Eleven years ago, in the classroom of class 3, grade 2 of Nancheng No.1 middle school.

At the time of the final exam in summer, the weather in Nancheng was very hot. Cicada kept shouting in the tree outside, as if he never knew fatigue.

His temperament is probably related to his past experience. He is still outstanding, but he must have changed because of Wang Haobin.

The young man in front of him was cold-blooded and calm. Under his gentle manner, there was a kind of bloodthirsty mania.

In the previous video, Zhao Yuliang pressed Zhang Dongmei's whole head into the cake, and the video lasted for several seconds. At that time, if the time was longer, Zhang Dongmei might even suffocate to death.

"Well, you can always hear some sounds when you're up there, can't you see them?" Song Wen asked, "or are you the murderer and lying now?"

Lu Siyu turns his pen and looks at Song Wen. Judging from the position of the cigarette butt, the angle is in the corner of the rooftop, which is on the same side as the side where Mr. Zhang fell. There are buildings in the middle of the two ends, blocking the line of sight. It's possible that he can't see the situation. According to the material evidence, he can't judge whether Zhao Yuliang is telling the truth or lies.

"But I didn't push Zhang Dongmei down. The corner where I was standing was facing the other direction. I didn't see what happened on that side. When I heard people exclaim and rushed to the corner to look down, I found that Zhang Dongmei was lying down

When Song Wen heard this, he looked up at him. The man in front of him might be the murderer or the first eyewitness of the case.

Zhao Yuliang hesitated for a moment and admitted: "well, when Zhang Dongmei fell, I was on the roof."

"I'm afraid you didn't go to the smoking section, did you?" Lu Siyu, who has been recording, suddenly stops his pen and looks up at Zhao Yuliang with his eyes. There is still a faint smell of smoke on the man. The cigarette butt he found in the corner of the rooftop was probably left by Zhao Yuliang.

"I went out to smoke." Zhao Yuliang paused and said, "I went to the smoking section to smoke."

"Just now, you abused your teacher. After recording, where did you go?" Song Wen asked this question.

Three days ago, when he came back from Beicheng for the National Day holiday, he received a message from Tan Shan, so he thought about it again and again and came here.

~_ ~Jamie Zhao's next description is similar to what Meng Tiantian said before. Zhang Dongmei's extortion has intensified. She has extorted 30000 yuan from him one after another, and he has extorted all the money he saved with his scholarship.

Under the light, Zhao Yuliang's glasses flashed a little chilly, "so Beicheng University will not employ a student who has cheated as a teacher. If this cheating check is sent to the school leaders of Beicheng University, no matter how I explain it, I can't explain it clearly. So at that time, I chose to use money to eliminate disasters. "

"If I am in another school, I am not afraid of this thing at all. No one can deny my character with a check from my junior high school, but I want to stay in Beicheng university now. Beicheng university is famous for its rigorous style of study and zero tolerance for cheating in exams. This university has always adhered to the rule that once students are found cheating in exams, they must be expelled from the University within 24 hours. Even some students were caught cheating and didn't dare to tell their families, so they jumped to death and didn't change the rules. "

Zhao Yuliang explained: "just a few months ago, Mr. Zhang suddenly found me and asked me about my stay in Beicheng University. At first, I thought her care and blessing were sincere, but later, she posted me a picture of cheating inspection and said that she was short of money. " He sighed. "I didn't expect that abnormal woman to keep that examination for so many years."

"Is Mr. Zhang using this check to blackmail you now?" Song Wenwen, it is reasonable to say that after graduation, he has already entered the society, especially for people like Zhao Yuliang who have read doctor's degree. He should not be so troubled by the examination letter left in junior high school.

"Yes," Zhao Yuliang sighed, "when I was a child, I didn't see through the reason. I was scared to death at that time, so I obediently wrote a check, and then read it in front of the whole class. Later, in the third year of junior high school, without Zhang Dongmei, the student named Wang Haobin also dropped out. My life is just a little bit more normal. "

If Zhao Yuliang was telling the truth before, the inspection is not true. When Mr. Zhang asked him to write this, he was obviously afraid of offending Wang Haobin in exchange for revenge. We must take out something to explain to the headmaster. Under the balance, Zhao Yuliang was sacrificed.

Song Wen frowned: "it seems unfair to deal with this matter."

