Autumn wind blowing through the old corridor, issued a wind song. The temperature of this dark and unused anatomy building is several degrees lower than that outside.

This building is obviously some years old, the floor is cement, no tile.

With Lu Siyu's hand, Song Wen saw that his mobile phone was on the wall. There was a notice board of the staff on duty. The first few columns were tutors, and the last column had a separate picture. It was a young man, mediocre and fierce. His name was written below, but because of the age, some wear and tear, you can still vaguely see the name It's Shao Jintang.

Lu Siyu suddenly stopped: "I seem to know who that person is..."

Three people looked in the basement again, except for those corpse pools, other places were already empty.

When Lu Siyu heard these words, his action suddenly stopped. It seems that he was right by Song Wen. This man really has something to do with Yu Huizhi's last words.

Hearing this, Zheng Huai'an seemed to think of something. He frowned and recalled: "he always sat at the door of the anatomy building. At that time, it seemed that the students gave him a nickname, which was called the gatekeeper of hell. It seemed that he liked the name very much..."

Song Wen continued to inspire him: "what did you call him when you were in school? Does he have any code or nickname? "

Principal Zheng thought for a while and then said, "don't be too frustrated. After the merger of the school, all the staff files have been collected in one place In this way, I'll contact you to see if you can find the relevant information of this person... "

That man When he stayed in the anatomy building, he felt like home instead of fear He is like Quasimodo in the bell tower, guarding her goddess silently.

At that time, the transportation of corpses was calculated on a per trip basis. The man drove a small broken car and went to a hospital, a nursing home or a funeral home alone. Sometimes the corpses are carried down from the upstairs, transported back to the school, cleaned and soaked in the corpse pool.

It's a brave, physical job with a meager income.

Principal Zheng was embarrassed: "this I don't know his name This is a corpse carrier. He is doing the lowest job. Although he is always smiling, the students are afraid of him and can't avoid him at ordinary times. "

Song Wen continued to ask: "so, principal Zheng, do you know his name? Where did he go afterwards? "

Principal Zheng recalled, "at that time, there was a young man who was responsible for registration and management of corpses. Every time we had a class, we asked him for corpses. If there is a hospital or where there is a body, he will be informed to bring it. When it's all right, he sits at the door of the anatomy building... "

"Yes, very important!" Song Wen also understood, turned his head and asked Zheng Huai'an, "what do you remember about this man?"

Principal Zheng didn't know what key clues he had revealed just now. Looking at the two policemen, he got excited and said blankly, "is this person very important?"

Elderly people often die in nursing homes. When the body is relatively complete, it is this person who agrees to donate the body. Therefore, he is not on the list of the homes for the aged, but he knows most of the leaders and doctors of the homes for the aged. He can go in and out of the homes at will and will not be suspected by people.

Lu Siyu took a deep breath. "What's more, that person can use this identity to enter and leave the Wushan nursing home."

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this is the missing piece in their previous jigsaw puzzle. Now a complete picture has been formed.

Lu Siyu said to Song Wen: "this person has a special identity. He is not a teacher. He is not necessarily a regular school worker, but a temporary worker. Therefore, he is not on the staff's list. But this person can go to medical school every day. He knows Xia unknown, or he may love her... "

Principal Zheng shook his head: "no, I remember that man was a corpse carrier, not even a school worker."

Song Wen asked Zheng Huai'an, "is that person's name on the form?"

Principal Zheng thought about it and said, "it seems that There is such a man Tall We don't talk to him very much, but Xia is very familiar with him. "

"The person in charge of the anatomy building? A teacher from the dean's office? " Zheng Huaian asked him. "No," Lu Siyu shook his head, "the lower class people, he is poor, unremarkable, strong, easy to be ignored..."

Lu Si language just withdrew a few steps and came to a safe place. He suddenly turned his head and asked Zheng Huai'an, "Xia unknown often comes to dissect the building, is he familiar with the person in charge here?"

Although there's no liquid under it for a long time, it's not particularly high, but it's dangerous to fall down, and it's very disgusting.

Song Wen suddenly stopped him and said, "be careful, the iron net is rusty. Don't fall down."

There was darkness ahead. Lu Siyu stood up and was about to move on.If this is the first case, if Miss Qiu died of homicide instead of accident, Xia unknown must have an accomplice, and this accomplice is willing to accompany her to kill and keep a secret for her.

But If you want to push an adult man into such a pool, she can't do it as a woman.

The fact that the police didn't pursue her led to her killing in the nursing home.

Maybe it was this murder that made her feel the pleasure of killing.

In Xia unknown's cognition, this is a revenge murder that will not leave any trace and evidence.

All this happened in the anatomy building in the middle of the night. After Mr. Qiu drank, there was no evidence to prove whether he fell or was thrown.

Lu Siyu thinks that there are more parts of reasoning, but everything is logical, especially in line with Xia unknown's brain thinking logic.

The time interval is too far, the real situation is not known.

"Maybe she is pregnant with your child, but you are not willing to divorce for her. You slander her with words, then ask her to kill her child, and then break up with her. That kind of thing is enough to stimulate her to do crazy things..."

