Out of the window is the blue and boundless sea. The sea breeze in the air blows by, and the hull rises and falls with it. You can feel the boat moving fast.

Song Wen folded his hands and supported them on his knees, which was a common action in his criminal trial: "from the time you left home, I've checked everything you can. I have to admit, you hide very well. At the beginning, I didn't find many clues. I checked your identity and found nothing

In the final stage of the investigation, Xu Changying fell into a dilemma, surrounded by people who seemed to be reporting for various purposes, the temptation of money, the threat of life, many people can not withstand the test.

Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen and said, "Xu Changying called me at that time to tell me that someone in the police station was passing information to the other party, and he verified the identity of the survivor of my 519 case, so in the end, he chose to pass the information to me."

Xu Changying may be stubborn, and he has had some friction with them, but he is persistent enough and hard enough. He is a good policeman who does his duty and pursues murderers all his life.

This time, Xu Changying found three postcards. It was these three small cards a few years ago. The limited information on them gave them the hope of finding the suspect who had been hiding for more than ten years.

Song Wen, as the team leader, knows how precious it is to be able to find the right way through so many clues.

It can help them to find the real murderer, maybe some tiny details that are easy to be ignored, such as a blood spot, a hair, a leaf, a little sand

There may be 100 kinds of clues in front of us, but ninety-nine of them may be invalid clues and invalid information, which will make people come back in vain.

After many years of investigation, it's like meeting an extremely difficult and unanswered puzzle.

Song Wen sighed and said, "Xu Changying is a good policeman." Now these are just descriptions in Lu Si's language. It's not hard to tell how much effort Xu Changying has made. It takes patience and perseverance to find these clues.

After telling the whole story, Lu Siyu lowered his eyelashes, which trembled.

These are the reasons why he embarked on this journey. He embarked on the road that Xu Changying had not finished. ~_ ~Jamie daxs63

maybe it's someone who was alerted during the investigation, or maybe it's because of the ghost in the police station. Xu Changying didn't have time to find out more information. On the surface, he died in a car accident, but in fact, he was killed by someone behind the scenes.

Finding this person is like finding a key to the past.

In the case of more than ten years ago, many of the parties at that time were dead or old, the memory was faded by time, and most of the clues were obliterated. Only some incomplete evidence was available. The whole search process was extremely difficult. The fourth robber was the one closest to the person behind the scenes at that time.

The time of the phone call is limited. Xu Changying just talks about the process with Lu Siyu, and many of the complements are made by Lu Siyu following the clues he gave.

Lu Siyu licked his lips again: "so Xu Changying suspected that this woman was Wu Hongyou. As soon as he got here, he had not checked Zhang Hongqiao's identity with South Shark Island, so he was killed... "

"Then Xu Changying checked the monitoring in the neighborhood. Fortunately, seven years ago, he installed monitoring in a nearby bank. At that time, the monitoring had to be copied and engraved into CD-ROM. So during that time, he found a woman coming out of the post office to withdraw money from the ATM. After comparing her information in the bank, he confirmed that she was a woman named Zhang Hongqiao on South Shark Island. "

"Xu Changying made sure that it was a middle-aged woman who bought and sent this postcard at that time by asking the people at the post office. The post office in Xinchuan is very close to the port. According to the time when the woman arrived at the post office, we can figure out which boat she took to get there. From this, we can conclude that the person who sent the postcard should live on South Shark Island. "

Lu Siyu nodded: "because of the special time, those postcards are new year's, limited issue, and all have special sales numbers. Xu Changying began to find out where these postcards were delivered. According to the number on the postcard, as well as the postmark and all kinds of information, he confirmed that the postcard was from Xinchuan port, which is the post office near the port where we just started It's from the Bureau. "

Song Wen pondered for a moment and said, "for three years in a row, it's a deliberate practice to have fixed postcards. Presumably, Wu Hongyou didn't dare to contact his family and wanted to tell his family that she was safe. That's why he came up with such a method. She stopped this behavior when her family didn't respond. "

She hid outside all year round and wanted to report peace with her family, so she came up with this method. But what she didn't expect was that her family had already moved and left the old house.

