To the outside, finally no longer cold.

In the basement before, Lu Siyu's psychological discomfort had already surpassed his physical abnormality. As soon as he got outside and breathed the air, he calmed down.

It's getting dark in summer. It's dusk. It's getting dark all around. The thick smoke from the factory next door makes the sky look less transparent. The whole world is covered in half light and half dark. With the arrival of the police, it is no longer quiet here. The sound of footsteps and the barking of police dogs tear up the silence.

"No, Xia has no children." Lu Siyu shook his head. "Maybe she was pregnant, maybe not." Then he looked up at Song Wen: "I seem to have straightened it out a bit..."

Song Wen couldn't help cursing, "Damn, I can't help believing what you just said about Xia unknown having a child!"

After hearing this, Lu Siyu opened his eyes and came to look at the brochures in Song Wen's hand. The clues in his mind were connected, everything became clear, and the truth was close at hand.

Song Wen bowed his head and compared the pattern on the propaganda with the picture in front of him again. He said: "it seems that I can confirm the connection between Bai Luorui and this nursing home She built as like as two peas! "

Someone's copying this place!

Song Wen found that the location of all the buildings in the publicity map is almost the same as that of the Wushan nursing home, and several buildings can be matched one by one. It is a larger and more perfect "Wushan nursing home" which is almost completely reproduced.

Song Wen suddenly remembered something. He quickly searched his pocket and took out the paper in it. It was Bai Luorui who gave him the introduction of Longyue pension city. The colorful brochure slowly spread out in his hands.

The scene in front of him formed a complete picture in his mind, and the picture seemed familiar.

Song Wen's right eyelid suddenly jumped, and he suddenly felt that the picture in front of him was so familiar.

By this time, it's almost dark outside. With the rest of the sunset, you can have a panoramic view of the whole nursing home, including the administration building, the intensive care building, the activity field and the canteen

The room was soon searched by Song Wen. The dust began to blow up, and the smell was a little choking. Song Wen went to the window of the room, opened the bolt, and pushed the window open.

What are their reasoning errors?

Lu Siyu's brain quickly went through the clues he knew and the clues Song Wen told him. What's wrong?

For a while, Song Wen thought that Lu Siyu was asleep, but the sound of gnawing his nails from the corner told him that Lu Siyu was still awake and just thinking about the problem.

Lu Siyu got stuck in his own logic and lowered his eyelashes there. He habitually put his fingers in his mouth. His fingers were soaked in blood and stained with some blood. The smell did not disgust him, but made him excited.

Lu Siyu thinks that Song Wen's opinion is correct. What he can think of now must have been thought of by someone in those years. If Xia didn't have a child, there would be no record. The owners of the homes for the aged can't be unaware of this.

Lu Siyu calmed down. His sharp chin was a little bit soft and he said in a low voice: "yes. It's Mr. Wu's case. They can't make such an obvious mistake. "

After listening to him, Song Wen clapped his hands and said, "the reasoning is reasonable, but I still have that opinion. The police can't miss such important information."

That man's existence, Lu Si language in Cao boss there should be correct, but he is not good to say the reason to Song Wen, can only be used as his own reasoning and hypothesis.

"This kind of relationship is the relationship between inheritance and inheritance, but the way of killing has evolved, and the reason for killing has changed, which makes it more difficult to catch."

"She resented the man, herself and her children. When she slaughtered those old people, she did not avoid the existence of children, and even let them participate in it. This man will still disturb her life from time to time. After the east window incident, the man helped her escape and took her and her children. Eighteen years later, the child grew up and inherited Xia's legacy. Due to his childhood experience, he began to follow the same path as Xia. At this time, Zhang Pei discovered all this and was killed by him. " If analyzed in this way, everything can be explained. Xia did not know the motive of the crime, and the case of Zhang peicai also had a reasonable reason.

Lu Siyu closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked at the bloody room, as if he had constructed a picture of mother and son or mother and daughter living together. He continued to reason in a low voice. To be exact, it was no longer reasoning, but brainstorming, imagining all possibilities. In the abandoned room, his voice was clear, pleasant and slightly low, as if he was just telling the story that happened in this nursing home and this room.

"Before, in my unknown life in fupansha, there were always some important links missing, and some things didn't make sense. But if this assumption is true, everything will make sense. Xia was forced to have a relationship with a man when she was in school. She got pregnant by accident and then gave birth to a child. She couldn't take the children home because she didn't take them home. "Now it was the alternation of day and night, and the last sunlight became more and more red. The light shone on Lu Siyu's face through the window and stained his pale skin with a layer of blood. He blinked and whispered: "sometimes things can exist without recording." Then he couldn't help following this line of thought.

