work hard to find a way, and you don't have to endure, the physical discomfort will disappear.

Ran Jin tasted it carefully, this is what it feels like to be taken care of.

Nainai lay on the sofa, her belly swelled up, and she hummed.

After Chi Yu touched her belly, he walked over to Ran Jin with his mobile phone and said, "Add me back."

Ran Jin held the phone in both hands, still looking out the window: "It has been added back."

Chi Yu quickly gave her a contact information: "This is the contact method of Xin Zhao's rehabilitation doctor. Few people know that he is receiving treatment there. Of course, this Xin Zhao does not have any disease, and his DNA has been knocked out. He is healthier than his body. It's just that he has just experienced an outer space disaster if he does not carry out examinations and treatment, it is easy to arouse suspicion from others. Xin Zhao's movements are from my former colleagues. Coincidentally, this doctor has a little friendship with Qi Tong's family. He is Qi Tong's grandmother's student and has received a lot of care from her grandmother, so I can also contact him directly. Is he willing to give you and Xin Zhao a chance to meet? It's impossible to meet for a long time, Xin Zhao is always being watched. Ten minutes at most, but I believe it's enough for you, the smart one."

Ran Jin lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the phone, and he said softly, "Thank you."

Chi Yu's laughter slowly drilled into Ran Jin's ears: "Are you saying thank you to the phone??"

Under the sunlight, Ran Jin's slender eyelashes flickered slightly, and he slowly turned his head.

Chi Yu saw his face reflected in Ran Ban's amber eyes, and his heart involuntarily became hot.

"Thank you." This was a reasonable look, and Ran Jin's eyes greedily caressed the face of the person she liked.

Before she could look away, she was hugged by Chi Yu.

The two of them are now in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the study, separated from the living room where Nana is located by a door and a long and narrow corridor.

Being hugged late in a sober state is not a good thing for Ran Jin.

Chi Yu was wearing Ran Jin's nightgown and took a bath. The scent of her perfume was a little weaker, but the strength and tightness of this embrace made the hot emotion in Ran Jin's heart clearer and clearer.


Ran Jin pushed and refused, and before he could finish speaking, he suddenly tightened his body, and Chi Yu heard her sneeze repressedly in his arms.

Ran Jin's face was hot, thinking that he would be laughed at by Chi Yu.

It was just a hug, and it made her emotional, no matter how cold her mouth was.

Chi Yu did not laugh at her, but touched the back of her head to help her relieve her tension and be her support.

She can rely on it for as long as she wants.

"What? No? Do you know how cute you are?" Chi Yu said in her ear.

Ran Jin felt his fingertips turn red.

Chi Yu gently comforted her: "How tired you are fighting alone, you don't even believe Zhou Yu and the others, all important things are done by yourself. I can understand your caution, but not everyone in this world is not worth relying on. With me and Qi Tonglu police officer protecting you together, what do you want? What? We will help you check the information together, you no longer have to fight alone, okay?"

Chi Yu squeezed her hand, seeing her clean, pale pink fingertips, couldn't help kissing her phalanx.

Ran Jin was soft and itchy like an electric shock, but Chi Yu didn't let her take her hand back.

The kiss spread on the back of her hand.

"Don't say anything to me? Thank you." The light in Chi Yu's eyes was brighter than the sun, "Just let me love you."

The author has something to say: is it a peach, is it a peach~hhhh

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