Everything around is hazy. In front of Song Wen's eyes is a dark corridor. At the end of the corridor, there is a door. From the door, the air-conditioning is like the entrance to hell. The light in the door was on, which was a kind of creepy light. He walked forward step by step, as if he knew what was going to happen next, but he could not stop his own step or his hand.

It was raining outside. He heard the sound of rain and thunder. The sound came from far and near. It was like a drumstick pounding on the ground heavily. The sky and the earth were split by the thunder. Song Wen almost suspected that there was a flash of lightning not far away.

In his memory, in the depth of his reason, Song Wen felt that this event had happened, and everything was like a nightmare that had been repeated countless times before When the door opened, there were several rotten corpses in front of us. The air was bloody and disgusting. The corpses looked at him with open eyes and seemed to sit up at any time

Of course, Song Wen knows why his files have been modified. This means that the authority of the person Zhou Yining is looking for is even above the Gu Bureau: "so, you mean..."

Zhou Yining continued: "the last one I found this kind of trace was song team you."

Hearing this, Song Wen frowned slightly.

"Generally speaking, a person's files reflect all the situations of a person. It's hard to fake files, but sometimes there are some special situations." Zhou Yindun said, "that's the file modified by the police. In order to protect the witnesses, victims, related personnel, informants, undercover agents, etc. in the accident, the police will modify the files. There is no trace of this kind of modification. Only the advanced authority can query the modification record. In my inquiry, I found that his file may have been modified. "

"What?" Song Wen asked with a frown.

"I've had his files checked recently." Zhou Yining continued, "then, I found something."

Song Wen doesn't know why Zhou Yining suddenly called to ask about Lu Siyu. In the morning before going to work, he put on his shoes and said, "it's very good, obedient, smart and easy to use." He pauses, remembering some details of the two cases, "but I do feel that he And normal people are not the same, where a bit strange

As soon as song Wengang got dressed, his mobile phone rang. He picked it up and picked it up. Then he heard Zhou Yining's voice: "team song, it's been more than a month since the new man came to you, isn't it? How's it going? "

After the end of the last case, Song Wen's team was finally idle. Since that night, Nancheng has never seen the sun again.

Song Wen took back his thoughts. He suddenly remembered something. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the date. It turned out that 17 years had passed since that day. Seventeen years later, he grew up from an ignorant child to a criminal policeman. Now, he is no longer afraid of those corpses, but this mystery may never find the murderer.

He was no longer afraid of the corpse, but the dark basement remained in his subconscious. He rejected the elevator and the closed dark environment, which still can't be overcome.

Song Wen was extremely rebellious and bold in his adolescence. He often felt that he had seen such a terrible hell on earth, and there was nothing to fear in the world. Later, Song Wen found out that he was wrong. What is really terrible is not the dead, but the living. There are no ghosts in the world. The dead can no longer jump up and stab people, but the living You can do everything.

No one knows what happened during that time. Just six days after the couple's disappearance, someone called the police anonymously and said that the bandits had been found in the woods in the suburb. But strangely, after the police arrived, they found that the robber and the two victims died together in the old house. According to the decay degree of the body, the robber and the hostage died three days ago, and the money disappeared. This case has never been solved, and even the Municipal Bureau has kept it a secret. Everything has become a fog, submerged in the long river of time.

After becoming a criminal policeman, Song Wen has been haunted by that nightmare. He once wanted to know what happened that night and who were those people? Why did you die in that old building? He learned from the story of the old criminal police that the 519 case was the most serious vicious kidnapping and homicide case in Nancheng in the past 20 years. Three robbers kidnapped the then richest couple of Ji's in Nancheng, asked for the code of the safe, and took out 3.28 million in cash and jewelry. But the ferocious robbers were not satisfied. They tied the hostages to the old building and kept tormenting them They say where more property is.

It's right for Gu to think about it. I don't doubt it any more. Let the son of director Song work under his hands for three years. The whole police station didn't know about it. Up to now, few people still know the secret.

Song Wen shook his head: "I don't know. According to the Hukou book, my father's name is Song Tao, and if I knew the provincial director, I would not start from the grass-roots criminal police. " He knew his registered residence certificate, and all the relevant materials were changed by Songcheng. The confidentiality level was higher than that of the Gu Bureau.

