There was a bang of the gun, which rang through the port of Nancheng. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

At 6:45 PM, Xie Jianing launched an attack on the police searching for him, and his whereabouts were completely exposed.

"Team Tian! The target launched an attack! A police officer was injured and shot in the shoulder! "

Lu Siyu slowly closed his eyes, and then something warm and soft stuck to his lips. His lips and tongue were pried open, and a little precious air came into his mouth from the gap.

I don't know whether it's their fate or their heart. I don't know why, every time between life and death, this person will appear beside him Hold him tight, hold him tight. The man seemed to be a bunch of warm sunshine, breaking through all the darkness around him.

In the cold sea, Lu Siyu's waist is held by someone, and he is held in his arms by Song Wen.

The boundary between life and death lies in this idea.

Lu Siyu watched song Wenyou come to him and held him. The next second, Song Wen's face was gradually enlarged, his warm body was close to him, and his eyes were gentle

Lu Siyu thinks that this is the darkness that Song Wen is most afraid of, and thinks that he is still injured. But at this time, Song Wen did not care about those things

He looked up at Song Wen in front of him until he got close to him. He didn't confirm that it was not his illusion. He could even see the bleeding line on Song Wen's waist under the water.

Lu Siyu began to think that it was his hallucination of dying. He must have been too obsessive to see him at this time.

In the deep blue sea with light, Lu Siyu felt that Song Wen was shining with soft silver blue light, especially his handsome face, which was as beautiful as a creature that shouldn't exist in the world. He couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at him.

It's said that people will fall into illusion before they die, and many experiences of life will appear in their minds like lanterns. Family, friends, long dusty memories are also awakened from the depths of the brain.

Lu Siyu saw that it was Song Wen.

In the sea, a vague figure swam to his side.

He was trapped in the dark water. After the thick darkness, it seemed that countless monsters were staring at him, tearing him into pieces at any time. At the moment of despair, countless bright spots came through the water. The original darkness was dispelled by the light. Lu Siyu opened his eyes and looked up. The whole world suddenly lit up, just like someone suddenly lit up the stars in the sky.

Death is close at hand.

Under the cold water, Lu Siyu fell into a kind of confusion, surrounded by darkness. He felt that he had reached the limit and was about to faint.

Xie Jianing looked at them, raised his head and made a strange smile. If he delayed for another minute, Lu Siyu would never come up again.

Tian Ming took a few steps forward, took out his gun, pointed to Xie Jianing's head and asked: "what the hell is that policeman you dragged down?"

"He was handcuffed, that Lu Si language..." Fu Linjiang said, his eyes turned to the dark and calm sea. Everyone's heart sank. I'm afraid he will be more or less lucky this time.

The murderer couldn't escape in the end.

Suddenly, a bubble came out of the water. They were so happy that they looked through the light. But see is Xie Jianing came out from underwater, he gasped. Someone wanted to catch him, and suddenly found that his hand was handcuffed, fixed on the iron pole, unable to move.

Drowning is just a matter of two or three minutes. With the passing of every minute, Lu Siyu became more and more dangerous. Song Wen, who jumped down later, was injured, and nothing happened at this time.

Tian Ming said anxiously: "you need more people to go down. Go and find them quickly!"

A few seconds later, another person also came up: "the underwater visibility is too low..."

The two policemen who had arrived early jumped into the water and swam out after more than ten seconds: "the water is very deep and the tide is changing. I don't know where they were washed away."

Looking down from the shore, there is only a dark color under the water, which makes people unable to see clearly.

Darkness shrouded the earth. The time had come for the light control device already set up on the port. With a light sound of current, the whole port suddenly lit up. In a flash, the whole harbor was like a dream city, from dark to bright, with orange light bands everywhere, and all kinds of containers were illuminated.

"What are you doing? Prepare for the rescue Tian Ming limped over, and all his faces were very anxious.

The criminal police saw the dark sea water in the distance and turned a few times, then everything gradually calmed down.

Then the ship abandoned the drowning Xie Jianing and drove away quickly.

Song Wen was the first to respond. He called out Lu Siyu's name. Regardless of the wound on his waist, he took off his bulletproof jacket and jumped into the water.

When Lu Siyu and Xie Jianing fell into the water together, they had been taken tens of meters away from the shore by the ship.Fu Linjiang and the police officers who came after him finally arrived at this port plank road. They witnessed the whole fight on the ship.

but at this time, his consciousness began to blur, as if a pair of invisible hands tightly held his throat He has been close to death for countless times. At this time, the feeling of death is the most real

Lu Si language stretched out a hand, want to grasp something, but around only cold water, boundless. His heart is a little unwilling, there are still a lot of things not done, there are still a lot of truth not found, there are still a lot of answers not found, there are a lot of words Not to the man.

