At 9:30 p.m., the grand ceremony on the Bank of Lunjiang river has just ended in the center of Nancheng, which is full of high-rise buildings.

In the dark night, the evening wind blows, and the pedestrians on the road are still savoring the unforgettable moment just now. There is a smell of fireworks in the air.

Lu Siyu's pretty face was still calm. He held the silk scarf tightly in his hand: "Zhang Dongmei fell from a building and died. Before she died, she coughed up a lot of blood foam. Do you think the silk scarf that she might have grasped could be contaminated with some? Does the blood match the splash? This silk scarf is red, and you don't want us to find that you have less silk scarves on your neck than before, so you tied it back. If I let you go tonight, I'm afraid you will destroy the silk scarf, but it's a pity... "

That is the decisive evidence that has been hidden!

Ji Meiyun, who is in a panic, runs down the building in a hurry and pours on the corpse ahead of the others, blocking everyone's sight. Before people can react, she stealthily pulls out the red silk scarf in the hands of the corpse

Zhang Dongmei is caught off guard. She reaches out her hand to catch something. At the moment of falling, she grabs the red silk scarf around Ji Meiyun's neck. The red silk scarf is instantly released and falls down with Zhang Dongmei.

Listening to Lu Siyu's description, Song Wen also has a picture in front of her eyes. Ji Meiyun is the last one to get on the platform. She doesn't have much communication with Zhang Dongmei and angrily pushes Zhang Dongmei down from the guardrail.

Lu Siyu didn't expect her answer. His eyes fell on his right hand, mingled with light and dark: "I think it might be this silk scarf?"

Ji Meiyun's beautiful eyes looked up at him, listening to Lu Siyu's words, she tightly pursed her red lips, appeared unprecedented tension. The questions he asked were not as aggressive as Song Wen, but pointed to the root of her fear

"What did Zhang Dongmei grasp in her hands at that time?" Lu Siyu lowered his eyelashes and asked Ji Meiyun in a soft voice.

At this point, Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the red silk scarf in his palm. "Now I have a clear idea. Maybe when he fell from the building, what was caught in the dead man's hand. The murderer was the first to go downstairs and took what was in her hand. That's why she still holds her right hand tightly when it's stiff. "

Lu Siyu took the silk scarf in his hand, and then he said: "before, when I checked Zhang Dongmei's body, I found that the dead fell down from the upstairs, and the body was stiff. Her left hand was a half fist, and her right hand was a clenched fist. When I started to check the body, I thought she would hold something in her hand, and I used her hand to explore, but nothing could be found I didn't find... "

Ji Meiyun's eyes twinkled, and her face turned white suddenly.

With the pulling of Lu Siyu's fingers, the red flower moved slowly and untied slowly. Finally, with his action, it was pulled down and turned into a light red square silk scarf.

Around the scarf is a buckle, in her neck side played a red flower, set off her more beautiful.

Lu Siyu blinked his eyes, suddenly stretched out two slender fingers wearing gloves and pulled the red silk scarf tied around Ji Meiyun's neck. The silk scarf had been tied around Ji Meiyun's neck, which matched her coat very well.

What is the truth tonight?!

She dares to say that because she has long confirmed that it is difficult for the police to find any evidence. It is very likely that she has considered it before. There are no traces and no witnesses. If any evidence is left, she will handle it carefully

Lu Siyu looks at Ji Meiyun's beautiful face and her bright lips. If the woman in front of her is a murderer, she must have excellent psychological quality. She is bold, careful and has excellent acting skills, like a cunning fox.

For a moment, the eyes of the two people were opposite.

Lu Si language went to Ji Meiyun's opposite, gentlemanly slightly bent down.

Ji Meiyun didn't seem to expect that. At this time, the little policeman opposite suddenly made such a move. Her neck shrunk a little, and her good-looking eyes looked warily at Lu Siyu.

Song Wen was puzzled, but he knew that Lu Si language must have found something.