When Song Wen grew up, he deliberately fought against song Cheng and went on the same road as his father. Until he graduated from the police academy, Song Wen did not hesitate to leave his father's wings and returned to his hometown in Nancheng. When Song Wen came to Nancheng Municipal Bureau to report, Gu interviewed him. At that time, Gu looked at his file and asked, "Alas, your name is song, and the director of the provincial bureau is also song. Do you know song Ju? "After Song Wen's high school, song Cheng and Li luanfang remarried again, but Song Wen's household registration files were not recovered, and they were still in the name of his distant uncle's family.

The 519 ad hoc group was established for one year, but later it was dissolved for some reasons. At that time, the personnel were sent everywhere, and song Cheng was transferred to the Provincial Bureau. After so many years, he has been promoted to the director of the Provincial Bureau. But from Song Wen's point of view, he thinks that song Cheng has not fulfilled his father's responsibilities and obligations. He hates song Cheng from his heart and does not call his father very much. He can count the days when he sees him every year with one hand.

Later, Song Wen learned that song Cheng was dealing with an extremely dangerous case, the 519 project. He was afraid of implicating his family, so he made such an arrangement. There is a cabinet in grandma's house, in which are his and his mother's certificates, and a suicide note written by song Cheng, ready to be used at any time.

When he was young, Song Wen didn't know why. He was angry, complained, disappointed, cried and quarreled. When he grew up, he could face all this calmly.

This news is like a sudden meteorite, which smashes Song Wen, who is only seven years old. In addition, song Cheng also went to modify the registered permanent residence and archives, and applied for special protection for Song Wen's archives, which were modified and sealed up. Among all the information that can be found, Song Wen's father is his distant uncle Song Tao. When Song Wen saw song Cheng, he could only call him uncle. Later, Song Wen was sent to his grandmother's house for trusteeship until he graduated from junior high school.

That case seems to involve a lot. After that period of time, strange people will always appear at home and nearby. Later, song Cheng and Li luanfang played a big game, and they divorced

In order to make Song Wen's psychology unaffected, song Cheng took him to see a psychiatrist several times. What's the so-called hypnotherapy? When Song Wen passed, he just answered some questions and then fell asleep. Song Cheng would also give him a pile of pictures to see and ask him all kinds of questions. But the more he asked, the more impatient Song Wen was. His mind was empty and he couldn't remember anything.

It is said that people's brain will selectively forget those things that they don't want to remember, perhaps because of a continuous high fever. Other things that Song Wen experienced during that period will be forgotten, and even have a headache when he thinks about them. Only the appearance of those corpses can't be waved away when he dreams back in the middle of the night.

Li luanfang's harsh voice is mixed with song Cheng's roar. After many rounds of quarrel, he always won. His mother blames his father for taking Song Wen to the crime scene, which is also the scene of a vicious case. His father blames his mother for leaving his child in his charge when he knows that he is busy with his work and doesn't go home every day.

"You blame the child. He is only seven years old. What do you know when he is seven years old? Seeing the scene of the murder is a lifelong shadow, and you bring him in! Why do you... "

"Cry, cry, you know cry, you cry this thing can be reversed, so a big case, the whole police station has passed, can I not arrive as soon as possible? And I told him I couldn't run around. How could I know it was just such a coincidence? "

"How did you become a father? How can you take your child to a crime scene? If you don't take him, it won't happen! "

That day, Song Wen was frightened and caught in the rain. He was sent to the hospital. Later, he had a high fever for a long time. After the fever subsided, he was discharged and returned home. Later, the memory is vague. I only remember that time when Li luanfang quarreled with song Cheng every day. Every time Song Wen woke up, he could hear them quarreling in the living room.

