"The man of this family is Zhou, and his name is Zhou chuguo. The dead man is him, his mother Chen Cuihua and his wife Yang Li. This morning, someone heard a scream in their house. When they came to see that the door was half open and there were people lying inside, they called the police Zhang Dahai introduced them as he led them through the door.

Lin xiuran followed into the door, Song Wen and Lu Siyu also put on gloves and shoes, and walked into the yard. There are already three people standing in the yard. Next to them, a middle-aged man with glasses takes the forensic investigation box. Next to him, a little fat man is taking photos. There is a little policeman with acne. He looks at the body and is afraid to move forward.

Zhang Dahai said: "Li De is the forensic doctor of our county police station. He has also dealt with forensic doctor Lin. material evidence Xiao Wu, the little criminal policeman, surnamed Meng, just call him Xiao Meng."

"It's the same with the family this week. They spent more than half of their savings on building a house. A few years ago, they spent the rest of their money in order to marry their daughter-in-law, and they still owe a lot of debts. Now they have to live a tight life."

"For you city dwellers, this may be a toilet money, but for rural people, it's a lifetime savings Many people bite their teeth to get a wife, or even borrow money to marry a daughter-in-law. Some families have sons and daughters, so they sell their daughters and use their daughters' betrothal gifts to marry their daughter-in-law. When they get married, they have to put out wine and entertain the whole village. The villagers need face, Maotai for wine and Zhongnanhai for cigarettes. The money they pay is not enough. They all pay for marriage at a discount. "

Zhang Dahai said: "well, you don't know our custom here. There is a saying on our side that we should lose our property, marry a wife and sell our daughter happily. On this side, there are few girls and many men of the right age. The price of the marriage market is rising rapidly. It costs hundreds of thousands to get married once, including bride price, gold and silver jewelry and wedding money. "

Song Wensheng was afraid of missing something. He asked Zhang Dahai, "the family's house looks like a big family from the outside. Why do they feel a little short of money when they come in?"

Zhang Dahai mentioned this: "their child's name is Zhou Cong. He is only six and a half years old this year. At that time, his family didn't want to dissect him. They said they didn't want his child to die, but they didn't have the whole body. We were cautious at that time, or advised to sign the autopsy, the results cut the body to see, are drowning, that child is drowned! I had to sew it up again. For this matter, Zhou chuguo didn't give me a good look for a long time. "

"Then what happened? Did you dissect it? Are you sure it was an accident? " Song Wen continued to ask.

Zhang Dahai explained: "this Anyway, the child went out to play with his father and got lost. Later, people from half the village went to the neighborhood to help find him. Finally, they found him by the river. At that time, just in spring, the river would occasionally flood. Looking at the water only to the ankle, it could reach the waist of adults in less than a minute. Maybe the children didn't pay attention and caught up with the flood when they were playing

"What a coincidence? Was it drowning? " Song Wen frowned and asked again. It seems that the family is being depended on by death. His son drowned two months ago, but something happened to the adult. Although it's an accident, it's too close. Maybe the child's accident is not simple. Maybe it has something to do with the current case.

Zhang Dahai was embarrassed: "this You didn't ask

"Why didn't you say such important information just now?" After listening to this, Song Wen said a word to Zhang Dahai. According to principle, they should have been told the information when they arrived at the scene. As a result, Lu Siyu could see that he said it.

Mentioning this, Zhang Dahai looked a little embarrassed and coughed: "Zhou chuguo and his wife have a son, but it's a little sad. The child drowned in the spring two months ago."

At this point, Lu Siyu frowned and said, "officer Zhang, I saw a little boy's clothes in their house. You also said that Yang Li has been at home teaching her husband and children, but where are their children?"

Zhang Dahai nodded: "well, well, it's a simple matter. I went back and checked the residents' information one by one. I think there are only about ten people in this village who meet these points."

Song Wen said: "if you meet the requirements, you should screen them first. If you meet the key suspects, we will check them one by one."

