Two people are still in accordance with the time of the journey back, first a taxi to the city, and then went to the railway station to pick up the ticket, back to the car is the bullet train, the time on the car is not dangerous.

The EMU was much cleaner than the old train. Lu Siyu looked at the noisy environment and said to Song Wen, "let's go to the dining car. I'll buy you a drink. There's a table over there to write on. And at this point, there should not be many people there, so it's convenient to discuss the case. "

Sure enough, as he said, it's not a meal now. Compared with the ordinary car, the dining car is much more relaxed and quiet. Two people occupy four seats. There is a small table in front of them. Lu Siyu orders drinks, melon seeds and snacks for Song Wen, and drinks the water in the thermos.

Lu Siyu thought for a moment, picked up the book and wrote "chocolate" on it.

Song Wen didn't pursue the case very much. Instead, he asked him, "the truth is that there is no mistake, but now there is no witness in the case, so the evidence chain needs to be complete We still need some direct evidence. "

There was a flash of lake and mountain outside the train window, which reflected on Lu Siyu's face. He took a pen hand and suddenly realized that in his reasoning, many perspectives had not been changed. People's logical thinking, way of thinking and speaking habits, like fingerprints, have their own unique ways. No matter how well disguised they are, these ways will still exist It's revealed unconsciously.

On weekdays, Lu Siyu's body has all kinds of disguises. It seems that now he is the real one. He is sharp and evil. He could feel the excitement of Lu Siyu when he talked about the crimes. He recalled the theory of the criminal psychology teacher when he was in the police school. Only by fully understanding the criminal, resonating and thinking like the criminal, can he correctly analyze the criminal behavior and depict the criminal.

Finally, his eyes fell on Lu Siyu. What he saw was different from what he saw, and what he felt was also different from him. He's smart, sharp and meticulous.

He looked up, surrounded by people, men and women, old and young, everyone has a beating heart, running brain, they are playing with mobile phones, they are talking and laughing, this is the person he can't see through, the most complex person.

As a policeman, Song Wen often reflected on why he didn't see far enough and couldn't see the whole truth. However, whenever they approached to solve the case, he had such a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart that people's heart could grow like this.

The two men were suddenly silent. They were sitting face to face on the train. The train was swaying, and the sound of friction with the rail came from time to time.

Lu Siyu nodded and leaned back in his chair. He held up his thermos cup and drank the water in it, trying to bring himself into Lin wanwan's mind: "as long as he thought that these people would be out of her control, she would go crazy."

As a result, she has planned everything. Only people like her can survive and get rid of suspicion. Those who are regarded as slaves by her can never escape her control and will be left here forever by her

If Lin wanwan is really a murderer, the first gas incident may only be her attempt. This time, her behavior has been upgraded. She is more cautious, careful and calm. From the planning to the final implementation, it may even have several months. Every time, their yearning for life after graduation is stimulating her.

Song Wen thought for a moment and bowed his head to ponder: "Dong Fang's family has found her a good job. Ma Aijing is ready to go abroad. Even Guo Luo has bought a new mobile phone and is ready to enter a new life. But Lin wanwan, in all our searches, we are not even prepared for a graduation resume. " In the second semester of her senior year, all the students began to be eager to enter the society, but Wan Lin didn't want to come out.

Lu Siyu pauses for a moment and goes on: "as for the students in the dormitory, it's because she finds the gap between her family and other people's families. It's a strong jealousy. If it's normal, it's just jealousy. Because in the dormitory where she builds relationships, she can find balance and comfort from other aspects. But once you graduate, that balance is broken. Those people are going to get out of her control, which she can't tolerate. " At this point, he raised his head and asked Song Wen, "did you find that Lin Wan didn't make any preparations for graduation?"

