Lu Siyu said, "Zheng Huai'an, do you think these statements can't be verified, so I will believe what you said?"

"The forum you mentioned once existed, but it was just a place for small group communication. The original intention of the forum was to discuss the rule of law and social regulatory loopholes. Most of the people who spoke in it could distinguish reality from fantasy. Only a few of you were lunatics who wanted to commit those evil things to action, It's not normal. "

I can save manuscripts and do all kinds of homework.

The next story will tell the story of Mr. Su huisu, "criminal investigation notes (tentative name, thought that a better name might be changed, but the story has been settled)"

(please make a long comment on the Notepad, don't write it in the comment box. I have seen several children who have lost their comments and cry bitterly.)

If you like this story or have some feelings about one of the cases, ask for a long-term review.

After stopping for about one day, there will be stories about my brother and Si Si, some secrets, the love between Si Si and song team, and all kinds of dog food.

The author has something to say: finally, the text is over. Thank you for your company.

Since ancient times, evil does not oppress right, justice will prevail!

Nancheng police will continue to work hard to eradicate the dark forces and give the people a peaceful life.

The destruction of the criminal gang headed by Zheng is the stage result of Nancheng police's anti crime campaign. Quanjiang Provincial Bureau listed the case as a major achievement in the fight against gangs and evils.

Recently, Nancheng city has cracked a series of major cases, including 28 criminal cases, criminal detention of 74 gang members, seizure and freezing of cash involved in the case of 1.56 billion yuan and assets of 4.23 billion yuan. The principal offender, Zheng, confessed his crime. The details of the case are still under further investigation.

Police report

the truth will come and the darkness will fade.

Lu Siyu looks up at Song Wen. This hope is more effective than any consolation. He held Song Wen's hand back and felt as if he had lived through a long night and finally came to him.

Song Wen said: "before Lin xiuran got the news, she woke up half a month ago, the body has been gradually recovering." Then he took Lu Siyu's cool hand and said, "your brother will be OK, too."

That was what he had dealt with with with Song Wen before. Speaking of this, Lu Siyu's tone eased a little, "and it's a pity that Gu Zhibai's work is not only as simple as the informant of the police, but also as simple as his intention to split up from the inside and disintegrate you. He's different in nature from you. It's you who are obsessed with this kingdom of evil and hope that evil will breed, not him. So, when he was forced to do something by you, he made some small hands and feet... "

He felt that Lu Siyu's words were stabbing him in the chest. If they were true, Gu Zhibai had already made preparations and plans

Zheng Huai'an's eyes moved, and his Adam's apple obviously rolled. There were waves in his heart.

"Under your eyes and close monitoring, everything Gu Zhibai did was to let the dark world gradually emerge in front of the police. Every step he takes brings the police closer to solving the case. "

"Gu Zhibai built the building under your duress, but he placed nails in many places. Once the nails were pulled out, the building that looked like it had no holes and was invincible would collapse."

"You kidnap my brother Gu Zhibai because you can't do something by yourself. You want him to work for you with his strategy and ideas."

Lu Siyu's voice was harsh: "Zheng Huai'an, you kill people, smuggle goods and drug trafficking. You use innocent children to make money by killing people. You invade the political center and help powerful people cover up the truth of the case. You do all kinds of evil, and think Gu Zhibai is the same as you. "

Obviously, Gu Zhibai was following Zheng Huaian's orders, and he disobeyed his orders.

If Gu Zhibai is not only Wu Qing's informant, but also secretly assists the police, then his claim that Gu Zhibai is the mastermind will be defeated.

These things are easy for Zheng Huai'an to associate with.

It was Gu Zhibai who asked Dai Xiaoman to turn himself in, by which the police rescued dozens of abducted and trafficked children. Let Dai Xiaoman be a tainted witness again.

Zhang peicai may have been prompted by Gu Zhibai to find out Bai Luorui's behavior in the nursing home.

Zheng Huaian pursed his lower lip, his jaw line tightened, and he began to be brought into Lu Siyu's thinking.

"Second, for fear of being found by the police, you collapsed the part of Lady fish. Among the rescued children, we conducted a psychological assessment. Most of them are normal and have returned to their families. In other words, many of them have long been given up the cultivation of evil. Gu Zhibai convinced you to let Dai Xiaoman as the bait to carry out the whole collapse plan. At that time, didn't you notice anything unusual? ""I need to tell you two more things. First, the reason why the police reviewed the Wushan nursing home was the death of Zhang peicai. Who did Zhang Peishan tell you at the beginning? "

"As for what you said about Moby Dick, my brother is behind the scenes..." After telling Zheng Huai'an two bad news, Lu Siyu began to get to the point.

Zheng Huai was a little flustered when he settled down. His forehead was sweating more and more. He had a strong belief that Dai Xiaoman would not have too much evidence, but if that woman had been prepared and had conspired with Gu Zhibai

Lu Siyu narrowed his eyes slightly: "the second key is Dai Xiaoman. Do you think Dai Xiaoman is just pointing out that you are a Moby Dick? In order to get rid of the crime, she handed over all kinds of evidence that you instructed her to sell murderers and Vietnamese murderers. You'd better think about it. What secrets do you know about that girl in your mouth

Without that money, even a lawyer would not protect him.

For a moment, he was like a poisonous snake, pinched seven inches.

He didn't expect such a result before he spoke in Lu Si language.

