Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 126: Start with a brick, all the charges are based on smashing


This is a very serious place.

When the court is hearing a case, no noise or quarrel is allowed.

Speech, statement and debate must be approved by the presiding judge or the sole judge.

At this time.

The defendant Wang Xiu's behavior is completely disrupting the order of the court.

In response, the presiding judge solemnly warned the defendant verbally: "Ms. Wang, you are the defendant and she is the plaintiff. Please be careful with your words when you speak!"

In the court, there are only two identities, one is the plaintiff and the other is the defendant.

And Wang Xiu's little bastard is obviously disrespectful to others.

Then, the chief judge looked at Chen Feng again: "Plaintiff, please continue your statement."

Chen Feng nodded and continued:

"First of all, I think the defendant's behavior has constituted the crime of intentional destruction of other people's property."

"Generally, intentional damage to other people's vehicles is a bad behavior of intentional destruction of other people's property."

"If the amount is large or there are other serious circumstances, the sentence shall be imprisonment of not more than three years, detention or a fine."

"If the amount is huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, the sentence shall be imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"In addition, this Rolls-Royce is a new car."

"This is Zhang San, the son of the defendant Ms. Wang. Without my consent, he secretly drove my car out of the 4S store. Is this behavior considered theft?"

Chen Feng picked up the information in his hand and told the whole story.

Legally, driving away other people's vehicles without their consent is not necessarily considered theft, but the premise is that the vehicle must be returned to the person in its original state.

And this car was scrapped because Zhang San drove it out privately.

Theoretically, this constitutes theft.

Zhang San, who was sitting in the dock, couldn't help it at the time. He stood up and slapped the table and said, "You, you are talking nonsense! I just helped you test drive the car!"

"I didn't steal your car!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will sue you for defamation!!"

The person who smashed the car was his mother, so why did he implicate himself?

You know, the crime of defamation and the crime of maliciously spreading personal information are enough for him.

Now there is another theft?

And it is a theft involving a suspected amount of tens of millions!

How could he sit still?

"Defendant! Please be quiet!"

Seeing Zhang San's excitement, the presiding judge said in a serious tone: "You have committed it twice. This is the last warning. If you commit it again, you will be expelled from the court immediately!"


Zhang San gritted his teeth. Although he was very unwilling, he still sat back quietly. Tianlai Novel Network

At the same time, Zhang Yida also gave him a look, telling him not to be so impulsive.

After all, this is not a vegetable market, and you can't say whatever you want.

Everything requires evidence.

After the presiding judge verbally warned Zhang San, he looked at Chen Feng and said, "Now we will investigate the evidence. Plaintiff, do you have any solid evidence for what you said?"

"Of course."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "I have a complete video to prove it."

So saying.

Chen Feng handed the prepared evidence video and materials to the staff here.

You know, he is a broadcaster, and he never lacks video recordings.

The staff inserted the USB drive, connected the computer, and directly projected the video on the big screen.

In the video, an old lady picked up a brick and kept hitting the Rolls-Royce. Even the sound of the scene was recorded without missing a single one.

"You are so arrogant!"

"It's just a broken car!"

"Very arrogant, right?"

"You still want me to pay money? Bah!"

"See if I don't smash it to pieces!!"

The old lady smashed it and threatened Chen Feng.

On the other side, Zhang San looked on stupidly and did not stop his mother from smashing the car.

After watching this video, everyone at the scene opened their mouths wide.

You know, this is a Rolls-Royce worth tens of millions!

This aunt actually smashed someone's car worth tens of millions with a brick in front of so many people!

This is no longer arrogant!

She is simply not knowing how to live or die!

"Excuse me... are you filming a movie? A luxury car worth tens of millions was smashed and scrapped like this?"

"To be honest, you don't dare to do this in filming a movie, because the investment cost is too high."

"Didn't we agree before that it was just an accidental bump? Bricks are used, what kind of bump is this?"

"Excuse me, do they have any misunderstanding about the term accidental bump?"

"I have to say, the rumors on the Internet are really terrible! First, an old lady was compared to an 80-year-old mother, and now the car is smashed and scrapped, and it was accidentally bumped."

"Starting with a brick, the crime is all based on smashing."


As the surrounding discussions fell.

The presiding judge frowned, then looked at the defendant: "Defendant's lawyer, do you have any rebuttal? If not, please continue."

Now, the defendant smashed someone's car in public, which can be said to be conclusive evidence.

It is almost impossible to defend Wang Xiu.

After all, Wang Xiu, in addition to all the people present at the scene, also had netizens who were watching the live video broadcast. If you want to find witnesses, you can almost say that there are a lot of them.

Wang Xiu's crime is impossible to escape!

In the next moment.

Zhang Yida stood up and began to refute:

"Your Honor, it is true that our Ms. Wang smashed the car, but we can see from the video that Ms. Wang's mental state is very irrational."

"So, I suspect that the plaintiff deliberately used words to anger my client and made her impulsive and commit crimes."

As a professional lawyer.

Zhang Yida was also well prepared.

As these words fell.

Everyone made another round of comments.

"This lawyer Zhang is really good! He can find a breakthrough all of a sudden?"

"I remember this lawyer Zhang. He seems to have handled a case before, which was also a fine and compensation case. At that time, the plaintiff asked the defendant to pay a fine of two million yuan, but under his defense, the defendant was exempted from all fines."

"All fines exempted????"

"Two million yuan was exempted? Awesome!!!"

"Although the fine was exempted, I heard that the defendant was sentenced to 20 years in prison."

The live broadcast barrage was very enthusiastic.

They were all looking forward to how Chen Feng would handle this case in front of a professional lawyer.

Regarding the questions raised by Zhang Yida.

Chen Feng's calm voice came out slowly: "Lawyer Zhang, impulsive crimes do not mean that nothing can be done, not to mention that I did not anger the defendant."

Having said that.

Chen Feng took out another video recording and handed it to the staff on the scene.


ps: I won't post it tonight. I'll post it one by one.

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