At this time, it's 6:30 in the evening, and the sky is getting dark. The orange red sunset and the blue night blend together in the sky, like a beautiful watercolor painting. A few people are standing or squatting in the cemetery at the head of the village, but they are not interested in enjoying the beautiful scenery of the mountain village.

After listening to Lu Siyu's words, Zhang Dahai frowned and straightened his mind: "so, the child may be the first victim? He was the beginning of the family murder. His family died of the same murderer. The murderer killed the child, but he didn't get rid of his anger. He killed his family a few months later

For a moment, they were silent. They thought about the whole case. There were many details in it. They didn't feel special when they first understood it. Now they think about it carefully and are afraid. There was still a strong smell of carrion in the air, but because we stayed at the scene for a long time, we all got used to it.

Song Wen also saw the wire at this time. If he touched it in the dark, it was easy to cause new casualties. Fortunately, Lu Siyu found it. He scolded in a low voice: "Damn, it's cruel."

By the light of the flashlight, Lu Siyu approached the switch of the lamp, looked at it carefully, and then carefully picked up a section of exposed copper wire with wooden chopsticks on one side of the table. The lights here have long been transformed into traps.

In the dark, Zhang Dahai was stunned, and he was pulled apart by Lu Siyu, a little puzzled.

"Did you find anything in it?" Zhang Dahai's voice came over. The room was dark. He had just called someone to come over. At this time, he entered the door and was ready to turn on the light. Lu Siyu suddenly thought of something and whispered: "be careful!"

This is a single man's home, a total of two rooms, is open, the room is clean, in the face of the room with two beds, obviously cleaned, not messy. On the inside, there was an old TV. There were some awards pasted neatly on the wall. I couldn't recognize the handwriting for a long time. Song Wen saw a dark green thing hanging near the door. He walked in and saw that it was a long raincoat. Song Wen remembers what the villagers said before, turns back and nods to Si Yu. It is very likely that the murderer is this man.

The white light cut through the darkness, and the things in the room became clear.

Song Wen enters the door, and Lu Siyu shines on his mobile phone behind him.

Zhang Dahai let out a cry and made a phone call in a hurry.

"It's probably this one." Song Wen pulls out his gun from behind and kicks open the closed door. After a bang, the door opened. Song Wen saw that there was no movement inside, and then he entered. He said to Zhang Dahai behind him, "pay attention to protect the scene, call the material evidence personnel over, extract the evidence, and block this place."

Zhang Dahai hurried to take them into the village, and crossed a few streets to the door of Xue Jingming's house. This place is located in the south of the village. It's a bit too far away. The door is a little old, with mottled paint. At this time, when the lights are on, many people light up, but it's dark here. Several people stood outside the door. Lu Siyu turned his mobile phone into a flashlight mode. First he took a photo on the ground, and then he said, "it's like footprints." After that, he looked at a cigarette end at the door, "the brand of cigarettes is the same."

Zhang Dahai wakes up like a dream. He calls Xue Jingming and asks him to take a look at his home. Soon, the phone calls. Xue Jingming's door is closed. He asks his neighbor that he saw him go out at 8 am. He picks up a backpack and asks him where to go. He doesn't reply.

The more people analyzed it, the more suspicious it was. Song Wen frowned and said, "don't call me. Just hurry up and find someone to have a look at his home. We'll be there in a minute He thought about it and said, "people who go to see must pay attention to safety. Just make sure if they are at home." If Xue Jingming had been the murderer who had killed so many people, he would have been an outlaw for a long time. It might be dangerous to approach him rashly.

Zhang Dahai was convinced by Song Wen and nodded to one side: "the details have been checked, and the man's height is also in line. Although he is usually a little hunchbacked, he is not low. Xiao Meng, please call Xiao Zhang and call him over. "

Song Wen thought for a while: "after so long, Xue Jingming's initial desire for Yang Li has turned into hatred. Moreover, after his child died, he feels that Yang Li also has a certain responsibility. As for Zhou's mother, it's probably because he went to Zhou's house to borrow money and didn't marry Yang Li in the end. However, these two people are not the main ones he wanted to kill. He mainly wanted to revenge Zhou Chu. Assuming that Zhou's mother and Yang Li have a strong sense of prevention, and they don't rush forward after Zhou Chu's electric shock, then those two people may escape. "

Zhang Dahai scratched his head and asked, "I understand your logic, but why did Xue Jingming even kill Yang Li? After all, that's the woman he used to feel better about

Song Wen said: "wait for the results of DNA test." Before there was a result, their inference was only inference. Now they have the cigarette ends left by the murderer, the bodies of Zhou chuguo and the child. As long as they find Xue Jingming and get his DNA, they can tell the truth.

Zhang Dahai asked, "whose child is it?"

