Supernatural Hotel [2]

“Okay, I’ll send someone to do it right away.”
Hao Wei agreed, and then immediately called and ordered.
Li Ze directly turned on the computer on his desk, entered the search engine, and searched for a few key words of “Hong Kong Shenghua Hotel”, and suddenly a large number of search results popped up.
Due to Ding Keer’s bizarre death, Shenghua Hotel’s reputation in the port city has grown, and the attention is getting higher and higher, and the relevant news pages are also dazzling.
After browsing for a while, Li Ze clicked on the discussion post about the Shenghua Hotel in Hong Kong, which contained a lot of discussion posts about the Shenghua Hotel in Hong Kong.
Li Ze opened one of the posts at random, and comments from various netizens emerged one after another.
“This hotel seems to be very popular recently. I have seen small videos sent to this hotel on many video software… I just want to know what’s so cool about this hotel. His bed is Is it made of gold?”
“Dude, it’s all over, you still don’t know about Shenghua Hotel? Don’t you know that this hotel is called a ‘Spiritual Hotel’? Have you watched the Ding Keer video on the Internet? If you haven’t, I suggest you go and make up for it. relevant knowledge.”
“That’s right, I think I was also a person who lived in a ghost hotel back then, and I lived in the most famous room 444 in their house, but I was not afraid of shadows, and I was still peeling apples in the mirror in the middle of the night, and there was no shit. dick or not?”
“This hotel is extraordinary. According to my opinion, the 67th generation closed disciple of Qingyun Temple, this hotel is not good in feng shui. The terrain is high on all sides, but the terrain of the hotel is low. I don’t know if the person who chose the hotel location at that time was out of his mind, and he didn’t know if he could find a Feng Shui master to help him.”
“This hotel has a history of being supernatural… I remember that there have been many similar incidents in this hotel before. They were all said to be haunted at the time, but the police came to investigate and didn’t find out what happened…”
In Tieba, various netizens have different opinions, dozens or hundreds of new posts are refreshed almost every second, and the popularity is quite high.
Li Ze wandered all the way, but found some clues from some comments of netizens.
In addition to Ding Keer’s time in this hotel, similar supernatural things seem to have happened a few years ago!
However, people on the Internet are complicated and say everything, and there is no authoritative information to elaborate on the history of Shenghua Hotel, so Li Ze just browsed it casually for a while, and then closed the post bar page.Ding dong!
A mobile phone beeps.
A mobile phone beeps.
Hao Wei lit up his mobile phone screen and glanced at it, then said to Li Ze, “The details of Shenghua Hotel have been sent, you can take a look.”
Li Ze took over the phone, and it introduced the information of Shenghua Hotel in detail.
The Shenghua Hotel was built five years ago. At first, it was a high-end boutique hotel, but business was tepid. Until three years ago, when a male customer was living in Room 404 of the hotel, he accidentally looked out the window. to some eerie shadows.
He happened to record the video at that time and uploaded it to the Internet, which immediately aroused the discussion of many netizens on the Internet. Many netizens went to the Shenghua Hotel, and the reputation of the hotel began to quietly start.
Since then, the hotel has replaced a large number of management personnel, reorganized and made a new hotel positioning route, began to hire sailors on the Internet under the banner of “spiritual hotel”, and renovated room 404 of the hotel. After the rectification, the signboard of “Supernatural Room No. 444” was printed, and the room was even fired to the sky-high price of tens of thousands of yuan per night.
This move immediately received a strong response from the market. The more expensive the room price of No. 444 was, the more customers came to join and book the room.
The reservation time is always up to half a month ago, and many UP hosts who are exploring supernatural places have rushed to Shenghua Hotel, all wanting to debit to make a wave of popularity.
Since then, there have been several strange supernatural events in the hotel. Although no one has died, this has undoubtedly raised the hotel’s reputation to a new level.
Two years ago, when a lady named Lin Wei checked into room 444 at the hotel, she claimed that someone had been knocking on her door at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, but every time she opened the door, there was no one outside. In the end, she recorded a video. The video of the hotel corridor in the middle of the night captured a very blurry white figure in a short period of time, and at this time it became popular on the Internet again.
A year and a half ago, the spiritual anchor moved into room 444 and kept the live broadcast on. At that time, it was windy and rainy outside. The anchor wanted to close the window tightly to prevent the rain from entering, but he couldn’t close the window.
Later, the anchor saw a dark figure with long hair outside the window. He was so frightened that he immediately called the hotel’s waiter. As a result, the window could be easily closed again, and the strange figure outside the window disappeared. Tens of thousands of viewers witnessed the whole process at the same time, and the incident once again caused a heated discussion on the Internet.
Since then, the hotel has experienced two similar supernatural events, each of which attracted great attention, and this Ding Keer incident also attracted great attention, but due to Ding Keer’s accidental death, The hotel was temporarily closed, and its performance was temporarily affected, but the popularity of the Internet has remained high.
Li Ze squinted and carefully browsed the various details of the hotel. When he saw the replacement list of personnel from the personnel department three years ago, his brows could not help but wrinkle.
According to the data, three years ago, the hotel lobby manager changed from Yang Kun to Song Jing, and a year later, the hotel changed the contract with Song Jing, and Song Jing started to hold 5% of the original shares of the hotel!
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Dear fatteners, please order a custom order. The previous results are too important for the author, thank you all! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .

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