After listening to Song Wen, people in the office are digesting the news.

Lao Jia said, "well, what did I say just now? It's the resurrection of the dead. "

Song Xiao said, "you're the same as song Xiao."

The man looked into her eyes and said quietly, "who died in the basement?"

"What What's the problem... " Chen Sixue stammered.

"We are seizing the time to solve the case, so we don't have to waste everyone's time lying." Another cool little policeman finally said, "in the trial just now, you really expressed doubts about the newly found body, and also expressed concern for your brother But you asked one less question. "

"Well, my eyes can see, but I'm not lying about anything else..." Chen Sixue lowered her head with a guilty heart.

The policeman's tone softened: "don't be nervous, we just want to know the situation and find the person who killed your brother." Then he looked at Chen Sixue with sharp eyes. "Of course, the premise is that you should cooperate with our work. If you continue to say that your eyes are still invisible, we don't mind going to an ophthalmologist for an identification."

Chen Sixue's secret was revealed. Her eyes behind her sunglasses blinked, and her face became paler and paler. For a moment, she shrank in the corner of the wall and bowed her head. She was thin and small, so she looked more pitiful.

The young policeman at the door turned his head and said, "first of all, during the inquiry just now, I found that your eyes reacted to the light of the interrogation room. So, my partner and I discussed, put an empty express box at the door to test you. You have a guide stick in your hand. As a person who has been blind for 20 years, you should be able to judge the correct direction of the door. The box we put is not at the front door, but at the side of the door. As a result, we saw it just now. You went straight to the box and almost tripped. Because you're pretending you can't see, and you think it's more realistic when you bump into it, but it shows your flaws. What's more, if I pull you into this room and you can't see it, why do you ask "what are we going to do?"

"Officer, what are you talking about?" Chen Sixue takes a step back. She wants to get out of the room, but the way back has long been blocked.

The policeman who asked before directly pointed out: "can you see it? Maybe you can't see it, but at least you can see it now. "

"The truth? What I just said is the truth... " Chen Sixue said, but her voice trembled involuntarily.

"I hope you can tell us the truth so that I can find out the real cause of your brother's death." The policeman standing at the door spoke first.

"You What's this for? " Chen Sixue asked in a low voice.

The other side turned on the light. There were two people standing in the room, the two policemen who interrogated her just now. The gentle one was standing in the room, and the other was standing at the door, blocking her retreat.

At that moment, Chen Sixue was overwhelmed by the sudden situation and called out "ah". Then she responded, this is in the police station, she will never be hijacked in the police station.

Chen Sixue walked all the way out, and the fresh air was coming. She was about to walk to the door and unconsciously took a deep breath. At this time, she was suddenly pulled into a nearby room.

Chen Sixue recognized the voice. It belonged to the young policeman, but just now another policeman was asking questions. He didn't say much.

"Be safe." A voice came from her side.

"Thank you..." Chen Sixue stands up in a hurry.

"If you have any news, please contact me at the first time..." Chen Sixue stood up and walked to the door. It seemed that there was a box on the ground. Her guide stick was in a panic and nearly fell down. Suddenly, a hand pulled her.

"At present, the case is still under investigation, and we are only understanding the situation, and there is no substantial evidence. "It seems that the two policemen on the opposite side whispered for a while, and then a policeman said," we have understood what you said. Thank you for your cooperation. We have no problem at the moment. If we contact you later, we will have someone to send you out later. "

She hesitated for a moment and continued to ask, "my brother may not have died, but was murdered?"

"Probably the doctors, nurses and patients? And those patients? After he got sick, we didn't have much communication, and I only went to see him on weekends. " Chen Sixue said and lowered her head. She stammered: "so what is it now? In other words, do you suspect that the man who died in the basement at that time was not his brother at all? And now the one who died is my brother? "

"Who is he mainly with?"

"My brother He has a very good character and has always been kind to others. He has never offended anyone. "

"Has your brother ever had any friction with anyone?"

Chen Sixue recalled: "he said that he had returned to his hometown a week ago and expressed regret for my brother's death. He appreciated our care for him all the time and finally let me mourn." She turned out the mobile phone, fumbled, someone answered her mobile phone, checked the SMS, and returned it to her after a while."What did he say?"