The next moment, the whole world quieted down, this feeling is not as uncomfortable as he imagined, but very comfortable.

The oxygen in his body has been exhausted, and his heart has stalled. After staying in the cold water for a long time, his body temperature has been taken away, and a sense of despair envelops him.

Lu Siyu felt the sense of suffocation. His eyes widened. He could see nothing except the icy sea water. He could only feel a little hazy light on the direction of the water surface. Then the light disappeared completely, and he was covered with darkness

The more you struggle, the more you sink.

Unable to breathe, unable to break free, there is no more air in the body

Originally, it was a bulletproof vest for self-defense. At this time, it was like pouring lead into his whole body. With Xie Jianing's kick, Lu Siyu's body moved backward with the tide and floated a few meters away. He felt that his feet were caught by some net like things

The last air in his body was squeezed out. Lu Siyu coughed silently under the water. Bubbles came out of his mouth and nose. The cold sea water was about to enter his lung. Lu Siyu held his breath and didn't choke. But the air in his body was exhausted. He knew he couldn't hold on for long.

Xie Jianing's hand was handcuffed to the iron pole, but it became his help. He took the iron pole with his handcuffed hand, and with his strength, he kicked Lu Siyu hard in the ribs.

At this time, Xie Jianing is not afraid of life and death. He is still struggling. Looking at Lu Siyu's action, he suddenly reaches out his other hand, grabs him firmly and wants to drown him in the water.

Lu Siyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he was approaching the limit and was going upstream, trying to get out of the water for a breath.

The whole fighting process is only a few seconds, but it is extremely physical.

Today, Xie Jianing can't escape anyway.

With a click, there was a light underwater sound, and Xie Jianing's hand and iron rod were tightly handcuffed together.

Beside the plank road, there are some iron supports built when they were built, with water marks on them. They swam past an iron bar in the struggle. Lu Siyu pulls the handcuffs on Xie Jianing's hand and clenches his teeth on the iron bar.

Two people's bodies float, sink and float with the rising tide.

Underwater, it's a silent battle.

Xie Jianing was crazy and struggled with all his strength. On several occasions, the handcuffs slipped through Lu Siyu's fingertips and scratched his fingers.

Lu Siyu feels cold all over. He tries to calm down and go to find Xie Jianing's trace. They swam a few meters forward. Lu Siyu hears Xie Jianing's voice in the water, speeds up a stroke, and finally catches up with Xie Jianing. Then Lu Siyu turns around under the water, grabs his throat with one arm and tries to hold the handcuffs on Xie Jianing's hand.

It was dark and the visibility in the water was not high. As soon as Xie Jianing fell into the water, his blood floated out and scattered in the water. He tried his best to swim forward.

Lu Si language hesitated in the water for a moment, or chose to swim to the murderer.

Now it's Mid Autumn Festival, and it's already cold sooner or later. The two of them fall into the cold water from the plank road. Separated by the rising tide. All around is cold water, like innumerable ice dregs into the body, the tide is surging, it is difficult to maintain the balance of the body.

"Lu Si language!" At the moment of falling into the water, Lu Siyu seems to hear song Wen calling his name. Then, the chilling ice covered his whole body, and the chill went deep into his internal organs and bone marrow

Wow, they fell into the water at the same time!

At that moment, Lu Siyu felt a strong pull on him. He opened his eyes and wanted to break free. But the man in front of him turns into a beast, and his arms lock him tightly. Xie Jianing suddenly makes a surprise move for everyone. He holds the landing secretary and falls into the deep sea under the ship.

Even if you die, you have to pull someone to die together!

Everyone wanted him to die, but he didn't want them to.

He wants to find him, he wants to get him, he wants to kill him. It's the prey he's marked. It can't belong to anyone else.

At that time, Xie Jianing was still feeling that how could there be such a beautiful woman in the world

He has seen him, but the last time he saw him in the street, he was still standing beside a car in a woman's dress. At that time, he hid in the dark and looked at him from a distance"I remember you..." Xie Jianing narrowed her eyes and stared at Lu Siyu who was pressing on him.

Lu Siyu finds that a handcuff has been hung on Xie Jianing's hand. He reaches out to pull Xie Jianning's other hand, ready to cuff his hands together. At this time, Xie Jianing suddenly reaches out a pair of bloody hands and grabs his arms.

