Qi Tong turned on a floor lamp, and finally there was light in the narrow room.

Chi Yu turned on the camera of his mobile phone, set it up and pointed at Zou Qing: "Tell me."

Qi Tong secretly glanced at Chi Yu, and saw that her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and there was a murderous aura in her eyes, which was very unfamiliar.

Zou Qing was slightly injured by the kick she kicked just now, the corner of his mouth was bruised, he was covered in sweat, and looked more than ten years old.

"What do you want to know." Zou Qing looked at the ground and moved his lips slightly.

"From the beginning of Mingpeng Biology," Chi Yu said, "I want to understand your entire cloning industry."

Zou Qing shifted his gaze to the direction of the mobile phone camera: "If you say this thing, I will be no different from death."

"But your son is still alive." Chi Yu said, "I can send him to a safe place, and keep it a secret forever, so that he doesn't know his life experience."

Chi Yu paused here and added: "No? Let He Yi know."

Hearing the hint in her words, Zou Qing gradually raised his eyebrows, unable to bear to re-examine the late encounter.

Chi Yujiang? The phone camera was temporarily turned off, and he said to Zou Qing, "Do you need me to be more specific? You are He Yi's lover. Eight years ago, you gave birth to Zou Hao, who is He Yi's own son. But? He has no plans to marry you, so Zou Hao can only join your membership. He Yi has not cared about your son in all these years, and has been absent from all of Zou Hao's parent-teacher meetings? And school activities, I can see that he doesn't care about your mother and son at all. But even so, if he finds out about it, he will be angry, right? After all, no one wants to be punished by himself. It's a lot of fun, especially the issue of offspring, which is very important to men."

Not to mention Zou Qing, whose face was getting worse and worse, Qi Tong, who followed Chi Yu to investigate along the way, was a little confused.

What do you mean by Mrs.

They did investigate the relationship between He Yi and Zou Qing as lovers, and Zou Hao was He Yi's son. Neither? It takes a lot of effort to identify, and the father-son relationship between the two can be seen from the similarity in appearance.

What does the "that thing?" that Sister Yu is talking about now?

Seeing Zou Qing's lips trembling before opening her mouth, Chi Yu said for her: "Zou Hao, he is a clone himself. Although he was born by you, he is not your son. He Yi also has a twin brother. You passed away nine years ago, and you gave birth to Zou Hao in the next ten months, is this a coincidence?"

He Yi has a twin brother who died? It has been many years, this matter? Qi Tong investigated it, and she knew it.

Knowing and knowing, but not guessing other possibilities based on Zou Hao's birthday.

When Chi Yu said this, Qi Tong was covered in a layer of hair.

No way……

Chi Yu said: "Or is the Zou Hao you gave birth to is the clone of He Yi's deceased twin brother? You love him so much, don't you even have a clone of him? You are willing to put it in a petri dish to grow, for fear of anything. A little mistake, I would rather go through the hardships of being pregnant for ten months and give birth by myself..."

"Enough!" Zou Qing shouted, interrupting Chi Yu's words.

Zou Qing's face was pale, and Qi Tong was not well? Where to go.

Chi Yu means... Zou Qing used cloning technology to give birth to clones of dead lovers?

And that clone's body? It's He Yi's twin brother, so that's why it looks alike, even He Yi didn't find it?

Qi Tong pursed his lips, this was too exciting.

If He Yi knew about this, and knew that he had been used all the time, with the green grassland above his head, I am afraid that neither Zou Qing nor Zou Hao would be able to?

Chi Yu said: "I said I would send Zou Hao to a safe place, and I will definitely be able to do it. As for you, as long as you confess to leniency and strive for meritorious performance, you may be able to survive in your lifetime. And with your 'son' and lover."

Chi Yu will turn on the mobile phone camera again: "Now? Can we talk now?"

The wound at the corner of Zou Qing's mouth has been broken even more seriously by her repeated crushing, but at this moment, only pain can relieve her pressure.

She didn't expect that she would actually be pushed into a corner by Chi Yu.

"Mingpeng Biology's cloning technology... don't you? Have you investigated it clearly?" Zou Qing's voice was very low and slow, and his voice was hoarse, "What else do I need to say?"

"The cloning process is all explained." Chi Yu wanted to collect evidence and use it to completely destroy the criminal industry chain of Mingpeng Biology, and bring He Yi and others to justice.

Zou Qing closed his eyes and said after a moment of silence, "I'm not a technician, I'm only in charge of operations. So I don't know much about cloning technology itself."

Chi Yu said, "Just talk about what you know."

