Zheng Huaian continued: "although we have made this step, the police are still more and more strict in the investigation of the homes for the aged. I think they are already suspecting Xia unknown, but they have not yet determined." He looked at Gu Zhibai and said, "now, you'd better deal with the mess caused by yourself and let it end as soon as possible."

Gu Zhibai forced himself to calm down: "what are you going to do?"

Gu Zhibai listened to him and nodded his head wearily.

Zheng Huai'an seems to have a headache about the current situation. Even if Gu Zhibai turns himself in to the Municipal Bureau, it will not change the situation, but it will still make it very difficult for them. He asked for peace and said, "did Shao Jinting tell you something? As you know, the population is unstoppable. I apologize for him. "

Gu Zhibai answered and stood up from the platform.

Zheng Huai'an took an umbrella and put it on his head: "I've bought the medicine. Let's go home."

Gu Zhibai didn't know how he guessed that he had come here. He was a little lucky that Zheng Huai'an didn't see the scene just now, so he went straight to him, just like a father found his own rebellious and naughty child.

It was Zheng Huai'an who came to see him.

I don't know how long later, he looked up and saw a man with an umbrella coming towards him. The man is very tall and looks gentle. If you don't know him, you don't know how he has a poisoned heart just by his appearance.

It turns out that the world is in a place he doesn't know, and there are still people who haven't given up

The noise soon passed, and the night became darker and darker. Except for the sound of rain, Gu Zhibai was quiet all around. He lowered his head and suddenly cried. He had a high fever and had a bad headache. He sat alone on the platform beside the Municipal Bureau, and his shoulders trembled. Then he wiped away his tears.

In the dark night, the advertisement on the bus platform shows a warm light.

It turns out that someone is still investigating the truth of the 519 case.

It turned out that Wu Qing was unwilling to comply with the above order to stop the investigation, so she planned to leave Nancheng Municipal Bureau

They didn't elaborate on the relevant cases, but Gu Zhibai guessed that they were talking about 519.

They said a few more words and then went in different directions.

"Well, you Take care of yourself. " With these words, song Cheng shoves the umbrella into Wu Qing's hand.

Wu Qing interrupted him. They had been quarreling for several times, which made him tired: "you don't have to say that. I know all that. Besides, my mind is determined. Song team, in the future, we will not see each other again. "

"But Wu Qing You have only one person. I... " What else does song Cheng want to say.

Wu Qing nodded: "now is not the end. As long as I am still alive, there will be a lot of time, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years I will help them find the answer one day. "

Song Cheng asked: "the upper authorities have ordered the dissolution of the ad hoc group. That's what happened to you before. Even so, do you still want to investigate?"

Wu Qing lowered her head and said, "sorry, Captain song, I don't know what that case is for you. It's not that simple for me There are also doubts. "

This time Gu Zhibai heard more clearly. He turned his head and looked in that direction from the gap in the advertising column, enjoying the play through the rain curtain.

They were closer to him. Just a few meters away, the advertising screen became a barrier. Neither of them noticed the teenager sitting on the platform not far away.

Gu Zhibai couldn't understand their relationship.

The rain is less, and Wu Qing has been stubbornly turning the wheelchair forward. Song Cheng walks behind him with his lips pursed. The umbrella always covers Wu Qing's head.

Gu Zhibai was relieved when he heard their conversation. It seems that Wu Qing wants to resign and change his job. Ah, he is a good young policeman, and now he is disabled. It's understandable for him to give up his career as a criminal policeman. The team leader, it seems that he is too unfriendly to chase people out now.

"If you put me in the Municipal Bureau as a disabled person, there will inevitably be gossip in the future. It's good for everyone that you let me go. "

"Normal scheduling? So I'm the last to know? "

"Captain song, I am a normal dispatcher now..."

"You shouldn't quit your present job..."

"The ad hoc group is all over. I don't want to argue with you any more."

