Eighteen years ago.

At that time, there were expansion sites all over the south city. Beside the Wushan nursing home, there were some old houses.

The sky is light yellow, the morning air mixed with a faint smell of sulfuric acid, a bit choking.

It's five o'clock in the morning, darkness is enveloping the earth, the whole city is very quiet, most people are still asleep.

At this time, Song Wen's room suddenly turned on the light, and the light came out from the crack of the door. There was a voice from the door that he answered his mobile phone. Lu Siyu walks to Song Wen's door with a water cup. Through the half open door, he looks at Song Wen sitting on the bed with his knees crossed and then calls.

Then, the other side's head picture shows offline, and becomes a gray. The message just sent quickly disappeared, and the dialog box became blank, as if everything was just an extension of the dream.

The other side quickly replied: "I'm Miss Wu's informant. I want to say hello to you. In the future, we will meet."

Lu Si language slightly narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, typed three words and asked: "who are you?"

As if knowing what Lu Siyu was doing, a line appeared on the screen: "you can't find mine."

Lu Si language point through, the other party's status is online. He quickly opened the positioning software, and could see that the other party was also in Nancheng, but the exact location could not be detected.

For thousands of years, people on earth have been guided by its starlight.

The north celestial pole, the point where the earth axis and the celestial sphere intersect in the north, is the virtual center of the rotation of the northern hemisphere.

The name of the other party is north celestial pole.

Then he heard his cell phone ring. Who will send a message at five in the morning?

Lu Siyu gets up from the bed and looks at the time. It's five o'clock. He pours himself a glass of warm water. When he passes the bathroom, he looks into the mirror. The people in the mirror are not as peaceful as they used to be. His cold eyes make him strange. It's a murderer's face.

Lu Siyu touched his forehead. His cheeks were full of sweat and his head still hurt. It was still dark outside. Due to Li luanfang's visit, Song Wen moved out the quilt and pillow and didn't sleep in this room today.

Dizzy for a few seconds, Lu Siyu realized that it was a dream. There were true and false in the dream. Everything was full of strange light and shadow.

Lu Siyu suddenly opened his eyes and felt a strong sense of weightlessness. His body suddenly hurt as if it had been torn apart.

In a flash, Wu Qing's face became Song Wen's.

Then Wu Qing raised her head and said to him, "Ji Siyu, I remember you." He sat in a wheelchair, his eyes steady, "you are the child found at the scene of the murder, the only survivor of the 519 case..."

"Do you think about graduate students in investigation? It's been a long time since I brought graduate students myself. I read your results, I should have no problem in my professional direction. From the forensic work, you can't get more clues, and you can't find the real culprit behind the killing of your parents. "

Lu Si language opening: "but I apply for is forensic professional."

Then he heard Wu Qing's voice: "you are not suitable for forensic medicine. Forensic medicine is a profession that contacts corpses. You're paralyzing yourself with those bodies. You are very smart, your thinking can be different from ordinary people, I think, you should learn to communicate with living people. You can try to be a criminal policeman. "

There were many people around, with different expressions, and he couldn't recognize who they were. But he can distinguish those eyes, cold, hesitant, disliked, afraid, afraid. It's like he's really a lunatic, a pervert, a psychopath.

In the hazy, Lu Siyu felt as if he was walking forward. Every road was changing and there was no end. He walked very tired, but his legs didn't seem to be his own and he couldn't stop at all.

the man gradually walked away. Now, the giant beast has sunk into the sea, and it is difficult to find its trace on the sea.

"I saw a beast coming from the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and ten crowns on its horns, and names of blasphemy on its heads."

The man stood up and walked out of the cemetery. After passing by the girl, his steps became firm.

Sometimes the city looks very big, sometimes it's very small.

On this ordinary night, two strangers met in the cemetery.

The girl said, "you too."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "I'm sorry."

She just took back her brother's belongings and quit her job. She chose to go to an educational institution and become a piano teacher. It turns out that, as the policeman said, life is not so terrible. Just face it day by day.

"It's my brother." The girl bowed respectfully to the tombstone.

The man asked, "this is yours..."

The middle-aged man's eyes look at the tombstone. The photo above shows a young man with his name - Chen Yanqiu.

With that, the girl went to a newly erected tombstone and put a bunch of pink flowers under it. The tombstone was sparsely erected at the beginning of the cemetery. Later, as more and more people died, it was repaired and some locations were added. As a result, the two old and new tombstones were connected.The girl thought, with a hand in her hair, "I couldn't see before, and I have been helped by many people, so now, it's necessary to help others more."