Zhang Dahai was a little afraid of Song Wen and thought about it: "it seems that there is a suspect However, I haven't been back to the village for a long time. I want to check it. "

"Then we'll keep in touch." Song Wen finished his words and waved away Lin xiuran. He looked at the scene and concluded: "man, about 180 in height, acquaintances, electrician knowledge, hatred with this family. There was a crime time from last night to this morning. Captain Zhang, this is your territory. Do you have any suspects? "

The car carrying the body has been parked at the door. Lin xiuran wants to be in a hurry. Lao Li and several other people helped Lin xiuran carry the body to the car.

During this time, Lin xiuran finished looking at the three corpses over there, stood up and said: "there are some fighting marks under the ribs and knees on Zhou Chu's corpse here. Now we can't judge whether the marks are related to the case. Several people died of electric shock almost at the same time. The rest have to go to the funeral home to see the results of the dissection. Let's split up the two ways later. "Zhang Dahai is used to being rude in this area. Everyone respects him as a police officer. Now the criminal police captain called here is acting in a vigorous manner, completely ignoring his face, which makes him angry and resentful. But on the surface, he has to listen to Song Wen.

Zhang Dahai gnaws his teeth and nods. In Luning County, where he lives, there are only a few homicide cases in a year. Most of them have simple plots. Either there are eyewitnesses, or they kill people with passion. If it were not for the large number of deaths and the strangeness, they would not be called to Song Wen.

"Expand the search and see if there are similar footprints in other parts of the village. In the afternoon, you can circle the suspects and try them one by one in similar shoes to see if they are the same person. " Song Wen looked at the scene and told him, "when you are electrified, measure the current and voltage when the door is electrified. Pay attention to safety when measuring. When the measurement is finished, you can carefully remove the wires to see where they are connected, what brand, how long they are, and what information they have on them."

Lu Siyu ignored him and kept pressing the shutter with his camera.

Zhang Dahai rushed to the landing of Si Yu and accompanied him with a smiling face: "a famous teacher is a good apprentice, so this case should be solved soon."

Everyone's footprint is one of the most basic behavioral characteristics. It has something to do with people's age, weight, height and even past experience. There are no two identical fingerprints in the world. Similarly, even if you wear the same shoes, you can't leave two identical footprints. When Wu Qing retired to the second tier, he systematically studied a series of evidence from crime scenes, such as footprints and bloodstains, and published several papers. Lu Siyu followed him to learn relevant criminal investigation techniques and also benefited a lot.

Lu Siyu looked up at him and said, "you are probably my tutor."

Although Zhang Dahai was a little confused, he also knew the importance of footprints. He scratched his head and said, "I heard that there is an expert in the provincial police academy who can judge who is not who by footprints alone. It's very magical."

Lu Siyu came over and took a look at the damaged material evidence: "at least there is half a shoe print in the back. Let's shoot it first, we can do part of the foot print screening." He blinked and tried to peel off the two footprints with his vision. After a moment, he said, "the footprints are about 43 yards, with thick soles and wavy patterns on the heels. It can be judged from this that the man who connected the wire is about 180. According to the position of the two footprints, the man's standing posture is a bit of toe buckle."

Looking at the flustered figure of several people, team leader song, a workaholic, sighed helplessly. These pig team-mates are really a little unable to move.

Zhang Dahai wakes up like a dream. He asks the material evidence to take photos, and asks the little criminal police below him to extract and measure the footprints.

Song Wen raised his head and asked, "did you take a picture here?"

Although Song Wen was angry, he had nothing to do with the situation. We all know that we should protect the scene, but in reality, the scene is often destroyed by the reporter or the masses who come first, which will cause difficulties to the later detection. Zhang Dahai destroyed the forefoot part of the footprints in front of him, which was indistinct and illegible. Only one heel remained outside.

Zhang Dahai boasted that Haikou was well protected. As soon as he came up, Lin xiuran and Song Wen picked up the thorn and destroyed the important material evidence, which was no less than two slaps in the face. He took the yard as the scene of the crime for granted before, and he didn't think about it carefully. In fact, the murderer didn't come in at all, and only stayed at the door.

When Zhang Dahai saw it, he was just like the footprints he had stepped on. His big face turned red, "ah, that This Maybe I didn't pay attention when I looked at the wires in the morning... "

Song Wen went to the door and squatted down. He saw that there were two overlapped footprints in that position. One of the footprints had obvious patterns. Song Wen looked very familiar. Then he turned to Zhang Dahai with a little anger. "Team Zhang, this is your shoe print."