"After my brother died, I used to send messages to my brother's friends. At that time, he returned to me." Chen guanjing recalled.

"What about his roommate Zhang Rui? Have you been in touch? "

Chen Sixue raised her head, then immediately lowered her head, slightly frowned, bit her lips, stabilized her mood, and continued: "the landlord and aunt are very nice. Although she always said that she was unlucky, she helped me a lot. She helped me clean up my brother's remains, and also helped to collect his corpse together. At that time, she saw the medical records, and the people at the scene of the Public Security Bureau thought it was a medical death, so she opened the door The Bureau issued the death certificate, and the body was cremated two days later. Everything was done according to the rules. "

"The body, lying on my brother's bed, was dressed in my brother's clothes, brother's mobile phone, wallet, key and ID card. At that time, the landlord and I confirmed that it was my brother, and the forensic medicine also examined it. It's a normal death Chen Sixue's lips trembled as she spoke, and the loss of her only relative was undoubtedly a great blow to her. Her brother was once her dependent relative. After the death of her brother, the world is great, but she is alone

"I'm sorry to say that, but Are you sure the body belongs to your brother? "

"At that time, because it was almost new year's day, I sent a text message to my brother to ask if he was going to cross the new year together, but he didn't return me. Later, I called him again and turned off his mobile phone. I was a little worried. My brother left me the contact information of the landlord, so I called the landlord and went to the basement. As soon as I opened the door I smell a bad smell... " Chen Sixue said and lowered her head. "The landlord said that my brother was lying on the bed and seemed to have died in the basement for several days The landlord called the police... "

"Later, when you found out that your brother was dead, who called the police?"

"I can't see that man. I haven't seen him. He's about my brother's age. My family is from the countryside, and I have a younger brother, so my parents don't want to pay for him. He I'm a little more sick than my brother. I'm dying. My brother was probably in the same boat. At that time, he sympathized with him and gave him half of the rent. Sometimes he took his own medicine. Later, he couldn't even pay the rent, and my brother didn't drive him away Later, I heard from my brother that Zhang Rui really couldn't carry on in the city, so he left. "

"What do you know about your brother's roommate? "

" some of the patients shared a rent with him, many of them lived temporarily, and later There is a man named Zhang Rui, who has a good relationship with my brother and lived with him for a long time. " Chen Sixue told the truth. She knew that the police would find those soon.

"Before your brother died, did you know the person who shared the rent with him?"

Chen Sixue remembers that every time she passed by, she could smell a musty smell in that room, and there was another kind of It's hard to describe the taste, probably, of death Her heart is very clear, Chen Yanqiu's heart is also very clear, he is there to die. Thinking of this, Chen Sixue's hands are twisted together again.

"There are two bedrooms in the basement. There is a washroom and no kitchen. Sometimes his patients will rent it for a short time. After all, it's the nearest place to the hospital. Even if the environment is worse, it's better to run back and forth. "

The interrogation continued: "how big is the basement your brother rented? Does your brother live alone? "

Chen Sixue didn't speak and bowed her head.

"So many days have passed since the delay?" The policeman asked again, "if it's one or two days, it's normal, but this time Too long. "

"After all, I can't see with my eyes. It's not very convenient."

"Why didn't you go straight to him?"

Chen Sixue said: "because my brother was sick and had a bad sleep, he always pressed the phone to be hands-free. Before that, he often missed my phone call. In addition, I had a lot of activities in those days and I was very busy. I didn't think much at first. When I tried to contact him for the third time, I got flustered."

The police continued to ask, "why did you find your brother's body so many days after he died?" If what Chen Sixue said before is true, it is obviously unreasonable. His brother is seriously ill, and she is not around to take care of him. How can the relatives who often contact him find the body a few days later?

"We have a good relationship. The money I get from working every month is basically my own living expenses, which are subsidized to my brother."

"What's your relationship with your brother?" Song Wen asked.

"I play in cafes and hotels Sometimes it's business opening. " Chen sixuedun said, "for the disabled employment, the state has tax subsidies. I play the piano well, and they are willing to take care of me."

"Where do you work?"