Xie Jianing turned around and looked at Lu Siyu with red eyes. It was like a ferocious beast rushing towards him. Lu Si language stabilized mind, every move to xiejianing wound hit, within a few moves, put the desperate xiejianing on the deck.

Lu Si language came to his side, stretched out his hand and pulled Xie Jianing back who wanted to enter the cabin.

Xie Jianing still wants to run, but he has been injured in several places. When the boat is moving, he almost slips and tries to hide in the bed cabin by holding the guardrail with his hand.

At that moment, the ship turned on the engine and made a buzzing sound. The landing company and Xie Jianing quickly rowed across the dark water. Just a few meters off the shore in a flash.

Song Wen got up to chase, but because of the waist injury or a slow point, missed the boat.

It's Lu Siyu. He and Song Wen get off the train almost at the same time, one point slower than Song Wen. When they get here, they just catch up with Xie Jianing and break free from the shackles of Song Wen. He didn't have time to think about it too much. His first reaction was to get on the ship to intercept. The murderer has injured several people in a row. He can't let this person escape again!

Taking advantage of Song Wen's distraction, Xie Jianing doesn't want to fight with him. He turns around and runs to the search boat in a sprint! Almost at the same time, a figure boarded the fishing boat with him.

Song Wen dodged sideways, but the sharp blade still cut the flesh and blood, and the knife cut a long bloodstain on his waist. The clothes on his waist were cut. The wound was very deep. The pain immediately rushed to his brain. Song Wen murmured and bit his lower lip. He pressed the wound with his hand, and the blood between his fingers fell.

Xie zining's face shows fierce light, and suddenly draws out a knife from behind and stabs the defenseless Song Wen.

No! Even if you want to die, you can't die on shore!

This cry let Xie Jianing wake up, also let him suddenly cheer up.

Tian Ming's previous judgment is correct. This is the boat with snakeheads. Those people only know money. At this time, they still want to take Xie Jianning away. They are not afraid of the police.

At this time, the fat man on the boat leaned out his head and yelled, "hurry up!"

The sun finally set and gathered the light. There was only a golden edge on the distant sea, and darkness was about to cover the sky and the earth.

Xie Jianing stayed for a second. It seems that he should have thought that this would be the result.

Taking advantage of Xie's retrogression, Song Wen takes out the handcuffs at his waist with one hand and handcuffs them on Xie's right hand. Xie struggles hard. Between them, Song Wen says, "Xie, you can't leave today!"

Xie Jianning's whole body is full of brute force, and his face is ferocious. Song Wen evades his two attacks with skillful force, and punches Xie Jianning's rib wound.

Both of them have no weapons in their hands. Recently, Tian Ming and Qiao Chu have been injured and fallen to the ground. The supporting people are all ten meters away. For a moment, they can only fight hand to hand.

Song Jiawen's hand is not hurt by the gun. He wants to hit his wrist with his gun again.

Song Wen drew a circle in his right hand and held the hot barrel in his hand, regardless of the instant burn on his palm. The gun in Song Wen's other hand touched Xie Jianning's left shoulder blade. With a gunshot, fresh blood splashed out. Xie Jianning's arm hurt and let go of the gun.

Xie Jianing at this time has rushed to the plank road, he has killed red eye, turn back to lift the gun, want to shoot at the injured police officer. While he was holding up his gun, Song Wen rushed out and rushed to the place one meter away from Xie Jianing. His face was cold and he didn't care about the danger. He pushed his right arm to the top and put the gun barrel in Xie Jianing's hand to the top. As soon as the gun rang, the fog shot into the air.

At this critical moment, Song Wen and Lu Siyu's police car arrived first.

At this time, a police car drove into the port in the fierce battle, and was blocked not far away in the hail of bullets. Then Song Wen opened the door and rushed out.

"Be careful!" At the critical moment, Qiao Chu pulls Tian Ming, and the stray bullets of the fog gun still shoot into Tian Ming's thigh, reflecting the blood spots across his pants. Qiao Chu's arm was also splashed a few points, the hot stray bullet instantly penetrated into the skin, causing severe pain.

Several criminal policemen all understand that the person in front of them is already a lunatic who is not afraid of death and does not know the pain!