Lu Siyu's pretty eyes suddenly moved. He thought of something. He stood up from the other side of the table, took out the material evidence gloves in his pocket, put them on, and went straight to the woman in front of him.

Lu Siyu raises her head and looks at Ji Meiyun. The woman in front of her looks like a hot flame. Her tears have dried up long ago, and her eyes and eyebrows show a little pride. Then her chin drops and a touch of red is buried.

As if only one step away from the truth, but have to stop here.

A suspect is in front of us, but we can't confirm her criminal evidence.

The grand performance has come to an end, but they haven't identified the real culprit yet.

The air in the room froze for a moment, and both the judge and the accused were quiet. Even on the street below, those who had seen the fireworks before had begun to leave.

If they can't prove it and Ji Meiyun bites the confession, it's very likely that in the end, the case can't target the murderer.There is a critical lack of direct evidence.

Besides Zhang Dongmei's corpse, surveillance, material evidence and confession, what else can be proved? What happened on the rooftop at that time?

Police are not sure whether Zhao did anything on the rooftop.

It is difficult to define suicide or homicide as a way of death when high buildings fall.

All these can only prove that she is very suspicious, but can not prove that she is the murderer of Zhang Dongmei.

She is not Ji Meiyu, and only represents her to a classmate party instead of her sister.

The video evidence they got only pointed out that she had been on the roof at the last time.

Ji Meiyun now also found the key to the case, the evidence!

She paused and said, "officer, this has nothing to do with the case tonight. If you don't have any other evidence, I have nothing to explain. And didn't you just say that Zhao Yuliang was on the roof? Is it possible that he pushed Zhang Dongmei down? "

Ji Meiyun hesitated for a moment and said: "I didn't hide my identity intentionally at first, but as soon as they saw me, they acquiesced that I was Ji Meiyu. They all called me beauty and asked me what happened. Then I found out the nature of the dinner. I don't think this is a good time to tell the truth. I took advantage of the situation to play the role of my sister. In fact, I have been thinking about how to tell them the truth... "

Song Wen asked: "then why do you pretend to be your sister and not tell the truth with other students?"

Song Wen thought that she was about to cry, but when she looked up, he found that Ji Meiyun's eyes were dry without tears, but the corner of her mouth provoked a sneer, "I just lied, but I didn't do anything else. As for my sister's death, it has nothing to do with what happened tonight. I came here only when I found out that there was such a reunion in her mobile phone. "

Ji Meiyun's big eyes suddenly appeared some shining things. She hesitated and lowered her head. Her long hair fell on both sides of her beautiful cheek. She said, "officer, I only admit that I came to a classmate meeting instead of my dead sister today."

All this in itself is a great doubt.

This elder sister did not see the sadness of her sister's death. Instead of taking care of her sister's affairs at home, she took part in a classmate party instead of her sister

It's a coincidence at this time point that a surrogate bride suddenly died of illness. Does all this have something to do with Zhang Dongmei? The most important thing is, why does Ji Meiyun hide this?

Due to the short time of death, many registration procedures have not been completed, and the ID card and household registration have not been cancelled. This is the latest information they found when they tried to contact Ji Meiyu.

At this point, Song Wen suddenly received the message. He looked at it and looked at her solemnly, "Ji Meiyun, we just checked. Your sister died three days ago."

Ji Meiyun bowed her head and did not speak.

"Your explanation is still illogical." Song Wen looked at the woman and asked, "what about your sister? Why do you want to come to the classmate meeting instead of her? "

Lu Siyu recalls that it may be because Song Wen cheated her once with Zhao Yuliang's testimony before, and it's not easy to use this trick the second time. Ji Meiyun should have thought it out clearly now, and the police may not have found direct evidence.

In fact, that image can only remove part of Tan Shan's suspicion and increase the possibility that Ji Meiyun is the murderer. It's still a little short of locking her as the murderer.

