"Did he steal the account by his own strength?"

When this was said, both the on-site investigators and the water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Their eyes were like looking at a legal illiterate.

Yes, the game account is indeed just a series of data, and the game company can change it at will.

Theoretically, the game account is not part of the assets.

"To be honest, if it were in the past, this would not be recognized by the law."

"I can only say, sir, the times have changed. Do you really think that only you are making progress?"

"That's right, the law has been making progress, okay!"

"But, he did steal it by his own strength. After all, this kind of account-stealing technology is not something that ordinary people can learn."

"With this technology, he can do legitimate business, but he chose to do something else."

The water friends in the live broadcast room just laughed at the hacker's sophistry.

Modern game assets can be filed as long as you have all the evidence.

You know, they watched Chen Feng recharge one million yuan.

Whether it is the recharge record or the witness, Chen Feng can produce it.

"Hmm? According to you, you admit it?"

Officer Yang stared at the hacker Li Jian with wide eyes.

He really didn't expect that this guy would confess directly before he even arrived at the police station?

"Yes! So what if I admit it?"

Li Jian raised his lips and said directly: "Comrades police, this is the game account I stole with my own strength. You can't say that I broke the law? Game accounts are just a series of virtual data."

He has stolen at least hundreds of accounts.

So far, nothing has happened.

This is also the reason why he is getting more and more rampant.


Officer Yang paused slightly.

This is also the first time he has handled such a case about games, and he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

The important thing is that he never plays games, so he has no research in this area.

"Virtual data, right?"

At this moment, Chen Feng, who had been standing aside without saying a word, suddenly came out and said with a smile: "Although virtual property such as game accounts and game currency are not actual property, they belong to the "other property" in the criminal law."

"The virtual property in online games is obtained by us with a lot of energy, financial resources and labor. Its value and importance are no less than real property."

"Is there anything else I need to add?"

With the increasing frequency of online fraud cases in recent years, the authorities have already filled the legal loopholes in this regard.

As for how Chen Feng knew it, it was because he learned some legal knowledge when he was in college.

Not to say that he knows it very well, but he still has some understanding of this aspect.

After hearing this, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more heated.

"Anchor 666!!!"

"I didn't expect the anchor to know criminal law??"

"Too criminal!!"

"Could this be the lawyer who was delayed by the game anchor?"


Li Jian was in a bad mood. In fact, he didn't know much about the law.

Or, his mind is still stuck in the era when online theft is not illegal.

"Humph, although I don't understand the law! But you kid don't try to fool me!"

Li Jian snorted coldly, and he took out his mobile phone, "Don't think you are the only one who understands the law, I also have a lawyer friend! I will let him expose you now!"

Soon, the call was connected.

And the hands-free function was turned on.

"Hello, is this Lawyer Zhang?"

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

"It's like this, I want you to help me..."

Li Jian didn't think much, and quickly told Lawyer Zhang the whole story, "Lawyer Zhang, tell them, it's just stealing a broken game account, isn't it a crime?"

"Crime... not really."

Such a voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Haha, I said it."

Hearing this, Li Jian's originally ugly face instantly returned to a smile, "I said, this kid must be fooling me!"


Before he was happy for a few seconds, the other end of the phone continued.

"But the premise is that you must let the parties take the initiative to withdraw the case and let them prove that you have not committed a crime, then you have not committed a crime."


This change of tone instantly made Li Jian's face stiffen.

Doesn't this mean that he has to get Chen Feng's letter of forgiveness and let him take the initiative to close the case?

"Ahem, Li Jian, I told you a long time ago that if you often walk by the river, you will get your feet wet. You go out to bully and abduct every day, and something will happen one day."

"Your behavior this time is a case of a particularly large amount, and you will be sentenced to at least ten years in prison."

"I can't help you, bye."

After that, the phone was hung up directly.

Li Jian's face turned pale again, and even his lips were pale.

Starting from ten years? Who can bear this? ? ?

He thought it was serious, but not this serious.

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter."

"This lawyer is really a great helper!"

"Ten years? Isn't that a little too short?"

"Didn't you hear? Ten years is just the beginning. There's even the possibility of life imprisonment!"

The fans were so happy.

Li Jian gritted his teeth, "Then how can you prove the value of your account?"

Lawyer Zhang also said just now that a case can only be filed if there is complete evidence.

What if Chen Feng does not have sufficient evidence?

He can only hope for the best now.

"Haha, do you need more proof?"

Chen Feng spread his hands helplessly.

He knew very well that Li Jian was just struggling to survive.

And the next moment.

Chen Feng turned on his mobile phone and directly threw out his recharge records.

These series of consumption records were dozens of pages long!

All the recharge records of a full million were on it.

Not a penny less!

Li Jian bit his pale lips. At this point, he had no choice: "How about this... You withdraw the case, and I will compensate you for all the money in your account. That's fine, right?"

"As long as you withdraw the case, I can give you a little more compensation!"

"Please let me go."

Li Jian kept begging Chen Feng for mercy.

Where was the arrogance before?

"When you stole someone's account, did you ever think that you would end up like this?"

"Host, you must not let this hacker get away with it!"

"That's right, if you let him go, he might go back to his old ways and continue to be a toy that harms people!"

"Bring the hacker to justice!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room said one after another.

Of course they didn't want to.

Because this hacker is so disgusting.

Just think about it, the game account you worked so hard to create was stolen, and you even became a guinea pig for these hackers to test plug-ins.

Some even stole all the valuable equipment on the account.

Just based on these points, I feel that he can't be let go!

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