Hearing this, Song Wen felt that there was something else to come. Sure enough, Zhao Yuliang sighed, "I thought Zhang Dongmei would take my good grades into consideration, and at least talk to the headmaster. Zhang Dongmei came to me shortly after, and said that the principal had made it clear that it was not necessary to write the matter in the file, but I had to take some responsibility for such a big matter. So, she asked me to write a check, which means that I have recognized my mistake and should not cheat with my classmates. The funny thing is that I'm the only one to write this inspection, but Wang Haobin doesn't need to write it at all. ""Later, Wang Haobin sat in front of me in the unified examination of the whole school. He took advantage of the invigilator's inattention and took away my paper. Later, the invigilator caught us on the spot and took us to the headmaster. The new president didn't know about Wang Haobin. It was the new official who took office three times. At that time, according to the regulations, Wang Haobin and I were to be expelled, at least recording demerits and recording them on file. Zhang Dongmei brought us back at that time and told me that she would explain to the headmaster clearly. "

He is afraid, afraid, depressed, and wants to cry, but all people give him is praise and reward he doesn't need.

But from beginning to end, no one asked him.

At that time, he was lonely and helpless, even if they asked, how were you at school? He will tell his parents the whole story.

Zhao Yuliang gritted his teeth and shook his head: "my parents are very busy at work. My father often goes on business trips. I don't want these things to become their troubles. Every time they see me go back with a test paper, they don't care about my life in class." He bowed his head and gave a wry smile. "They only care about my grades. They never ask me whether I'm happy or not. They never ask who my deskmate is or what happened. When he went to the school to hold a parents' meeting, he would warmly greet Wang Haobin's mother and hold Zhang Dongmei's hand to teach me. Even my father knew that I had learned to smoke, and he thought I was a good teacher Good grades are excusable. "

Song Wen frowned and asked, "didn't you tell your parents about it? Haven't you thought about transferring? "

He should be careful. If he doesn't pay attention, he will irritate the wild animal around him. Every day in the day of fear, he will be forced to do some extraordinary bad things, and he will be confused.

Every day, a teenager not only faces a perverted teacher, but also lives beside a murderer.

No doubt, this period of time with the murderer was unforgettable to him.

When he said this, he was suddenly silent, then shook his head, "no, my life may have changed because of him."

"And I, the best student, was like a sheep she threw to the wolf. Wang Haobin blackmailed me for money, books and stationery. And Mr. Zhang, let it go. At that time, Wang Haobin would sometimes bully me, beat me, give me cigarettes, force me to smoke together, or force me to do something I don't like, and let me watch for them. Maybe I should be glad that he didn't get any poison at that time. Otherwise, my life might be on a completely different path. "

Zhao Liang said here, and continued to smile bitterly: "teacher Zhang, that woman, is also a bully. She dare not accept Wang Haobin's homework, dare not ask him to check on work attendance, and do not want him to participate in collective activities and punishment. For Wang Haobin, there is no preferential treatment for the whole class."

"The reason why I know the detailed process of this case is that Wang Haobin told me personally. He said with a smile that he stabbed me in the chest at that time, but he didn't expect to get the same sentence as those timid people who only stabbed me in the stomach."

They continued to listen to Zhao Yuliang.

This case is not as well known as the iron bucket female corpse case in r country and Hello Kitty corpse case in H City, but it is also quite famous in Nancheng.

What's surprising about this case is that it's all done by a group of half grown-up children.

Then the medical examiner drilled into the low cave and pulled out the corpses one by one. Soon after, the medical examiner resigned.

Cheng Mo's eyes are deep. He was the witness of this case at that time. At that time, he had not been promoted to captain, and accompanied the forensic to the scene. Before entering the narrow cave, the experienced forensic doctors began to vomit. The bodies in the cave would freeze when it was cold, and melt when the weather was good. After repeated thawing, rotting and insect bites, the taste inside was unforgettable.

Lu Siyu finished this paragraph, frowned and bit his pen cap.

Song Wen shook his head helplessly. It has always been a difficult point to deal with juvenile delinquents under the age of 14. This case sounds simple, but it is very difficult to define the actual responsibility, so the sentence is relatively light. In recent years, there has been a precedent of having to go back to school without any place to be imprisoned, let alone ten years ago.

"Later, the group of children were found, but because none of the perpetrators was over 14 years old at that time, and more than 10 people jointly committed the crime, they could not be identified as the principal accomplices. They went through a period of interrogation, and also went to the juvenile detention center for a period of time. Finally, one year after the incident, they were still sent back to the ordinary school to study. And the one named Wang Haobin was assigned to No.1 middle school, assigned to our class, and became my deskmate. "

"At that time, the Spring Festival was just around the corner. It was very cold in the mountains. No one went up the mountain. A month later, someone accidentally found the corpse in the cave. At that time, the corpse had rotted. The police found a paragraph to confirm the body. The day when the results were released was the first day of the lunar new year. The mother surnamed Li printed a picture of her child's body and distributed it at the municipal gate, crying for severe punishment. "

