Chen Yanqiu's relics were brought to the Municipal Bureau by Fu Linjiang the day before yesterday. The registration of the relics has been completed. After lunch, Song Wen went through a process and took some things out of the evidence room.

All the articles are packed in a half person high suitcase. Normally, after registration, taking photos and checking, they will return the things to Chen Sixue as relics. However, because the case has not been solved yet, the things will be kept temporarily.

Lu Siyu thinks that Song Wen's theory of resuming is correct. Now they need more clues.

The stall owner nodded and said, "yes, that's the man. I said at that time that the father and son were very interesting."

Song Wen turns out a picture of Zhang Congyun to show the stall owner.

"South Tower?" Song Wen was stunned when he heard this. He and Lu Siyu looked at each other, and they suddenly remembered something. There is no such model in Chen Yanqiu's relics. They have seen the same model in another place - on the windowsill of Zhang Congyun's house.

The stall owner suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, the person you mentioned, I remember. They also set a circle here. At that time, the young man kept looking this way when eating wonton. Later, they bought a total of 10 circles and set a model of Nancheng tower. That was the only one. I was very distressed at that time."

Song Wen gave a sound, but he thought that he was not talking about rabbits.

Lu Siyu still didn't respond. He held the rabbit in one hand and said, "it's lovely. I don't know how to get it. I'll be a toy for the wolf when I go back."

Song Shengwen looked at him and said, "he's so cute."

"Well, what good luck!" The boss smiles and hands the toy to Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu was a little unprepared. He looked down at the toy in his hand, but it didn't look like what he would buy. The toy rabbit is made of felt, all hairy, squinting and sticking out its tongue.

Song Wen said with a smile: "boss, in, give things."

Lu Si language didn't report any hope originally, so after throwing, the whole person was stunned.

Song Wensheng was in a difficult situation, so he threw the ring and flew out of his hand. He went to the head of a little white rabbit doll, shook it and caught it.

Lu Siyu was stunned. He took the circle and looked at it. The circle was small and light, and it was very easy to throw it away. He didn't play it much since he was a child. When he was a child, he thought it was naive. When he grew up, he saw through it. He thought it was the trick of the stall owner. Nine times out of ten times, he couldn't get it right.

Then Song Wen stood in front of the line and threw two, but they didn't get caught. Holding the last circle, he turned to Lu Siyu and said with a smile, "do you want to try?"

Song Wen generously took out ten yuan: "three circles, you slowly think."

The boss is a small toy business, put a few toys in front, for people to ring, he frowned and said: "look familiar, but let me think."

After eating the wonton, Song Wen went to show the boss a picture of Chen Yanqiu. The boss nodded and said, "yes, this man, before the Spring Festival last winter, often ate in my stall. Sometimes he was alone, sometimes he was an old man, two people together. Later, I don't know how, I never came again. " Having said that, he gave the photo to the owner of the booth beside him and said, "this is the man. Do you have any impression?"

I just hope that I can get closer to him, understand him and find out the real cause of his death.

Now they are really trying their best to get close to Chen Yanqiu. Although he died half a year ago, they go to see the hotels he stayed in, walk the way he walked, go to the clinics he went to, and eat the food he ate.

Lu Siyu looked at it so quietly that he suddenly felt that it was not so annoying.

At this time, the sun goes down, the sky gradually dim down, all kinds of workers after work, laughing, fighting, from the city's prosperous place gradually gathered here.

Lu Siyu sat by, holding a disposable paper cup in his hand, feeling the temperature of the water and the fragrance of wonton in his mouth.

Lu Siyu hesitated for a moment, as if he was worried about the hygiene situation here. Seeing that Song Wen was eating well, he finally took one of the chopsticks and ate it in his mouth. The thin skin of wonton and the meat stuffing were very well mixed. It can't be said how amazing, but it reminds people of the taste of home.

After a while, the boss cooked the wonton and brought it up. Song Wen tasted one and nodded, "Oh, don't say, it's really delicious. Would you like to try it? "

Looking at the busy boss, Song Wen whispered to Lu Si: "in the past, when I was an intern policeman, searching was my favorite part. Although the data work of solving cases is very important, we should not sit in the office. Only when we get in touch can we make people feel that this is a real person. At that time, the old policeman with me always told me not to worry, the clue was in my life, and sometimes there would be unexpected harvest. At that time, I had just studied criminal investigation portraits. I liked to take a sketch book with me at any time. When I saw interesting people, I would draw them. " Song Wen broke off a pair of disposable chopsticks and recalled, "the old policeman often said that if you can't understand people, you can't solve the case."The stall was very small, with only two tables and a few stools. The boss was very enthusiastic. Song Wen didn't dare to let Lu Siyu eat. He ordered a fresh meat wonton and asked Lu Siyu for a cup of warm water.