"I just went to the door of the rooftop. As soon as I was going to the rooftop, the murder happened." Ji Meiyun's face did not change, and he pushed the problem back. She seems to be certain that there is no camera on the rooftop, probably because she has been on the rooftop, or she thinks that if there is such certain evidence, the police would have suspected her for a long time.

"Do you want to continue sophistry?" Song Wen continued: "we just checked the surveillance video of the rooftop and found that you were the last one to get on the rooftop. When you were on the rooftop, it was the time when Zhang Dongmei fell from the upstairs and died. You were the murderer."

She is now facing three police officers, and finally told the truth, but in her words, there is no regret and fear of the lie being pierced.

Song Wen asked: "Ji Meiyun, did you lie in the interrogation just now? You are not a student in Zhang Dongmei's class at all. Your sister Ji Meiyu is. " Ji Meiyun knew that her secret was finally discovered. She simply put a slender leg on the other leg, put her arms in her hands and said, "yes, I came to attend today's classmate meeting instead of my sister. In front of my classmates, I always used my sister's identity. I thought it was difficult to explain this, so I lied. However, I don't think these have anything to do with the case tonight, so I didn't confess before. "

Cheng mogang didn't analyze the case with Song Wen. At this time, it's still unclear why Song Wen suddenly changed the object of suspicion. However, he has learned to be smart. Looking at Ji Meiyun, he doesn't talk much and just waits for Song Wen to ask.Ji Meiyun seems to be wondering why she was called again. She is not sure about the progress of the trial. She looks at the three people in front of her suspiciously and looks a little flustered. Then she lowers her head and hands her hair. When she looks up again, that little flustered is replaced by indifference.

Song Wenhui collects all the information and calls Cheng mo. three people call Ji Meiyun to the temporary interrogation room again.

When the case is found here, Tan Shan's suspicion is reduced, and Ji Meiyun is more likely to be the murderer.


~_ ~"Zhu Xiao, check Ji Meiyu's big data file and try to contact her," Song Wen said quickly He thought for a moment and then said, "other people also transfer a copy and send it to me quickly."

Song Wen is also thinking of this, two people with a voice: "this may be her motive to kill!"

Lu Siyu regretted asking that question. His ears were red again. He lowered his head and said the question back to the case. He said in a low voice, "Ji Meiyun is here to take the place of Ji Meiyu in the classmate party. What is Ji Meiyu doing now?"

"Not in junior high school." Song Wen answered firmly, "but now there are."

"So song team, when you were in junior high school, you had someone you liked?" Lu Si language continues to ask.

"Have you ever had someone you like? If you dream about the person you like, his facial features, appearance and facial expression will be engraved in your mind like a knife. After graduation, I will try my best to understand each other's situation and find their photos. " Song Wen lowered his head and looked at Lu Siyu with hot eyes. "If he really liked Ji Meiyu in junior high school, he should recognize that the person in front of him might not be his classmate. After all, Ji Meiyun doesn't have that tear mole in the corner of her eye. "

"What is the basis of your judgment?" Lu Siyu raised his head and asked him.

"I think Zhao Yuliang probably knows. He should have found out Ji Meiyun's mistake long ago." Song Wendao.

"Do you think Zhao Yuliang knows? "Lu Siyu asked, biting his finger.

As for the name, Ji Meiyun may be using her sister's Internet contact information to talk with other people. After we met, we were all called Ji Meiyu's nickname beauty. So some people don't know that she is not a classmate.

Zhang Dongmei is not her teacher, she and Zhang Dongmei did not have much direct contact in the past, her reaction is not like a student who killed her teacher, so she can muddle through the layers of inquiry.

A lot of things she heard, not her own experience, can not describe very empathy.

In her mind, the first step is to transform her identity and then describe it.

This may also be something that Lu Siyu thinks Ji Meiyun is wrong, because in the description just now, she is talking about her sister's experience.

What's more, Ji Meiyun and Ji Meiyu are originally sisters of the same school. They are like two bright flowers born side by side. They are similar in appearance, and they will confide in each other in the middle of the night.