When Zhao Yuliang said this, he helped his glasses. His expression was a little cold, as if he was not talking about a human life case, but a common thing in the market: "after stabbing someone to death, several children cut off the body as soon as they discussed it. They loaded the body with several white snake skin bags, drove to the foot of Xiaoxiang mountain, and one person took a bag, and they climbed For a long time, I climbed to the top of the mountain. Then, they put the meat in the bag into a low cave and made an appointment to tell no one else"There is only a part of the money missing. There is no doubt that it is an inside thief. They ask about it one by one. Finally, the suspicion falls on the child who just joined the gang. They were all half boys who were not afraid. At first, they tied up the child named Li for interrogation. If the child didn't admit it, they beat him with a stick. The child still didn't recognize it. They were beaten for a day and a night. The child finally fell into a coma. They simply took out a knife and stabbed the child named Li to death

"Wang Haobin used to hang around outside the school and cut off the road to rob money with a group of bad teenagers. Those children are all famous gangsters in the city, with a total of more than ten people. They used the money they robbed to rent a house outside the school, and that house became their dens. Under the bed in the house, there was a box with the money they robbed. Later, a child named Li joined them. Just a few days after Li arrived, the children found that there was less money in the box under the bed. "

Feeling that there is a long secret behind them, they both look at Lu Siyu sympathetically. Lu Siyu takes a deep breath and picks up the pen.

When Cheng Mo heard this, he was silent. He knew the case, and his memory was still fresh.

Song Wen didn't know about the case. Ten years ago, he should have been studying at his grandmother's home. He didn't go to No.1 middle school at that time, and he didn't have much contact with these social news.

"Zhang Xuemei was probably out of disgust with me, or thought that a good student like me could influence him. She looked at him, arranged the problem student next to me and asked him to be my deskmate. About this classmate, he has a homicide case. That's the xiaoxiangshan incident in Nancheng before. Have you heard about it? " Speaking of this, Zhao Yuliang raised his head and looked at several police officers in front of him.

At this point, Zhao Yuliang held his glasses for a moment and gave a wry smile, "but Zhang Dongmei didn't expect that the old principal was promoted after that semester, and came to the senior high school department, and a new leader came to the junior high school department. The new principal didn't like the old leader. The student delayed our class. Zhang Dongmei acted unjustly, pulled up the stone and smashed the stone I've lost my feet. "

"In the second half of the first semester of junior high school, a 14-year-old boy named Wang Haobin came to our class. This student is a problem student. Every head teacher pushes this student out and doesn't want him to enter his own class. The old headmaster can't do anything about it. For her career, Zhang Dongmei accepted him, helped the old headmaster solve the problem, and sold the headmaster a favor, because she won the labor model of that year. "

At this point, Zhao Yuliang's eyes behind his glasses flickered, as if there was water in his eyes, but his expression was cold, and the tears didn't flow down. These things are just sad memories now.

He was brought up by his grandmother, who was the closest and best person to him at home, but he didn't even see the remains of his grandmother. When he returned to his hometown, there were only black-and-white photos of his grandmother and an urn waiting for him.

"How did she hate me For example, one year, when the exam was approaching, my grandmother died suddenly. When I got the news, I asked for leave to go back to my hometown. Zhang Dongmei frowned and said to me, "your grandmother is dead. Anyway, you can't see it when you go back. If you don't take the exam, you will be short of a grade, which will affect the average branch of the class. If you can't speak well, I'll go and talk with you." Your parents said. After taking the exam, my mother called me home alone. From then on, Zhang Dongmei and I will not deal with it any more. "

Lu Si language stopped the pen of the record and straightened out the relationship. I'm afraid that in Zhang Dongmei's eyes, Zhao Yuliang's behavior makes her lose face in front of all the students, so although Zhao Yuliang's performance is excellent, she doesn't get the treatment that a good student deserves.

If his life can start again, or can go back, he must warn himself, don't do such a thing, just a small thing, a few words, but changed his junior high school three years, changed his life.

Now Zhao Yuliang, of course, knows where he is wrong, but at that time, he was still a teenager. He was innocent, innocent and honest. He thought that what was right was right, and what was wrong was wrong.

"Once, Zhang Dongmei talked about an extracurricular problem, and her practice was wrong. At that time, I quickly saw this and raised my hand to point it out. In class, Zhang Dongmei praised me. After class, she told me euphemistically that I could tell her this kind of thing after class. But then I found out that she began to hate me very much ~_ ~Jamie Da xs63

"because I was just at the beginning of junior high school, I was eager for the teacher to admit my excellence So once, I did a very stupid thing

Zhao Yuliang said: "this matter, some antecedents, have to start from the beginning of our junior high school, in junior high school, I was one of the best students in our class, almost every exam, can keep in the top three, but I such a person, in Zhang Dongmei there and did not get the praise and preferential treatment."