Song Wen seems to be in no hurry. He walks around and has a great feeling of killing time. Two people all the way along the street, came to the end of the road, Song Wen pointed to the front of the wonton stand: "go, go over and ask."

Lu Siyu didn't speak. He was a little afraid to stay here for a long time. Fortunately, he got out of the alley and the taste was much better.

Song Wen looked at the time. It's 4:30 in the afternoon. If he returns to the Municipal Bureau, he will be off work soon. It's a little early. He put his hands in his pocket and thought about it for a moment. He said, "let's go. Let's go around."

Lu Siyu licked his lower lip. He had a kind of bold idea in his heart. But because he was too bold, he didn't dare to say it easily. There are still too few clues.

Song Wen said: "we have checked before. Chen Yanqiu's relatives are not here, and he has no friends. Maybe Are you also a patient? " Then he shook his head and denied the possibility, "it's not like a patient. If he is a patient, he can at least prescribe medicine for him instead of taking him to a small clinic to prescribe anti fever medicine."

Song Wen stepped down the steps of the clinic. Lu Siyu asked him, "who do you think the old man will be?"

Li Mei Leng for a while, ah, expression a little sad and regret, into the clinic.

"He was killed," Song said

Finally, Li Mei asked him, "what happened to that young man?"

Song Wen asked a few more questions. Li Meidu said she couldn't remember clearly, and the patient inside was very urgent. Song Wen had to let her go back, gave her a business card, and told him to think of any relevant information.

Li Mei shook her head and pointed to the room: "you can see how many patients I have to come here every day. I can remember that they are still a little strange because they look at the young man. He seems to be seriously ill and still knows his condition. But he doesn't let me have a detailed examination. The old man accompanying him is an ordinary old man. I can't think of any characteristics or height I have got up. Even if you show me a picture, I don't know it. "

Song Wen continued to ask, "what does the old man look like? What are his characteristics?"

Li Mei turned back and said, "wait a minute, wait a minute, right now."

Just a few words later, the patient in the room can't sit still any more. There is another person at the door, looking around and shouting: "Dr. Li..."

Li Mei said: "I don't know. I thought it was his father at first. Later, the young man called him uncle. Then the old man didn't say a word in the process of seeing a doctor. Later, after watching, the two left. Then Song Wen opened it and looked at several pages. There was a little crease on one page. He opened it and said: "in your death, your spirit and virtue should still shine, just like the sunset around the earth, otherwise your death will not be successful."

"This book is not very easy to buy now." Lu Siyu takes the book over and turns it over, confirms that there is nothing in it, and then hands it to Song Wen.

Song Wen reaches out his hand to open the zipper. Inside are some common objects of young people, which are consistent with what Fu Linjiang said. His clothes are folded neatly. He likes to wear simple clothes, most of which are simple styles. There is a book in his schoolbag, which is Nietzsche's "what Zarathustra said.".

This ordinary young man, unlike those crazy, perverted murderers, is beyond his familiar and good range.

Lu Siyu didn't speak. He looked down at the suitcase. It was very common, just like Chen Yanqiu. Chen Yanqiu was like an office worker passing by in the subway in the morning, like an ordinary patient in a hospital, like a colleague at work.

What will he experience before he dies?

The turning point was the car accident.

Song Wen puts on his gloves and recalls the image of Chen Yanqiu in his mind. He is not too tall and pretty. He has a shy smile and a small tiger tooth. He is kind and loves his sister. He is afraid of troubling others. He doesn't blush with others in his work and life. For the first half of his life, he has been following the rules. If you meet such a person in your life, you must be willing to make friends with him and feel pity for his tragic experience.

Second round is undoubtedly the best way for them to approach Chen Yanqiu. To find out what happened in the end of his life, we must first understand what kind of person he is.

Hearing this, the faces of Song Wen and Lu Siyu changed.

These two people, one is the family member of the accident victim, the other is the owner of the accident, but they know each other. Moreover, before Chen Yanqiu's death, they used to travel frequently for a period of time

More importantly, Zhang Congyun lied before! Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember, report mistakes, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends:

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