Lu Siyu looked down at the figure diagram in front of him, his fingers slightly whirling, and said his conjecture: "Lin wanwan came to the school from home, and soon found that the dormitory is a more fascinating place for her. Her control is constantly upgraded in the dormitory, where she can live more freely than at home. At this time, she felt that she did not need her family, so she tried to kill her parents and brother. She was tired of those people. She thought they were useless and despised them. She wanted to get rid of her original family

Song Wen nodded when he heard this. In recent years, he has met many abnormal people in the criminal police work: "I understand what you mean. Most people in the society are not such people, but we can't deny the existence of this kind of strange people."

Seeing that Song Wen was puzzled, Lu Siyu began to explain in detail: "in the previous inquiry, when I asked about drug cats, I once replaced" Guo "with" you ", and she didn't refute me. Moreover, according to our investigation, Lin wanwan is more likely to be the mastermind of all this. Guo's goal is to make the cat stop making noise. She is not only killing the cat to satisfy her own needs, but also practicing murder simulation. I think Lin wanwan's nature contains the aspect of killing cruelty. In this society, there are some people who will use killing to solve problems for reasons that ordinary people can't understand. "Lu Si language stretched out two fingers, "the master wants to kill the slave, there are only two reasons. In reality, the situation is much more complicated than that in this story, but the story is simple and easy to understand. Song Wen arranges his thinking, "you mean that at home, mother is weak monkey D, and in the dormitory, Guo is weak monkey D. And Lin wanwan is monkey a? "

"At this time, the wonderful psychology came into being. When monkey BC faced monkey a, they had a sense of inferiority, while when they faced monkey D, they had a sense of superiority. As a result, the four monkeys had three classes, and classes came into being among the monkeys. "

"It's still a cage, four monkeys, monkey ABCD. The hose is relatively small. Only the monkey who goes to get the banana will be drenched. The strongest monkey is monkey A. he wants to eat bananas, but he doesn't want to get wet. So he asks the weakest monkey d to get bananas. Monkey D was drenched with water. Monkey a ate bananas. Monkey B and C envied monkey a for eating bananas, but they were much happier than monkey D who was drenched. "

Lu Siyu turned his pen and said, "this experiment is from a business book, so whether the experiment has been carried out is inconclusive. It can be seen as a story. What I want to say is a derivative version of this story."

Song Wen was a little bit impressed by the word, "are you talking about the experiment? Put five monkeys into the cage, and then put bananas on the top. As long as there are monkeys picking bananas, they will be drenched in water, so as long as there are monkeys picking bananas, they will be beaten by other monkeys. Later, new monkeys were put in, and the monkeys still operated in this way. The scientists replaced the water gun on the top, and no monkeys dared to take bananas again. "

Lu Siyu thought for a moment, thinking about how to explain to Song Wen clearly: "I'll tell you a fable. Have you ever heard of the wet monkey experiment?"

After all, it's easy to control a person, but it's not so easy to control a group. Moreover, we should be more careful in the manipulation of groups.

When the train arrived here, it suddenly passed a cloud. The fine sunlight came from the crevice of the cloud, with a little gold. It hit Lu Si's finger with a clear bone. It made the pale hand look like a beautiful work of art. He held the pen tightly and drew a few arrows on the picture. "Everyone is in the game. She manipulates and confuses others by building relationships. "

To understand this, Song Wen said to Lu Si: "I understand that she will look for people suitable for control in the crowd, but what is the relationship between these and class? Or how did class come into being? "

Although Song Wen didn't understand the abnormal heart, he was smart after all. He soon figured out the plot. The girl was cunning and smart. When they first met, they saw through her lie about the source of the poison, and then she changed her story. She once pretended to jump to win the sympathy of others. Such a girl, who looks very vulnerable, is naturally vulnerable. She is even in the process of selection among the police. For example, she can't help but sympathize with her. Lao Jia, who is seduced by her So as to influence their judgment on whether she is a suspect or not.

She likes this kind of game between people.

All the signs that can be seen from now on show that Lin wanwan doesn't care much about Guo, or that she doesn't care about anyone except herself. She constantly binds Guo to make her become a string doll in her hand, and the string is more and more tight.