"Later, my brother's condition gradually deteriorated and he was unable to work. He often needed to be hospitalized. In order to see his brother, our parents spent almost all of their savings. We sold the house left by our parents before we had an operation on him. In order to pay for his medicine, I took several jobs and stayed in the dormitory provided by the hotel. My brother rented it in the residential area near the hospital We have a basement"My father left some money and a house after he died. Later my brother and I depended on each other. My brother finished college and I graduated from school for the blind. Later, my brother started to work, and I made a living playing the piano in the hotel. Until two years ago My brother found cancer in the physical examination of the unit.... " Chen Sixue's voice almost choked at that time.

Chen Sixue heard a sound of turning the paper. The police must have conducted some investigations, but they still need her to repeat.

"I want to ask about your brother before."

"My mother We ran away from home when we were very young. It was many years later that I heard about her death from relatives. My father died in an accident when I was 17 years old. It can be said that my brother is my closest person in the world. Over the past few years, we have all come here on our own

"Your brother, is he important to you?" The voice of the police came again.

Chen Sixue's left hand vibrated slightly, then pressed it with her right hand. Soon, the person in charge of the inspection went out, the door was closed again, and her head hung down.

"Of course, if it is confirmed that the deceased is Chen Yanqiu, we will check the omissions in our previous work and inform you to claim the body after verification."

Chen Sixue lowered her head and thought about it in her heart. She was silent for a moment and asked in a trembling voice, "will you tell me the result?"

"Generally, three or four days." The policeman in charge of the inspection answered her.

"How long will it take for the results of this inspection?" Chen Sixue closed her mouth, moved her jaw and asked.

"All right." The man whispered that the extracted DNA was put into the solution.

The opposite policeman went out. After a while, a man came in and guided Chen Sixue to open her mouth and look up. Then something that felt like a cotton swab scraped on her oral mucosa for a while.

Chen Sixue thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "OK, you check."

"Now we are also checking this result. As Chen Yanqiu's relative, are you willing to provide his DNA to the police?" The policeman asked again.

"My brother? That's impossible Chen Sixue denied it for the first time. She pursed her lips, then rubbed her hands, as if unwilling to think of it, "after my brother died At that time I collected the body. And I went through all kinds of procedures with the landlord myself. "

"Well, we found a man's body in an old chemical factory outside the city last night. After examination, it is found that this body may be your brother Chen Yanqiu. "

"I was born blind and used to it." Chen Sixue said, holding the sunglasses for a while, blinked, "you come to me today, what's the matter?"

His voice is a little different from the previous one. Sitting on the right side in front of her, I feel clearer and colder. Chen Sixue has been asked this question many times since she was young. Some of them are full of malice, some of them are joking, and some of them are casual. After listening to all kinds of tone, she can tell that although this person's question is cold, his voice is very soft and not malicious.

"Can't your eyes see?" Asked a policeman next to him.

Chen Sixue nodded again, and then answered several questions.

"Please check your identity before asking you a question."

Chen Sixue nodded.

"Chen Sixue, right?"

Chen Sixue skillfully went to the door of the police station, went up three steps and explained her identity to the people who came. Someone immediately led her in and brought her to a room. The people who brought her in went out and listened to the footsteps. Then two policemen came in and sat opposite her.

these words have been transmitted to Chen Sixue's ear without fail, but she has been used to it for a long time.

looked at it and saw that it was confirmed. He said with great regret, "Alas, the blind can sweep Alipay." Then he sighed again, "good little girl, she is blind..."

Chen Sixue said thanks and got out of the car. As soon as he swung the things in his hand, it turned into a guide stick and went forward little by little.

The whole movement was extremely smooth, which surprised the master. For a moment, I didn't know whether she really couldn't see or just brought sunglasses. When Chen Sixue opened the door, she kindly reminded him, "the door of the police station is 20 meters in front, on the right. I can't drive in any more. "

That master Leng for a while, "payment code in front, 18 yuan." He was about to pass the payment code to the passenger. Chen Sixue skillfully sweeps with her mobile phone, and then hears the prompt that 18 yuan is about to be paid. She presses the fingerprint lock, and then hears the voice of successful payment.


All the way speechless, after a while, the car stopped, the master asked: "how to pay?"