"Why does she want to kill you?" Lu Si's voice was very light, like talking to himself or asking him.

Lu Siyu squatted down. He seemed to see the corpse through the iron net. Unlike other corpses, only the corpse was fresh and dressed. His eyes were open, soaked in some turbid water, his whole body was swollen, his mouth was slightly open, it seemed that he wanted to talk about something.

It was dark and windless here, but Lu Siyu felt as if an evil wind had swept up from his feet. It was full of blood, heavy and suffocating.

After his death, the body quickly mixed with other bodies.

Mr. Qiu didn't come here for no reason. He must have been invited by her. At that time, she should have got something to do with him. Then Mr. Qiu was coerced to come here.

She was standing here, holding the long hook for the body and pressing him down again and again. His hand caught the iron net under her feet and was scratched. She tormented him repeatedly and forced him down with the hook until he could not struggle and did not move.

She enjoys this feeling, the pleasure of nerve is far greater than the pleasure of heart.

At that time, she no longer regarded him as a lover, he was just a betrayer.

Xia unknown standing on the iron net, indifferent expression, watching him struggle, cry for help. His body soaked in the cold water, paddled his arms, issued a clatter of water sound, reaching out to touch the bodies are soaked to the hard. He was terrified. Every time he struggled to float up, he had to choke on several mouthfuls of liquid medicine. Those were formalin soaked in the body, which would burn the internal organs and make people sick.

Lu Siyu seems to have heard the man's cry for help, which reverberates in the open and quiet basement.

At that time, Xia unknown should be like this, watching the teacher named Qiu drown in this pool.

More than 20 years have passed, and now no more evidence can be found here, but if he is right about Xia's profile

The body was cremated in a hurry, and the police did not find any new clues. After a period of delay, it was determined that it was a drowning accident.

Both the school authorities and their families felt that the case was a scandal. They were eager to make peace, and they may have run away from it.

According to her story, she was reading alone in the study room of the library that night. She didn't go back to the dormitory until the library was close. Police do not know the specific time of Miss Qiu's death, can not determine whether she is related to the circumstances of the case. But Lu Siyu judged that she should have enough time to commit a crime.

That night, Xia didn't come back to his bedroom until very late. Later, as a student close to Miss Qiu, she also made a simple confession.

The day when Mr. Qiu drowned was the night after Xia returned to school.

Before they came, they looked through the autopsy records of that year. There was alcohol in the stomach of the corpse, and a lot of formalin drowning liquid. There were some scars on the hands, which were traces of struggle. There were also some scratches on the body that were caught by hooks. At that time, the forensic couldn't determine whether the wounds were caused by the students later when they picked up the corpse. But Lu Siyu thinks that even if the corpse was hooked accidentally, there would not be too many marks on it. However, in the photo, the marks on the back of the corpse are obviously more than those of other corpses soaking in the pool.

The nerve in the brain is jumping, there is a little pain, as if there is an answer ready to come out

As time and space turned back, Lu Siyu looked down. It seemed that his feet suddenly turned into a sea of corpses. Those corpses had numb faces, which fluctuated with the agitation of the hook in formalin.

Standing on the Internet, Lu Siyu feels as if she is approaching Xia unknown all of a sudden. That woman must have done the same thing in those years. Where others feel disgusted and terrible, she feels that she can release herselfAfter listening to Zheng Huai'an's words, Lu Siyu took a few steps forward. With each step, the iron net under his feet trembled, making a creaking sound that could not bear the load.

This Lu police officer's expression at this time reminds Zheng Huaian of Xia unknown.

Zheng Huai'an seemed to recall: "I remember, if you want to say that Xia unknown is different, that is, she has a lot of courage. Those girls are always afraid in the first dissection class. She was very indifferent at that time. I remember that once, she was standing on the edge of the iron net and looking down. At that time, a corpse was just facing up. She was very calm To put it mildly, it turns out that human bodies are like this At that time, I immediately remembered that schoolgirl. "

After watching for a while, Lu Siyu stood up and said, "when there are full bodies here, it should look very spectacular."

Lu Siyu didn't care. He stood on the edge of a corpse pool, bent down and looked down with his mobile phone. The corpse was taken away. But at the beginning, many corpses were dissected, and some of them didn't know what organs or fat were. Now they were dried in the pool, which looked like a thick sea of blood in hell.

From birth, human beings can not overcome the fear of death. The funeral home, mortuary, morgue and the anatomy building of the hospital are all chilling places.

Hell, hell These places are often associated with the anatomy building.

It's cold and empty here. If it's full of corpses

Song Wen whispered: "Yu Huizhi's last words, the gatekeeper of hell This one by one corpse pool looks like a hell on the 18th floor. "

Lu Siyu raised his head and asked him, "what?"

Song Wen and others were a little far away from Zheng Huai'an. They lowered their voice and whispered to Lu Siyu: "this place reminds me of something..."

The smell here is even worse than that upstairs. It may be that the formalin solution was not emptied at the time of cleaning, and there was a long-lasting stale smell in the air.