It was the humble fingerprint that made Xu Changying conclude that these postcards were sent by homesick Wu Hongyou.

Some post offices are open all year round. Some people go to the post office to stamp the first day of junior high school. The remote post offices are only open for half a day on the first day of the lunar new year, and relatively few people arrive.Then Lu Siyu explained in detail: "the three postcards did not say who the sender was, but only the receiving address, which was stamped with a postmark. It can be determined that they were sent on the first day of the seventh, eighth and ninth year. On the postcard nine years ago, he found a fingerprint of Wu Hongyou. "

This is crucial evidence, and it is these three postcards that guide him here.

"It's three postcards," Lu said in a deep voice

Song Wen couldn't help asking, "what is it?"

In the tea room, the voice of Lu Si's language was very small, he said here, pause a little.

Lu Si said: "those mail boxes have become furnishings for a long time. At that time, Xu Changying pried open the mailbox with the idea of not letting go of any clues, and found that there were some rubbish and advertisements, as well as other things in it.... "

Outside many residential buildings, there used to be such a mailbox, one for each household, which could deliver newspaper letters. Later, it became a place for many businesses to plug advertisements. Now, with the express into people's lives, many of the mailbox has long been unused.

"According to the police records, Wu Hongyou's family has already moved away, and there are new residents there. Xu Changying insisted on going there with her own eyes. When they were ready to leave, they found a resident mailbox that had been abandoned for many years at the door. "

"After searching many places, Xu Changying paid attention to a clue. He went to the place where Wu Hongyou's family once lived."

"This time, after Xu Changying restarted the 519 case, as we thought at that time, he first started from the case of Wushan nursing home. He soon found Gu Zhibai, but unfortunately, he didn't get anything. So Xu Changying adjusted the investigation direction and began to search the fourth robber who disappeared."

"Since then, this person has been disappearing. Nineteen years ago, a lot of technology was not perfect, and communication was relatively backward. At that time, the police searched many places and failed to find the whereabouts of this woman."

If Wu Hongyou got the stolen money, then she undoubtedly did not need to borrow money from her relatives. It can be seen that the money robbed at that time was not in her hands.

Lu Siyu continued: "the mystery of the 519 case lies in the fact that not only the kidnapper was ripped, the robber died and the money disappeared, but also there are many doubtful points. The police once doubted whether Wu Hongyou, the fourth robber, got the stolen money, but after the 519 case, she borrowed some money from her relatives and fled quickly. All her relatives and friends didn't know where she was going. "

She is also long Jinrong afraid of robbery, left behind by a move.

She was 29 years old. She was a bold and careful woman, so in the whole plan, she could move in and out.

As the mistress of the bandit leader long Jinrong at that time, Wu Hongyou was undoubtedly the best choice.

Presumably, after the hijacking, it is no longer convenient for the robbers to show up again. At this time, they need someone who can be trusted and not suspected for the time being to help them do something.

Lu Siyu said in a soft voice: "the police found that in the kidnapping case at that time, someone was delivering food to the three robbers to pass on external information. And the fourth robber may be one of the robbers' lovers, a woman named Wu Hongyou. "

The fourth robber only exists in the police files and is not known to the public.

Song Wen frowned, and Lu Siyu continued to whisper: "regarding the case of 519, the ad hoc group at that time also conducted other investigations, among which there is another clue, that is, the fourth robber in this case."

But then Xia's disappearance and death made the whole case a mystery.

Lu Siyu nodded: "this is the reason why the 519 ad hoc group investigated the case of Wushan nursing home. They think that the source of the poison at that time may have come from Xia unknown, that is, the person behind the scenes is connected with Xia unknown, or in other words, Xia unknown may have been providing him with medicine before."