This is a very scary question. When students get together, can you be sure that the person sitting next to you and smiling at you is the one in your class?

College or high school reunion, you may have an impression of each other, but primary school, junior high school With the passage of time, many names have long been unclear.

Time will fade everything, memory will be blurred, appearance will change slowly.

Soon, several photos were sent, and the two sisters really look very similar. Song Wen enlarges their photos, looks at them carefully, and concludes: "it's Ji Meiyun who's here today. There's nothing wrong with that. Ji Meiyu has a tear mole under her right eye. Her forehead is a little wider than her sister's, and her chin is a little shorter than her sister's. However, these features may not be distinguished in the eyes of students who have not seen them for many years. "

After thinking about it, he sent another voice on wechat: "Zhu Xiao, please check the ID photos of Ji Meiyu and Ji Meiyun. I'd like to have photos of my junior high school and adult ID cards, respectively. "

"Ji Meiyu..." Song Wen pointed to a name on the list, "my sister's name is Ji Meiyu."

Tan Shan, Zhao Yuliang, Qian Jiang, Meng Tiantian These are the people they contacted and interrogated tonight. Originally they and these people are strangers, but after today's night, they are already very familiar with those names.

Song Wen takes his mobile phone to Lu Siyu, and they check it together, one by one.

Just two minutes later, a list was sent to Song Wen's mobile phone.

"Good!" Zhu Xiaoben was waiting in front of the computer at any time tonight. At this time, he got the order and quickly began to tap the keyboard. The student directory is not confidential information, and it is easy to find it after the electronic status of students.

"What should her sister be called..." Song Wen quickly dialed Zhu Xiao's phone, "Zhu Xiao, you can change the names of all the students in the class of teacher Zhang Dongmei who graduated from Nancheng junior high school ten years ago." ~_ ~Jamie Da xs63Since they took over the case, subjectively, they locked the suspects in these parties, checked the basic information of these people in a hurry, and found that there was no criminal record, so they did not dig further. Name ID number,

, Song Wen opened the previous record table to check, and everyone had simple information, including name, age, gender, mobile phone number, ID card number, address, etc. Zhang Ziqi asked everyone to fill in those after the crime. By the time they arrived, the work had been completed. Ji Meiyun's information was written on the last one, so no one found the abnormality, or someone found it and didn't expose it.

Lu Si whispered: "because she and her sister are close sisters. They look very similar. We haven't seen each other for many years. In the whole process, they are all calling her beauty..." That simple nickname has long taken the place of sister's tongue twister.

Song Wen asked, "why didn't the other students point out this?"

Lu Siyu thought for a while and shook his head: "the ID card will not be forged. Zhang Ziqi recorded it on the ID card before. It's very possible that Ji Meiyun is the name of her sister."

But memory may be wrong, people may lie, the real reality may not match what they see. If Ji Meiyun is not a student in this class, but a real murderer, she is obviously taking advantage of this and hiding her identity.

The teacher-student relationship confessed from the beginning is the basis of this case, and they naturally enter the misunderstanding that these people are classmates!

Such an interrogation process relies more on the confessions of these people, which can give them more information and outline the relationship among the characters, but also mislead them.

Today, at this special time, special place, damaged material evidence, and unable to conduct forensic autopsy, they can only conduct informal pre-trial here, and many steps have been simplified.

Song Wen also thought of a possibility. He frowned and said, "you mean it's not Ji Meiyun who came to the party tonight, but her sister?"

Lu Si language coagulates eyebrow for a moment, suddenly open a way: "I want to understand! Perhaps, we are not in front of the girl of that year! "

But Ji Meiyun's description is like a bystander.

When something like that happened, I was forced to kill my child. For a woman, it was a great injury. There should be an unforgettable memory

Song Wenwen couldn't figure out the problem. At this time, when he said it, he also found that it was wrong. Ji Meiyun's story was very sad, but her description in the first half of the journey was a little understated.

