In the room of South Shark Island, Song Wen and Lu Siyu are still watching, and the book has reached the last page.

“…… At that time, I accompanied long Jinrong to the end of his life. At that time, there were several corpses in the basement, which smelled of blood. Long Jinrong was lying in it waiting to die. At that time, he had a high fever, was delirious, and could vomit blood. "

Then the boss muttered: "how many people come to ask about it today?"

"There was one missing." Mentioning this topic, the little boss suddenly changed his face slightly, then quickly waved his hand and said, "but we don't know much about this at the foot of the mountain."

Song Wenmei frowned. He didn't know why he took out the cake alone. He asked: "I heard that there seems to have been a missing girl over there?"

The boss said: "it's a little too much in the peak season, but some people don't stay on the island. When the weather is fine, there are four boats a day. They come first, and they can arrive at ten o'clock. Then they play until five o'clock in the evening and take the last one to Xinchuan. As for staying on the island, most of them are photography lovers who like seabirds, and some students who come to play. It seems that this place is very famous among young people, and many of them are attracted by it. Oh, and the people who came to eat the cake... "

Song Wen asked, "are there many tourists here?"

The boss said with a smile: "yes, you see, our houses are very simple, and you can't live in them. You who come to travel can't even look up to them."

Song Wen nodded: "is there any place on this island that can live besides there?"

The boss handed Song Wen tea eggs and other things: "do you live in happiness hotel?"

Song Wen said with a smile, "it's all fate."

The boss seemed to be a big customer, so he was busy wrapping things in plastic bags for him, and then asked, "it's going to be a typhoon. Do you still come to the island to play? After the morning boat left, I thought there was no business. I wanted to clean it up. I forgot to turn off the tea egg pot. Otherwise, you won't get a hot one. "

Song Wen said: "this kind of shop on the island is really possible. Anyway, the typhoon is coming. Since we see it by the way, we'd better prepare more grain reserves."

Lu Siyu bowed his head and said, "I'm going to the hotel next time. They all said there was a cake shop over there..."

Song Wen said, "five, ten yuan." Then he looked at it again, "Oh, wait a minute, you have some instant noodles, potato chips, water and so on. Let's count them together."

The boss was about to close the stall, but he didn't expect to come to the business: "Oh, brother, you really have vision. My tea eggs are pickled with excellent seabird eggs, which is the price. It's not more than two yuan on land. How many do you want?"

~_ ~"How many tea eggs, boss?" Song Wen asked

Lu Siyu was a little seasick at noon, and the taste of the fast food was a little ordinary, so he didn't eat much. Just now his stomach was a little sore. At this time, he was reminded by song Wenyi and nodded: "I'm a little hungry."

Song Wen knows that Lu Siyu is now trapped in that case and memories. He tries to pull him out. Anyway, they have done their best to get the truth of that year. When they return to Nancheng, what they need to consider is how to face those crimes and catch those murderers.

With two bags on his back, Song Wen poked Lu Si and asked, "are you hungry? You didn't eat much at noon. "

Two people have been walking to the end of the road, Song Wen saw next to a small booth, the boss is packing things outside, are some island souvenirs, beside there is a pickled tea egg rice cooker, is opening.

It's like Lu's cruel words are on the edge of his heart.

It seems that the sky has become low, the scenery in the distance is as clear as a filter, and the coming typhoon is like a disaster.

With the passage of time, the typhoon is getting closer and closer, and the sky is getting dimmer. The sea breeze is blowing fiercely, making bursts of wind, and the vegetation is blowing noisily.

Now, his mood is complicated. Is his brother still alive? If my brother was still alive, where would he be?

In the past decade or so, he sometimes wondered whether he would become a better man than his surviving brother.

At the moment of choice nineteen years ago, my brother left the hope of his last life to him.

But all he was waiting for was a shot

How Lu Siyu hoped that it was a hide and seek, just like countless times before. As long as he covered his eyes and counted to 100, his brother would open the door, hold him out, and then scrape his nose and say, little fool, I knew you were hiding here.

Lu Siyu still remembers that at the end of the day, his brother locked him in the cupboard and led away the robbers.

Mom and dad are so busy, many times, it's my brother who accompanies him.

That's his best brother. Every time he has delicious food, he will leave the best for him. Every time he makes a mistake, he will intercede with his parents. At that time, my brother's performance was even better than that of him. When he met a problem that he couldn't, his brother would tell him. He would rub his hair and call him TASI.Lu Siyu bowed his head.

Without photos, it is impossible to restore the head portrait. Song Wen comforted Lu Si and said, "if your brother is alive, we will find him."

Lu Siyu didn't hear any news about his brother until today.

It seems that from then on, his parents and brother have completely disappeared from his life.

Lu Siyu was silent for a moment and shook his head. He didn't have a picture of his brother. When grandma dealt with the relics, she might have been afraid that he would see the sad pictures of his brother and his parents. She didn't know where to put them. Until the death of his grandmother, he inherited the family property, and never found those things in the past.

