Nancheng 18 years ago.

This is a city under construction. There are construction sites everywhere. Several huge chimneys in the northeast of the city are emitting billowing smoke day and night. Because sometimes there is dust weather, the sky above is orange, the whole city is like a huge steel monster, waking up from hibernation, stretching to make a difference in the world.

In the city of September, the weather is still muggy, and another thunderstorm is coming. Dark clouds block the sun, the dust floating in the air, so that the whole world seems to have added a layer of brown filter. At this time, it's the rush hour of work. Located in a block not far north of Nancheng, the roadside is full of people in a hurry.

Song Wen admits that he's attracted to him. Before the beginning of the relationship, people always think too much. Office romance is taboo, especially their profession and identity. Moreover, he doesn't know what Lu Siyu thinks of him. There are too many uncertainties in the future, but the case has come back and people have no time to take care of it.

Also, his relationship with Lu Si language

Song Wen doesn't want to let Lu Siyu come back early. Apart from loving him, he feels that his physical condition should not be returned to work early. He is afraid that he will have stomach trouble again after his hard work. He is really selfish because he is afraid that the case involves too much and wants to keep him out of the business. Next Monday, there will be a buffer period.

Song Wen plays the keyboard finger meal, tonight's case, is three teams to the scene investigation, finally Gu Bureau suddenly informed him to take over. This kind of work arrangement is very rare in ordinary times. Song Wen analyzes several possibilities. Either Gu bureau thinks that the third team may not be able to complete the case and assign it to the first team with a high rate of solving the case, or Cheng Mo, the third team leader, takes the initiative to express his hope that another team will take over the case after he gets it. Whatever the reason, it shows that the current case will be very difficult to deal with. As an old policeman, Fu Linjiang undoubtedly thought of this.

Fu Linjiang burst out laughing and said, "well, didn't you let him take charge of the copywriting? But now I'm sorry. " Speaking of this, he whispered and his eyes were bright. "Or do you think this case is serious and don't want him to get involved?"

The last report was written by Song Wen himself, and most of the credit was given to Lu Siyu. It's good for promotion and salary increase if you review your achievements. Unfortunately, Lu Siyu doesn't seem to appreciate it. He doesn't care much about it. He just wants to return to the team.

Song Wen managed to coax Lu Siyu away. At this time, he was deeply worried: "he didn't recuperate well at all, and it's not that I won't let him come back, you know? On the third day when he was out of danger, he was transferred to the hospital in Nancheng. I had just finished a case and I was eager to see him. Results as soon as he entered the ward, he saw that he was using his infusion hand to write on the small table of the hospital bed, such as remittance, report, summary and settlement. At that time, I was so angry that considering that he was a patient, I didn't have the same opinion with him, so I just confiscated the pen and paper. Do you think I dare to let such a person return to work early? "

Looking at Lu Siyu's departure, Fu Linjiang came around and winked at Song Wen, saying, "who is it? I've scratched my heart and lungs to hope that people will come back to the team before. I can see my face and pretend not to be in a hurry here."

"Well I'll come back next Monday. "Lu Siyu didn't say anything. He got up and left.

Fu Linjiang couldn't help saying: "don't worry, Xiao Lu, who doesn't know you are the treasure of song team, and won't want you. This time you have an accident, song team blames itself more than you. While taking care of this side, they run to the hospital to see you every day. If you don't stop taking care of yourself, you'll come back. He can't even pass his own level. "

Next Monday, there are five days left. It's better than the fake note.

Looking at Lu Siyu standing there, song wencoaxed his children into saying, "listen, you go back today, and I'll sign for you next Monday."

"Nothing. You did a good job..." Song Wen couldn't see his expression and immediately softened, "the police force is under great pressure and has a fast pace. You know, it's certainly not as good as eating at home and sleeping well. The body is the capital of the revolution. There's no need to worry about reinstatement. Moreover, even if you pass my test, you will have to talk to Dr. Zhou again. So I think we should take a long-term view of this matter. "

After a moment's silence, he asked in a low voice, "team song, am I doing something bad? Or did I get into trouble before? You don't want me back... "

Lu Siyu has always been cold and indifferent. He seldom shows his emotion. But at this time, he shows a little aggrieved expression, like a rabbit with red eyes.

He seemed to have expected that Song Wen would get stuck and sighed.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and took the reinstatement form back to him. There were three levels on the form, the signature of the attending doctor, the signature of the immediate leader, and the evaluation of the psychologist. If Song Wen refused to sign, the process would not go on.

