The same modus operandi [4]

Li Ze also walked into the rental house and looked around. The area of ​​the house is not large.
There was a computer desk in the living room, the computer screen was still lit, and a thin, pale figure sat on the chair.
“That’s the girl’s body.”
Hao Wei pointed to the figure on the chair and said, “At that time, she was still running a live broadcast, although she was not very popular, and the live broadcast platform also banned her live broadcast room in time, but some people saw her for the first time. corpse.”
“Now this matter has gone crazy on the Internet. I guess the director and the leaders of the Polytechnic University are going to be big.”
Hao Wei said, “We are also under a lot of pressure. If we can’t solve the case sooner or later, the pressure of public opinion will crush us sooner or later.”
“These are not things I want to consider, we just need to find a way to solve the case.”
Li Ze came to Zeng Yu’s body and carefully observed the body.
Zeng Yu’s body was fixed on the chair by transparent tape, and there was a long wound at the throat. The red blood dyed all the clothes on her chest red, and the strong smell of blood was disgusting.
And Zeng Yu’s lower body is shocking. After infringing and killing Zeng Yu, the murderer poured a large amount of 84 disinfectant on Zeng Yu’s lower body, which caused the skin of his lower body to corrode very badly, and there appeared serious blisters, redness and swelling. inflammatory state.
At this time, Li Ze also noticed the familiar flight attendant uniform on Zeng Yu’s body, and his expression suddenly became a little dignified.
The murderer apparently forced Zeng Yu to put on the uniform that he had taken away when he returned to the scene, then raped her and finally killed her.
“It seems that the murderer was the one who returned to the first murder scene before.”
Hao Wei said coldly, “I’ve asked my police officers to increase their efforts to screen the neighborhood. If they commit crimes against the wind like this, I can’t believe how long they can stay at ease!”
“According to the degree of corpse corpse, the time of death was about an hour and a half ago. The fatal wound was in the throat. The murderer’s killing method was very simple. He directly cut the throat with a kitchen knife.”
Li Ze picked up the kitchen knife that was still stained with blood on the ground, “The knife is a bit dull, it’s obviously been used a lot. Go to the kitchen and check it out. It is estimated that the murder weapon is ready-made directly from the kitchen of the deceased.”
“It’s the same case last time.”
Hao Wei said: “The murderer also directly removed the iron rod from the dumbbell at the deceased’s house and knocked the person to death.”
“There are tear marks in the lower body. Judging from the degree of tearing, the deceased was gang-raped by more than one person before his death, and they all wore condoms when they violated the victim, leaving no obvious traces of semen. Send it to the autopsy department for analysis to see if we can find any clues.”
Li Ze said: “This time there is still more than one murderer. As we have analyzed before, this pair of murderers is very bold, and they are also very casual when they commit the crime, and they are not worried about leaving some traces.”
“But that doesn’t mean they’re stupid, on the contrary, it’s a pair of very smart criminals, they’ve done a lot of thinking about where they’re going to commit crimes each time, and they haven’t given us too many opportunities for police to look at surveillance, and they’re very knowledgeable about the victim’s situation. Knowing it very well, it means they probably come here a lot.”
“And this also shows that the murderer doesn’t live very far, it must be near Hong Kong Polytechnic University.”
“And this also shows that the murderer doesn’t live very far, it must be near Hong Kong Polytechnic University.”
Li ZeHe said to Hao Wei, who was on the side, “You should ask your police officers to visit nearby residents more often to see if they have seen any strangers recently.”
“I know.”
Hao Wei nodded and said, “They have already arranged to do it.”
“From the last case, the murderer was a two-person gang.”
Li Ze said: “They committed crimes very purposefully. They all chose young and beautiful female students from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After the assault, they would pour a lot of 84 disinfectant on the victim.”
“Psychologically speaking, this is a conscious transfer of revenge.”
Li Ze paused for a few seconds and continued: “Some of the two murderers may have been severely emotionally stimulated before, and they have also encountered obstacles and setbacks in their lives. Due to various factors, they began to hate women and even had serious thoughts. To get revenge on women’s psychology.”
“They wantonly vented their failed feelings and frustrated lives on these young female college students. They are arrogant, they have no scruples, and they use the most extreme ways to satisfy their fallen souls and use the darkest means. , to vent his dissatisfaction with the world.”
“Treadmill, two bastards!”
Hao Wei slammed his fist against the wall, causing the surrounding police officers to turn around and look at Hao Wei, thinking that something was wrong on his side.
“If I don’t catch these two beasts, I don’t trust Hao!”
Hao Wei’s face was ashen.
“They can’t escape, it’s only a matter of time before they are caught.”
Li Ze got up slowly and looked at the computer in front of Zeng Yu’s body. The computer interface was still on the live broadcast platform, but the status of the live broadcast room was already banned, and there were several messages from Zeng Yu fans in the lower right corner.
“Anchor Xiaoyu… You won’t really have an accident, right? You mean you live in Yangjia Village near Hong Kong Polytechnic University, or I’ll find you?”
“Tell me that’s not true… those few seconds just now… It’s really you sitting in the chair? That’s why you pretended to be like that to deceive us, right? Xiaoyu?”
“The anchor…RIP…I swear I’ll never say anything to scare others again…”
“This world is so scary… I wish what I just saw was just a dream…”
PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for everything! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! This book is updated four times a day, and it will probably be on the shelves around the 16th or 17th of this month. I hope that the readers will support a wave and make a custom order for the first time. Yize would like to thank you all. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .

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