After questioning the eyewitness, Song Wen and Lu Siyu went to the forensic office on the second floor of the Municipal Bureau. Recently, for this troublesome serial homicide case, the forensic began to work overtime, especially for the case that just happened this morning. In the afternoon, the autopsy report has come out.

Now Lin xiuran and other forensic doctors went to the police, only the Dragon Boat Festival left home.

Song Wen did not see outside, self-sufficiency to get the autopsy report of three cases put together word by word. Then open the photos and compare them one by one. He had seen these pictures and volumes at the meeting in the morning, and he planned to go over them again.

People's memory and energy are limited, this case quickly put the former Wushan nursing home, Christmas car accident in the spotlight.

Song Wen frowned slightly. Is this someone deliberately manipulating it?

"I think It seems to be intentional to disclose the case information to the media and the police investigation. " Lu Siyu said in a soft voice that it was just his vague feeling, and there was no actual evidence. It seemed that someone wanted to make the case bigger on the Internet and in the media.

"What do you think?" Song Wen recognized something in his words.

When he said that, he wanted to say nothing.

"You don't have to worry too much." Lu Si said, "if we don't make public the information, the murderer will not stop killing. After it is made public, he will fall into a passive position no matter whether he moves or not. It's just that I think... "

On the whole, there are both advantages and disadvantages. It's just public information, which will add a lot of unstable factors. It's a gamble now.

Song Wen said: "I understand that the disclosure of information will be beneficial to the visit. You can open a reporting hotline and set up a reward to see if there are more clues. But I'm still afraid to stimulate the murderer. "

"Now that the situation has expanded, hiding is not the way." Lu Siyu whispered to one side. At this time, the more evasive he was, the more counterproductive he was. "Since we can't stop it, let them go, and it's a good thing to do so. People can be on guard and reduce the incidence of homicide."

Song Wen let out a few polite words and hung up.

"I was finally convinced by the Council." Fu Linjiang added, "in a word, it's basically settled now, and the superior leaders have also given instructions. Gu Bureau asked me to say hello to you."

"Did Professor Zhuang agree?"

"Gu Ju said that the Internet is very noisy now, and the media already knows that it's better to take the initiative to tell them everything rather than let the media scribble. Public crime profile is also a common means of criminal investigation at home and abroad, the media disclosure will give the killer pressure. Some domestic cases have done so. For example, the murder cases of boys' dormitories that shocked the whole country before, as well as the murder cases of College Students' mothers, all made some disclosure to the media very early, and the public reports also played a positive role in the pursuit and escape behind. "

Song Wen also understood this idea and asked, "then what?"

Fu Linjiang said: "yes, Professor Zhuang didn't agree at the beginning. He said that his previous analysis was just a theory, and there was no more evidence to support it. It should not be made public just because there were some remarks."

Hearing this, Song Wen felt that this behavior was too risky: "this may make the case variable. It will also cause public panic. "

"Seeing that things couldn't be sealed, he just called us to hold a meeting in the Bureau, and Zhuang Yi was there. At the meeting, he discussed urgently. Then Gu Bureau thought of a way. He heard that Zhuang Yi would record a program in the near future. In the program, I want Zhuang Yi to disclose the information and profile of the case to the public, and publish the portraits of the criminals. "

Song Wen asked, "how did the Gu Bureau deal with it?"

Song Wen frowned. Those are still under investigation, especially the theory of multiple killers. Although there is Zhou Yi's theory now, and there is a vague testimony from a witness, it still can't be used as the basis for solving the case. How can people outside know about this?

As soon as the two men drove the police car into Lu Siyu's community, Fu Linjiang's phone arrived. Song Wen pressed the button to put it out, and Fu Linjiang's voice came out: "Song team, we have some situation here. The last family member of the deceased, Wang Xiaopei's parents, just admitted his body in the afternoon, and then They told reporters about their daughter's murder. Just now, a group of media came in here to cover the case. " He paused for a moment, "and, what's more, someone posted the discussion that the police suspected that there were two murderers on the Internet..."

Lu Si Yu said: "when the case is solved..."

"All right, all right. "Song Wen nodded quickly, and his saliva was almost down. He added:" the case has not been solved, so don't work too hard. Just do something simple. Today Gu bureau sent a message. In the evening, Zhu Xiao's information will come over, and you have to check it. " After a pause, he said, "anyway, as long as you make it, I love it."

