In the studio of the south tower, Lu Siyu's voice continues to state the case.

“…… After the discovery of Chen Yanqiu's body, with the deepening of the police investigation, we asked his patient, his doctor, and his sister to learn more about him. He is cheerful, optimistic and helpful. If such a person does not have a terminal disease, it is hard to imagine that he will become an accomplice in a case. But it happened that such a person, forced by life, embarked on the road of taking the blame. When he found out the truth, he said, "in the past six months, you want to kill him, drink his blood and eat his meat all the time." Lu Siyu lowered his head. "I can understand this feeling. I also have enemies. When I was a child, my biological parents were killed. I also hate those who kill them. I once cut them to pieces in my dream, but once I come to reality, I can understand that it is a crime and a bad thing. While I have a bloodthirsty impulse, I am playing games with myself... "

Lu Siyu has just analyzed all the facts that can be analyzed, but he knows clearly in his heart that he still can't stop Zhang Congyun. At this time, his brain was in chaos, his stomach was dull, and he had come to this stage. He had to analyze himself, like a sacrifice on the altar

Zhang Congyun looked at Lu Si and said, "thank you for telling me this, but do you want me to let him go now? That's impossible! It's easy for you to say that you don't understand my pain at all

Zhang Congyun blinked. His eyes were warm and sour. He was moved for a moment, but killing Huo Shaoqing had already become his obsession. How could he give up so easily?

At that time, Chen Yanqiu found him and said that he was willing to use everything to make up for his fault. He didn't believe it until he gave him all the money The weight on the Libra is not enough to balance, so add another life.

At this time, Zhang Congyun understood the meaning of Lu Siyu, and his mind seemed to remember the young man, who was clearly suffering from a terminal disease but was always smiling.

It was a moth to the fire, but it was the best way Chen Yanqiu could think of. He doesn't want Zhang Congyun to be a murderer.

Lu Siyu's lips trembled. "It's just that his body was buried, which made the truth come a lot later."

"Chen Yanqiu went to die on purpose! In order to make you live a clean life, in order that you will not become a criminal.... " Lu Siyu continued to explain, "because in Chen Yanqiu's logic, Huo Shaoqing should be punished by law. Even if he can't be punished because of his traffic accident, he should be punished for killing him."

"Chen Yanqiu didn't want to kill Huo Shaoqing, but decided to let Huo Shaoqing kill him." Lu Si language took a deep breath, "don't you understand? Chen Yanqiu didn't betray you. At that time, halfway through the plan, he changed his mind. Based on the evidence left behind, I can confirm that before he died, he made arrangements, packed everything, said goodbye to his sister and left the hotel calmly

After hearing this, Zhang Congyun was stunned again.

"He is damned, but what he said should be true. When we found Chen Yanqiu's body, we couldn't understand it." Lu Si language opens a way, "that corpse is smiling."

"Don't such people deserve to die?" Zhang Congyun pointed to Huo Shaoqing with the remote control, and his face showed a fierce light. Then he looked at Lu Siyu again, "maybe you are afraid of death, do you want me to let you go? Also You're just a police trainee, and I want to thank you for telling me that. In return, I can give you three minutes to go downstairs and detonate! "

"Wait..." Lu Si language coughs to stop Zhang Congyun, his stomach ache to the extreme, his face is so white that he can't speak.

He finally understood why Chen Yanqiu disappeared for no reason, and the knot around his heart suddenly opened. It turned out that he had not been betrayed.

"Don't look for these ridiculous reasons any more. You were the only two people at that time. Why should I believe your one-sided view?" Zhang Congyun suddenly laughed, as if he was crazy. "Good, very good, two lives. In this way, today I can avenge my revenge together!"

Huo Shaoqing stammered again: "yes It was he who deliberately provoked me He brought the knife himself. At that time I thought it was a fight, but he rushed over with a knife Later I wrestled with him and the knife fell to the ground. But he suddenly stopped, I picked up the knife Accidentally stabbed him... "

Zhang Congyun continued to ask huochen: "so, you really killed him?"

Lu Siyu said to Huo Chen: "that young man knows that he is going to die, and he also knows that he may not be able to persuade you to turn yourself in. He did it on purpose. He was not ready to come back alive."