"Wu Qing, listen to me You are still too impulsive... "

Gu Zhibai was separated from them for a while, but he didn't really hear them. He could only hear some intermittent words.

Then someone ran out of the city Bureau, like the captain of the police force called song Cheng. He stopped in front of his wheelchair, put up an umbrella, and then the two quarreled.

He knew the person in the wheelchair. Not long ago, he had seen his information. He remembered that it was a policeman named Wu Qing. Zheng Huai'an didn't tell him the news after Wu Qing fell from the building. It turned out that he was not dead, but it seemed that Wu Qing might never stand up again.In the dark, he was struggling to move forward. Gu Zhibai looked up, and then he was stunned.

Just when he hesitated, a wheelchair suddenly came out of the market late at night. The man in the wheelchair looked very young. In front of him, a box was placed and a raincoat covered the documents in the box, but the man himself was completely exposed to the rain.

Lu Si language What will he do? Will he be in danger?

In this world, there are some methods that people can't talk about or can't argue.

It is very likely that no one will believe him at all, or they will return him to Zheng Huai'an, or they will give him a mental judgment and imprison him as a madman.

He is now a person without identity. He is not Ji Zhifeng, but Gu Zhibai.

Gu Zhibai is still hesitant. Now that the top management has disbanded the ad hoc group, will his surrender be useful?

Or can he walk into the police station and face his own destiny?

He had been disappointed in the world for a long time, and the idea of suicide came out more than once, especially now.

He took a knife, but he didn't know who to kill with it, Zheng Huai'an? Or the leaders who ordered to stop the thorough investigation? Or he should put that knife in his heart and die here.

Gu Zhibai sat on the platform nearest to the Municipal Bureau and looked back at it. There were cars on the road, coming and going, passing by him. The high fever made his body ache and his whole body cold. It was a kind of pain of birth and death.

At night, the City Council of Nancheng was still brightly lit, like a strong fortress guarding Nancheng. However, Gu Zhibai knew that even this place had darkness. Black and white were intertwined, flashing in front of his eyes, like a whirlpool, to lead him to fall into it.

This route, he has simulated countless times in the dark.

He had some preparation for a long time. He didn't bring a mobile phone, but only some change and a knife. He carefully slipped out of the community, got on a night bus and came to the gate of Nancheng Municipal Bureau.

A messy rainy night, perhaps they did not expect that he had the strength to escape with a high fever.

That night, Gu Zhibai escaped.

Zheng Huai'an did not dare to take him to the hospital to see the emergency department. After weighing it, he went out to buy him antipyretic.

At about nine o'clock that night, Gu Zhibai had a fever, which directly reached 40 degrees. He turned over and over and kept sweating. He felt like a dying man. Maybe there was only a trace of soul left in the body, and other parts had died after being eroded by the darkness.

The night was cold and long, and he felt he couldn't wait for daylight.

He stayed outside for a while before he came into the room.

The world is terrible. The whole sky is black. It seems that it's hopeless.

Instead of waiting for the so-called justice, he personally put himself on the guillotine.

Maybe he won't be able to wait for the day of justice.

The leader said that no one would care about the life and death of those little policemen and the truth of the case.

For the 519 case, both the robber and the kidnapper are dead, and the only survivor is an eight year old boy. That case will be covered with dust and become a past that Nancheng can't mention.

The separation of the case of the Wushan nursing home has lost the connection between Xia unknown and the 519 case.

If the case of 519 is further enlarged, it will be detrimental to both sides. The best way is to make a final conclusion.

Gu Zhibai knew that the matter was over and the other party had made peace with Zheng Huai'an. Those people spare no effort to use their power to erase that period of history. According to the latest planning, Zheng Huai'an is also ready to make peace, recruit troops and carry out various kinds of development first.

Because he still has hope.

He can see a lot of things clearly, budget a lot of results, but once things involve himself, he will always make the wrong judgment and choice.

Even though he had already foreseen the result.

