At this point, the waiter brought their lunch.

For a moment, the middle hall was full of food.

At that time, people who sent SMS did not expect that it was this SMS that made the whole thing more complicated.

Chen Zui was stopped by him and gave a ha ha: "this is a gossip. Discuss it with each other. Don't be so serious! That SMS Maybe it was sent by the store manager or someone. I think the purpose of sending it is to avoid liability. If the girl committed suicide, maybe they think that everyone is happy, so the police don't have to pursue her. "

Song Wen pointed out the loophole in one sentence: "the mobile phone was picked up at the seaside. How can you not take good care of your valuables when swimming?"

Chen Zui said: "the girl probably went out to play by herself. What accident did she encounter? Maybe I went swimming and drowned? "

Amy shook her head. "I haven't heard of it."

Jiang Jiang recalled: "it seems to be surnamed Zhao, Zhao is used in the news."

Chen said: "do you know the girl's name? We don't know if we know this one without name or surname. "

Qiu LAN turned to ask the couple, "don't you often go to the island? Have you not heard of it at all? "

According to the police notice, the search will be carried out with all efforts, but there will also be a time limit for the search. The longer the interval, the less likely it is to be found.

Lu Siyu saw that he was silent. He seemed to know what he thought. He whispered to the crowd, "even if you want to find something in the summer vacation, you can't start it."

Because of this, fugitives like Wu Hongyou have been able to hide on this island for so many years.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly impossible to properly investigate the girl's disappearance.

The island is different from the urban and rural areas. There are many dead corners. It is said that the vast sea water on all sides is enough to make a person disappear. ~_ ~Jamie Da xs63

the nearest branch nearby should be the Xinchuan branch on the shore, but there are only a dozen criminal police, and the police force is limited.

Song Wen was silent when he heard that Nansha Island was an island with few indigenous people. He also checked before he came here that there was no police station on the island. There was only a wharf police office on the wharf. The police on duty were still on duty on several islands, and they were not often here.

Jiang Jiang shook his head and said, "then I'm not sure."

"Is there anything on the island that appeals to her? Or did she fall in love online? It's also possible that Murder for money? " Qiu Lan's brain hole is wide open, asking questions continuously.

Jiang Jiang nodded: "yes, the family members said on the Internet that there are several doubts. The first doubt is the message. The second doubt is that after the girl arrived on the island, she was originally scheduled to return in two days. Later, she changed her departure time twice. She had lived on the island for five days. When she lived here, her family urged her to go back many times, but she didn't leave immediately. The third doubt is that before she went to the island, the girl had exchanged a lot of cash, but among the things she finally picked up, there was only a small amount of cash in her luggage. On this closed island, did she take the money with her or where did she spend it? Or was it robbed? "

Qiu LAN sighed: "but the girl's family can't accept the result, can they?"

"The owner said that as soon as he opened the shop in the morning, he saw her leave the hotel and go to the seaside. Some people on the Internet suspect that the girl has fallen into the pyramid scheme, while others suspect that the girl has met the bad guys. Others suspect that the people in the hotel and the owners are lying together. The news I read only says that the police have confirmed that it has nothing to do with pyramid schemes and are searching for the missing girl. "

Jiang Jiang said: "the police inquired the tourists on the island at that time, the owner of the hotel and other relevant people. They all knew nothing about the girl's whereabouts. According to many people's reaction, the girl was still in the hotel the first day and everything was as usual."

Song Wen couldn't help leaning forward and asked, "what happened to the results of the police investigation?"

Jiang Jiang nodded, and so did the online analysis she had seen before.

Qiu LAN frowned and said: "so Is it possible that this message was not sent by the girl herself? And the person who sent this message didn't know that her father's phone wasn't in her mobile phone address book. "

Outside the cabin, the typhoon has started, and the wind can be heard whining. The sky is half bright, and there is only Jiang Jiang's voice in the middle hall. It tells the story of the missing girl again, which makes people feel chilly for a moment. Lu Si language tight tight tight coat, continue to listen to Jiang Jiang said.

Just like the story Jiang Jiang tells now, if the girl has no motive to commit suicide and has no abnormal behavior before, it is very likely that her last words are not left by herself. I'm afraid that the girl has already suffered an accident for other reasons.

Later, after investigation and inquiry, it turned out that it was the wife of the deceased and the suicide note was forged.

The husband has been drunk, in this case decided to commit suicide, how can also wipe their fingerprints?

When Lu Siyu was an intern, he encountered a case in which a husband committed suicide by burning charcoal after he was drunk and left a suicide note on his desk. At that time, he arrived at the scene and quickly found out that it was actually a homicide. The reason is very simple. There are no fingerprints on the charcoal basin.Those suicides that do not conform to the law of suicide, in the eyes of experienced police, are full of loopholes and doubts.