Song Wen's heart is clear: "Wushan nursing home, summer unknown."

"The police have been looking for the truth and the people behind the scenes who took all the money. Then they found through autopsy that the robbers had a chronic drug, that is to say, the robbers may have died of poisoning. They searched all over the South City, and a year later, they connected with another case

Song Wen nodded, which was consistent with what he knew about the case.

Lu Siyu tried to stabilize his mood, licked his lower lip and continued: "you should know something about the case at that time. Three robbers kidnapped four hostages of the richest family in Nancheng. That's my father, mother, brother, and me. My parents were tortured to death by the robbers, and several of them died in the villa. My brother is missing, but according to the blood reaction at the scene and the bullet case stained with blood, the robber should have killed him before he died. "

Now he has not only a dog, but also a man, who loves him with all his heart.

In a word, Lu Siyu's eyes are a little wet.

Song Wen whispered: "I know, no matter which wolf, we will accompany you, now you are not alone."Song Wen stares at his handsome face and suddenly reaches out his hand with emotion. He holds Lu Siyu's cold fingers and their fingers overlap.

Perhaps, this is the so-called fate, and it is precisely because of these things that he fell in love with Song Wen again and fell deeply in love step by step.

He also once wondered why a child appeared at the scene of the crime.

Just think of those two words, his cold heart will grow warm.

It was the greatest consolation in his more than 20 years of life. It was the name he would unconsciously call when he dreamt back at midnight. It was the light of hope in despair.

That name, once a light in his life, dispelled the darkness.

He had thought of him countless times, lonely, helpless, confused.

Others will not know what those two words, that person, mean to him.

After so many years, Lu Siyu could not remember what the child looked like, what clothes he was wearing, and how old he was. He only remembered those two words.

Lu Siyu recalled here and lowered his jaw gently: "when I named the dog, I didn't expect to meet you again."

At that time, he realized that he was still alive. Before he fell into a coma, he remembered the name that found him.

Just as he was dying, he felt a warm embrace. Then he heard someone talking and a voice shouting: "wolf, where did you find him?"

When he was about to faint, the cupboard was suddenly opened. He was held in his arms and pulled out of the cupboard.

The cupboard door began to rattle regularly

He was about to starve to death at that time. There was no sound in his throat. He could only push the cabinet door gently with his only strength.

Until one day, he saw a bunch of orange light shining through the crack of the cabinet door into the cabinet, like the warm sun in winter, like the light projected from heaven.

He didn't know exactly how long he had been locked up in it, one day, two days, or three days

It was as if he had fallen into the way of evil spirits and was about to turn into a pool of rotten blood.

Then he thought that he might starve to death in this cupboard.

Because of hunger, hypoglycemia and lack of water, his consciousness became more and more blurred.

All his thoughts were dominated by that feeling, which made him crazy. He kept biting his fingers until the fingertips were bleeding. He kept licking his dry lips, trying to relieve hunger, but it didn't help.

Without food, the stomach began to hurt. No matter how the fingers pressed or how the body curled up, it didn't help. The stomach was as painful as a knife, and the organ seemed to be melting away.

He was very thirsty, but he was able to endure thirst, and hunger was the worst.

At first, he was calm and strong, thinking that someone would come to save him, but later, all kinds of emotions made him collapse.

He can sit, lie and lie, but he can't get out of it.

At the beginning, he was conscious and tried all kinds of ways to get out of the cupboard. He kept kicking the cupboard door and cried for help. But the old villa was so quiet that no one answered him. He suddenly realized that the others were dead.

He was locked up in the cupboard for several days, where it was pitch dark.

That's his last memory of his brother.

He hid in the cupboard, listening to the gunfire outside, and soon everything was quiet.

The cupboard where Lu Siyu lived was very big. At that time, he was pushed by his brother. In a hurry, the elder brother let him hide in the cupboard, and then led the robber's leader away by himself.

In my memory, at that time, the leader of the robber had become a madman. He killed his companions and was looking for them all over the room with guns.