Song Wen was slightly stunned, frowned and turned to look at Lu Siyu: "but according to the police records, Xia has no children."

Eighteen years later, children grow up and become a new beginning, like a reincarnation.

Eighteen years, for the elderly, is to die, but for children, it is to grow up, Xia unknown killing method has been evolved and inherited, the elderly can not do, but children can do! As long as we can span a long enough time, we can start reincarnation and cycle.

This sentence was unintentional when Song Wen said it, but he suddenly pointed out Lu Si's language. He stopped biting his hands and raised his head, "I want to understand, it's a child!"

For the old people, there are not many years to live. When many people live in this nursing home, they don't plan to go out.

Song Wen listened to him repeat this sentence, slightly stunned, stopped the action in his hand: "what does this sentence mean? Start? Eighteen years ago, how can it be the beginning of the present? " Then he looked down at the book "how to judge early Alzheimer's disease" in his hand. "At that time, the client was either old or dead."

Song Wen continued to search for things in the room while Lu Siyu bit his fingernails. He muttered to himself, "this is not the end of everything, but the beginning of everything So, what's the beginning of that? "

Just like Xia unknown now, they can't confirm whether she is alive or dead, and where she is.

Nancheng police have also been exposed to some missing cases, with a thick stack of missing persons files. Only the police know that the number of missing persons in China is actually a huge number. Most of the cases that have been missing for a long time do not appear again. Most of these people are dead, and they die in a corner of the earth that their relatives do not know.

Lu Siyu's voice is soft, but what he says is extremely cruel. Song Wen put down a copy of nursing care for common diseases of the elderly and thought about it: "I know what you mean, because it's missing, and no substantial body has been found. Whether it's the family or the police, they always take chances. There are too many possibilities for disappearances. Many times, those unsolved cases are lost to persistence and time. "

Try your best and you can't find it.

The earth is too big, there are always some horns that people can't find, whether it's deep underground, remote wells, or the deep sea that human beings can't reach, it's like a dark trap, which can swallow the small human beings at any time.

Lu Siyu sighed and looked out of the window: "it's not too difficult to make a person disappear. This kind of missing case is much more difficult to investigate than homicide case. There are corpses in the homicide case, which can be traced by cable. But if people don't know where they have gone, many clues can't be traced. In ten days, one month or half a year, the missing person will soon be forgotten by others and the world. No one will go to him, and no one can find him. "

Lu Siyu pondered a little. The setting sun outside the window reflected his pale and handsome face. His eyes were as quiet as amber. He couldn't see the bottom: "I know that there is a sea area with big waves and reefs below. When I look down at it at night, it's dark, like a whirlpool. When I throw people into the sea, the corpse will never come up again There is no dead body. In our country, there are also many remote mountains and forests where there may be white bones under the ground. "

With the progress of criminal investigation technology, it is more and more difficult to kill without leaving traces. Material evidence, human evidence, monitoring, footprints, fingerprints, bloodstains, which used to be unable to determine the identity of suspects, have now been used in daily investigation. Song Wen was a little lucky that he lived in such an era, not in the past of backward science and technology. With the gradual upgrading of technical means, more murderers had nowhere to hide.

Song Wen continued to ask him, "what do you think is the best way to leave no trace?"

Lu Si whispered: "I think the real trouble is not to kill people, but to let the traces on the body disappear."

Song Wen thought of these arguments in the criminal psychology for a long time. He said: "I don't agree with both views. I only know that some people will not do anything to hurt others even if they are forced into a desperate situation by the acquired environment. And some of them are cruel. It has nothing to do with age. " When he got here, Song Wen turned to Lu Siyu and said, "do you think there is really perfect killing in this world?"

Especially when we meet those children who started to kill cruelly when they were a few years old or a teenager, their cruelty is enough to make adults shudder.

It has been a long time since ancient times that people have been debating whether to kill by nature or to be evil after tomorrow.

Lu Si wiped the dust on the table with a paper towel, and then leaned on the table: "Song team, do you think that this kind of person, this kind of monster, was born in the first place or created the next day?"Song Wen's eyes fell on those bookshelves, and his fingers swept through each book. These books have been searched by the police more than once, and now they are still here. There must have been no clues. However, when he saw those books, he could not help looking at them. He wanted to get close to Xia's unknown logic, in addition to some nursing and professional related books, there are also some psychological fields Books, many books have been turned yellow pages, book corner residual fall.