For example, left-handed people rarely commit suicide with their right hand. People who commit suicide by hanging usually don't use very thin wire or silk thread. If there is blood, the blood usually falls into a line naturally, and rarely splashes everywhere

Many times, because the dead can't speak, and some homicide cases are easy to be disguised as suicide cases, the police need to be able to be observant at this time.

In similar cases, suicide will is not the judgment standard of suicide, it is easy to forge, it is important to explore the psychology of the dead, restore the process of suicide.

No matter what kind of suicide, most of the suicides without mental illness hope to face death calmly.

Generally, people who commit suicide by reason will put on their favorite clothes, eat enough, use soft cloth strips, or a more suitable way. They will try, simulate, think about the process over and over again, and use the usual methods.

For people who commit suicide rationally, suicide is a serious decision. The idea of suicide has been brewing in their minds for a long time, and there are signs.

Rational suicide is a kind of killing intention that germinates gradually. It is purposeful and planned. The process of suicide is very slow and the development cycle is long.

Most of emotional suicide will have obvious conflict stage, which will release the signal of suicide attempt, which is easy to confirm.

The process of suicide is rapid, the development period is short, and it is difficult to prevent.

Emotional suicide is mostly jumping from a building, jumping from a bridge, traffic accidents, etc. before committing suicide, they have encountered some fierce conflicts or major setbacks, and they are carried out in the case of irritability, shame, regret or anger.

Domestic scholars generally divide suicide into emotional suicide and rational suicide.

Suicide related cases often contain many clues, which is the unique death code of suicide.

As the police, how to prevent suicide, how to rescue all kinds of suicide, how to prevent infectious and imitative suicide, this is a complex subject.

Does a person commit suicide? What is the motive of suicide? What is the way of suicide?

In the eyes of ordinary people, suicide is suicide, but the method is different. In their view, there are many ways to commit suicide.

Every few tens of seconds on earth, a person commits suicide.

The so-called suicide is a kind of complex social phenomenon, which refers to the dangerous behavior that individuals intentionally and voluntarily take various means to end their lives under the influence of complex psychological activities.

Lu Siyu once did a project with Wu Qing, which is to analyze all kinds of suicide and disguised suicide cases, and summarize the characteristics of the law.

Hearing this, Song Wen was so absorbed that Lu Siyu opened his eyes. They were keenly aware that the story of the disappearance did not seem simple. The couple also listened attentively. Mr. Su also held his glasses and listened to his students.

Erasing the names of the closest people in the phone book is a way to prevent fraud, and many people do. Obviously, the person who sent the message didn't know that.

Jiang Youjiang said in her parents' address book that she had not copied her name before. In the past, every time she called her family, she would silence the number. And this short message, even her mobile phone takeout ah, express ah and other people have sent, just did not send to her father. Two days before the girl disappeared, she called her parents to share her itinerary. At that time, she was very happy to say that it was fun on the island. How could such a person commit suicide? "

Qiu LAN frowned and couldn't figure out why

Jiang Jiang pursed his lips for a while and then continued to say, "that's It is reasonable to say that the message should be sent to her relatives and friends, but later, according to the girl's parents, she did not inform her father of the message she sent. "

Qiu Lan said: "is there any secret in it? Or what's wrong with the disappearance of the girl? "

Jiang Jiang continued, "I see someone gossiping about it on the Internet, and it seems that the girl's parents exposed some details to the marketing numbers and the media, hoping that people can help find out the truth about the girl's disappearance."

"I don't know. After that, the girl disappeared. No one was alive or dead. The police searched for her for a long time, but they didn't find her."

Qiu LAN blinked and asked, "is that girl suicidal?" It sounds like a standard suicide line.

Jiang Jiang nodded: "yes, this hotel will be full in the peak tourist season. The girl stayed in the happy hotel in the summer. A few days later, the owner of the hotel called the police and said that the girl was missing. Later, in the hotel, the police found the girl's identification and all her luggage. They found the girl's mobile phone at the seaside. The last message on the mobile phone was a short message sent by the girls. Of course, the police did not disclose all the contents of the short message. They only knew that the last sentence was: "sorry, I want to say goodbye to the world."Qiu Lan said: "I know that we ordered there this time. Only that one can book through the Internet. There are about 20 rooms in total. There is another story about this hotel. More than ten years ago, a rich businessman fell in love with the island and thought it was a paradise. He built himself a villa for vacation. At that time, many materials and craftsmen were pulled from far away places. Later, the rich businessman's family was in decline, and one of his descendants thought of the island, so they moved over and said goodbye The villa was changed into a hotel to make a living. "

Jiang Jiang hesitated for a moment and said, "well, I also read the news. At the end of August, when the summer vacation is coming to an end, a girl student who is about the same age as us came to visit the island. At that time, it was the peak season of tourism, and there were more people on the upper reaches of the island. By the way, you know, there's only one bigger B & B hotel on the island, called happiness hotel. All the tourists on the island live there. "

Qiu LAN asked, "tell us something. You can be more careful when you go back."

Several others shook their heads, apparently not sure.