Now Lu Siyu has been in the hospital for only half a month and wants to come back. This kind of behavior can be agreed by doctors, but not by Song Wen.

So they didn't discuss with Lu Siyu. With a stroke of pen, Doctor Li opened it for a month and a half. Song Wen directly handed over the false slip to the personnel department of the Municipal Bureau. Lu Siyu just heard from doctor Li recently, but he didn't expect that this became the "theoretical basis" for Song Wen to reject him.

Song Wen said: "yes, you are right. I will take more care of him and take strict care of him."At that time, Dr. Li took the examination results and said, "there are many ulcers in the stomach, almost perforation of the stomach. Are you a team member?"

Lu Siyu opened the note when he just came back from the hospital. The process of asking for leave in the team needed a note. Song Wen went directly to the chief physician of the municipal Affiliated Hospital, Dr. Li, and asked him to write a note according to his condition.

Lu Siyu licked his lips: "that fake note It's been a long time, and there's no one to discuss it with me. I just know. "

Song Wen still didn't take the pen and crossed his fingers: "first of all, discharge and reinstatement are two concepts. The note that Dr. Li gave you before must have taken your physical condition into consideration. It's hard for the doctors to say that as the team leader, I think you should have more rest, at least come back after your vacation."

When Lu Siyu was able to eat, he began to eat less and more meals. He had breakfast at 6 a.m. every day, then had some fruit in the morning, and then had lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. He counted six meals a day. After one visit to the hospital, he gained two pounds. He used to be thin, but now he is a little bit fat. At this point, his face looks more white and delicate.

As a matter of fact, these days Lu Siyu is in the hospital, but Song Wen doesn't feel aggrieved at all. When he has time, he goes to take care of the patient himself, and often brings all kinds of meals to the patient.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and said, "but doctor Li has allowed me to leave the hospital, and then he signed I think it's a good rest. There are not enough people in the team. I'll come back early and be able to share some of the work. "

Song Wen was not in a hurry to sign. Instead, he put down the paper and said, "the last time I went, Dr. Li told me that although you are discharged now, there is still a week left for medical treatment, and after that, you still need to take a vacation and recuperate. I remember, there's still a month to go before he writes you a fake note. "

Lu Siyu stood opposite to Song Wen, holding his hand on the table, waiting for Song Wen to continue.

"Are you too anxious?" Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu, who was sitting opposite him. "As far as your situation is concerned, I went to talk to Dr. Li recently."

Song Wen didn't expect that Lu Siyu came to the Municipal Bureau at this point. He reached out and took the reinstatement report from Lu Siyu, on which doctor Li signed it. He didn't know what method he used to get Doctor Li to agree to his reinstatement in advance.

In the office of Nancheng Municipal Bureau, it is now more than 9 pm, and the office has become empty. Only a few policemen on duty and criminal policemen working overtime are still there.

all this is like a nightmare. Zhao Xiaoxin turns around and runs out along the river desperately, eager to leave the land of right and wrong

It's like a bug.

Then Zhao Xiaoxin found something different He was a little stunned. The more scared he was, the more he wanted to see clearly. With the dim street lamp, he finally saw clearly. In the wide open eyes of the corpse, there was a thin red thread, which was slowly creeping

It was a half rotten corpse of a man with his limbs tied and his whole body curled up strangely. His eyes were open and he was staring at Zhao Xiaoxin with a look of death. Zhao Xiaoxin was completely stunned by such changes. He did not expect, this river suddenly appeared a discarded body.

Zhao Xiaoxin let out a cry and stepped back. Subconsciously, he wanted to escape. But when he went down just now, he caught the bag in the corner of his clothes. With such a move, he took the bag upside down. The bag with the body turned to one side, exposing the body's face completely under the street lamp.

Zhao Xiaoxin was startled. He leaned over by the street light Then he saw that there was something lying in the bag - it was a dead man, and it was a complete, curled up dead man, as if he were a big man.

With curiosity and greed, Zhao Xiaoxin boldly went to the bag and pulled it. He saw a group of flies flying out of the bag. The flies seem to have mutated into bees and built a hive in this bag.

Ordinary people can guess things, to Zhao Xiaoxin here, the reaction is slow on a few shots. He was greedy. He thought the bag was pretty good. It looked waterproof. If he picked it up, he could put something in it. He didn't have any good luck in his life. He thought that it would be very good if he could be favored by God.

He likes the river. The sky is big and the earth is big. There is no one. Everything is his own. It seems that he has become a master.

Zhao Xiaoxin is not ashamed. He loves his work and his life.

