"At present, our investigation is still in progress." As Lu Siyu said, he projected data on the projection, and could see some of the file packages they sorted out, including all kinds of data, images, images, forms, etc. from small to large.

In recent days, he and Song Wen sorted out several confessions and made numerous phone calls to fill in the information.

Song Wen said: "we learned about Xia's complex of falling in love with her father. We focused on the male teacher she had contact with at school. Then I found out the teacher's death. What makes me think there is something strange about the teacher's death is that on the forum of that school, someone wrote ten strange stories about the campus, which mentioned it. "

Xu youyou asked curiously, "how did you find it?"

It seems that the two cases happened in completely different places and at different times, which is hard to associate with each other.

Song Wen was afraid that Lu Siyu would have a sore throat if he spoke too much today. He answered and helped him explain: "because this incident was regarded as an accident at that time, the teacher's family didn't want to mention it too much, and the school also blocked the news. Therefore, when the case happened in Wushan nursing home, the police made a routine visit to the school and did not reflect this in the record. Even I suspect that the people they asked did not tell this story. A few insiders thought that the teacher was dead, and they did not think that he might have anything to do with what Xia did later. "

Xu you is a little strange, "why didn't I see this in the previous report?"

"I wonder if Xia had anything to do with this teacher? And does the teacher's death have anything to do with her? " Case analysis heard here, Du Yong immediately associated with these.

If he ever betrayed Xia unknown

Song Wen added: "this teacher has a wife and children. But in school, he is really closer to Xia unknown. "

Such a teacher, nature and Xia unknown relationship is very close. Combined with the previous analysis of Xia unknown, the death of this man is more complicated.

Lu Siyu nodded: "this teacher just taught Xia unknown. Xia unknown's achievement is the highest in all her subjects, and also among the best in her class."

Xu youyou recorded a meal: "is it after the period when Xia unknown almost dropped out of school?"

"An anatomy teacher, unfortunately drowned."

Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen and continued, "in the process of searching for information with song team, we found an accident that happened in that year. It happened more than 20 years ago, just after Xia unknown was found."

"At the beginning, I just doubted whether it had something to do with Moby Dick, but now, we have analyzed more characteristics of Xia unknown. We know that leaving school is a way for her to escape from boredom. And then we made some new discoveries. "

"I once had a doubt when I looked at Xia unknown archives for the first time. In the year of her senior internship, Xia didn't know what happened. She once left school, almost dropped out of school, and was found by her family. After she returned to school, all the other students went to major hospitals, but she was assigned to this nursing home. It was this situation that changed her life. "

"The focus of our current investigation is on the period before Xia graduated from university. We are investigating whether there is No. 1 case unknown to the police. The first case not found by the police often makes serial killers have no fear. "

"So, what made her change, that is, become stronger?"

Seeing that everyone understood what he had analyzed, Lu Siyu continued: "Xia unknown is dissatisfied with the world. Her way of fighting in the early stage is to stay away from the world she hates. She likes to be alone and has run away several times. The reason for her escape is that she is not strong enough. Once she thinks she is strong enough and her spirit is tortured, this disgust turns into killing intention, which leads to killing. "

This kind of feeling makes Xu you feel incredible and even shivering. -Jamilda xs63

she has never been so close to this woman as she is now.

The analysis of Lu Si language helps her to see the most primitive desire of Xia unknown.

Xu you feels that his understanding of Xia unknown is from the inside out, layer upon layer.

She stood there, like a shadow, but very real.

Xia is gentle and shallow. It looks like a beautiful flower, but it is full of blazing poison.

When Lu Siyu gradually constructed everything in Xia's life, the woman also lived in their mind. Let them to Xia unknown why to kill, and how to come to this step, also have a different understanding.

Several other members of the ad hoc group also nodded when they heard these analyses and deductions. All the arguments were well founded, and even some conclusions were convincing that there were two or three pieces of evidence pointing at the same time. These also well supplement the blank of the previous investigation document of Xia unknown by the ad hoc group.Xia unknown life, her murder motive, in his analysis and investigation, there is no escape.

This is what she has never learned after reading textbooks and listening to lectures. She thinks that it is not enough to use simple intelligence to explain Lu Si language. The world in this person's eyes, or the people in his eyes, is not the same dimension as ordinary people. He is like an observer, with the ability to explore the heart of the murderer.

Xu youyou doesn't know how to describe his surprise when he can sort out and analyze many seemingly unrelated pieces of information more than 20 years ago.

Until now, Xu youyou has finally understood what Lu Siyu originally said. She also understood why Song Wen always appreciated Lu Si language.