"...Cloning technology is illegal, so I have always been cautious. Mingpeng Bio is a membership system, and only through the introduction of members can we become a customer of Mingpeng Bio. We are for some customers in need. Clone 'spare'. You know, how precious are people like you born with a golden key, your identity and your life and death? Represent not only you personally, but also affect the fate of countless people, and the whole The interests of the group and even the country. What Mingpeng Bio has done is to reduce the loss of customers in the event of an accident, which is equivalent to an insurance.”

What Zou Qing said is almost the same as what Chi Yu knows, isn't it too much? When she described the shameless act of playing with life in such a relaxed tone, Chi Yu was still disgusted.

"The process of cloning is nothing more than the establishment of cell lines after skin sampling, which is then frozen in liquid nitrogen for storage. Users can clone whenever they want. In the earliest days, they were all looking for a human mother? Conception, and later developed an artificial uterus, which is much more convenient. , which also reduces the risk of leaks.”

"Anytime you want to clone?" Chi Yu asked, "Because you have the ability to ripen clones? Will ripening? What effect will it have on the health of clones?"

About "ripening"? Da Ran told her when she wanted to confuse Chi Yu. For Zou Qing, it was even more shocking. Chi Yu knew much more than she thought.

"Mature ripening, of course it will have an impact." Zou Qing raised the corners of his mouth, as if thinking of something proud of himself, "How could it be better for natural growth? That's why I chose conceived by itself."

Chi Yu sneered: "You are very proud."

"It's too late for the award, but I know this industry, so I'm more cautious."

During the period of Chi Yu's visit to City C, he found the earliest activity track of Ran Jin and Su Yuezhen, which was the record that Ran Jin attended a private elementary school 19 years ago.

But after just one month at the elementary school, they disappeared.

Chi Yu has been investigating the reason for the disappearance for a long time, and finally found the primary school teacher of that year. Under Chi Yu's guidance, the teacher vaguely remembered that a few people who looked like they came from other places came to look for Su Xiaocong. Are there any people? Did you find it? I know, since that day, Su Xiaocong never went to school again, and he didn't even go through the formalities for dropping out.

Combined with the date of birth that Ran Jin filled in, she was nine years old ten or nine years ago.

Chi Yu guessed that Ran Ban should be the so-called "natural development" and did not experience the process of "ripening".

General Zou Qing? What she knows about Mingpeng Bio's cloning technology is clear, and the entire process from manufacture to sale is unreserved.

Even if it was something he had guessed a long time ago, Chi Yu and Qi Tong heard what she said with their own ears, and they were still angry and creepy.

In addition to replacing the "ontology" who died unexpectedly with "spare products", Zou Qing also admitted that they will also clone organs, use the ripening technology to make the organs grow rapidly, and participate in the client's organ replacement surgery.

Zou Qing said that it is a pity that the technology of ripening has only been breakthrough in recent years. If it had been mastered earlier, the tragedy of Chi's mother's organ snatching would not have happened.

However, the over-ripened organs are still defective, and they will age faster than normal organs, which is the same as the ripened clones.

"But? In the face of emergencies, there are no more options, right?" Zou Qing's tone was relaxed.

In addition to this, there is another kind of special customer, that is, the wave of people who are very concerned about their appearance.

"Transplanting a brain, changing a young body? It's a simple matter? It's much harder than growing a clone, or replacing a normal organ, so the cost is high? Most of these customers are He is a star. But even if the brain is transplanted, it can only keep the appearance unchanged. Once the brain ages and dies, they will die as well.”

Zou Qing's words reminded them of Wang Xinyi.

So Wang Xinyi, who is over sixty years old, is directly transplanting her brain into a younger body?

What about the original brains of those bodies, just replaced and discarded?

Chi Yu and Qi Tong felt a chill at the same time.

Mingpeng Bio's customers are all over the world. According to Zou Qing, the number of clones out of their hands has exceeded 1,000, and they have penetrated into all fields of society.

There are even cloned descendants.

"Descendants of clones?" Qi Tong finally couldn't hold back and asked.

"What's so good about this? Doubtful?" Zou Qing said, "Except for some of the products produced by Mingpeng Biotechnology, which may be pre-deteriorated, other clones that develop naturally are no different from ordinary humans. In addition to being born differently, they are even healthier and better than ordinary humans who have knocked out inferior genes. Their offspring will be like them, infinitely close to perfection."

Chi Yu: "You also know that they are no different from ordinary people except for the way they were born, but they are still called 'products'."

Doesn't Zou Qing want to talk with Chi Yu here? He says, "You can understand whatever you want, Mr. Chi, I'm just explaining this from my professional point of view?"