Huo Shaoqing said intermittently: "that man It's a lunatic I I used to have an apartment of my own for the convenience of my sister. I don't know how he found it and how he got into the community. When I came in, he suddenly held me hostage. After entering the house, he said that he had the evidence of my previous car accident and asked me and him to turn himself in to the court. I thought he was crazy at that time and told him not to dream. He said he would not Give up, unless I kill him I'm in self-defense, that's right Self defense... ""Is that true?" Zhang Congyun stares at Huo Shaoqing and approaches step by step.

When the analysis came to this point, Huo Shaoqing fell down. There was a voice in his heart. It's over. It's all over. The police have found out here. They know everything

But he has forgotten that the French Open is a long way off.

The corpse is in the cloth doubt, maybe because Huo Chen love son heart, just do so. Huo Chen felt that the abandoned factory was desolate enough, and the industrial salt could cover up the characteristics of the corpse, making it unrecognizable.

Suddenly, the studio quieted down, leaving only Lu Siyu's voice. "At first, I didn't understand why I chose the chemical plant to discard the corpse, until I found out that Huo Chen had a factory with others in his early years. This time, he felt he could handle it completely. A dead man without clothes, weapons or even identity is difficult to identify. He thinks it is impossible for the police to find the murderer. "

Hearing the analysis of Lu Si's language, Zhang Congyun was stunned, but Huo Shaoqing's mouth was obviously twitching, and he lowered his head with a guilty heart.

Huo Chen thought that the accident was over, but Huo Shaoqing suddenly killed someone again, and he rushed Huo Shaoqing out of the country.

"At that time, before the Chinese new year, Chen Yanqiu, the young man, was killed by you?" Lu Si language said his inference, "that's why you went abroad."

"I..." Under the questioning of Lu Siyu, Huo Shaoqing's eyes began to dodge. Then he said in a trembling voice, "at that time There were some accidents

"You still have a chance to tell the truth." Lu Si added a question. He hoped that Huo Shaoqing would understand what he meant. If he admitted it now, he might survive today and wait for the trial. If he still had something to hide, he might go to hell with this secret.

"I, I..." Huo Shaoqing was asked and stammered.

Lu Siyu didn't argue with him, but turned to Huo Shaoqing: "at that time, your family sent you abroad, not because they heard about the car accident, but because of something else?"

"No way! He broke his word! He lied to me! He ran away, he never came back Zhang Congyun's mood suddenly became excited, "he promised me to avenge my wife together!"

"But what if I tell you something?" Lu Siyu shakes his head and says this sentence slowly. He just thought about the truth. "Maybe Chen Yanqiu didn't betray you. He's not missing, he's just dead."

When the police came to the door, his uncooperative attitude was precisely because he was afraid that if the police knew something, his plan would be abandoned halfway.

Zhang Congyun is the old cocoon on his hands. He is a killer betrayed by his accomplices. He is no longer young. This change has made him spend a lot of effort to adjust himself and get up. He has made a new plan and continued to maintain a relationship with Zhao liu'er. His temperament has changed greatly. He spends a lot of time alone and makes strange behaviors in his daughter's eyes.

After Chen Yanqiu disappeared, he knew that he had been sold. Chen Yanqiu must have sold the news to the Huo family, so Huo Shaoqing would hide out. And he took the money, naturally can go to see a doctor, go far. He didn't know why Chen Yanqiu died later. Maybe the Huo family wanted to kill him. Maybe someone had an eye for money.

"Isn't it? I shouldn't believe him. If he can plead guilty for money, he can betray me for money. " Zhang Congyun said in a deep voice.

Zhang Congyun looks up at Lu Siyu. The young man's skin is pale, but his eyes are dark. When he first meets Lu Siyu, he only feels that he is an intern policeman in charge of recording. But at this time, he feels a kind of pressure from Lu Siyu. His words, like sharp arrows, shot into his heart again and again, and penetrated his mind. The scabby wound was torn open and red blood flowed out.

Lu Siyu took a breath and pointed out the key point of the problem: "you hate Chen Yanqiu because you think he cheated you and messed up your plan. You are not satisfied with revenge on Huo Shaoqing. You hope to attract more attention and attention, and even don't care about hurting other people. "

He tried to analyze it from the perspective of Zhang Congyun. At that time, Zhang Congyun was undoubtedly angry and crazy. He regarded everything as Chen Yanqiu's betrayal. The second injury caused by this forced him to make such an extreme move today.