Lu Siyu's eyes fell on the table. There were some scratches on it, which were carved by the long nails. From top to bottom, from old to new. He carefully searched the room, and then found that there was no trace of the existence of men

There is a wardrobe beside the bed, which also retained a few pieces of clothing, are women's clothes, you can see the master graceful figure.

There is a box of sugar in the corner of the table, which has been dried for a long time, and the water cup is covered with dust. There are women's rubber bands in the corner of the table, small black hairpins, some simple daily necessities, nail clippers, make-up mirror, a wooden comb, and a few hairs on it. Once, Xia unknown was sitting on this table and lying on this bed. She thought about those cruel things in her heart, and implemented them one by one.

In front of me is a small room with one room. The walls are mottled. The layout of the room is the style popular 20 years ago. Now it looks a little conservative. There is a bed at one end of the room and a bookshelf, desk and chair on the other. Now the setting sun is about to end, with orange red sunlight projected from the outside window, to all the things pull out a long blood shadow.

Room 307 of the staff dormitory building is the place where Xia didn't know where he lived. Song Wen once saw the photo of this room more than once in that file. At the door of the room, Song Wen checked and confirmed the safety before he let Lu Siyu in.

Under the setting sun, everything seems to be dyed into a rich color of blood. Even the sky is like a piece of good red jade. When there is no train passing by, it is like an old place sealed by a curse. When passing through those buildings, you can only hear your own footsteps and the occasional call of police dogs.

Zhang peicai came here more than once before the accident. Those mysterious people are monitored here. There must be secrets here.

Now that we've all been here, it's a pity not to visit.

Lu Siyu bowed his head and was silent for a moment. Then he said, "team song, I want to see where Xia unknown lived."

Song Wen said, "I'll go with you."

Lu Siyu originally thought that he was still very cold, and all kinds of feelings were not very true. This sentence brought him to reality. It seemed that a warm current came out of the heart and warmed his body: "go back to doctor Zhou..."

Song Wen must admit that Lu Si's language will be of great help to the investigation of the case. Now the case has been confirmed and can be merged with the case 18 years ago. The pressure of their team will not be small for such a big thing. With the language of Lu Si, they can get closer to the answer more quickly.

He needs him.

"And..." Song Wen squatted down and looked him in the eyes. "I need you."

Song Wen sighed and explained, "anyway, you're also fooling around. It's better to be where I can see you than that."

Lu Siyu recovered, blinked, looked up and asked, "what's the matter? Why don't you stop my job? "

Lu Siyu's face was still white, his eyes were absent-minded, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he gave people a feeling of not eating fireworks. The whole person was like a glass of clear water, very clean. Song Wen stretched out his hand and rubbed his hair: "come back to work tomorrow, and the process will be mended later."

Song Wen hurried a few steps to Lu Siyu's side.

Lu Siyu has no expression on his face. His head is down and his chin is sharp. He looks like a child waiting for an adult to come home, but it makes people feel that he can't wait for the person he wants to wait for.

After everything is arranged, Song Wen comes back and sees Lu Siyu sitting on the doorstep. Under the sun, his figure looks thinner.

Fu Linjiang brought enough people to block the whole Wushan nursing home. There were also some police dogs looking for suspicious places. They did find some installed cameras here. The mysterious people evacuated first, leaving only a few messy footprints in the backyard.

Song Wen wrapped the wound on his head and told Fu Linjiang about his coming. He changed the version a little and only said that Lu Siyu was called by him.

The yard is full of busy policemen, and there are several assistant policemen who help to block the scene. Lu Siyu just looks at them busy, and there is no expression on his handsome face, as if he was not the one who was flustered just now.

Lu Siyu watched people coming and going, and his temperature gradually warmed up. He took a few mouthfuls of the biscuits that Fu Linjiang turned out from the car, drank some warm water, and wiped the blood on his hands with a paper towel. Then he sat on the steps wearing a coat that Fu Linjiang turned out from the police car.

That kind of unreal feeling disappeared, and the world was like an alien world rising from the bottom of the earth, which was visited again.

"What do you say?" Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu, and the dying sun gilded his hair."Xia has no children, or Her child may not have been born. " Lu Siyu's eyes were like excellent amber. Just now, he finally thought about the link. He put down his hand biting his lips. "That's not the end, but the beginning of everything. What we ignore is Children living in nursing homes. "

The setting sun gradually slants, the day will end, like a monster will devour all the sunshine, the night is coming. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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