She looked at him gradually from indifference to excitement, then admiration and admiration.

In Lu Siyu's narration, Xu youyou has been quietly listening to him combing Xia's unknown life.

Lu Siyu put down his whiteboard pen and looked at the people in front of him. His eyes were cold and sharp: "all the representation phenomena are the result of the projection of human heart."

After giving some examples, Lu Si summed up: "when you know enough about her and summarize enough rules, you can judge and supplement her behavior according to the known information. Unreasonable things can be our doubts. Reasonable things can help us find out her intention of killing and her origin. "

-Jamida xs63

"Xia didn't know that her childhood was fragmented, so she put a lot of emotion into her students."

"One of the dead was Bai Luorui's grandmother, who obviously did not meet the criteria for Xia unknown to select the victim. I think her death is the intersection of bailuorui and Xia unknown. It may be a transaction

"For example, the dead, this, and this." Lu Siyu spoke and drew a circle on several names.

"From the above inference, we can draw a conclusion that there are certain criteria and basis for the selection of her homicide targets. At this time, we can find some targets that obviously do not meet her selection criteria. Then we can reasonably doubt whether there are some problems with these objects, or whether there are other people's participation. "

"Based on these analyses, we can know why she abused the elderly in the nursing home, especially the elderly men. Because in her mind, those men are her father's substitutes. Subconsciously, she is repeatedly torturing and killing her father. "

"So we go back to Xia unknown's disgust for her father, and then we visit him again. We find that his father once had a short-term infidelity in his middle age, but her mother chose to forgive him, so everything makes sense. As a result, she resents her father even more, and even blames her cowardly mother. "

"Among these things, we can see. Although she looks soft, she has a bottom line. No matter how close relatives, friends or people are, once she fails to fulfill her promise, she will be regarded as betraying. In her opinion, it is unforgivable and unacceptable. "

"The relationship between the two girls deteriorated quickly in college. According to her roommate's recollection, the reason was that they had an appointment to go out together. Xia Weiwei repeatedly stressed not to be late, but the girl was late, so they had a quarrel. "

"I promised to buy her schoolbag, but I didn't cash it in the end. In my mother's eyes, this may be a trivial matter, but for Xia unknown, it's obviously not."

"When Xia was a child, he once left home for a short time. We inquired about her relatives, and the other party's testimony was that it was only because of a very small thing. At that time, Xia didn't get the first place in the exam. Originally, her mother promised to reward her with a schoolbag, but at that time, her mother was busy and didn't buy it for her, so she ran away from home. Later, she was found in a small park not far from home. "

Lu Si's voice continued: "the above analysis is just the origin of Xia's unknown evil. We can also understand what she can't tolerate the most."

"And why is she so hostile to her father? In addition to her father's abuse when she was young and the drag when she was old, there are other reasons

Lu Siyu took out several questionnaires of the victims: "later, Xia's father was seriously ill and became a drag on the family for a long time. Therefore, in her abuse of the elderly, the male victims are far more than the female victims. "

"This conclusion is inferred from the knot she tied the old man's hand, and the forum post bar she had been to. At first, the police regarded this binding method as a variant of the surgical knot, but in fact, it is a knot in the rope technique, which originated from a well-known restricted film in Japan. Later, some people began to imitate this kind of knot in China, and it was popular in a small circle. "

"In addition to liking these, she has a certain sadi tendency, which is what we often call sadistic love. And Xia is not only sadi, but also masochi. ""In reality, she does like older, secure men, and the objects of secret love are obviously older than her age. This is also related to the fact that she suffered from her father's abuse when she was a child. She hopes that her lover can replace her father's strictness and punishment with love and give her care and love. "

"We got the loan list of Xia unknown high school library. Among them, there are many world famous books. The longest books are Jane Eyre, Lolita and Emma. She also published a review of Jane Eyre in that year's school journal, in which her love for men is beyond expression. What these three books have in common is the huge age gap between male and female owners, and what she brings in is the identity of a girl. I think these facts show that she has an Oedipus plot. "

Lu Siyu said here and sorted out a few more materials: "here is another characteristic of her. She likes reading books and used to go to the school library when she was in junior high school. She once had a high school girl who had a good relationship with her, but later because she was admitted to university, they no longer contacted each other. According to her friend's memories, Xia's first secret love object was a middle-aged man, a biology teacher in his class. "

At this point, Xu youyou nodded his head to show his understanding. Not only is Xia unknown, but many abnormal killers have such characteristics.