Song Wen: "the existing clues infer that there are some details we don't know yet. To see if this is the case, we should seize Xue Jingming and ask him. "In these two cases, the child drowning case comes first, and the electric switch case comes later. It seems that there is no connection, but in fact, the child drowning case is the cause of the whole incident.

Zhang Dahai arranged his thoughts: "well, at the source, maybe Zhou chuguo killed the child, and Xue Jingming killed their whole family?"

By now, most of the evidence has been collected and the logic has been straightened out.

Song Wen analyzed: "if he had worked as a carpenter, he might have learned some skills of connecting electricity with electrotechnics. From this point of view, his career is right. If Xue Jingming thinks that the child is his and accidentally learns that Zhou chuguo intentionally killed the child, he is likely to do such extreme things as killing the door. I'm afraid that's the motive of killing the door by turning on the switch. "

Zhang Dahai said: "he used to help people decorate and do some carpentry work. Later, when he was working, he was sawed off a finger by a chainsaw and couldn't work any more. He made a living by picking mountain goods."

Lu Siyu interjected and asked, "what's the job of Xue Jingming you're talking about?"

Hearing this, Song Wen frowned slightly: "maybe it was his behavior, coupled with the rumors in the village, that made Zhou Chu determined to kill his son."

Xiao Meng said, "isn't that a famous filial son nearby? He never gave up when his mother was seriously ill. And he likes children very much. He often goes to schools and kindergartens to share candy with children. I once saw him talking with Zhou Chu's son

Zhang Dahai said, "it's nine fingers. According to the one who lost a finger, the famous old bachelor in the village." In this village, people usually use nicknames more than their real names. Xue Jingming is different from the policeman. It's normal for him not to know his name.

"Well, who is Xue Jingming?" One side of the small Meng interposed Zhang Dahai: "I have been in the village for so many years, did not hear of this person ah."

Hearing this, Song Wen took off his disposable gloves, wrapped them up and prepared to throw them away. He turned to look at Zhang Dahai and Xiao Meng, who were still in a daze: "what are you doing? Now that Xue Jingming has been mentioned, this man is highly suspected. Confirm as soon as possible whether he is still in the village. Also, find the young people in the village to fill this pit. It's immoral to dig a hole without filling it. "

Zhang Dahai was so scolded by him that his neck shrank: "these two families have long been separated. If there are any grudges, they are all in the past. No matter how angry Xue Jingming is, he won't get revenge after several years, will he? Before, I thought that the death of a child was an accident, so I didn't think about it. "

Song Wen said: "it sounds like Xue Jingming is very suspicious. Why didn't you say something so important earlier?"

"On the other side of the Zhou family, Yang Li later married Zhou chuguo and soon gave birth to a son. At that time, the old man of the Zhou family was still there and held a hundred day banquet for the children. But Later, we found out that the state of Zhou Chu had one eyelid, but the child had two eyelids. The state of Zhou Chu had a long face, but the child had a round face. It didn't look very like... "

"A few years ago, Xue Jingming and Yang Li fell in love with each other and were the envy of everyone in the village. However, Xue Jingming's father died early and his family was poor, so they could not afford the bride price. For this marriage, Xue Jingming and his mother went to various relatives to borrow money, and even went to the Zhou family. But after all, Xue's mother was only a widow who had lost her husband, and her relationship had been broken for a long time. In the end, they didn't borrow much. They were driven out by the Yang family because of the gift book, and their marriage didn't work out. Later, they didn't expect that Yang Li married Zhou chuguo and was picked up by her relatives. Xue's mother was very angry and became seriously ill. She died in a few years. "

Zhang Dahai said: "after your analysis just now, I remember that there are still some old stories about this family. Before Yang Li married the Zhou family, she once had an object named Xue Jingming in the village. It's said that this person is still related to the Zhou family. Xue Jingming's mother and Zhou chuguo's mother are cousins."

When everything is ready, Lin xiuran and Lao Li get on the bus and go to the funeral home together. Song Wen turned his head and looked at Zhang Dahai again: "what other stories are there in this village that you didn't tell us? Who is the man who has something to do with Yang Li? "

Song Wen goes over and takes out the room card that has been opened for Lin xiuran. Lin xiuran swings his hand and says, "forget it. I'm sure I'll sleep in the town tonight. It's not sure whether I can sleep or not."

"It's obvious that we have to test the child before we can make a final conclusion, and the face shape and features are not necessarily accurate." Lin xiuran said, the car arrived, they put the child's body into the body bag, transported to the funeral home for more detailed inspection. Wait for the results of the DNA to come out.

