Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 198 Brother Huaqiang Selling Melons

At this moment.

Everyone in the live broadcast room focused on this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons".

It can be seen that this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" must be another big boss.

Brother Huaqiang, who sells melons, spoke directly on the public screen: "Hello, Brother Feng, I am your old fan. I have been following you since you first started live broadcasting."

"The main thing today is to ask you a legal question."

Finished speaking.

The live broadcast room was suddenly filled with discussion.

"Damn it! Another ten-year-old fan?"

"You've been a hammer for ten years. Brother Feng hasn't been doing live broadcasts for a year since he started live broadcasting. Where did he get a ten-year old fan?"

"I don't know if you are an old fan or not, but shouldn't Brother Huaqiang be the boss of a gang? Why are you still in the mood to watch the live broadcast? And you are selling melons?"

"Brother Huaqiang is not that brother Huaqiang."


Watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng replied to this Huaqiang brother: "If you have any questions, just ask them directly on the public screen. Of course, if this question involves your privacy, you can also chat with me directly in private, or use one of your friends. As a metaphor, I will definitely help as long as it is within my ability.”

This "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" is indeed an old fan of the live broadcast room.

Because before Chen Feng became popular, this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" had already paid attention to him.

Since the old fan has a problem, he definitely has no reason not to help.

not to mention.

They also bought a lot of gifts.

Brother Huaqiang, who sells melons, narrated directly on the public screen:

"There's nothing private or private, I'll just say it on the public screen."

"Here's the thing."

“A lot of industries have been in recession these years.”

"So our company decided to lay off employees, and as a new employee who just joined the company, as expected, I became one of these layoffs."

"After I was laid off by the company, I planned to go back to my hometown and start a business."

"After all, it's impossible to work part-time, and it's impossible to work part-time again in this life."

"And this entrepreneurial project is to grow watermelons."

"Because it's almost summer, watermelons are definitely selling very well."

"So, I took out a loan of two million and invested all of it in watermelons."

"I contracted a thousand acres of land locally and planted a large number of watermelons."

"The watermelon is almost ripe."

“But in the past few days, I discovered that the watermelons I had grown with great difficulty had actually been stolen, and the thieves were local residents!”

"Not only that, they also form groups to come to our place every day to steal watermelons."

"As an old fan of Brother Feng, I definitely can't embarrass Brother Feng!"

"So, I used the legal knowledge I learned in the live broadcast room to reason with these villagers, but instead of being afraid, they even kidnapped me morally."

It can be seen that this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" is about to collapse.

After finally returning to his hometown to start a business, the watermelons he spent a huge amount of money to grow were actually stolen by a group of villagers.

“Form a group to steal melons???”

"After you live a long time, you can encounter anything."

"Weird things happen every year, especially this year. How much is a watermelon worth? Is it necessary to steal it? Just steal it if you want, and they actually formed a group to steal it!"

"This kind of group stealing melons should be considered theft, right?"

"Yes, yes! Wouldn't it be over if we just call the police and arrest them?"


Regarding these comments on the barrage.

Hua Qiang, the melon seller, continued to answer:

"Most of these villagers who formed a group to steal melons were elderly women. When I told them to call the police, they would just lie down on the ground, either saying they had high blood pressure or heart disease, or threatening themselves with cancer."

"In addition, the price of our watermelon is only a few yuan per catty. Even if we call the police, the amount involved is too small and there is nothing they can do."

"That's why I approached Brother Feng to see if he could help me think of a solution. Otherwise, if this continues, the watermelons in my field will definitely be lost."


After listening to what this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" said.

Chen Feng frowned slightly.

According to what he meant, if these melon thieves were elderly people, then according to the law, they could be given a lighter or reduced punishment.

Perhaps because of this, they dared to steal melons from the fields so brazenly.

However, this does not mean that the law will not punish them.

After all, the purpose of the law is fairness and justice.

Just the next moment.

A series of prompts appeared before his eyes.

【Ding! It is detected that the host is involved in the melon theft case, and the system options have been automatically generated for you! 】ŴŴŴ.

[Option 1: It's none of my business and I'm not the one who got stolen from me anyway. 】

[Reward: A cooked watermelon. 】

[Option 2: Use violence to fight violence. Let "Brother Huaqiang, the Melon Seller" stand guard around the farm with a watermelon knife. If he sees anyone stealing watermelon, he will stab him. 】

[Reward: A watermelon knife of the same style as Huaqiang. 】

[Option 3: Let these melon thieves receive the sanctions they deserve. 】

[Reward: 10,000 system points. 】

See these tips.

Chen Feng was stunned.

Then, he glanced at the rewards.

The rewards for options one and two are very useless.

But option three is different.

Because he only needed 10,000 points to buy the skill he wanted.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng chose option three without saying anything.

The next day.

Chen Feng got up early.

He made an appointment with "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" today to go to the farm to check the situation.

And the farm of this "Brother Huaqiang who sells melons" is not very far away.

It only takes about 30 minutes to drive.

Of course.

The reason why Chen Feng agreed so straightforwardly.

The main reason is that he plans to edit this case into a video.

After all, he has been stationed in the small broken station and has never found a suitable video to upload.

So he simply recorded the melon stealing case and became the first video published on the small broken station.

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng immediately opened the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room has just been opened, and his popularity is still as terrifying as ever!

It only took a few minutes.

The popularity directly reached 10 million!

"It's on, it's on!"

"Today is another day that the show starts on time!"

"Hey, Feng Ge's life has no rehearsals, every show is live!"

"Without Feng Ge's live broadcast, I feel that the whole world is empty, and once it is empty, I can't help but click on some unknown websites and watch the action instructions inside, and then I will find that I have become even more empty!"

"Good guy! You are really a showman!"

"As expected, today is another day full of cases!"

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