Jiang Jiang said: "it's true. I'm not making up a story, and it's not a long time ago, or the last two months ago. After listening to what my mother said, I searched the news specially. Don't you know? "

These islands, scenic spots, historical sites and so on, often have some rumors, which are spread by people, and it becomes difficult to distinguish between the true and the false. Moreover, the more haunted and the more strange the place is, the more popular the tourism is.

Song Wen asked casually, "is the girl missing? Is it true or is it a rumor? "

Jiang Jiang saw that other people didn't seem to know. After being questioned by Qiu LAN for several times, he hesitated: "my mother told me that there was a girl missing on this island. So at the beginning, she and my father were afraid it was not safe here, so they didn't want me to come. " She also heard from teacher Su that she had been missing in the past before she thought of it.

With this kind of experience, the postgraduate entrance examination can also leave a good impression on the interviewing teachers. In sum, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

This time, they are mainly helping Mr. Su to record data, assist and organize information. Therefore, the expenses of this line are all reimbursed by the school's scientific research funds, which is equivalent to public travel. If Mr. Su finally writes and publishes the paper, they can also sign their names at the back.

For this trip, Qiu Lan's family is full of support.

Qiu LAN is strange: "why?"

When Jiang Jiang heard this, his eyes moved, he looked at Mr. Su and said, "by the way, speaking up When I wanted to come to the island, my mother didn't want me to come. I said that I would go with my teachers and classmates, and she let me come. "

Qiu LAN gave up the idea of swimming.

Then Mr. Su added, "it's October recently, and there are fewer tourists on the island. Even after the typhoon, the seaside here is not very safe. Moreover, the sea is cold and easy to cramp. You'd better not go swimming."

After listening to their arguments, Miss Su began to teach the students: "this is not the main activity area for sharks, but there are still some sharks, such as short snout, long snout and shadow feather sharks. They mostly live on the outer edge of coral reefs, or under 120 meters of water, and occasionally come to the surface. In the past, it was said that there were sharks on the side of the island and some fishermen were missing. That's why the island got its name

Jiang Jiang said: "of course, or how do you think the name of South shark island comes from? How did you pass marine biology? "

Qiu LAN refused to believe: "are you lying to me? This is an offshore island. How can there be sharks? "

Jiang Jiang's eyes gradually widened: "do you dare to go down? I heard that there are sharks in this sea area

Qiu LAN asked Jiang Jiang, "by the way, have you brought your swimsuit? Maybe if the weather gets better, we can go swimming in the sea. "

After the typhoon, the weather will get better. It's sunny for several days in a row. This time, they have seven days on the island. Besides doing some scientific research, they have enough time to have fun.

They checked the latest weather forecast. The typhoon is expected to arrive at Shark Island tonight and will not leave until tomorrow morning. That is to say, they all need to hide in the hotel tonight.

The two girls began to talk about the itinerary of this line.

Lu Siyu was a little seasick after eating, and he didn't want to speak now because he had talked too much with Song Wen before. He put his body on the armrest of the sofa and listened to them quietly.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than half of the journey had passed, the ship swayed more violently, the typhoon finally had some clues, and the sky was gradually dark, not as clear as before.

Song Wen identified it. There was a picture with the sky as its head. It looked like Miss Su.

~_ ~Jamie: there are seven people in the group. It seems that they are all involved.

Then Qiu LAN specially pulled a group called the typhoon exploration group of South Shark Island.

Song Wen didn't have a trumpet to spare at any time, so he could only set up his circle of friends out of sight. He took the initiative to sweep them and added two female students.Song Wen pretended not to know him and swept along. And then a look, the boy is really missing to play a full set, this micro signal is brand new, bound with a mobile phone number, no friends. It's strange that I have to be afraid of adding wechat, so I can go back and even delete it.

~_ ~Jamie Da xs63

but Lu Si Yu didn't say anything, so he took out his mobile phone and opened the QR code for her to scan.

Song Wen looks at this cheerful little girl with a bit of helplessness. She doesn't seem to be going to do any academic research, but she seems to be going to travel. He and Lu Siyu used to have business to do.

Qiu LAN takes out her mobile phone and zazazhaojiao wants to add people's wechat. First she runs to add the couple, and then she turns back to ask Lu Siyu and Song Wen.

After a meal, we became more familiar with each other.

The meal on the boat was just a simple meal. Song Wen was very used to it, but Lu Siyu was very choosy. He frowned and ate half of it at last.

Qiu LAN quickly folded up the tarot cards on the table.

Song Wen looked at the time and found that it was past eleven o'clock.

Amy also nodded to agree with Chen Zui: "even if the girl had reported to her family that she had a good time, it may not be able to prove that she didn't commit suicide. She may also have depression, sudden attack or emotional instability

Several people were chatting here when the ship suddenly moved violently.

"Dear passengers, we are about to enter the stormy area, but we are going to arrive at South Shark Island in 20 minutes."

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