
Liu Qiang's face was filled with question marks.

He didn't even react before he was handcuffed.

"I'm not a police comrade, I didn't commit a crime! Why do you want to arrest me?" Looking at the silver bracelet on his hand, Liu Qiang felt bad.

Although he planned to take action against Chen Feng just now, the problem was that he didn't have time to take action.

And the next moment.

Father Liu hurriedly came up and asked, "Comrade police, why did you arrest my son?"

Liu's mother also said: "Yes, comrade police, did you arrest the wrong person?"

Saying this, Ma Liu immediately pointed at Chen Feng and the two of them: "This guy is seducing our daughter-in-law, they should be the ones you want to arrest!"

Yang Canghai frowned, glanced at Liu Qiang, and then explained: "You should know what your son did."

Do you know it in your heart?

As soon as these words came out.

The atmosphere on the field became a little quiet for a moment.

But it didn't take long.

Father Liu quickly said: "Comrade police, what can my son do? Isn't he just making a joke with this kid? We didn't do anything to him."

Regarding Yang Canghai's words, the first thing Liu's father thought of was Chen Feng.

I didn’t expect this kid to actually call the police!

Mother Liu also smiled and echoed: "That's right, comrade police, isn't it just a trivial matter? It's not that big of a deal, and our son has always been of good character and it's impossible for him to do anything illegal."

The couple tried their best to protect their son.

After all, these are police officers, and it is impossible for me to do anything to them.

Besides, these trivial matters can probably be easily solved as long as you have a better attitude.

Thinking of this, Dad Liu immediately took out a pack of Huazi and stuffed it into Yang Canghai's pocket.

"Mr. Liu! Please respect our profession!"

Seeing this, Yang Canghai quickly pushed away and refused very seriously.

Father Liu put Hua Zi away and couldn't help but said: "Comrade police, tell us what happened to my son, right? Even if you are the police, you have to give us a reason to arrest people, right?"

"Is that the reason?" Yang Canghai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued: "Do you know what your son has done?"

"He is suspected of a murder case!"

"Now we're going to investigate him!"

Yang Canghai's words were very direct and not muddled at all.

The purpose of their police dispatch this time was for Liu Qiang.

Because they re-investigated the murder case eight years ago and found that the deceased Liu Dong did not die immediately after being stabbed by the suspect.

But he was killed by a last-minute hit afterward!

The biggest reason why they ignored this case back then was that the science and technology at that time was not as advanced as it is now, which caused a fingerprint on the murder weapon to be ignored.

After recovering the fingerprint, they went through a series of tedious operations and finally locked in the true identity of the last-hitting shooter!

That's right, this person is Liu Qiang!


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

This is so good, how could it be involved in a murder case?

Especially for Father Liu and Mother Liu, these few words were like being struck by lightning, making both of them feel numb in their hearts.

"What happened? Why was another murder case brought out for no reason?"

"Although I don't know what happened, Liu Qiang seems to be in big trouble!"

"Murder case!! I have only read about this in novels or movies, but I didn't expect that I could actually see it with my own eyes today!"

"Hehe, isn't this all thanks to Brother Feng's physique? With the murders already here, Brother Feng will become a Death God student next, right?" ŴŴŴ.

“I can’t say much, it’s so exciting!!!

The live broadcast room was filled with barrages.

The sudden reversal suddenly made them look forward to it even more.

Watch the barrage.

Chen Feng said nothing, but he probably guessed the result in his mind.

Beside him, Sister Qi also looked at this scene with curiosity.

"Impossible! Comrade police! It's impossible for my son to kill someone! Don't accuse people randomly! How could my son kill someone?"

"Yes! It is impossible for my son to kill someone! You'd better give us a satisfactory explanation! Otherwise, believe it or not, I will file a complaint against you!"

Father Liu and Mother Liu looked in disbelief and angrily scolded Yang Canghai.

Although his son often goes out to get into trouble, even if he was given a hundred courages, he would never be able to do something like murder.

To this.

Yang Canghai didn't bother to talk nonsense to them and directly took out the evidence.

Here are two photos.

The first one shows a watermelon knife.

The second one shows a very blurry fingerprint.

This fingerprint was restored through modern technology, so the truth was revealed to the world.

"This is……?"

Seeing these photos, Liu's father and Liu's mother suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Before the two of them could speak.

Yang Canghai said directly: "Yes, this is the murder case eight years ago, the case in which your eldest son Liu Dong was killed."

"And the real murderer of this case is your son, Liu Qiang!"


Hear this.

Father Liu and Mother Liu opened their mouths wide, and a strong feeling of dizziness suddenly appeared in their brains.

His own son killed his own son?

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Dad Liu didn't believe this fact and quickly denied it: "Impossible! You must be lying to me! Police comrades, you must be lying to me, right?"

"This murder weapon was newly bought by the suspect, and it is impossible for anyone else to have touched it. Therefore, Liu Qiang, who left this fingerprint, is likely to be the murderer in this case."

Yang Canghai turned his head and looked at Liu Qiang, who was silent and pale, and said: "As for the authenticity of this matter, we have to wait until we take him back and do further investigation and confirmation before we can get the truth."

After saying this.

Yang Canghai remembered another thing and continued to speak to Dad Liu: "In addition, I will tell you one more thing. After DNA comparison, we found that although Liu Qiang and Liu Dong are related by blood, their paternal blood is different."

"Simply put, Liu Dong is related by blood, but Liu Qiang is not related by blood. They are half brothers."

"Half brothers???"

Dad Liu was completely dumbfounded.

For him, this news is even more explosive than the previous one!

The meaning didn't need to be explained by others, he understood it immediately.

The next moment, a green light hovered above his head.

The son he had raised for so long with great effort turned out to be someone else's bastard!

And this bastard killed his own son!

This is even more heartbreaking than killing someone!


ps: I want a little free gift.

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