Lu Siyu coughed twice again, forcing his brain to make analysis. Now many details found in the previous case have been linked up one by one, and his thinking gradually became clear: "the accident should have happened near the new year. When you return home for the new year, Chen Yanqiu disappears, Huo Shaoqing suddenly goes abroad, and your plan has to be terminated."

At that time, the two men were in line with gang crime, and their companions undoubtedly brought Zhang Congyun a sense of security and belonging.

"When Zhao Youlan just died, you were lonely and helpless. You can't share the dangerous thoughts of revenge and killing with your relatives and friends. These crazy things can only be carried on your shoulders. At this time, Chen Yanqiu appeared. His age was like your son's, but he was seriously ill. You gradually sympathized with him and let go of your guard. So at that time, Chen Yanqiu came out You have a very close relationship with Chen Yanqiu. It's more like an ally than an intimate friend. "In this way, they might have used the stolen money contributed by Chen Yanqiu and the compensation from Zhang Congyun's wife.

Lu Siyu continued to reason and reached out to Huo Shaoqing, "you begin to target Huo Shaoqing step by step. On the one hand, you approach Zhao liuer from the studio, reward her room, and set Huo Shaoqing and her movements. On the other hand, you begin to observe Huo's movements."

“…… As a result, you, as the family members of the victims, and as the culprits, come together for a common purpose. You know Zhao Youlan's daily cleaning route. Chen Yanqiu drove that car and knew the route. You pieced together the real location of the accident. Chen Yanqiu also knows some information about the people who contacted him. You visit every bar along the way, and you gradually find out the real culprit of the incident... "

is the password he can understand.

That's a message from Lu Siyu.

Stand by

Song Wen thought he was wrong for a moment, until Lu Siyu did the action clearly again.

At this time, the telescope, the man seems to be inadvertently, hands do action, his hands holding the arm, and then the palm of his right hand with the words down.

Song Wen also hoped that the game could be resolved quickly, better than the moment of suffering.

"If it's him, I'd like to take a bet." Song Wen is talking. He looks at Lu Siyu through the telescope. The distance is too far to see his expression clearly.

"It's also very risky to wait any longer. Your colleague Can you persuade the old man? " On the way here just now, Zhang Guodong had a general idea of the case.

It's not easy to make this choice, and it's also difficult to order to shoot. At this time, Song Wen felt his heart in his chest, like being twisted repeatedly by a knife. People he cares about are in danger. He wants to replace him, or at least be around him

The palms of Song Wen's hands were sweating, and he said, "wait..."

"The snipers are in place. We're ready to move." Zhang Guodong and Song Wen discussed, "however, I still have the opinion just now. At this distance, the sniper can't guarantee 100% one shot death, but he can be more than 50% sure."

Obviously, Lu Siyu has stabilized Zhang Congyun for the time being

Lu Siyu is talking to Zhang Congyun now. He is sitting in front of the glass window. Zhang Congyun is not far away from him, while Huo Shaoqing is paralyzed.

At this time, in a room hundreds of meters away from the south tower, Song Wen observed the situation in the live room through a telescope.

This shows that his conjecture is correct.

Speaking of the last few words, Lu Siyu deliberately slowed down his speaking speed. In this part, he made some inferences. He observed Zhang Congyun's reaction to correct what he thought. Zhang Congyun's eyebrows blinked slightly without refuting.

“…… After the car accident, Chen Yanqiu found you. At first, you were angry. You didn't want to accept his apology and thought that he was with the person who killed your wife. But later, when you learned that he was terminally ill, you also learned more about the truth of the car accident. You had a subtle feeling for him, maybe sympathy, maybe something else. At this time, Chen Yanqiu put forward a suggestion to you. He is willing to help you investigate who is behind the scenes... "

However, he was involved in the accident. On the whole chessboard, he was like a chess piece. But then, the pieces that should have been taken off the chessboard were revived by other people's corpses, which led to the change of the direction of the whole chess game.

Zhang Congyun's hands were handcuffed and his head was lowered. He was escorted to a police car. The flash of the media camera recorded the moment.

"Lu Si language!" Song Wen called, ran a few steps, and held a figure who finally came out of the building.

Lu Siyu's body collapsed in Song Wen's arms. He could feel Song Wen's tension with his eyes closed. He grasped so tightly and his hands were so hot. He patted Song Wen's hands to comfort him. Then he whispered in his ear, "it's not so serious. I'm not hurt. Officer song, I just have a stomachache, and I'm very tired..." Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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