Lu Siyu frowned and his eyelashes trembled, thinking about how to describe the feeling: "it's just That is She seems to hate Zhang Dongmei, but what she said is not so strong, like other people When she talks about Zhang Dongmei, she has a feeling that I can't tell. "

"What's the problem?" Song Wen asked.

Lu Siyu thought for a moment, licked his lower lip and said, "do you think there are some problems in Ji Meiyun's narration just now?"

Song Wen straightened up, lowered his head and said, "but what's Ji Meiyun's motive for killing Is it because of blackmail or revenge for her past? "

Zhang Dongmei's fall is not small. Zhao Yuliang is on the rooftop. He undoubtedly sees or hears something. He may also be lying, or even an accomplice.

"But according to Zhao Yuliang's testimony..." Song Wen himself said half a sentence, suddenly responded, "no, before Tan Shan said, when they first played big adventure, Zhao Yuliang said that she liked Ji Meiyun, so his testimony is not credible."

Anyway, they found Ji Meiyun's lies. She must have said it to cover up something. That can be their breakthrough.

Lu Siyu continued to lower her head, biting her nails and concentrating. Her long eyelashes drooped down: "Ji Meiyun lied just now. She always said that she had never been on the roof..."

But surveillance doesn't cheat

She is a bride who is about to get married. At this time, she should not do such a murderous thing.

But why did Ji Meiyun kill her teacher?

The suspicion of Zhao Yuliang and Ji Meiyun suddenly increases, and Ji Meiyun has just been saying that she has not been on the platform, and her lies make her look more suspicious.

She is the last one to get on the roof. Ji Meiyun just said she was flustered. According to the reaction of the shop attendant just now, Ji Meiyun is the fastest person to get down to the scene. Tan Shan follows her closely. It is very likely that, as Tan Shan said, Zhang Dongmei is still alive when she goes down the platform.

Among several people, only Ji Meiyun has been wearing a red windbreaker!

After the red, there is another shadow passing by. This is probably the time when Zhao Yuliang stepped down from the rooftop. According to the current monitoring time, Zhang Dongmei should have been dead and lying downstairs in the bright moon!

Song Wen and Lu Siyu continued to watch and set the speed of monitoring to normal. Half a minute later, the red color flashed by again, and the speed was extremely fast, like running.The red light stopped for a moment at the monitoring place, then it seemed to hesitate to move towards the direction of the roof.

Red is undoubtedly more visible on white than blue and other colors, although it is only a corner.

As time goes by, the moment they almost decide that Tan Shan is the murderer, a red light suddenly appears on the white ground on the screen.

The play button of the video was pressed down again with a click, and both of them were staring at the monitoring picture with breath holding.

And then It's the time to test whether Tan Shan lied.

Today, Tan Shan is wearing blue clothes, and it's water blue. If you don't observe carefully, it's very easy to miss. Fortunately, Song Wen's observation ability is excellent.

Song Wen said, "this is what Tan Shan said. She went down from the rooftop."

Lu Siyu followed Song Wen's eyes. There is a little blue light in the corner of the picture. If it is not for Song Wen's sharp eyes, it can't be seen at all.

"Here!" Song Wen saw this time and pressed the pause button. He suddenly leans down and is very close to Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu can almost hear song Wen's breathing, which makes him lick his lips nervously. But Song Wen doesn't care. He lowers his head, presses his fingers on the keyboard several times, and then enlarges the picture.

The monitor continues to move back.

Song Wen frowned and said, "look at the back first." This image is too blurred to judge. I hope the following image is clear enough.

Lu Siyu thought for a moment and said, "can it be two people, such as Zhang Dongmei and Tan Shan, who will walk there together?"

Lu Siyu pauses and intercepts several pictures. Song Wen squints and looks at them carefully: "I can't see clearly. This shape..."