After their parents were tortured to death, there seemed to be some problems among the robbers. The one who was more polite to them opened the rope that bound them and let him and his brother go

After being kidnapped, the robbers gave them some food at first, but later only water.

That day was the day of his death and his rebirth. ~_ ~Jamie Da xs63

Lu Siyu turned his head and looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes. There was water in his eyes: "you don't know what this name means to me. At that time, I suspected that I was dead, and this name is the response of my life. I remember, it was the man who brought me back to earth. It was that embrace that made me gradually understand the reality that I was still alive. "

This was a question that he had been puzzled for a long time. The original sad and serious atmosphere was suddenly broken.

Song Wen's mouth suddenly twitched. He didn't know what expression to use to face the moment when the truth was revealed: "so you named your dog?"

It turns out that Lu Siyu has known for a long time!

His eyes turned to Song Wen and said in a soft voice, "I heard your father call you song Xiaolang."He thought that after so many years and so long of searching for the truth, he should be able to talk about it calmly with others, but it turned out that if he just mentioned it, his heart would be too painful to breathe.

"At that time, I was in the cupboard." Lu Siyu raised his head and looked away. There was a vast sea and a blue sky outside. He couldn't see his head at a glance. The sunshine outside the window was shining on his eyes, but he was more and more lonely.

If that memory is correct, it should be that he found Lu Si language dying in the cupboard. ~_ ~Jamida xs63

"there were six dead, including five dead bodies in the basement, including three robbers and two victims. The eldest son of the couple was later found dead, and only the youngest son was the only survivor of the case. When the police arrived, the body in the basement was half rotten. At that time At the scene, it seems that I once opened a cabinet... " Song Wen said softly.

"My initial understanding was that I had been to the scene of 519. After I graduated from the police academy and came to Nancheng Municipal Bureau, I also had some information." Song wendun looked at Lu Siyu. It was his childhood nightmare, years of nightmare, the dark basement, and the corpses all over his memory.

Lu Siyu did not hide this time, but directly began to tell: "this matter starts from the 519 case. Do you know that this case has not been solved for many years? How much do you know about the case? "

After answering, Lu Wenying asked you, "what is the message? And how did you get here? "

As soon as he was promoted to team leader, he couldn't run out like Lu Siyu. He looked at the people in front of him and said helplessly, "including your affairs, I've asked for leave for you. What can be explained can be explained with the leader. But I guarantee with the Gu bureau that you and Xu Changying are not involved in the case. I just saw the scene of the car accident. I'm in a bad mood. I'll go out for a stroll and go back after a while. For others, we'll discuss later how to deal with them and how to deal with them... "

Song Wendao: "ask for leave..."

Lu Siyu lowered his head to meditate, and then asked him, "how did you get out?"

"I'm not as rich as you are. I've wasted some time." Song Wen said it lightly. At first, boss Cao refused to admit it. He almost didn't tear down the bar.

At this time, Lu Siyu sighed at Song Wen's words. He underestimated Song Wen's ability to collect clues, but he still couldn't believe it: "boss Cao gave you something?"

After investigating the case of the home for the aged, Lu Siyu asked boss Cao to provide him with a piece of information, which was originally prepared for use in case of emergency. Later, Xu Changying had an accident. Lu Siyu's first reaction was to use that set of things.

"Later, I thought that if you go out, you must need a new identity. Then I thought that on the night of the first, the friend you said could find a mobile phone, I retrieved your mobile phone call record, and then contacted boss Cao through that phone number."

Even because of the dissolution of the ad hoc group, he didn't even tell song Cheng the specific information.

This information leads to Xu Changying's death. Lu Siyu, who is on his phone, will no doubt be noticed by the other party.

This is the real reason why Lu Siyu left the Municipal Bureau and chose to investigate alone. Although he had learned about Lu Siyu in the letter he left before, Song Wen was still sour and silent for a moment when he heard this from his own mouth.

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