Gu Zhibai laughed for a while, and finally had the pleasure of revenge. But then he digested Shao Jinting's words, eyes dim down, he has been waiting for his answer.

Shao Jinting took a deep breath, glared at him and left.

Shao Jinting was stunned for a second, then shrunk his shoulder: "I will go to find the answer, Gu Zhibai, please remember for me, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Gu Zhibai said, "you can ask Zheng Huaian."

Shao Jintang's forehead was sweating. His fist hit him. Gu Zhibai stepped back, but he still knocked out the cigarette in his hand. Shao Jintang himself faltered and almost didn't stand firm.

For Shao Jintang, who is deeply in love with Xia unknown, the truth is so hard to accept.

Gu Zhibai shrugged his shoulders and said, "they have been in conflict for a long time. Maybe he didn't want to save her from the beginning. Maybe he took her as a chip." Only Xia unknown disappeared forever, the Wushan nursing home would not be related to the 519 case. For them, it was safe and she was sacrificed."No way! He can't have killed Xia unknown! " Shao Jintang shook his head.

"Zheng Huai'an lied to you." Gu Zhibai laughed, "you stand so far away, you don't see clearly. Is that woman Xia unknown..."

Shao Jintang was worried: "you are a piece of shit! I met her at the station. I watched her get on the bus from a distance and waved at me. And the police didn't find her! "

Gu Zhibai said coldly, "she didn't go out of the nursing home that day."

Shao Jintang suddenly seems to be stepped on the tail, eyes red up: "what the hell do you kid say?"

Gu Zhibai spat out a mouthful of white smoke. He turned to look at the man in front of him and judged the truth of what he said. Then he said to him, "in fact, Xia unknown is dead."

"It's said that thanks to your news, Zheng Huai'an caught up with a big man in the city. Zheng Huai'an went to see him with a piece of evidence and a million yuan, and he settled the matter." Shao Jinting took a step forward, lowered his voice and said with a smile, "the big shot is really different. The website has been completely deleted, and no one can find out any clues. The case of the nursing home has been separated and transferred to other groups for investigation. Even your status in the 519 case file has changed from missing to dead..."

Gu Zhibai flicked a cigarette butt. He didn't like this man all the time. He made him feel like a greedy mad dog tied up. And Shao Jintang probably also despised him, he heard him and Zheng Huaian questioned him more than once. Gu Zhibai could hear the evil intention in his tone. He looked at him as the air and pretended not to hear anything.

Shao Jintang approached him and said with a smile: "now, the ad hoc group has been disbanded. I think you'd better be honest with us."

The night was deep and it was drizzling. He took an umbrella and saw Gu Zhibai smoking under the eaves of the building.

One night, the last person to leave was Shao Jintang.

On the night of early autumn, as usual, many people come and go in and out of their rented rooms. The evil world of Zheng Huai'an has finally taken shape.

Everything, as if so silent to the end.

Subsequently, the 519 case was intervened by the high-level, the pressure was put on to suspend the visit, the files were permanently sealed, and the ad hoc group was dissolved.

Angry people hope that the police find Xia unknown, but the witch so disappeared, no one alive, no body dead.

After the exposure of the Wushan nursing home incident, the nursing home carried out a strict investigation for a period of time, and all relevant personnel were dismissed and the nursing home was closed down.

In his memory, it was an eventful summer, the weather was particularly hot, and the rain was always pattering.

From that day on, Gu Zhibai never saw Xia unknown again.

Such action is stuck in the night before the police thoroughly investigate the case of the nursing home.

The whole process took a total of 45 minutes. Soon after, the corpse truck was checked, and Zheng Huai'an left in the van carrying the corpse, blending into the thick night.

Soon someone died in the nursing home, and it was just one night. Instead of Shao Jinting, Zheng Huaian drove a corpse truck into the nursing home. There were police outside the door, but he was not questioned too much.

The publicity in the Wushan nursing home is in place, and many old people have signed the agreement on body donation before they die.