Song Wen said, "your brother was older than you at that time. He should be more than ten years old. Do you have a picture of him?"

Lu Siyu nodded.

Song Wen seemed to know what he was thinking. He turned back and asked, "are you thinking about your brother?"

At this point, Lu Siyu suddenly lowered his head and kept silent.

They are in the light, and each other is in the dark. In the South City, there is a dark net that ordinary people can't detect, and those evils breed.

In the process of execution, the planner needs to take other people's hands. He never personally participates in those evil things. Instead, he hides behind those people and takes advantage of them.

Although they had only heard a few words before, from what she said, we can see that there are a large number of people under lady Yu, which is different from that of a small group like long Jinrong.

Song Wen said: "I think fish lady and beluga may be a cooperative relationship It's like a substitute after long Jinrong's death. "

Lu Siyu thought for a moment and said, "there are still some blind spots in our current system."

He continued, "after Xu Changying's death, I have seen the information of the driver who killed him. That person has almost no valid information. The police did not find his driver's license, ID card, car is also a registered scrap □, that is a person who should not exist in the present society. "

Song Wen said: "I think of the person that Zhuo once told us before, fish lady. I feel that those people are related to beluga. The car accident that Christmas pleads guilty to is like the hand of Moby Dick

In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in Nancheng. This man is also changing. He is more hidden and more dangerous. He has learned new knowledge, made use of all kinds of technologies, and the money he got in those years. If in the past he was still a budding young man, now he is the man behind the crime of this city.

~_ ~Jamie Da xs63

as Darwin said in his theory of evolution, the law of the jungle, the fittest survive.

"As for Moby Dick This man is extremely cunning. " As Lu Siyu walked along, he bowed his head and continued, "I feel that he may be involved in more things, such as the things unknown to Xia, such as the things we met recently. Time has changed, and he has become more cunning and dangerous..." He pauses and says, "he's been learning, he's been evolving..."

They walk on the island, surrounded by green vegetation, the trees from time to time there are seabirds flying in the air, but they are not in the mood to enjoy such a beautiful seaside. The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the branches of the tree are bent. At this time, people feel a little nervous about the approaching typhoon.

After so many years, Lu Siyu suddenly found that in his memory, those men's faces were blurred, and they were buried in the villa together. The hatred and pain were left to the living, and the dead should go to heaven or hell.

The other two people, Lu Siyu, also have some impressions. Ankui should be the man in charge of guarding. As for Baizi, the man who finally untied the rope that bound them. At that time, Baizi might have been a conscience finding or a distraction for them. After so many years, Lu Siyu didn't know what Baizi really thought before he died. But anyway, because of this move, he survived.

For long Jinrong, he still has the impression that the ferocious man is the initiator of everything. He has a hot temper, constantly threatening them, intimidating them, and threatening his parents with the lives of him and his brother. Finally, he brutally killed his parents in front of him and his brother.

Lu Siyu tried to calm himself down. He said: "long Jinrong is a bad man. There is no doubt about that. He is extremely cruel and may have antisocial personality. He has killed many people and regarded human life as a piece of grass. But if he had not met Moby Dick, he might have been caught early. He would never have become such a fierce bandit."

In other cases, he can calmly analyze the criminals, while in the case of 519, as the victims and witnesses of the case, those are his enemies.

This case is too different for Lu Si language.

Lu Siyu unconsciously clenched his hands in his pocket. From the beginning of listening to Wu Hongyou, his face became more and more pale. What happened in those years was like a scar. Now the wound has been opened and the blood is dripping.

As he walked, he asked Lu Siyu, "what do you think of the things recorded in the book just now?"Song Wen looked up to the sky and saw that outside the chaotic clouds, some horsetail like cirrus clouds had appeared and gradually thickened into cirrus clouds.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu come out from here. The residence is more than ten minutes' walk away from the happy hotel.

Then Song Wen left his contact information, recorded Li Mingmei's information, and told her to tell him if she thought of anything.

Lu Siyu said thank you. Song Wen put the book into the evidence bag and put it away.

Li Mingmei rubbed her hand full of calluses and lowered her head: "anyway, my cousin has passed away. If this thing can help you, it's the best."

Song Wen said: "Auntie, thank you for your cooperation in our work. The things recorded in this book are very important to us. We must take them away."

Outside the window, the typhoon is coming. It's time for the sun to shine in the afternoon, but the sky turns gray and yellow. The gale is blowing, and the door of the house is clanging.

Lu Si language bowed his head, he had never felt so close to his enemies. But knowing the truth, he still didn't know the identity of Moby Dick and who the man was.

It's a pity that they are all a little late

And the planner beluga, I'm afraid, has been looking for this woman for several years.

If it wasn't for Xu Changying's accidental discovery, the police might not have found Wu Hongyou's life.

Wu Hongyou fled after the crime and hid on this remote island. She is not only to avoid the police, but also to avoid the Moby Dick, because she is the only surviving witness in the 519 case. She has seen the face of the Moby Dick. Even if Moby Dick didn't react at that time, he would want to understand the link afterwards.