"What do you want to eat?" Lu Si said casually: "red stewed beef? Gastrodia elata chicken soup? Panlong eggplant? Hot spring egg porpoise bone noodles

Because of the case, both of them were very worried. The air pressure was too low. Song Wen couldn't help asking Lu Siyu: "what What to eat in the evening... "

Three women have been killed by him, and soon, there may be more victimsHe may be hiding in a corner of the city, a fruit vendor on the street, a steel builder, or a man sitting on the roadside.

Many people don't know. Now there is a murderer in this city. He ate the same food, drank the same water and breathed the same air with them.

It's Dusk outside the window. It's the peak time for working and dining. Adults are off work, children are off school, and the elderly are preparing for square dance. Ordinary people are enjoying the fun of life, and the whole city is in a state of peace.

Song Wen drives the car, Lu Siyu ponders the case and looks out of the window. They are quiet for a moment.

The scope is still too large

Within this scope, there is a demolition building, several shantytowns, a bus terminus, several residential areas, many construction sites, a very large agricultural wholesale market, and the only Wharf in Nancheng city.

The so-called crime circle is a circle formed in a series of cases, in which the distance between the two cases with the farthest geographical location is the diameter and the key point of the line is the center of the circle.

Lu Siyu drew a circle on the map again. The murderer is obviously not a "fleeing attacker", but a "waiting Hunter". According to the "theory of crime circle hypothesis", he has a great chance to live in this area.

He thought for a moment and then said, "we need to get the monitoring of the night bus and pay attention to the 24-hour clinic nearby. The visit will take time, and there may be some results. However, the night bus, the camera is not very clear, there are blind spots, can only check

Song Wen continued to drive the car: "let's follow these clues first. I think the police force of the Municipal Bureau may not be enough. I'll go back and apply with the Gu bureau to visit the nearby areas. "

He said with a frown, "as well as his undetermined accomplice in the cooperative crime, I always feel that some parts of Zhuang Yi's theory are reasonable, and there are some problems."

Lu Siyu nodded in agreement: "before Tian Ming searched the surveillance video for a long time, if the murderer was driving or taking a taxi, he would be found, leaving traces So the rest, bike, night bus After being bitten by a dog, it can be inferred from the size of the wound that he was seriously injured. In this case, it will cause difficulty to his movement, and walking and cycling can be basically ruled out. "

Song Wen thought for a moment: "according to the previous eyewitness's description, the murderer had a cocoon on his hand. It was obvious that he was engaged in manual labor, and his clothes were very ordinary I tend to think he doesn't have a car or other means of transportation

Then Lu Siyu looked for the starting point of the murderer between several points: "suppose that the murderer started from home, then he had to go back and forth. Especially yesterday, he failed his first crime at more than 11 pm, then bandaged the wound bitten by the dog, and appeared at another place at more than 3 am to attack the victim. I'm thinking about what kind of transportation the killer used to move between these locations. "

Lu Siyu said, looking down at the map research, his expression was very focused: "the murderer should be familiar with this urban area, and often walk around these places, so the location seems random. In fact, they are all very quiet places in the evening. He may have been lurking around for a long time, waiting for the victim who suits his preference to enter his attack "It's a range."

Two people returned to the car, Song Wen started the driveway: "let's go home, you didn't have a good rest this morning."

Song Wen's car followed the murderer around the city. When he was finished, it was nearly six o'clock in the afternoon.

Four victims, four locations.

Finally, the fourth place, where Wang Xiaopei was killed, was where they came in the morning.

Then there was the third attack. Song Wen believed that the third attack should have happened in the small park behind Zeng Minyi's community. This place happened last night. They also found material evidence in the afternoon. At this time, the staff just left. There are also some messy fighting traces on the ground, as well as one or two bloodstains, all of which are consistent with Zeng Minyi's testimony.

Then Lu Si language was marked. The two men simply simulated the scene, calculated the time and path of the crime, and then went directly to the second place of the crime. The distance between the two places was not too close or too far. It took about 20 minutes to drive.

Lu Siyu licked his lips: "I'm thinking about a question. Why is the first victim older..." He pondered for a moment, recorded it in his book, and asked himself, "maybe It's related to the Oedipus in the killer's subconscious mind. "

Two people around a circle, Song Wen asked Lu Siyu: "what do you find?"