Chi Yu secretly let out a sigh of relief, took the phone back, turned off the camera, looked back and asked, "How did Ran Jin come into being, when did you take her from City C to where did you take her? ?"

Zou Qing was silent for a while.

Qi Tong was a little puzzled. Zou Qing looked at most in her early forties. When Ran Ban was born, she was still a child. Did she work for Mingpeng Biology at that time?


Qi Tong had a flash of inspiration and looked at Zou Qing again, trying to find clues on her face.

Chi Yu supported his aching temples with three fingers: "Miss Zou has had a brain transplant, right?"

In fact, I didn't think that Zou Qing would clone a younger self before coming here, and then brutally kill that self and occupy her body.

It's just that during the investigation in City C, there was one thing that caught Chi Yu's attention.

The aunt who lived in the opposite door of Su's house said that after Su Yuezhen disappeared, Ran Jin searched for her everywhere, and she searched for two months to no avail.

Later, Ran Jin was taken away by a woman.

Chi Yu has been letting Auntie come back? What are the characteristics of the woman who wants to take Ran Ban away? Auntie thinks and thinks about it, it's almost 20 years, don't you think? No? It was a local woman, about thirty years old, with a group of men behind her.

"Oh! Yes!" Auntie finally remembered, "She has a red mole between her eyebrows! Yes, yes, that red mole is very special, just like Guanyin."

Do you have a prominent red mole between your eyebrows?

When it comes to red moles, Zou Qing is the first person that comes to mind when I meet you. It's just that Zou Qing's red mole is on the tip of her nose. Auntie said that the person who took Ran Ban away was between the eyebrows.

Age is not right.

Or is it that Zou Qing suddenly mentioned transplanting a brain for a new body? Maybe I haven't thought of it until now.

Just like Lulu's clone? The hair color has shifted, and Zou Qing's red mole has also shifted on her clone, from between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

Chi Yu guessed that Zou Qing, who took Ran Jin away back then, is already in his fifties this year, and maybe he has changed to a younger body to keep his appearance and match Zou Hao's mother better. identity.

With this young body? It's easier to conceive a child.

Chi Yu said: "If I'm not wrong, Miss Zou may have already prepared another juvenile. A girl about the same age as Zou Hao is slowly developing naturally. Wait until Zou Hao, that is, you pass away. When your boyfriend's clone grows up, you will transplant your own brain into that young woman's body again, meet him, know each other, and become a partner, right?"

Chi Yu's words made Qi Tong's hair stand on end, while Zou Qing was silent as if he had disappeared.

Zou Qing's chest heaved a few times before he sighed audibly and said, "Mr. Chi's brain is indeed very good, so..."

That is the default.

"Then you can answer my question now." Chi Yu asked again, "How was Ran Jin born? Where did you take her from City C?"

Zou Qing said: "All products of Mingpeng Biotechnology will be produced only after the customer places an order, and your Ran Ban is no exception. It was indeed me who took her away from City C at the beginning, and took her there. Is the place..."

Zou Qing paused for a while, and seemed a little hard to say.

"Say." Chi Yu gritted his teeth and squeezed out the word.

Zou Qing looked at her and seemed to be calculating how he would be treated differently if he lied or told the truth.

Chi Yu shook his leg, and Zou Qing, who was afraid of being kicked by her, quickly said, "Take her to a private hospital."

"Private hospital?" Chi Yu asked in a distrustful tone.

"It's a family, a mental hospital...waiting for Ran Ming and He Zhi to see her." Zou Qing curled up subconsciously.

The author has something to say: This chapter was partly inspired by Zou Qing and the cloned son from the movie Womb (2010)


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-1011:28:00~2021-06-1111:28:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: ______ Su, 1 alchemist with artificial mental retardation;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 child name erika, utsuriki;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Feng, DetectiveLi, Feng Heng, Long Song and Walking, Walking in the Sun, Faint, Hmm, Night Rain to the North, dark, Blue Sky and White Clouds, 46238429, Tianrin, Sanjiu Brand Cold Spirit, Tayler 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: l45 bottles; Yang Chaoyue, Chen Yihan's girlfriend outside the circle, Meng Zhouzhou 30 bottles; Yu Shuxin 23 bottles; walking very peacefully, I will always like Lu Lanxin and Lily. 20 bottles; My heart is 19 bottles of Suzuka Royal Front; 10 bottles of Akras, Tang Ruo, Aomu Xiten, Vanilla Custard, Mo Yan; 6 bottles of You Under the Stars; Kanwen trumpet 1235 bottles; Arbor 3 bottles; Ghost, A Liao's 23rd lady, Er Mao Wu marriage certificate, an old fried dough stick, 40918462, Zhi A Zha, XX taro 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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