In nursing homes, the number of elderly people and their families who choose to donate their bodies to medical schools is actually quite large. On the one hand, the funeral expenses of the family and the troubles of the family will be avoided. On the other hand, the family will get a not too rich but not too little thank-you money.

he wants to wait, waiting for the possibility of only one percent justice, waiting for the fate of his trial.

This is a game of 99% darkness versus 1% light.

Even if there is a 99% chance that he will choose to go into the dark, there is also a 1% chance that he will destroy his relatives, thoroughly investigate and uphold justice.

If Zheng Huaian meets with that person, it is the real culprit of the 519 case standing in front of the police.

But people will have their own thinking and variables.

Gu Zhibai can't tell what kind of result he wants. In his calculation, if the leader cherishes his son and is afraid of being implicated, he is likely to suppress things under threat and temptation.

Gu Zhibai looked at Zheng Huai'an, he said this, is already in the wreck.

Zheng Huai'an fox usually squints his eyes. According to the investigation progress of the ad hoc group, it's sooner or later to find out the forum. It's better to use this point to negotiate with the other party as soon as possible. He was interested in the plan and said, "let me weigh it up and find a way. If I guess correctly, Qin Lai may be that man's son. " He put his hand on his jaw and said, "I happen to know someone who can get involved. I can also make a bureau and invite the king into the urn. "

How to cooperate with each other determines the success or failure of things.

This is a radical solution to the problem at hand, but it takes a lot of risk.Zheng Huaian thought a little and understood Gu Zhibai's meaning. The case of long Jinrong and 519 is the biggest case in Nancheng recently. If we continue to investigate, the forum will be exposed, which will become the biggest weakness of Qin Lai's father. He is not only disadvantageous to the supervision of network security, but also involves his son. No matter how much it is related, it will become his scandal and have a significant impact on his official career. Then Qin's father is likely to choose to let the ad hoc group stop investigating.

This is a dangerous move in the war. It is also a compromise to Zheng Huai'an.

Gu Zhibai closed his eyes a little sad and tired, and continued: "I suspect his real name is Qin Lai, and his father should be a senior leader of the city. Although the data of the forum is frozen, I think you should keep a backup of what Qin Mi said? His home's IP address should not be difficult to find. "

Gu Zhibai knows that Qin Mi's remarks on the forum have always been very radical. But for this matter, he, like him, has been kept in the dark by this group of people. Because of this, he would panic and call him to ask for countermeasures.

Zheng Huai'an nodded: "I also remember that many of the plans of long Jinrong were made by him." He paused for a moment, "including the 519 case, he also has some participation, but he is in the periphery, not in our small group."

Gu Zhibai hesitated for a moment, raised his head and said, "I remember there was a moderator on the forum, called Qin MI."

All this, starting from the 519 case, is like a nightmare for him. He can't wake up.

He wants to end the situation.

For a moment, he felt that he was splitting up. One seemed to be still upholding the so-called justice and grieving for Wu Qing's sacrifice. The other was putting himself in his place and helping Zheng Huai'an think of ways. It's a strange sense of decomposition, and then the two ideas merge into one.

If we want to solve such a problem, we have to cut corners and rely on the power of a higher level.

Gu Zhibai said: "killing those people will not solve the problem..."

Zheng Huai'an asked him again, "what do you think about the special case team?"

Gu Zhibai thought for a moment and said: "at present, the police have not formally put the case on file for investigation. They just suspect that someone is abusing the elderly. During this period, the nursing home should be in normal operation. You can ask Shao Jinting's corpse truck to come over. Once there is a new corpse to transport, you can take the opportunity to get in."

Zheng Huai'an said in a deep voice: "I want to have a try. Can you take Xia unknown out before the police block the investigation of the nursing home? Do you have any method?"

He was still burning, and his body was very heavy, but just now, he seemed to have experienced a rebirth.

As long as you're alive, there's more time.

This battle has just begun.

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