His expression is a little painful, should be dead wife?

"It doesn't matter, it should be..." At this time, the people who came back to the cemetery no doubt mourned their relatives and friends, and she naturally gave sympathy to the middle-aged man.

The man said, "thank you."

That is a thin girl, eyebrows and nose are small, her hands are small, with warmth.

A man suddenly held him.

The man stood in front of the tombstone for a while. Then he turned around. Maybe he had been standing for a long time. His knee was sore and he was ready to leave and fell.

The man looked down at the tombstone, the tomb was empty, the tombstone was standing here, the woman was his bosom friend, his lover, his enemy

It had been 18 years. As the Mid Autumn Festival approached, he remembered that the woman's Memorial Day was coming.

Before the cemetery was closed, a middle-aged man in his forties walked up to a tombstone and put down a bunch of white lilies. The tombstone had been for some years, and there were some mottled mosses on it. There was no name on the tombstone and no photo.

As night fell, the street lamps in the cemetery lit up one by one, stretching forward like stars in the sky. What about those who died? Is it in the sky?

It's more than eight o'clock in the evening, the sun has already set, and the cemetery is about to close, so there are not many people in the cemetery.

Eighteen years later.

at that time, they didn't know. Just when they were looking for Xia unknown, the woman was dead. Her body was lying quietly in the sewer of the Wushan nursing home, disintegrating and rotting bit by bit until it turned into white bones

After the case of Wushan nursing home was publicized in the media, it caused a sensation. Some people went to the gate of the Municipal Bureau to pull banners and asked them to punish the murderer severely and arrest him. Song city was upset by this incident, the streets of the poles, covered with Xia unknown photos.

Xia unknown as if the world evaporated, never appeared in front of people, and the man also disappeared.

However, the description of several children, the man's appearance is not consistent, the elderly have also said that they have not seen that person.

The police, who had been searching fruitlessly, could only believe the testimony of the witness. They drew a picture of the man according to the description of the witness.

The whole nursing home was searched from bottom to top. They checked every room and every corner and thought that there was nothing missing. Who would have thought that last night was the last time Xia unknown appeared in people's vision.

The high wall behind the nursing home is more than three meters high, with glass slag and wire mesh on it. Can two people help each other to turn over it? Even if it is able to climb out of the wall, the police on duty at the back can not be completely unaware of it.

The police in charge subconsciously denied: "impossible, last night there was no fly to fly out!"

A teenager in the crowd stood up. He was just a teenager with short hair, dark skin and a scar on his eyebrow. When he came to the police, he seemed to have great courage. He raised his head and said: "I saw a man pulling Dr. Xia downstairs. They went over the wall from behind together..."

"Step up the search!" Song Cheng sternly ordered his men, "release wanted, live to see people, dead to see the body.". Who is there? Who finally saw her? "

Yesterday, although they did not start the formal arrest, they put secret sentries at the door to ensure that all people did not go in and out of the nursing home. But now, why does this happen?

Song Cheng's eyebrows jump, suddenly a bit ominous premonition.

"I saw doctor Xia downstairs last night..." An old man said.

"Dr. Xia, it was night shift yesterday." A little nurse timidly said that although she had made several inquiries in advance, people knew what might have happened in the nursing home and what Xia unknown might have done, but they still used to call Xia unknown doctor Xia.

Song Cheng couldn't help raising his voice and asked, "what about Xia? Did you find it? Has anyone seen her? " Today, Wu Qing is still lying in the hospital. He is eager to need this victory to boost his morale.

Song Cheng, the captain of the criminal police, and a group of people shuttled through the yard and came in in a hurry. Just last night, they had the decisive evidence that Xia unknown killed those old people. The police began to investigate one by one, but the suspect Xia unknown has never been found.

Finally, when it was time to close the net, several police cars were parked outside the front and rear doors of the nursing home. Angry citizens have just attacked the gatehouse of the nursing home. Many windows are broken and the ground is full of glass debris.

It seems to be an ordinary dusk. The air is still sultry in autumn and summer. Many old people don't know what happened recently. They just find that there are more people coming in and out, and there are some strange sounds outside.

"What happened?" Lu Siyu and Song Wen put down their mobile phone and asked softly.Song Wen said, "did I wake you up?" Then he said, "a woman's body was found in the east of the south city. We need to call the police."

The author has something to say: an excessive chapter, a new case goes online, PS, it's not sister Chen who died. After she passed by her boss, she survived and killed. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember. Report the wrong chapter. Ask for books. Talk with book friends:


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