It's raining in the sky, there's thunder outside, there's a flash in the air, and the mottled shadow of the tree is reflected on the wall, like a ghost painting in Liaozhai. The door was not closed. Song Wen opened it and saw the scene in his dream

Song Wen couldn't find song Cheng anywhere. He kept walking inside and went down a staircase to the underground. It was an old basement with rough walls, water seeping, and dust and cobwebs everywhere. No one had taken care of it for many years. There was a room with a light on, and the voltage was unstable. Sometimes the filament suddenly became dim, but sometimes it was particularly bright. Song Wen, frightened and curious, goes over

"Dad Where are you? " Young Song Wen was more and more afraid. He opened the car door, braved the rain and ran to the small building. The floor of the living room of the small building was covered with dust, with dark red marks on it and various lines on the ground. Some people in police uniforms were talking about things seriously, and no one paid attention to him.

Song Cheng walked for two minutes, and Song Wen regretted it. On this dark and rainy night, it was dark outside the car window, and it seemed that the sound of wild animals could still be heard in the rain. For a seven-year-old boy, it's terrible to be alone in a car. There is lightning in the sky from time to time, and then comes the dull thunder.

Song Wen didn't know what happened, but he could see that his father's expression was very serious. The car drove all the way to the outskirts of the city, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated building. In the rain, song Cheng comforted him a few words, put him in the car, ran into the rain.

The rain outside the car is getting heavier and heavier. The tires are rowing across the road, making a continuous sound of water separation. Several parts of the water have gone beyond the tires. The car is driving in the thick water, like a boat.

Song Wen didn't hear what the phone specifically said. He only remembered that song Cheng's face was especially dignified at that time and explained to him: "wait for Dad to take you to a place, you must not run around." Then he turned the front of the car and drove home in the opposite direction.Song Wen still remembers that he ate steamed stuffed buns with tomato and egg soup that night. There was a lot of steamed buns in the small cage, which was very salty. Song Wen drank two bowls of soup, but song Cheng loved it very much. After eating, he packed a few for breakfast tomorrow. On their way home, song Cheng suddenly received a call from the police station.

No one is cooking dinner. Father and son stare at each other. At six o'clock, song Cheng takes Song Wen out for a tooth sacrifice.

It was a weekend in May when a critically ill patient who had a car accident came to Li luanfang's hospital. Several interns were afraid to have an operation. She answered a phone call at 4:30 in the afternoon and went out.

Under such circumstances, Li luanfang and song Cheng had already given Song Wen a name to go to the primary school. They just waited for September to arrive and threw it to the school for him, so as to get rid of the misery of looking at the bear child.

But Song Wen also has the same stubborn temper as his father. He is against song Cheng. His mistakes can be admitted, and his faults are not corrected. He even has many bad problems of running away from home. He is so angry that song Cheng drives his police car to look for his son. In the police station, song Cheng is also a well-known team leader. He manages dozens of monkey cubs smoothly, but every time he is killed by his own son general.

Seven year old song Wen, just like his nickname, is the age that pigs and dogs dislike. He is so skinny that he beats the invincible in the big class and dominates the whole kindergarten. The teacher asks his parents to come and talk about his heart all day long. When the parents come back, song Cheng beats his palm with a ruler. If he doesn't get swollen, he will never stop.

It happened when he was seven years old, when his family lived in Nancheng. More than ten years ago, Nancheng was completely different from now. People's clothes were simple, the Internet was not so developed, and apple mobile phones had just begun to be popularized. Only a small part of the city was prosperous. The roads were disordered and complicated, the subway had not been built, and the old drainage system was in disrepair. Every time it rained, half of the city would be flooded.

Song Wen did not know whether his life would be different if he did not open the door. This incident has had some influence on him up to now. He doesn't like small and dark rooms, elevators or basements. As long as he walks in, his body will instinctively repel him. His heart will beat faster and his breathing will not be smooth. That's a sense of out of control that he hates.

Song Wen suddenly opened his eyes, the curtain was not tight, and a ray of sunshine came in from the gap. Without this nightmare, it's an ordinary morning. Song Wen turned over when he was lying, and his heart rate gradually returned to normal. He sat up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and gradually woke up.

That dream again.

Zhou Yining directly asked Song Wen, "are you considering transferring him?"

Song Wen held his mobile phone and thought for a moment: "no need for the moment, I'll find out."

The author has something to say: once again, many of the settings in this article are fictional and empty, and then ask for comments ^ ^ net, net, you can remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books, and chat with book friends:

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