"No It's impossible Sweat appeared on Zheng Huai'an's forehead. He did so much to get the money! It's the capital for him to make a comeback, even the strength for him to commit a crime. Once all the money is frozen, it's a cut from the bottom.

Because of the time difference at home and abroad, Lu Siyu and Song Wen were busy all night last night. Just at the beginning, they didn't show their cards.

Lu Si said coldly, "do you think it's safe for you to transfer your money to a foreign account? This morning, all your accounts for transferring funds have been frozen by the police, 1.56 billion. Is that right? Zheng Huai'an, you can't take a cent out of it. "

"There are some hidden information hidden in those materials, which can't be found by us. The companies you build seem to be many. There are layers of shells and layers of obstacles in them. They are extremely safe, but they are like nine links. In the information provided by my brother to Mr. Wu, the ultimate direction is hidden. "

Connecting with the current situation, Lu Siyu infers that Gu Zhibai added him because his elder brother missed him and left him a secret line. But Gu Zhibai was afraid of implicating him, so he didn't send him any more information.

Later, I remembered that it was after his first meeting with Gu Zhibai that north celestial pole added him.

Lu Si language before this strange, why that informant suddenly add him, add after never contact him.

It may be because of the fact that there are some people in the police, Gu Zhibai chose to cooperate with Wu Qing to bypass the Nancheng Municipal Bureau. He provided information to Wu Qing and became the source of Wu Qing's information. This is one of the reasons why Wu Qing has been paying attention to the 519 case and let Lu Siyu come to Nancheng.

This is the clue Lu Siyu found last night when he found that Gu Zhibai's mobile phone screen was a starry sky. He soon called Wu Qing and verified Gu Zhibai's informant identity.

"Let me tell you one more thing. A long time ago, Gu Zhibai began to contact teacher Wu Qing as an informant of North Tianji. He passed some information to Wu Qing. It seems that the information does not have much value and significance. But yesterday, we analyzed the information again and found the key point, which is the first one left by my brother The key. "

"No It's impossible Zheng Huai'an's face became ferocious. He also heard the conversation between Lu Siyu and Gu Zhibai that day, but he didn't recognize the content at all.

The best way to eliminate them is to break them apart one by one.

When the evil is too huge, it is not a simple thing to eliminate it. We must be careful, otherwise the light will be swallowed.

Want to break the game must find the key, Dai Xiaoman is a, there are other keys already in their hands.

Without evidence, they can't keep Zheng Huai'an.

Gu Zhibai is pointing out the direction for them.

Gu Zhibai seems to be contradicting Lu Si's words, but once he understands them carefully, he comes to a completely different conclusion.

These contents are the information he disclosed to him when he communicated with Gu Zhibai that day. Lu Siyu didn't even explain them in detail.

Lu Siyu's eyes were sharp: "then my brother told me a few things. First, if we want to break the dilemma, we must find enough evidence. Second, we must find the key and use it. Third, we must share it in the face of a powerful enemy."

"I asked him if he was my brother. He denied it, but left a cigarette butt with his DNA so that I could find out the truth."

+Jamie daytke. C0m

"first of all, I took him to a small door and told him what road he was on. Without talking to the driver, he said that a car would come to pick him up, so he was undoubtedly being monitored."

At this point, Lu Si language deliberately reduced the speed, but Zheng Huai'an became nervous and listened.Lu Siyu said: "you are curious, how do we deliver messages? Just a few days ago, when my brother came to the police station for that meeting, in your monitoring, my brother left me a message... "

Gu Zhibai has got his brother's clue, but he didn't confirm it.

"You and Gu Zhibai When... " Zheng Huai'an frowned. In his memory, Gu Zhibai and Lu Siyu met in the pension city at the beginning, but they met again in the police station a few days ago. They had almost no more communication. Especially when Gu Zhibai arrived at the police station, he was sitting in the car not far away, monitoring all the time.

Lu Siyu seems to have calmed down from the shock of knowing the truth at first, and straightened out his thinking. Now his tone is extremely indifferent, which makes Zheng Huaian flustered.

Lu Si said, "naturally, I have my reasons for saying that. And I have the evidence my brother left me

Zheng Huai'an snorted and said to Lu Si, "your story has picked your brother clean. Anyway, your brother is dead. You can only make up these lies to comfort yourself. "

"After so many years of coercion, you finally turned your evil obsession into reality step by step. You have also converged to a huge amount of money, and even injected capital into the school of that year, and you have become the honorary vice principal of the school

"There was a mistake in the planning of the 519 case because there was no brother's participation. You are the murderer who killed my parents and robbed my brother!"

"After what you have just said, I am more and more sure that my brother is a pure victim in the 519 case."

"You don't think your plan is perfect enough, and you are no longer satisfied with this kind of small-scale crime. You have set your goal on my brother, hoping to use his ability to fulfill your wishes."

"At that time, my brother was involved by you without knowing it."

"Those of you who have evil ideas gradually come together and sum up some examples in the forum. You take long Jinrong as your puppet and your test object, It's you who have carried out the killing plan and are still complacent after escaping, but you completely ignore the difference between the virtual world and the real world. Your behavior has long crossed the boundary of the law. "

It's still dominated by criminal cases, in the unit play mode. This time, it's upgraded from the ordinary Municipal Bureau to the serious cases group. The corpses are upgraded, the thrilling degree of cases is upgraded, the means of criminal investigation is upgraded, and the boss plot is upgraded.

Miss Su, who is both beautiful and Su, don't you collect it ~ ~

by: gnawing at the corpses of all kinds of homework books

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