If he was an ordinary person, he would immediately escape when he saw such a scene. However, Zhao Xiaoxin was not an ordinary person. He was stupid when he was young, and he was still a little stunned. In his parents' words, his brain was not working well, and he always hesitated and could not utter a complete meaning. Because of this, he could not communicate with ordinary people and work normally. After his parents died, he died To be a scavenger.

That travel bag is pure black. At night, it's airtight black. It's a little big. It's half a person's height when you put it there. The strong smell comes from that bag.

Today's wasteland by the river is different. Zhao Xiaoxin sensitively found that the taste here is much stronger, and the insects are much more active than in the past. He looked around and found a big black travel bag near the river bed.Every night, Zhao Xiaoxin would walk around to this area, pick up some garbage, and then go back to the bridge not far away to spend the night. Waiting for the sun to rise the next day.

Zhao Xiaoxin, a tramp, has been used to this kind of life for a long time. He is very familiar with the smell of garbage and the buzzing of flies. Since the beginning of garbage sorting in Nancheng, someone has found this place and transported the garbage here, saving time and effort, and no one will find and know.

On the dry river bed, the temperature is several degrees lower than that in the city. During the day, there are few people here, and at night, it is very quiet, as if it is a corner forgotten by everyone.

There is a wasteland in the northeast of Nancheng, which is almost the dividing line between the city and the suburbs, separated by a dried up river bed. On one side, there are red lights, red men and green women. On the other side, there is a desolate land full of garbage.

At this time, people are enjoying the free time, away from the noise of the day. The steaming heat gradually dissipates with the coming of the night, and is swept away by the gusts of night wind. This time of the day is the most free, the most timid and the most relaxed. You can take your lover's hand into the cinema, open your mobile phone alone, pour a glass of red wine, or pull a few people Friends and relatives, ready to play on a few try luck.

In midsummer, the southern city at 6:00 p.m. is not as prosperous as in the daytime, but has its own mystery at night.

Only the South Tower in the city, after several storms, still stands there.

Today's Nancheng is quite different from that of more than a decade ago. There are only some streets and alleys with traces of dilapidation caused by the rapid development in the past. It looks like a well-dressed woman with some faint lines at the corners of her eyes.

Time is like running water. It goes by before you know it. As time goes on, the memory of youth becomes more and more blurred, like a layer of fog and yarn. A lot of things seemed to be yesterday. Suddenly, everything changed. Day by day, January by month, year by year, people come here and cities come here.

Eighteen years later.

her body swayed, her steps were light, and she disappeared in the rain.

This battle, success or failure is tonight.

Finally, she gave up the idea. She pursed her lips, as if she had made up her mind, summoned up her courage, and looked firmly toward the gray building.

The woman turned her head and looked at the tall South Tower standing in the south city. Suddenly, she had an impulse to jump down from the tower.

Those raindrops filtered the dust in the air, and the sky turned pale blue in the distance.

And then all the sounds disappeared. Everything was replaced by the rustle of rain.

A woman's chest heaves and heaves as if she is not breathing well. She raised her hand as if to catch something.

She is nearing death.

She felt like an egg with a crack. Even if the egg liquid didn't come out for a while, it couldn't last long.

As long as she thought of that place, it seemed that all kinds of sounds appeared in her ears, such as screams, coughs, grunts, sighs, all kinds of sounds that she hated seemed to be intertwined, and all these It's all thanks to the man who put her in hell

Under the brown sky, a woman's eyes show a kind of crystal amber. She is a little distracted. The whole world seems to be solidified. From her point of view, you can see the gray buildings. It's her prison, her chaotic place. After enjoying this short freedom, she will enter the decadent place again.

Beside the traffic light pillar at the intersection, a woman was standing. She was well dressed. She wore a windbreaker and a pair of high-heeled shoes. She seemed to be waiting for the traffic light, but the red light changed several times, and she didn't cross the road. She seemed to be waiting for someone, but after waiting for a long time, no one came. She held a red umbrella quietly. The umbrella is red, bright like blood, so hot color, in this yellow world is particularly eye-catching.

Fate is doomed, this is an eventful autumn.

Rain suddenly fell down, hit on the body are a bit painful, panic passers-by running in the rain, looking for shelter.

The more he cherishes, the more careful he is. He is serious and needs to be careful every step.

Just thinking about it, the mobile phone on one side suddenly rang. Song Wen looked at it and said, "Lao Lin said that the body has been transported back. Let's go and have a look at the new body."

The author has something to say: he will not be obedient. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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