The video played for another minute, and a shadow appeared again. The shadow appeared very quickly, but it passed in a flash.

Lu Siyu pauses. Song Wen stoops to one side and observes carefully: "look at the shadow. It should be short hair and tall. This may be what Zhao Yuliang said when he goes out."

Finally, a little shadow edge appeared in one corner of the video.

Lu Si language pressed twice speed, then thought about it, and pressed four speed.

"It can be faster." Song Wen said.

Lu Siyu looked at the video carefully. It was like what the store manager said. It was about the financial room and the logistics department in the back. He could see that some waiters were walking around, taking things from inside and coming out.

Monitoring began to play, once recorded electronic data composed of images, constantly changing.

Lu Siyu looks up at Song Wen. From this angle, he can see Song Wen's side face. At this time, he has a serious expression, and his eyes are staring at the monitoring in front of him. The white fluorescence reflected from the monitoring lights up his cheek, which makes him look strong and handsome. It made his heart beat faster for a moment.

Song Wen stroked the back of the swivel chair with one hand and held the table with the other, standing beside Lu Siyu.

Lu Siyu sat on the swivel chair and manipulated it. He quickly confirmed the video of that camera and began to play it.

Song Wen compared the time: "it can be inferred from the previous alarm records, that is to say, we only need to check the monitoring in the corner of the fifth floor from 6:30 to 6:50 in detail."

Because Song Wen had asked the store manager about the surveillance video before, the store manager had already called out several surveillance points in the store. At this time, they heard that they wanted to see the monitoring for verification, so they gave up the whole monitoring room to them.

"Smart!" Song Wen was excited and wanted to hold Lu Siyu in a circle. He looked at Zhang Ziqi, who was standing in the corridor not far away, honestly monitoring the suspects in several rooms. He restrained himself and pointed out, "go, let's go to the store manager to see the monitoring!"

If we can see clearly, the original only auxiliary monitoring can become the decisive evidence of who went to the rooftop, which can make up for the lack of evidence in this case.

Lu Siyu nodded: "but that's just my inference. I hope the definition of the video is high enough to be recognized. "

After painting, song literature immediately understood: "that is to say, we can judge who passed the corridor and went to the roof by the shadow on the ground and the reflection on the wall."

Song Wen looked down at the ground in front of him. They had ignored the environmental factors before. The white and smooth white marble floor tiles were like a huge mirror, from which the hazy reflection was reflected.

Seeing Song Wen puzzled, Lu Siyu licked his lower lip and further explained: "the camera's shooting range can't monitor who goes to the platform, but according to the principle of physical imaging, the lights in the corridor and the white marble ground can reflect some reflections."

Song Wen's eyes moved in the direction of his fingers, but he didn't reflect his meaning for a moment.

Lu Siyu points to the ground in front of him. The floor of the lotus moon building is made of anti-skid and transparent imitation white marble tiles. Then he points to the lamp on one side and the camera in the corner. Under the white environment around him, his handsome face looks more plain white, the color of his lips is thin, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow.The key issue of the case is who has been on that platform. It's like the black box of this case. If you want to know what the truth is, you have to crack the code.

"We have only a few confessions in our hands now. All the criteria for judging are just the description of the parties concerned, and there is no more image data." Lu Siyu continued. In the open and quiet corridor, his cold voice caused a slight echo: "I think we are relying too much on the confession of the suspect now, and some of the current statements are not consistent. I just thought of a method that might be able to identify who boarded that platform tonight... "

On the fifth floor of the lotus moon building, Song Wen and Lu Siyu are standing in the corridor, half a meter apart. Song Wen is stunned by Lu Siyu's words: "how do you want to confirm?"

Ji Meiyun once considered whether to throw away the silk scarf or go to the toilet for cleaning, but she felt that no matter what kind of treatment, it might increase her suspicion. ~_ ~Jamie

she chose a more daring way of covering up and tied the silk scarf back.

She may be only a little bit away from escaping, but the legal net is still wide open

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