Each body pool is about three times three. Above the pit, you can see a grid made of iron wire. There are holes on the grid that can be opened. Now it is locked.

The whole basement is very large, with several thick load-bearing columns. With Zheng Huai'an's words, they look at their feet, and there are four deep pits on the ground in order. With a flashlight, you can see something sticky and disgusting on the bottom.

"This building is an old one, which is different from the modern one. Today's anatomy building is clean, with a corpse and a pool. The corpse is put in vertically for easy inspection and retrieval. At that time, we used to use hooks to get bodies out of this large body pool. We tell the person in charge here that we need some corpses and what kind of corpses we want, the person will hook them in advance before class, put them on the iron net to dry, and then students will carry them up. " =Jamida xs63

Song Wen has adjusted the flashlight function of his mobile phone to the maximum, but it can only shine on a small area in front of him.

Zheng Huai'an took them to the basement. There was still some light in the room upstairs. In the basement, it was completely dark, even colder than upstairs.

In this old building, the body pool is several huge concrete pools, which are filled with liquid mixed with formalin, and then put the body in. A body pool can soak dozens of bodies.

Modern anatomy building, there are cold storage, there are also separate body pool.

Generally, the corpse pool of medical college is set underground, because it is cold underground, which is more suitable for the storage of corpses.

Lu Siyu looked around on the first floor and said, "I want to go to the corpse pool in the basement."

Principal Zheng's face changed slightly, and he said in a hurry: "Mr. Qiu fell down. Our school can't stand any more rumors and gossip."

Maybe that's what Qiu Wendao thought at the beginning

"Hide the wood in the forest." Lu Si's cold voice suddenly came. He looked back at Song Wen, "I like this idea. This is a good place to hide corpses."

"This How did I know that when I was a student? " Principal Zheng was stopped.

Song Wen continued to ask, "what if the cards and numbers are falsified? There should be no one to check... "

"What?" Principal Zheng reacted for a moment, and then said, "that's impossible. Every corpse has a hand and a number. It's easy to distinguish."

"Well, if there is one more body here, can you find it?" Song Wen's brain hole is wide open.

Principal Zheng said: "most of them are donated bodies, and a small number of them are prisoners or people who died outside, but I don't know."

Song Wen couldn't help asking: "President Zheng, I've always been curious, where are the bodies in the medical college from?" =Jamie xs63

"no Where is it? " Zheng Huaian immediately denied, "this is where I used to go to school, how can I be afraid." At this point, Zheng Huai settled down and didn't say too much, "it's just that there are a lot of dead people in this place, which always makes people feel uneasy."Song Wen said: "we'll just stroll around. It won't damage here. If principal Zheng is afraid, he can wait for us outside."

"Here, there's nothing to see..." Zheng Huai'an didn't want to enter those rooms. He said, "two police officers, are you sure you want to see it?"

Lu Siyu was very interested in seeing it. He felt like he was visiting an old museum of human body. He turned and looked at the little jar on the shelf. On the old shelves, there are also some jars soaked with organs. Some of the organs are polluted and are not complete. Some jars have sealing problems. Formalin has been dry for a long time, leaving only the dry organs, so they are discarded here and not taken away.

Song Wen also flashed a flashlight. There was a skeleton in the corner, and some small jars soaked in formalin. He squatted down to look at the white bone, which was covered with dust. Fortunately, it was just a model, and he could feel the texture of plastic. Suddenly he saw a white bone in the abandoned building, which was still a little scary. It was like a horror film set here.

Lu Siyu went into a darkroom and tried to press the switch. The light didn't come on. He walked around the room.

Zheng Huaian covered his nose and said, "this building has three floors. The first floor is for anatomical materials, including models, organs, Atlas and photos. Most of the things here have been moved away, and a few are still here. The second floor is the laboratory, and the third floor is the anatomy room, which is divided into the overall anatomy room and the local anatomy room. There are six rooms in total, which can be used for several classes at the same time. There are large elevators at both ends of the corridor to facilitate the transportation of bodies. "

Most of the rooms here have windows, but the windows are closed all the year round. They have been covered with a thick layer of ash, which makes the corridor very dark.

In the corridor, there are some dark rooms, big or small, on both sides. Different signs are hung on the top of the rooms. Some of them are illegible, and some of them can still see the handwriting on them. The nearest one near the door is the reference room, the next one is the anatomical model room, and then the organ storage room and the specimen making room.

Song Wen and principal Zheng follow in.

Lu Siyu's feet fell on the concrete floor, making bursts of light sound. Listening carefully, it caused some echoes in the building.

Song Wen approached and said, "this man looks so familiar..." He closed his eyes and imagined what this man should look like in 20 years. Then he became more and more sure and said, "this man seems to be the one who killed Huizhi before..."

Lu Siyu also looks at the picture on the wall again. After listening to Song Wen, he really looks like the man who committed the crime that night.

Lu Siyu still remembers that it was a clean cut. Only those who are used to seeing life and death in this way can kill Yu Huizhi in full view of the public

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