At that time, Moby Dick undoubtedly had a detailed understanding before he chose long Jinrong as his puppet, just as he chose Xia unknown. In that case, he undoubtedly knew the existence of Wu Hongyou, but he probably didn't think that long Jinrong secretly sued Wu Hongyou and involved her in the 519 case, but Wu Hongyou knew it by accident What a man does, he also sees his face.

After they finished reading the diary, Li Mingmei said, "my cousin has been telling me for so many years that she feels like she's living in a nightmare. She also said that when she was young, she was greedy for pleasure, blindly believed in love and did a lot of wrong things. She is willing to repent and make up for it as much as possible. She has always been very afraid, saying that she has seen a man's face, but at that moment, she can't go back to the normal society That man might find her and kill her. "

The horror of that man From the beginning to the end, he was hiding in the dark. No matter long Jinrong or other people, they probably didn't know his details.

Until now, the book in their hands is a direct evidence of Moby Dick's involvement in those cases.

As the case goes on, the police have been circling around the periphery. They can only prove that the man code named Moby Dick is not their illusion. This man is indirectly related to several cases.

This person is also the cause of the death of several police officers in that year, Wu Qing's disability in both legs, song Cheng's order to dissolve the ad hoc group and suspend the investigation, and Xu Changying's death

Not only the 519 case, but also the Wushan nursing home, many doubtful cases and unsolved cases, all have something to do with this man.

Song Wen also manages all kinds of relationships in his mind. The man who has planned so many robberies may have been rich for a long time. He has planned the whole kidnapping case, poisoned the robber and took the stolen money. Undoubtedly, he is the real behind the scenes killer.

If Nancheng is a deep sea, then those ordinary people are like swimming fish in the sea, and this person is a monster hiding in the bottom of the sea.

He couldn't help thinking of the Bible saying: "I saw another beast coming up from the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, ten crowns on the horns, and blasphemous names on the heads."

Lu Siyu suddenly understood why Wu Qing and song Cheng named this man "Moby Dick".

He despises the rules of human beings and is ruthless, but at the same time, he is thoughtful and cruel.

He seems to have no sense of morality, no concept of right and wrong. He regards crime as a work of art and murder as a boring pastime. He is proud of it for making money.

He made murders, murdered people, planned robberies and helped people get rid of crimes.

Moby Dick, from the past to the present, the police know little about him. It seems that he has been hiding behind those cruel murderers and strange mystery cases, like a fog, like a ghost, like a monster in the deep sea.

There are experts in all walks of life. If a person is born with evil in nature, and has a smart mind, but uses all his abilities to plan evil and sell death, what a terrible person and what a terrible thing it will be?

What is really frightening is not the knife in the hand of the murderer, but the invisible man who can control life and death.

~_ ~Jamie put down his book and fell into meditation. Song Wen was speechless for a while. They were all digesting this strange story.At the end of the record, there was no more text.

"My health is getting worse and worse. I think I may not live long..."

"I'm not afraid of long Jinrong. Long Jinrong carries so many lives and kills so many people, but I'm afraid of that man. After all these years, I can't help shivering when I think of that man, what he did and his face. "

"Because in long Jinrong's description of me, that man is the real devil..."

"I saw at that time that it was a tall and thin young man. The man was not ugly, but after I knew what he did, I only had deep fear of him. At that time, I was hiding in the grass, especially afraid of I'm especially afraid that he will find me

Then Lu Siyu continued to watch

Or Is it possible that my brother is still alive?

But he never thought that his brother's body was taken away by the man.

There are a lot of brother's blood stains in the villa, as well as the cartridge case with his blood stains. With that amount of bleeding, a child can't survive without professional treatment.

Lu Siyu saw this and frowned deeply. In the police report and the information he got, his brother was listed as missing at first, and died a few years after the inquiry failed.

"At that time, I watched long Jinrong swallow his last breath. Then looking at the bodies everywhere, I was scared. I had just walked out of the villa when I heard footsteps. I fell in the grass in a hurry. I saw a tall and thin man enter the villa. Five minutes later, he came out, took the money suitcase and a child away... "

"He knew that he was going to die, so he told me to leave as soon as possible and walk as far as possible. He didn't let me move the money, because once the money was moved, the planner would stare at me. Compared with the police, he felt that the man who was more terrible was the planner."

"He said That man is a natural criminal. All environment, time, age, weather and even passers-by can be taken into consideration by him. He can become a tool for his crime, robbery and murder. "

"And that man is the most terrible person he has ever met in his life. It's hard for me to imagine that he's such a fierce bandit who doesn't blink an eye. He's such a fearless person. "

"Long Jinrong said that he didn't react until he was dying. From the beginning, he fell into a man's trap. He thought he was right. In fact, he was just a shark caught in a net. He's completely controlled and used by that man. "

"Who else asked?" Song Wen frowned and asked. He hung down his hand and waited for the boss to continue.

"Just over half an hour ago, a middle-aged man with glasses came to ask." The boss said.

Lu Siyu and Song Wen look at each other. This description sounds like teacher su.

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