Is the ‘suspect’ dead? 【4】

Hearing this, the two of them didn’t hesitate and ran directly towards the elevator entrance.
“Take the stairs, the stairs are faster!”
Li Ze glanced at the operation of the elevator, and immediately ran towards the stairs.
The two quickly climbed the stairs to the third floor and came directly to the door of room 306.
Hao Wei gestured towards Li Ze, and then took out a gun from his body.
Li Ze knocked on the door of room 306 directly.
“Fan Ming, are you inside? I’m Li Ze, who played with you last time. Is it convenient for me to go in and have a few words? I’m looking for you for something.”
After more than ten seconds passed, there was absolutely no response from the room.
Li Ze frowned slightly and knocked on the door again, “Fan Ming, are you inside?”
“There’s no time, just break the door!”
Hao Wei waved at Li Ze, motioning him to stand away, then he aimed the pistol at the keyhole of the door and pulled the trigger directly!
With a loud gunshot, the door lock was shot through and destroyed.
Some of the surrounding residents opened the door curiously and stuck their heads out. Some of the grumpy ones opened the door with cursing. After seeing Hao Wei and the pistol in his hand, they quickly retracted into the house and covered it with force. on the door.
“When the police handle the case, they will leave the old man to go back to the room, don’t join in the fun!”
Hao Wei roared at them, and these people immediately shrank back very wisely, and immediately closed the door.
Seeing this, Hao Wei suddenly kicked the door of Room 306.
With a bang, the door was kicked open, and Hao Wei took the lead and rushed in with a gun.
There were no lights in the room, and there were no unusual noises. Hao Wei carried a gun, carefully checked around, and then turned on the light switch.
When he came into the room, a corpse lying on the ground caught his eye.
The bright red blood stained the ground. Since the murder was not long, the blood had not yet completely solidified, and the smell of blood was becoming more and more pungent.
“Are you dead again?”
Hao Wei almost burst his scalp.
Li Ze searched the toilet and other places for a while, and after confirming that there was no one else in the room, he stopped Hao Wei who was about to go to check the body, and reminded him to put on shoe covers and gloves before coming to the body.
After seeing the back of the corpse, Li Ze couldn’t help shrinking his pupils. He carefully turned the deceased’s head., a familiar face suddenly came into their eyes.
It turned out to be the Fan Ming they had been looking for!
The suspect they had been looking for was actually killed!
The suspect they had been looking for was actually killed!
“What? The murderer is dead?”
Hao Wei looked at Fan Ming’s corpse with a bewildered expression, feeling a little confused.
Li Ze immediately inspected the corpse. After seeing the slender wound on the corpse’s neck, he shook his head and said, “It seems… he is not the murderer.”
“It’s a steel rope again… That devil has committed a crime again!”
Hao Wei’s face was ashen, “He moved really fast, he found Fan Ming and attacked us one step ahead of us? But why did he kill Fan Ming?”
“The motive for the killer’s killing of him has not yet been determined.”
Li Ze checked Fan Ming’s body and said, “The time of his death should have been about half an hour ago. That is to say, he was attacked and killed immediately after entering this house.”
He got up, glanced around the room, and slowly analyzed: “There are no signs of fighting near the room, and there are no other wounds on Fan Ming’s body, not even any contusions, which means that he was killed without much resistance.”
“No resistance?”
Hao Wei frowned, “Doesn’t this mean that the murderer was someone Fan Ming knew, so he neglected to take precautions and let the other party succeed in an instant.”
“It should not only be known, but even very familiar.”
Li Ze said: “Although the steel rope with a diameter of less than one millimeter used by the murderer is quite sharp, it is still difficult to cut the throat instantly like a knife. If the other party takes precautions, there is still enough time to react. struggle.”
“And the deceased had almost no signs of struggle, indicating that he had almost no protection against the other party! When he was caught off guard, he was directly strangled by the murderer with a steel rope and died! So the two must have a very familiar relationship!”
“Then it’s easy to handle. I’ll immediately ask someone to investigate all of Fan Ming’s relationships. Since the murderer is familiar with Fan Ming, the scope of investigation will be very small.”
Hao Wei immediately took out his cell phone in his pocket and directly dialed his subordinate’s number to give instructions.
Li Ze continued to examine the body. He found that neither Jiang Bin nor Fan Ming, the murderer had cut off the ring finger of their left hand.
So in those murders five years ago, why did the murderer cut off the victim’s ring finger?
A few minutes later, police officers from a few kilometers away came in for reinforcements. Under Li Ze’s order, they began to investigate the scene.
Li Ze got up and went to the balcony of the room, the window was open, and there was a flat grass underneath, “The murderer should have turned the window to get in and out, and the room should have been specially reserved from the Internet to prevent other people from entering. ”
Hao Wei followed and observed the window carefully for a while, and said, “He shouldn’t be so stupid as to go in and out directly under the surveillance camera… But why aren’t there any footprints on the window sill…”
“He is a very careful and meticulous person. The obvious traces of footprints should be wiped off.”
Li Ze pointed to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner on the wall outside the window and said, “However, he is too cautious, and sometimes it is counterproductive. When he stepped on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and climbed down, he wiped off the footprints on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. , so other outdoor units of air conditioners have dust on the top due to the wind and the sun all the year round, but only the outdoor unit of the air conditioner does not have it on the top.”
“This just proves that he turned out the window, stepped on the outside of the air conditioner, and then slid down the water pipe.”
PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for everything! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Each of your data support is the driving force for Yize’s update, thank you readers! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .

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