Song Wen didn't listen to his deception, thought about it and said, "No. It rained last night. The soil at the gate was wet and the terrain was relatively high, which made it easier to leave footprints. Moreover, if the murderer wants to place wires on the door, he needs to be very close to the shutter of the door. That angle should be a dead angle, and the onlookers will not step on it. "

Zhang Dahai said: "Captain song, as you know, it rained heavily last night. This morning, the people who reported the case also watched around the door. There are few valuable traces."

“…… Look at this height. The killer should be over 1.75 meters tall. He is a man. At least, the one who connects the wire may be a man. The murderer should know the family of the deceased. Only a familiar person can know the location and situation of their family, how to pull the call and where to tie it. The murderer has certain electrician knowledge and may have completed the operation with insulating gloves. " Song Wen quickly made a judgment. Then he looked outside the door and asked Zhang Dahai, "has the material evidence extracted the footprints at the door?"

After reading the outside, Lu Siyu came into the room. His eyes fell on a book. He opened it and found that it was Zhou chuguo's bookkeeping book. Every account on it was clearly remembered, and there were many books on the shelf. There was a biscuit box nearby. Lu opened it and found that there were all kinds of bills in it. Each one was square and neat. He looked at the earliest bills, which were actually a few years ago.After measuring and marking each specific position, Lu Siyu frowned slightly, looked at the finger with gloves, which was inconvenient to bite, opened his mouth and held the pen in his hand. Who had such a big hatred for the family?

Lu Siyu lowered his head to record the tragic situation in the morning. The arc crackled in the yard. The three people didn't even have time to scream and twitch. They soon didn't move. The feeling of the electric current hitting the body is a kind of unbearable tingling, like a needle burning hot into the skin, like a caterpillar crawling into the body quickly along the flesh and blood, until the connected electric current hit the heart, causing cardiac arrest.

The three members of the family did not expect that their iron door was used as a sharp weapon by the murderer and died on such a morning.

"Last night, it rained from six to eight. After eight thirty, it stopped completely. So the placement time of that wire should be between 8:30 and 7:00 the next morning. The killer knows that as long as there is a heavy rain, there will be water in the yard. " Song Wen said that he went back to the door and opened and closed the door: "the electricity is directly connected to the iron door, and the threshold is relatively high. When the door is not opened, it is safe in the yard, and it is impossible to detect that there is a wire connected to the door. It should be Zhou chuguo who came to open the door in the morning. After he was electrified, he couldn't get rid of it. Yang Li went to pull him, but she was stuck together. She stepped on the water in the yard, which was equivalent to leading the electricity to the yard. The whole yard was electrified. Chen Cuihua, who heard the sound, was also electrified to death. "

Lu Si language nodded: "this case is absolutely not accidental, but the murderer after careful preparation and planning, he is waiting for such a heavy rain." The way of electrocution can make the murderer invisible without entering the door. It is easier to hide the murderer than other means.

"There is no sign that the house has been turned over. There is no sign of outsiders entering the house and the door. The murderer did not enter the yard at all. The money put on the table at home was not lost. It is not for money. Everyone's clothes are complete. It is not for sex. It should be for revenge or other reasons. He just wants the family to die." Song Wen said while checking the scene.

Song Wen nodded and went into the room to have a look. Chen Cuihua lived on the first floor and Zhou chuguo and his wife lived on the second floor. The family was obviously unprepared for bad luck, and there was still food left in the kitchen. From the outside, the house of this family is well built, and it should be rich. But somehow, the layout of the family is very simple, and the vegetables on the table are all vegetarian, so it seems that life is hard.

Zhang Dahai said: "Chen Cuihua has been idle at home for a long time. Zhou chuguo is the accountant in this village. Yang Li has been farming and taking care of her family."

Then Song Wen asked Zhang Dahai, "what are the occupations of these dead?"

Lu Siyu knows Song Wen's character. In his life, he will give this kind of old man the respect he deserves. But as long as he is at work, Song Wen will be serious. If he doesn't do his job well, he will not be able to get along with him. Regardless of his qualifications and age, he will not give him any face. He deserves Song Wen's flattery Give him a lesson.