The master saw that she didn't want to answer, and heard that she was going to the police station, so he didn't talk much anymore, and the car started. Chen Sixue looks like she's looking out of the window, but she's in a daze. She doesn't know what the police are trying to do when they come to her. After thinking about it, it may be about her brotherDon't worry, he is a middle-aged taxi driver. Don't worry, he is a taxi driver. About ten minutes. " Then she held up her sunglasses, nervously folded her feet, and said to the driver, "master, please go to the city police station."

Chen Sixue knew what the driver thought. She was born petite and wore a pair of sunglasses on her face. She looked like a minor. In this case, she looked sick. But if there is something wrong with her eyes, how can the family rest assured that such a small girl will come out alone?

After finishing the middle class, Chen Sixue, regardless of the meal, hurriedly changed her performance clothes and came out from the hotel. She rubbed her stiff fingers and asked the front desk to help her drive a car. When she got on the bus, she heard the driver's cry, and then turned back and asked her, "little girl, your eyes..."

This is the second time that she has been dealing with the police since she was a child. The last time she found her brother's body, the landlord's aunt called the police

Chen Sixue didn't know why the police station suddenly called to ask her if she was free in the afternoon and asked her to come to the city Bureau. She nervously stroked the sunglasses on her face, which were so big that almost covered half of her face. In addition, her hair on her shoulder only showed a small sharp chin.

Song Wen added: "to be on the safe side, we'd better check it as soon as possible. Does Chen Yanqiu seem to have a sister? Call her over and ask. I'll ask Lao Lin to check the DNA of the dead. "

If Chen Yanqiu didn't die seven months ago, who would be the one who died? Does his death have anything to do with Chen Yanqiu? How could Chen Yanqiu be stabbed to death and left in that old chemical plant more than a month later?

Lu Siyu looked at the record: "the body was giant view at that time, unable to identify the face. After examination, it was found that the deceased was seriously ill. There were all kinds of cases. Forensic examination was a natural disease, and it was relatives who called the police. These factors may lead to the omission of forensic and staff."

Song Wen remembers watching a rule of law program in the past, in which an old man's body was given an extra cremation certificate, so a murdered body was cremated. Fortunately, the police found this in time.

The city is relatively strict, and some villages have a lot of chaos. A handwritten note can prove a person's death. If this situation is misused by intentional people, there will be loopholes.

Every day, every month, every year, there are too many people who die. It is impossible to examine every corpse carefully. Generally, if there is no mistake in the investigation, it will be distributed.

Even some cremation in a hurry, with the cremation certificate issued by the funeral department can be added.

The medical certificate of death is not difficult to open. Medical and health units, neighborhood committees and health stations can open it. If the patient dies abnormally, the grass-roots Department of public security can issue it.

In China, ordinary residents died of illness, the procedures are not complicated, and do not need too much consideration. The main procedure is to need a certificate, that is, the so-called "medical certificate of death", referred to as the death certificate. With this, you can declare death registration to various registration authorities and cancel your household registration.

Song Wen looked at it again: "according to the records in the system, the deceased died of illness reported at home. He asked the forensic examination of the local police station to confirm that the cause of death was a disease, so he went to the health window of the convenience service center and issued a" death certificate ". Subsequently, the family members issued the "resident death funeral certificate" with the ID card and household register of the deceased, and all the procedures were normal. If Chen Yanqiu was not the one who died at that time, it would have been the fault of the clerks. "

Zhu Xiao asked: "to revive a soul with a corpse, we must first have a corpse. Who was the person who was cremated before?"

But at the same time, information can help them solve the case and cover up the truth. Big data system can count data, yes, but many of these data are manually input or manipulated, so there is the possibility of error.

The corpse lying on the autopsy table now is actually a person who died seven months ago. In today's society with complete procedures, no matter who comes across it, it will be a bit strange.

Then the young policeman raised his head and looked at the girl. His eyes were shining in the light of the house. It seemed that there was water inside. His jaw nodded and blinked slightly. His eyelids rolled down, and then he raised them with long eyelashes. His eyes were like a flash of stars: "as a young girl, you went to the basement to collect a corpse Body, even if accompanied by the landlord, this is still a terrible experience, even if you can't see, the smell of the corpse, the experience of approaching death, can still be unforgettable, but why don't you care who died if it wasn't your brother? "

Unless she knows something.

For example, she has long been certain that Zhang Rui was the one who died. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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