~_ ~"How long is it?" Song Wen frownedSong Wen directly mentioned extortion, but Zhao Yuliang didn't doubt it. He calmly held his glasses and said, "teacher Zhang's extortion is a long story."

When Zhao Yuliang sat down in front of him, Song Wen said straight to the point: "they've all recruited. You can tell me, what's the reason why you were blackmailed by Mr. Zhang?"

Beicheng university is a famous university in China. If you can teach in it, you will get better resources, more rewards, and opportunities to communicate with the international frontier. This is an opportunity that many people can't envy.

The fourth one who was called in for interrogation was Zhao Yuliang, the boy with the highest degree among the students. He will soon graduate from his doctor's degree and is hopeful of teaching in Beicheng University.

All this is thanks to Zhang Dongmei.

There is no solution.

Lying in bed, sweating, staring at the ceiling, he seemed to die again. He understood that it was the shadow that would accompany him all his life.

Even now he is an adult, he still dreams about the exam from time to time in his dream. In his dream, he tried his best and thought of all kinds of ways until he was awakened.

It was this sentence that became the nightmare of Zhao Yuliang's life. Later, he experienced countless examinations, which could not make him wash away this examination in his mind.

At that moment, it seemed that a knife had been inserted into his heart, and all his blood had been discharged. His face was like ashes, and his limbs were cold. He's like a murderer. He's just been sentenced to death.

As a teenager, the result is like the end of the world.

At that moment, the teacher came to him, bowed his head and asked him coldly, "where's your paper?"

Zhao Yuliang hoped that time would stop. He lowered his head, spread a table with the draft paper on the desk and scribbled on it. He kept praying that the teacher would not find out about it. He pretended to cough and hoped that the man would find out his conscience and return the paper to him, but the man didn't know what it meant to close the paper when it was good.

His heart was beating wildly, and a heart was about to jump out of his chest. He was so nervous that he wanted to go to the toilet. His body was shaking wildly, and his cold sweat came out one layer after another. Even his hands and feet were soft. He sat there with his head hardened, and clamped his legs.

Cheating, or cheating accomplice?

How will it be dealt with?

What scares him even more is that the invigilator teacher comes slowly. Soon, he will be found that there is no test paper in front of him.

As time went by, he nervously kept looking at his watch, helpless, scared, scared. The weather was already hot, and his forehead was sweating, wiping off a layer, and more immediately.

But if not I don't know when the paper will be copied.

After the examination, waiting for him, but not only by that person bullying so simple. He couldn't do this kind of thing himself.

Tell the teacher?

Zhao Yuliang's whole body was frozen there. He thought about what he should do.

At this time, invigilator just turned around and missed the whole process perfectly.

It was just a second. He heard a soft sound, like a gust of wind. Then there was only the answer sheet painted with pencil and a few pieces of scribble paper in front of him.

Zhao Yuliang looked down at the questions on the paper, and even did not have the mind to check. Just when he hesitated whether he wanted to hand in the paper early, the boy turned his head again, stretched out his hand and took away the paper in front of him with a very fast speed.

When he went to the examination room, he didn't have time to look around. He didn't notice who was sitting in front of him. He didn't expect that they were just in the examination room of his class, and they were so close.

At this time, Zhao Yuliang saw who was sitting in front of him. His face suddenly changed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. That man is his deskmate and the one he is most afraid of

Invigilator teacher has been walking in the classroom, suddenly, sitting in front of his side of the boy while the teacher did not pay attention, turned his head.

With 40 minutes left in the exam, he has answered all the questions and is sure to get a high score.

Today's exam is the first subject - mathematics. Zhao Yuliang has finished the whole paper and is checking it. He was in a good mood. Today he was assigned to the classroom of his own class for the exam, which made him feel a little relaxed.

This is a final exam in southern city. Leaders and teachers attach great importance to it. Invigilator teachers are sent down from high school, a familiar face is not, especially strict.

The seats were changed into a single row for the examination, a total of six columns. The table bucket was all forward. All the students' test numbers and seats were randomly from the machine, and were pasted on the corner of the table according to the order of the test numbers.

There are open windows in the classroom. The blue curtains are blown up by the wind from time to time. The bright sunlight slants in and shines on the test paper, leaving a clear line.

He can calmly describe the xiaoxiangshan incident, just as he now calmly looks at Zhang Dongmei's death.

Zhao Yuliang hesitated for a moment and finally said, "I heard something. Before Zhang Dongmei fell, someone had a fierce quarrel with her on the roof. "Song Wen asked him: "who is it?"

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