Yes, her family is her doll, her classmates are her dolls, her colleagues are her dolls, and even the police who are investigating cases are no different from those dolls in her eyes. That's her way of doing things. She unconsciously selects the targets in the crowd for her use. Her weakness, her pathetic, are her weapons.

Lu Siyu looked at him with a twinkle: "she has grown up and has come into contact with society and people, so she doesn't need those dolls."

"And the doll?" Song Wen noticed that Lu Si language mentioned three things, but only two things were mentioned in the analysis.

Under such analysis, the portrait of Lin wanwan is much clearer, and the relationship between Lin wanwan and Guo Jie is also clear. She doesn't look innocent anymore, and she's connected to this bedroom.

At first, Lin wanwan gained Guo's trust, and then she kept questioning her, denying her, isolating her, making her lose herself more and more, and relying more on her only friend. At that time, Guo became obedient to her. This process is simple to say, but in fact, it took months or even years to evolve.

Lu Si language summed up: "this is a distorted and abnormal relationship between friends." He pauses. "It's more like a slave master relationship."

These are the words that some little girls often say. A girl who just went to college, left her family and didn't know much about the world, is easily confused by such friendship. But now these are analyzed by Lu Si language, which makes Song Wen cool.

"Later, she came to the school and set Guo as the object of control. In school, Lin wanwan constantly instilled some ideas into Guo: although your family background is not good and your personality is lonely and weak, only I am good to you and I am your best friend. You must not let me down and betray me. As a good friend, it's normal for you to do something for me. I'm the only one who treats you. I'm the only one in your world. "Later, Lu Siyu drew a straight line between Lin wanwan's name and Wang Wenyan: "she didn't love her mother, and even regarded her as the source of her painful childhood. In her second home, she regarded her mother Wang Wenyan as the object of slavery. While she approached her and formed emotional ties with her, she denied her, broke her will, and made spiritual changes to the controlled Mill, in this kind of torture, the other side will be more and more dependent on her, and eventually form coexistence

This is the most important thing that Wan Lin learned in that family, and also the thing that influenced her life. Then Lu Siyu continued to draw a timeline: "after she got out of that environment, she was ten years old. At this time, she was replaced by her mother's doting and stepfather's indifference. Lin wanwan is a smart girl. She applies the means she learned in her last family and instinctively uses them in her life. "

At this point, Lu Siyu gave a little meal and looked at Song Wen: "sugar should be delicious, and the whip should be accurate. In the long run, the prey will be firmly fixed around."

"When she was young, Lin wanwan was like a piece of white paper. The first thing she suffered was endless suffering. The beating and scolding of her father and the harsh scolding of her grandmother and grandfather hurt her young heart. In this case, the sudden candy is the best comfort. She is like a hostage in Stockholm, and gradually attracted by the tenderness hidden under the domestic violence. While being abused, she is also learning. "

With these words, Lu Siyu drew a bracket, wrote the three key words, and then continued: "her environment is harsh and depressing. Coercion and inducement, both soft and hard, a stick and a candy. Her scars are punishment for doing wrong, and her chocolate is reward. She is taught in such an environment, just like a raised slave, and naturally integrates these into her world. "

"The formation of everyone's personality is closely related to her growing environment and experience. It's about Lin Wan's childhood and her family. From the conversation with Wang Wenyan, we can learn that Lin wanwan grew up in a patriarchal family, with strict family education and strict hierarchy. Each family member has his own responsibilities. I found several important information on Lin wanwan and her family. The first, the scar, the second, the chocolate, the third, the doll. "

Song Wen frowned: "Lin wanwan is just a 20-year-old girl. How did this relationship come into being?" Intuition told him that Lu Si language was right, but he didn't believe that the little girl could learn to this extent without a teacher.

At home, her mother responds to her every request and leaves her good things everywhere. Her younger brother is still very weak and her stepfather is not at home all the year round. She is the hope and pride of her family. In the dormitory, whether Guo Luo was feeding her or picking her up in the rain, these were not only the performance of good friends, but also the performance that she was enslaved and controlled by her. Guo Meng had the idea of moving out of the dormitory several times, but he gave up his idea several times, which was obviously related to Lin wanwan.