Zhang Dahai just gave up. Oh, he put the cigarette behind his ear.

Song Wen frowned mercilessly: "this is the scene, you want to smoke outside."

Zhang Dahai also said: "come on, don't mention it. Although it's not as expensive as you, it's also very good."

Song Wenyi waved his hand: "I don't smoke."

"Don't mention it. The old village leader had a stroke years ago and just died two months ago. There are several people in the village fighting openly and secretly for the position of village leader. But those people fight fiercely at ordinary times, and they are all counselled one by one. Now it's the branch secretary who is in charge of the affairs. When you didn't come in the morning, the branch secretary came. He told us to investigate the case well and cooperate with the village. " Zhang Dahai took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it back to Song Wen.

Song Wen can see that Zhang Dahai's perfect words are actually a stick and a mallet, which can't be expected. The little policeman and the material evidence obviously had little experience. Maybe they had not seen many dead people. He instructed them to do the basic on-site investigation. Then he turned to Zhang Dahai and asked, "what happened in the village? Has the village head come?"

Zhang Dahai thought of this ring. His face changed slightly. He took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call right away."

"Now it's confirmed that it's murder. The murderer is very familiar with the surrounding situation. He should be an acquaintance. Mobile crime can be ruled out. You'd better apply with the above and send police force to investigate the nearby stations to prevent the suspects from escaping." Song Wen said and put on gloves, "people in the village should also pay attention to the next trend."

Lin xiuran went over to have a detailed look. He lifted up the old man's hair and looked at his face. The old man was lying in the water on the ground. Maybe he met her when he fell down. There was blood on her forehead. Her face was gray and her eyes were half open. The posture of lying down was like a mass of meat on the ground. Because she was electrocuted to death, her fingers spasm, like tightening the animal's claws, trying to grasp something.

After that, he got up and went inside again. Now after a whole morning's sun exposure, the water in the yard was much less, but the water stains were still there. In a pool of water in the center of the yard, there was an elderly woman lying on her stomach, which should be Zhou chuguo's mother Chen Cuihua."That button should be caused by struggle. It's better not to move it in case of such a situation in the future. We'll deal with it when we come." Lin xiuran said and squatted down. He probably checked the two bodies. He looked at the electric current spot on the palm of the man's corpse and felt the corpse's stiffness. "The time of death is between six and eight in the morning. It depends on the autopsy results. The cause of death should be electrocuted."

After listening to Lin xiuran's question, Zhang Dahai had to explain hastily: "these three people were all dead when we arrived. At that time, Zhou chuguo's hand was still on the doorknob. We cut off the electricity. In order to open the door smoothly, we pulled his hand down Nothing else moved. Well, by the way, we didn't untie that button. "

Li, the forensic doctor standing in the yard, was stunned by him and looked at Zhang Dahai like asking for help. He didn't want to move these two people, but Zhang Dahai gave an order when he arrived in the morning.

Lin xiuran looked a few eyes, slightly frowned: "you moved these two bodies?"

Now it's near summer, they don't wear too much. The two corpses are pale and stiff. The corpses present a strange rigid posture. The buttons on the woman's body are scattered. One of the men's shoes falls to one side. The left hand of the man and the right hand of the woman are tightly pulled together. There was an electric burn on the right hand.

On the ground near the door, there were two corpses, a man and a woman. Looking at their age, they were about 30 years old. It should be Zhou chuguo and Yang Li.

Zhang Dahai nodded with a smile: "it's all done."

Lin xiuran looked at it. It was obvious that the small yard was the scene of the crime. He asked, "have you taken all the photos?"

Song Wen sighed: "it seems that you are close to Nancheng. How can the price of marriage be higher than that over there?"

Zhang Dahai said with a smile: "now the more rural areas are, the more rules there are. Many girls want to leave here, and they are finally taken away by your city people."

After chatting with Zhang Dahai, Song Wen said, "if there's no clue that the death of the child is related to this incident, we'd better investigate the case first, and the rest will trouble officer Zhang." After that, he pulled Lu Si and said, "let's go. It's time for dinner. Let's have dinner." Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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