When he arrived at the location, Song Wen took out the photos of the scene and compared them to confirm that it was here.

Now a few months have passed, and the traces along the river have long been smoothed out by the wind, sun and rain. People pass by from time to time during the day, and it's very beautiful.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu let Fu Linjiang stay in the police station. They drove out of the police car. The police car passed all the way to the first place where the woman was killed, which was on the riverside of Lianhuatang. It's very green around here. It's a river, but it's a small ditch two meters wide.This first case is really special. How cruel and abnormal is the murderer? Lu Siyu became more and more interested in him. He closed the file and said, "I'd like to see the location of the first two crimes."

"Not necessarily on purpose." Lu Siyu blinked his eyes, bit his nails and concluded, "maybe he didn't make up his mind to kill the victim at the beginning; maybe he was enjoying the fun of playing with mice and cats; maybe the first female victim made him think of someone who triggered his crime; maybe there are some reasons we don't know now."

Such a way of killing is undoubtedly a long and torture, the victim was repeatedly injured, extremely desperate, unable to break free, as if in hell. It's probably more painful than killing her.

Song Wen didn't have time to return to the compliment of the Dragon Boat Festival, and discussed the case with Lu Siyu: "that means that the first victim was probably not killed by strangulation at one time, but was strangled to coma several times. The murderer took her as a toy, fainted and played with her for a while, and then she woke up and killed again. There may be three or four such acts. Relatively speaking, the second and third cases are much sharper. "

Sure enough, song Zong turned over the two sentences in the Dragon Boat Festival, just like the other two people in Song Zong's observation

In other words, those red marks are not one or two, but many, connected together. So the scar is wider and more obvious.

Lu Si explained: "generally speaking, the Le mark is deeper, wider and more uniform than the other two. Such wounds may not be caused by one strangulation, but by many times. It's just that the strength of each strangulation is not great, and the body was swollen at that time, so it's not obvious. "

The Dragon Boat Festival suddenly felt that his face was hurt, but he opened his eyes and could not see anything unusual: "this What's the difference? "

Before the Dragon Boat Festival was finished, Lu Si interrupted. He took the photo and looked at it carefully. He nodded to Song Wen and said, "that's right. The first case is really different. "

"Well, the reason is that the body of the first victim was placed for two days, and it was swollen and rotten when we arrived..."

It's a detailed picture of the neck scar of the first victim. Song Wen's finger points to the scar on the victim's neck. Pale and swollen neck, with a lot of red bruises, looks more serious than the second and third.

Lu Si language side head to see, Dragon Boat Festival also curiously close head.

At this point, Song Wen touched Lu Siyu on one side, and his voice unconsciously lowered octave and softened up: "if you look at this picture, I think the first victim is different from the other two."

Song Wen finally looked up at him and said, "do you know what it means to read a book a hundred times? I come to see the information now because we haven't been to the scene in the first two cases. If we have been to the scene, a lot of information about the scene will be printed in our minds. Now we can only make up lessons by reading the information. If you want to solve the case, you have to memorize all these basic information. "

"No I mean, can we solve the case by looking at these again? " The Dragon Boat Festival asks questions.

Song Wen turned over the materials: "I can't see anything, it's his stupid."

"Well, I'm just kidding." Dragon Boat Festival said, carefully look, make sure Lin xiuran did not suddenly kill back, this just continued, "Song team, these victims are suffocated to death, the cause of death is simple and clear, the body, is director Lin personally examined, these data before the field team has been over many times, corners are wrinkled, also did not see anything new."

Song wentou also did not lift, hand continue to sort out the information, said: "it's not so difficult, you go back to try and Lin Ge application, see if he let people go."

At this point of the Dragon Boat Festival, I just had a meal, and then I finished a bowl of pig liver noodles, which made the whole forensic room full of food flavor. He saw Song Wen and Lu Siyu attentively and moved a stool to sit beside him: "team song, I've always been interested in your criminal police solving cases. Your team has always solved cases quickly and accurately. Would you like to teach me..."

Lu Siyu also picked up the information of the first case and sat quietly watching.

There is nothing more eye-catching than the sudden appearance of a serial killer.

So behind this, is someone diverting people's attention?

Is the appearance of Zhuang Yi accidental? Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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