The gun in Tian Ming's hand just lost its bullet. He just wanted to change his cartridge clip. He hesitated and slowed down for half a beat. On the other side, Zhang Ziqi rushed to cover him with fire. He shot at Xie Jianing's back from a distance. The bullet injured Xie Jianning's back and shot blood from under his ribs. Xie Jianing, however, seemed to have nothing to do with it, and pulled the trigger with a grim smile.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. This injury is more aroused Xie Jianing's brutality, he ran to five meters away from Tian Ming, raised the shotgun to shoot.Xie Jianing ran quickly, but he didn't dodge and rushed straight over.

"Fuck the little beast!" See Xie Jianing run over, Tian Ming from the side of the bunker rushed out, the gun in his hand shot at him several times.

The setting sun gradually disappeared under the horizon, like a pair of invisible hands blocking the sun, the sky gradually darkened, the sea breeze, mixed with the smell of gunpowder, and the smell of blood.

Xie Jianing got rid of several police officers. He was not far away from the ship parked on the shore. He held up his gun and ran towards the search ship. That was a plan he had planned for a long time. He didn't even know whether he would be caught after he got on the ship, and where he would escape.

"Team Tian, be careful, this boy is going in your direction! He may want to get on the boat

"Damn it! This boy is too overcast. Lead us to the dead end! But he ran away from the road and threw us away at once There's new news on the channel.

Several police officers were led here by him. If they want to catch up with Xie Jianing, they either need to climb on the container, or they need to avoid the containers that are in the way. They can only watch him escape.

Xie Jianing looked at the plank road and cargo ship in the distance. One hand was holding a gun, the other hand was holding a rail, and he slipped down from more than six meters high. With the strenuous exercise, his breathing became heavy, and his breathing made him sound like a ferocious beast.

Speaking Kung Fu, Xie Jianing side bow body in the upper container running, while looking at the situation below, he ran to the end of a stack of containers. There is a cross bridge at the top of the container, but there is a dead end at the bottom.

Tian Ming said: "four lives on your body, against the police! In this way, it's meritorious to shoot directly! " He thought about it and said, "the fog gun costs ammunition. He can't carry a lot of bullets with him. You should be careful. If you consume all of them, you can catch them."

"Team Tian, you don't know. This man is crazy. He just rushes forward as if he didn't want to die!" Zhang Ziqi's feedback on the channel is mixed with the sound of gunfire.

Tian Ming looked at the fierce battle over there, but he didn't dare to leave the ships around him. He said in his intercom, "it's hard to block the land, but it's hard to block the water. If this man gets on the boat, we don't know where he can go. You look for shelter and narrow the encirclement. I don't believe it. So many of us can't catch him."

The fire spattered and sparked in the roadway. In the fierce battle, Zhang Ziqi hurriedly pulls the injured Companion to hide in the crevice of the container. Fortunately, the power of the fog gun is limited, and the two injured police officers are not seriously injured, so there is no life-threatening.

The security personnel in the harbor were even more deterred by his indefatigable posture, and did not dare to step forward at all.

In the twinkling of an eye, another policeman was injured and fell into a pool of blood.

When the two policemen were about to catch up with him, Xie Jianing suddenly turned back, grinning grimly, and fired several more shots at the criminal police who were chasing him below. The sound of the shots and the sound of the fog guns were all small stray bullets. These stray bullets were flying at high speed in the roadway, and they would suddenly change direction when they met the containers, so they could not be prevented at all.

At this time, Xie Jianing is very strong, and he is engaged in physical work.

The time, the place and the people are in harmony. This killer devil has the advantage!

It's getting dark, and Xie is familiar with the terrain. The police officers had been searching separately and couldn't get together for a while. With the help of port security, the thug with the murder weapon was obviously out of control.

Xie Jianing shot first and took the lead. He caught the policemen off guard. He was in a high position, easy to defend but hard to attack.

Then the gunfire broke through the sky, and Nancheng port became a scene of fierce fighting.

Soon, the police officers fighting with Xie Jianing found a problem. In the dark narrow roadway, the bullets fired by the fog gun will rebound once they touch the iron sheet of the container, forming a stray bullet. It is almost difficult to dodge a large area of stray bullets.

"The suspect is moving fast! Stop him quickly

"Be careful, everyone! The container will rebound

"The murderer is on the box in the second row of the sixteenth row! Apply for support

It was a light kiss.

Around the hazy, everything is like a dream in general, people feel not too real. But it's not an illusion He can touch the man's body and feel his breath. Under the sea more than one meter deep, in this quiet place, two people float gently with the waves

The whole world is quiet, as if those other people, other things do not exist, only this place, only the two of them. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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