During this process.

Chen Feng followed the investigators to the scene as a victim.

Of course, he just watched from the side.

It would definitely not affect the work of the investigators.

Just when they were about to reach the crime scene.

Yang Canghai suddenly asked Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, are you still live streaming now?"

Chen Feng nodded directly to Yang Canghai's question.

During the time at the police station, he took the initiative to block the live broadcast room.

After leaving the police station, he resumed the normal live broadcast.

Of course, if Yang Canghai did not allow the live broadcast, he would definitely turn it off.

And then.

Yang Canghai's face suddenly became serious and he said, "Okay, brother Chen Feng, if you are broadcasting live now, you can help us promote it."

"Although the Internet is a virtual space, it is not a lawless place!"

"Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, don't make rumors!"

"Don't spread rumors on the Internet! Don't believe in rumors!"

"Don't think that you can attack others at will on the Internet!"

"While we enjoy freedom of speech, we must respect the truth!"

Speaking of this.

Yang Canghai paused for a moment and said, "In addition, if anyone has not downloaded the anti-fraud app on their mobile phone, remember to download it."

Recently, they have received many kinds of Internet cases, and Chen Feng is a positive anchor, so it's a good opportunity to promote it.

And as a series of words fell.

Everyone in the live broadcast room sighed.

"Well said!!!"

"It takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them. If anyone dares to spread rumors on the Internet in the future, I, Liu Huaqiang, will be the first to deal with him!"

"Ah...you, Officer Yang has already said not to threaten people's personal safety. Aren't you obviously looking for trouble for the police uncle?"

"We must keep an objective and factual mind and look at problems rationally. We must not believe everything others say, otherwise we will be used as a gun by others without knowing it."

"Without saying more, I directly like this wave of positive energy propaganda!"


At this time.

The vehicle of the case handlers has arrived at the location where the suspects are.

This is a building!

And the scale looks quite large.

Although I thought these people might be a gang, I didn't expect that the scale of this gang is so large, and it is in such a conspicuous position.

Soon, Chen Feng followed the footsteps of the case handlers into the building.

As soon as they came up.

They could hear a crackling keyboard sound around them!

Everyone looked up at the company's surroundings, and there were at least several hundred staff members inside!

"Fuck! Is this scale good!?"

"Are these online water armies making so much money now? They can afford so many employees?"

"To be honest, traffic money is the easiest to make in today's society. Just hype up the news and help celebrities stir up scandals, and the speed of making money is beyond your imagination!"

"Especially those anchors who hype up the hot spots and bring goods, they can make tens of billions of yuan in a live broadcast! It's simply a huge profit among huge profits!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was talking about it.

Speaking of money.

The most valuable thing in today's society is nothing more than traffic!

It is precisely because of this that these cyber criminals are allowed to become more and more rampant.

Let's talk about the scene.

When the case handlers appeared in the company, a fat department manager immediately came over and asked: "Hello... May I ask what you can do?"

"What do you do in your company?"

Yang Canghai glanced around and asked the department manager.

The manager's eyes flashed with surprise, and he replied: "We are an Internet media company that specializes in promoting the content provided by customers on the Internet."

"Promotional content?"

Yang Canghai frowned and said: "Do you know that your company has violated the law?"

The manager said: "Illegal? Impossible, how could we violate the law? Police comrade, are you mistaken? We are a regular Internet promotion company and never do anything illegal."

Yang Canghai was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly took out the evidence and put it in front of him.

"These are all done by your company, right? Inciting speech, maliciously smearing others, and even spreading rumors on the Internet! Isn't this illegal!"

After taking a look at these pictures and comments, the manager said calmly: "No, police comrade, you also know that these are all rumors on the Internet, right? How can you prove that these are all done by our company?"ŴŴŴ.

He also responded to Yang Canghai's questions with ease.

After all, the company has been investigated for a long time.

And there has never been an accident.

"You still don't admit it? Okay! Take out your customer information from these days!" Yang Canghai was also a little excited.

The department manager immediately said: "Police comrade, these are all private information of our company. Even if you are a policeman, we can't check it randomly, right?"


Just during the time when Yang Canghai was silent.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up.

He opened a recording from his mobile phone and played it directly in front of everyone:

"Want to stop the current public opinion? Of course there is no problem with that!"

"As long as you pay our company one million, we will immediately stop the water army from inciting rumors!"

"In addition, we also provide a whitewashing package, such as making you a famous philanthropist, entrepreneur, scientist, astronaut..."

"Otherwise, you can wait to be destroyed by the Internet!"

The above conversations are all recordings of Chen Feng's previous conversations with their company employees.

"Astronaut scientist, right? Why don't you go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

Yang Canghai was also angry and laughed at this recording.

"Of course, if you don't admit it, we will ask all employees of your company to record a voice and then do voiceprint identification!"

"If we find out, your company will be charged with one more crime!"

"That is extorting money from the other party!"

Hearing Yang Canghai's words, the originally calm department manager suddenly panicked.

Even the voiceprint identification came out?

He really didn't expect that the police would check so strictly this time.

If it was before, even if he was checked, it would be easy to perfunctory.

But this time, it is indeed a bit difficult.

The department manager rolled his eyes and continued, "Comrade police, we don't know what you are talking about. I am just an employee here."

"To put it bluntly, we are just working here."

"As long as we have a salary, we will do whatever the boss tells us to do, so these problems you mentioned have nothing to do with us."

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