Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 140: Internet celebrities promote products

"Tomorrow is my birthday, Brother Feng, you must come over and cheer me up!"

Xin Ba solemnly invited Chen Feng.

Tomorrow is his thirtieth birthday, and he plans to use this as an excuse to hold a large-scale live broadcast.

With Chen Feng's reputation, if he could be invited, many people would surely be attracted to participate.

By then, in addition to bird's nests, Xinba also plans to sell more products.

Maybe you can even recruit Chen Feng to join your live broadcast base.

By then, he will have made a fortune!


Chen Feng didn't think much about Xin Ba's invitation and agreed directly.

Originally, he planned to bring the bird's nest over and test it himself, but since Xinba invited him to do the on-site test, he had no reason to refuse.

What's more, the task the system gave him was not to crack down on counterfeit bird's nests.

But to expose the crimes of Xinba’s live broadcast base!

Because of this, Chen Feng had no reason to refuse Xin Ba's invitation.

"That's great!"

Hearing Chen Feng's reply, Xin Ba felt as if he was hit by a huge surprise. He never expected that Chen Feng would agree so simply.

"Brother Feng, we have agreed, you must come over tomorrow!"

"When the time comes, I will send you the address of our live broadcast base."

"The time will be around ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"I hope you can come on time!"


After finishing the conversation with Chen Feng, Xin Ba simply quit the live broadcast.

Although you can make money by carrying goods now, compared with tomorrow, it is just drizzle!

You know, Chen Feng is a top anchor!

If he comes to the site in person tomorrow to bring the goods to himself.

He is sure that tomorrow's sales will reach a new high!

Thinking of this, Xin Ba immediately said to the assistant beside him: "Hurry up and contact the supplier and ask them to prepare 300,000 orders of bird's nests for us tomorrow!"

In order to ensure sufficient supply tomorrow, what he has to do now is to prepare more supplies!

In addition to bird's nests, he also prepared other sources of supply.

For example... mobile phones, skin care products, laundry detergent, and a series of other items.

These things, without exception, are all cheap goods, and they are completely profit-making projects!

For example, laundry detergent, even though it weighs several kilograms, costs only a few cents. Even if it is sold for ninety-nine yuan, it can still make more than ten times the profit.

Moreover, cheap laundry detergent may produce some harmful substances to the body.

But these are all handled professionally, and it is impossible for ordinary people to discover them. Even if they are discovered, no one will think that the laundry detergent is responsible.

Therefore, he is not worried at all that there will be problems with the fakes he sells.


With Chen Feng, the anti-fraud anchor, present tomorrow, who dares to question whether there is something wrong with his goods?

"Besides, tomorrow is my birthday. When the time comes, let me make the scene as grand as possible. It's best to seal off all the places near the base!"

"Except for fans, no one else is allowed in!"

Xin Ba gave another order to his assistant.

Then he said very confidently: "Look at me tomorrow, if I don't earn a small goal!"

Chen Feng's side.

After ending the call with Xinba.

Chen Feng turned around and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was very confused about Chen Feng's operation.

"Brother Feng, do you really plan to cooperate with this bad profiteer Xin Ba?"

"Is it possible that Brother Feng is also planning to have lunch???"

"This kind of anchor's routine of bringing goods is very deep, and I have done it several times before. Brother Feng, believe me, don't cooperate with these profiteers!"

"Brothers upstairs, are you teaching Brother Feng how to do things?"

"That's right, are you teaching Tyson to box, or are you teaching Jordan to play basketball?"

"Who is Brother Feng? Do you think he might be tricked?"

"You can always trust Brother Feng!"

"Let's just wait and watch the show tomorrow!"


Regarding these barrage messages, Chen Feng smiled slightly, but explained too much.

After all, he has no evidence now. If he says it in person, they might sue him and slander their products.

After chatting with friends for a while, Chen Feng directly chose to broadcast.


time flies.


Come the next day.

Early in the morning.

Chen Feng started the live broadcast as usual.

It has just launched and is as popular as ever.

There are even some friends who have been waiting in Chen Feng’s live broadcast room for a long time.

"Looking at Brother Feng's posture, are you really planning to break into the opponent's base camp?"

"Brother Feng's actions are getting more and more arrogant, and I'm starting to get confused."

"To be fair, if I could let you think it through, could I still be called Brother Feng?"

"Stop talking, just believe Brother Feng and it's over!"

"This man has never let us down!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was flowing wildly.

And at this time.

Chen Feng drove his car and followed the navigation to Xin Ba's location.

The distance is not far either.

Probably only a few dozen minutes.

But before that, Chen Feng also went to a supermarket.

"Brothers, today is Xinba's birthday. Since we are going there, we definitely can't go empty-handed, so we might as well give him some gifts."

After speaking to everyone in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng walked around the supermarket.

In the end, he decided to buy a clock.

After buying the gift.

Chen Feng quickly arrived at the gate of Xinba Live Broadcast Base according to the navigation location.

But not far from the gate.

Several roadblocks have been set up.

Chen Feng's car can't drive in at all.

Because the roadblocks are surrounded by a crowd of people.

There are even many vehicles that are blocked by these roadblocks and cannot pass.

A whole road was directly blocked!

Most of the people around are office workers and students.

But at this moment, because this road is blocked, they can't go to school or work normally.

"What happened?"

"Why is the road blocked for no reason? ?"

"I pass this road every day and I haven't seen any accidents!"

The people around who don't know the truth spoke up one after another.

Just the next moment.

A company security guard came out.

He held a loud speaker in his hand and shouted directly to the crowd and vehicles around him:

"Today is our company's boss' birthday!"

"This venue has been booked by our boss!"

"And he will hold a grand sales ceremony here!"

"So, this road is temporarily blocked for one day!"

"Except for fans, no one else is allowed to pass!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The company security guard also put up a sign around.

It read:

[Xin Ba's birthday scene, except for fans, no one else is allowed to pass! 】

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