Zhang Dahai thought of something and said, "I think it's hard to find my wife if she's divided. Besides, I can't let the family's ugliness go out At that time, I still remember that after the child died, Zhou chuguo comforted Yang Li, saying that they were still young and would come back to live again. "

One side of the small police Xiaomeng doubt asked: "doubt is not his son, why not divorce?"

The tragedy happened.

Song Wen continued to infer the case, "his attitude towards his family is getting worse and worse, and this emotion accumulates with the growth of the child. Zhou chuguo does not have the courage to take the child to test whether he is his own. Instead, he is ruthless and chooses another extreme solution. That day, he takes the child out of the door and goes to the grocery store at the head of the village to buy a speedometer for the child Then they came all the way to the stream.... ""At first, the state of Zhou Chu only doubted the origin of his son. Gradually, the speaker didn't want to listen to him. The state of Zhou Chu took it as his heart knot. The green on his head seemed to stick in his heart. Whenever he saw the child, he couldn't sleep at night."

Song Wen continued to analyze: "Zhou chuguo is an accountant. His thinking is old-fashioned and a bit dogmatic. His house is very clean, and all his habits remain unchanged. Rumors can kill people. Maybe he is worried by the details of his daily life and a few words with his wife. People like him can't accept his wife's infidelity, let alone the fact that the children he has raised for many years are not his own. "

"Whether the rumor is true or not, Zhou Chu believed it." Song Wen's pupils are bright, and his eyes are black and white. He seems to have insight into everything: "if he wants to kill this child, he probably thinks that it's not his son, or that it's not his son that matters. He thinks that it's his son that matters more."

Zhang Dahai swallowed his saliva and said, "well, as I said, you've seen Yang Li's body. It's very watery. People in the village suspect that Yang Li may have brought a green hat to her man. However, this is the case in the village. There are always gossips. Whether they are true or false, they are all true. In fact, most of them are false. They are just idle gossips. "

"Make it clear. "Song Wen continued to press him.

Zhang Dahai was staring at Song Wen's eyes and lowered his head: "well, there's a little gossip in the village, but it's all made fun of by the villagers."

"Have you noticed that at home, they didn't set a memorial tablet for the children, and there was no sign of going to the grave at the head of the grave. People in the village said that there was a cry by the stream, maybe Yang Li was secretly sacrificing." Song Wen said here and looked at Zhang Dahai, "when I asked about the children with the people in the village, the people in the village were a little hesitant. At that time, I didn't understand. Now I finally understand. Is there anything wrong with the child's life experience? "

Song Wen looked back at the corpse and recalled the information he had said before, "as for motivation..." At this point, his eyes narrowed up, brow slightly frowned, eyes slightly trembled, suddenly figured out the link.

Listening to Song Wen and Lin xiuran's words, Zhang Dahai's lips are shaking. He hardly knows the village where he grew up. They all say that tiger poison doesn't eat children. How can the murderer of children be his own father? This is even more incredible than the case in front of him: "Zhou chuguo is usually a little strict with children. He is not crazy. Why did he kill his own children? He is still a boy. What's his chance? "

At first, it sounds hard to understand this point of view. However, as Zhang Dahai said just now, the child's father often beat and scolded him, and finally bought a chicken leg for the child before his death. It's a bit chilly.

Lin xiuran also responded, bowed his head to think about it, and added: "if Zhou chuguo killed the child, the drumstick might have been bought for the child because of his guilt, which coaxed the child to the stream." In this way, many things will make sense.

Looking at the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Song Wen wanted to understand the link and explained to him: "the child went out with Zhou Chu. What happened? You can only listen to Zhou Chu's one-sided words. I heard people in the village say a detail before. People on both sides of the Strait have not heard the child's cry for help. It may be because of Zhou Chu's hand, Children will not have any help, because it was the person he trusted. The child was taken out by Zhou chuguo. He told the people in the village that the child was missing. He had time to commit a crime and obstructed the autopsy several times afterwards. Maybe he was afraid of being found out. "

With these words, Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the child's corpse. The eyelids of the corpse were partly rotten, and a pair of eyeballs protruded out, which looked like death.

"The other, I'm afraid, is that the child was killed by his father."

"What about the other one?" Zhang Dahai asked in surprise.

Lu Siyu had a stomachache again. He stood up with a pale face and leaned against the tree. He lowered his head and closed his eyes in silence. He pondered for a moment, thought out some reasons, and said, "I think there are two possibilities. The first one is the one you said."

Zhang Dahai thought of the tragic situation of the corpses in the morning. He felt that he had recovered his life. He was sweating all over. He stroked his chest and said, "I'm scared to death, little brother. You've saved my life. When the case is over, I'll buy you a drink."

Lu Si language coldly looked up at him, but he said, "I don't drink."

Zhang Dahai was ready to flatter, but he choked and couldn't speak. The police in this city have a good professional level, but they are so inhuman Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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