"It can be said that these are her yearning and expectation."

"She loved to wear red clothes and pearl accessories since she was a child. But her love is different from that of ordinary people. In her cognition, red represents blood, and the material of pearl is close to bone. She knew her hobby from a very early age, so she chose to study medicine in order to cover it up. "

"She has a strong interest in biology and anatomy since childhood. She is not afraid of corpses and dares to play outside the hospital morgue. She was once a representative of biology class. In the information we can find, she was in charge of hands-on dissection. This has continued since she went to medical school. "

Lu Siyu said here with a calm face and said, "in fact, I think she is appreciating the wound."

Lu Siyu took out two more pieces of information: "in primary school, one of her classmates accidentally fell, causing a serious fracture. The other children were afraid to run away. Only Xia unknown comforted her classmates. For this reason, she won the recognition of the school and teachers. Similarly, during the first visit in the nursing home, the nurses also mentioned that they could do a lot of dressing for wounds, but Xia was enthusiastic to help them. It seems that Xia is a kind-hearted person who likes to help others

"Xia's mother bought medicine in the pharmacy outside the hospital, so she was often taken to the pharmacy when she was a child. But her favorite way to kill time is to go to the hospital, sit outside the emergency room and watch the doctors rescue patients."

When Xu you heard this, he nodded. These are relatively simple and easy to understand.

While looking at the materials, Lu Siyu said: "on Xia unknown's left arm, there are several cigarette end scalded scars. You can see them by lifting up her sleeve. So even in summer, she likes to wear long sleeve clothes. From this, we can infer that she was abused by her parents when she was a child. Most of the abuse came from her father because his father had the habit of smoking. She felt that these scars were very shameful and unforgettable. The shadow of her childhood foreshadowed her later behavior. "

"I have collected data about this woman several times, first in the case of Wushan nursing home, and then in the case of 519, but those are far from enough. Recently, I am making further supplements to the data, and every time there will be new discoveries."

Lu Siyu did not answer Xu youyou directly, but looked at the next song Wen. Song Wen nodded at him, and Lu Siyu said, "then I'll interpret this information to find out the origin of her maltreatment and killing."

Xu youyou has always been a straightforward girl and asked her face to face at the meeting.

But it seems that every step has been taken. She feels that some of the events are meaningless nonsense. The so-called backtracking will take a lot of time, but it is likely to be useless.

When she first heard about the plan, she was a little surprised and shocked.

Xu youyou continued to ask him: "for example, she likes to sit by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, and doesn't like to communicate with people. She likes to read books. She often goes to the library to borrow books. She also gets her high school reading list. Even if we know this, how can we solve the case? "

Lu Siyu raised his head to answer her: "of course, these materials are related to the case. These materials reflect her behavior pattern, which contains all the truth and gestates her intention to kill."

"What you said sounds very mysterious..." Xu youyou frowned and said, "but how can it help us to understand Xia's unknown life and find Moby Dick? What can these materials tell us? "

"The real beluga is hiding among these people." Lu Siyu said that he finished his speech. He lowered his head to sort out the information and was ready to sit back.

"Her family, relatives, elders, neighbors from childhood to adulthood, classmates from primary school, roommates, teachers, colleagues after work, landlords This list is still in the process of statistics, and the number of people is constantly increasing... "Then Lu Siyu took out a list, which was divided into categories, that is, all the social networks of Xia unknown.

Speaking of this, Lu Siyu looks up at Xia's photos. For him, she is no longer a dead bone lying in a box, but a living person with her own joys and sorrows, her own principles and standards.

"All this information helps us get to know her. When we know all that we can know, and then we can transform these contents into fragments one by one, we can gradually piece together a complete human form

"What she likes to eat, what she likes to wear, what courses she is good at, what books she reads..."

"What's going on in her, what's going on in her family, what's going on in her surroundings, what's going on in the whole city, what's going on in the whole country."

Lu Si's clear voice continued: "how many things and people will a person encounter from childhood to childhood, youth and adulthood, what kind of social relations and personality will they form? It's going to be refined every year, every quarter, every month. "

And these are just the beginning, far from the end.

Lu Siyu nodded, drank a little water while Song Wen was talking, licked his lower lip and continued: "the teacher went to the anatomy building to get something after he was drunk at night and drowned in the corpse pool."

This way of death, coupled with the tone of Shanglu's language, made people feel cold behind.

Then Lu Siyu said, "but now it's just a suspected relationship. After all, it was more than 20 years ago. Team song and I are going to visit the medical college tomorrow morning." -Jamilda-xs63

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