In the dormitory and family, Lin wanwan is a vested interest, standing at the top of the pyramid.

Class is the inevitable product of social development, as long as there are people, there will be class. Everyone is in a different position, differentiated into different levels, each division of its position.

Even now, they can't ask her half a complaint about her daughter here. But this daughter, no doubt, is the key to her status in the family. It's the same with Guo Li. Dong Fang's clothes can't disappear out of thin air. There are some clues about why Guo Li's notebooks are stained with water.

Lu Siyu explained: "Lin wanwan is her mother's proudest and most trusted daughter. She is Guo's closest friend. Such a relationship can help her grasp their weaknesses and better deceive them. Unconsciously, let the victim fall into a passive relationship. "

Song Wen still remembers that yesterday, when there was a disagreement about whether Lin wanwan was a suspect, Lu Siyu said that Lin wanwan was a manipulative personality. He has read some psychology courses, and knows more about controlled personality than others. Many people with controlled personality are not strong, arrogant and impulsive in appearance, but they may also be innocent, innocent and even modest. But in their heart, they are arrogant, paranoid and even suspicious. For this kind of people, pure appearance is their disguise, they cleverly hide their intentions under friendly popularity, like a wolf in sheep's clothing in the crowd.

Song Wen understood a little: "you mean, there are classes in these people, and Lin wanwan is the one who controls them?"

On the other side of the dormitory, the first level is Lin wanwan, the second level is Dong Fang, Ma Aijing, and the third level is Guo Luo.

Song Wen looks at the picture drawn by Lu Siyu and divides it into three stages. On the other side of the family, the first stage is Lin wanwan, the second stage is his younger brother, stepfather, and the third stage is his mother.

Lu Siyu points his name at the bottom of the picture: "if in the family, the character who is tortured and manipulated is mother, in the dormitory, the character who is tortured may be Guo Li."

Song Wen nodded.

"Do you remember when I mentioned the gas lamp effect?" Lu Siyu asked him.

Song Wen was even more confused: "there are only a few people here. How did class come into being?"Song Wen didn't understand the meaning. Lu Siyu pointed out on the picture, "the class of the dormitory, as well as the class of her family."

"Class." Lu Si language refers to the picture on the book and draws a conclusion.

"Why?" Hearing this, Song Wen became interested and leaned forward. In the book, Lu Siyu drew the relationship between the characters, with Lin wanwan as the center, with dormitory on one side and family on the other. There is a family tree on the other side of the family, marking all the people they know so far.

Song Wen found that Lu Siyu had the habit of biting his fingers when he was thinking attentively. Now he bit his left finger in his mouth and wrote and drew on the notebook with his right hand. Song Wen looked carefully. On Lu Siyu's clean, slender, well-defined hands, all his nails were bited even with his finger belly. Under Song Wen's gaze, Lu Siyu put the notebook on the desktop "I finally made it clear that the poisoning was still related to Lin wanwan."

The number of stops of the train is much less than before. The train is moving forward, and the scenery outside the window is constantly changing, from the town to Liangtian. Then after several caves, Song Wen finishes painting the portrait of the figure and raises his head. Lu Siyu sits opposite him, opens the record book, and habitually bites his nails while looking at it.

Song Wen was a little sleepy at this time. In order not to let himself fall asleep, he opened the notebook and began to draw. Under the shaking of the train, the control of the nib was much more difficult than usual, but it made the lines more distracting. Soon, Song Wen drew a girl's face on the paper, which was Lin wanwan's face. It looked indifferent, pathetic, but his eyes were unfathomable.

Delicious candy becomes a deadly poison, and everything starts and ends from it.

Lu Siyu looked up at Song Wen: "I have a bold idea. If my reasoning is correct, I think there may be evidence to prove that it is her." Then he paused and said, "but song, I hope you can promise me one thing first."

Song Wen raised his eyebrow: "what's the matter?" Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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