At this moment.

Chen Feng had just walked out of the court after submitting the documents.

During the time in the court, Chen Feng also blocked the live broadcast room.

After all, it was not appropriate to broadcast live in such an occasion.

Because of this, he did not know how big the public opinion outside was.

He just opened the live broadcast room and found that the live broadcast barrage had exploded!

Countless rhythms were flying all over the sky!

"Brother Feng, you finally started broadcasting! Now the Internet is full of your rhythm!"

"They are smearing you everywhere! They say you are an unscrupulous anchor who only bullies the weak!"

"Haha? Unscrupulous anchor? There are so many brainless keyboard warriors these days!"

"I am submissive in real life, but I strike hard on the Internet!"

"If heaven does not give birth to a keyboard warrior like me, I will spray the world for eternity like a long night. I am the top of the immortals and I am proud of the world. As long as I have my keyboard, there will be heaven. The key of the river comes from the sky. I can cross the sky and suppress the world with one key, break the mortal world, kill all the immortals, and cut the nine heavens with one key. If there are no real immortals in the world, I am willing to turn into an immortal with the keyboard. There will be a keyboard first and then the sky. I will spray the sky and the gods!"

"These days, Brother Feng has been clearing out the pests in society! If this is unscrupulous, then who is kind?"

"To be honest, Brother Feng is many times stronger than those anchors who can only brag!"

Looking at these barrages.

Chen Feng frowned slightly.

He already knew the reason for the matter.

Someone must be deliberately stirring up public opinion on the Internet, distorting the facts, and making up lies to destroy his image.

As for this person...

No need to think.

It must be Zhang San!

I didn't expect this guy to be so troublesome.

Not only did he not know how to reflect on smashing his own car, but he also stirred up the Internet and distorted the facts.

As more and more rumors appeared.

Not only the Internet, but even Chen Feng's mobile phone was bombarded with all kinds of things!

Various calls and messages threatening his personal safety!

It was completely a real online exposure! Tianlai Novel Network

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and a hint of cruelty was revealed in his eyes.

Originally, he planned to sue only Zhang San's mother, but now it seems that he has no choice.

Now, his private information has been exposed on the Internet, which has seriously affected his normal life.

"Brothers, rumors stop at the wise!"

"Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, as long as I do my best, I'm not afraid of these online swindlers!"

"Of course, this matter will definitely not just pass like this!"

"Since someone wants to maliciously distort the facts and make personal attacks on me, we can't just sit there and wait for death!"

"Wait! I will definitely find out this liar!"

After saying this.

Chen Feng immediately went to see the hottest news and public opinion.

At this moment, rumors have spread throughout the entire Internet, and can be seen on almost every homepage.

The entire hot search list is occupied by these public opinions!

# A well-known anchor's personality was overturned! He seems to be a positive energy anchor, but in fact he is a madman who even bullies an 80-year-old lady! ]

# You can't know a person's heart by his appearance! When an 80-year-old old lady was crossing the road, she accidentally bumped into a certain anchor's multi-million luxury car. He actually asked for compensation of 10 million! 】

【 # A family of three knelt in front of a live streamer and begged for forgiveness, but not only did they not receive sympathy, they even threatened to send them to jail if they didn't pay compensation! 】

【 # The shame of the live streamer! Get out of the live streamer world! 】

Looking at these hot topics, Chen Feng took a deep breath.

As the saying goes, the Internet is a sharp blade.

The best way to destroy a person is to use the Internet.

Until this moment.

He finally realized the horror of being exposed online!

Being constantly criticized by so many people, if a person has a weak mental ability, depression will come out in minutes.

But who is Chen Feng?

After experiencing so many things these days, he still has the ability to bear this.

And at this time.

Looking at these public opinions, the fans and friends in the live streamer's room almost became depressed.

It can only be said that the sense of substitution in Chen Feng's live streamer's room is too good.

They can feel the anger even through the screen.

"What a bunch of keyboard warriors who don't know the truth!"

"I just argued with them a few words, but they didn't say anything, and directly accused me of being the anchor's lackey."

"Brother, stay calm, believe that there is light in this world! Sooner or later, justice will be done to Brother Feng!"

"Now even Brother Feng's address has been exposed. Disclosing other people's personal privacy should be considered illegal, right?"

"It must be illegal! This is already an infringement of personal privacy! In serious cases, you may even be sentenced!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room stood up for Chen Feng.

But compared with netizens across the Internet, it is obviously not enough.

After all, the Internet is facing the entire society.

It is obviously impossible to fight against the public opinion of the entire society.

"Brothers, don't rush."

"Don't argue with these people. Dogs will only bite each other, not to mention that we are human beings."

"Also, take a closer look. These accounts that lead the trend are all small accounts at the first level. What does this mean?"

"This means that these are all online water armies!"

"There are people behind them operating them!"

"The more you argue with them, the more they will play into your hands!"

"Besides, we are the victims, so what we should do is deal with the matter as victims, not as perpetrators like them!"

Chen Feng said solemnly to the friends in the live broadcast room.

What he needs to do now is not to fight with these people, but to find the source of this matter.

Only by finding the source can this matter be fundamentally solved.

Otherwise, constantly fighting with these online trolls will not only have negative effects, but may even make you depressed.

at the same time.

In an online promotion company.

There was a burst of crackling keyboard sounds throughout the company!

"A top-notch online anchor, right?"

"Let's see how long you can hold on!"

"Look at how we can spray you to death without a keyboard!"

"Wait for depression!"

A company employee kept typing on the keyboard with a smile on his face.

Not only him, but also the surrounding employees all acted exactly the same.


Their job is to create trolls on the Internet and discredit others.

And not so long ago.

They received a commission, and the person they wanted to hack this time was an online anchor, and a very influential anchor at that.

For them, it doesn't matter whether the other party is a big anchor or not.

As long as you can dig out the opponent's dirty information, no matter how influential the anchor is, he will definitely be defeated by the rumors on the Internet!

You know, the power of the Internet is a double-edged sword. It can make you violent overnight, but at the same time, it can also destroy people overnight.

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