Watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Just as the water friends said, even if these people are sent in now, it won't be long before they come out safe and sound.

In this case, he needs to find other ways to punish these melon thieves.

Think of this.

Chen Feng suddenly looked at Yang Cangyun: "Officer Yang, I have one more thing to tell you."

"you say."

Yang Cangyun said directly.

Chen Feng said: "As for the watermelons they stole, I would like to say that if they were sold by others, this should be considered a crime, right?"

"Of course it counts."

Yang Cangyun nodded.

The next moment.

His eyes lit up, and he quickly understood what Chen Feng wanted to express.

These old people must not be able to steal so many watermelons just to eat them themselves.

Besides eating, the biggest possibility is to sell these watermelons!

Because of this, he can completely conduct investigation work from this aspect!

the next day.

The door of the police station.

The villagers who were taken to the police station for interrogation last night walked out in a swaggering manner.

"I thought we would stay there for how long, but we were released after less than a day."

"What a pity. It's quite cool inside. I wanted to stay in there for a while longer."

"Hmph! Do you really think calling the police will be useful? What now? Why don't you let us out?"

"Wait a minute, I have to steal a hundred pounds of watermelon today to calm my nerves!"

Although they were all taken back to the police station by investigators.

But in the end, it was just a day of detention and a few criticisms.

Overall, it's completely innocuous to them.


Just the next moment.

The police arrested another group of people and came in.

And these people who were arrested were probably in their forties or fifties.

"Comrade police, why did you arrest my son?"

When he saw these people who had been arrested, Wang Jian couldn't stand it at that time.

Because among these people, there happened to be his own son, Wang Fugui.

Not only that.

Most of the people who were arrested were the sons of these old villagers!

"Comrade police, my son has not made any mistakes, why do you arrest him?"

"Yes, yes, my son has good character and has never done anything bad. Moreover, I educate him every day so that he can be like me and be a useful person to society."

"I don't know why you arrested my son, but let me put it here. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, believe it or not, we will file a complaint against you!"

Seeing their sons being arrested, the old men around them were obviously anxious.

Compared with the unruly appearance before, he is completely different.

How could they have thought that the police would arrest their son!

Yang Cangyun frowned, glanced at everyone, and said in a serious tone: "You should know what you have done."

After listening to Chen Feng's suggestion, they immediately investigated these villagers.

After 24 hours of non-stop investigation, they found that most of the people who helped dispose of the watermelons were the sons of the old melon thieves!

In other words, the old man is responsible for stealing the watermelon, but it is his son who sells it for money!

It’s simply a costless operation! ŴŴŴ.

Yang Cangyun continued: "Not only do you steal melons from other people's fields, but you also sell the stolen watermelons secretly, and these are the people who assist you in selling!"

"This kind of behavior has been suspected of selling stolen goods, so we have the right to investigate them!"

"Also, let me add something to you."

"Concealing or concealing the proceeds of a crime shall be punished with imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or solely be punished with a fine."

"If the circumstances are serious, you may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years!"

"I hope you can be mentally prepared."

Hear this.

These melon-stealing old men were instantly dumbfounded.

The main reason is that they don’t understand the logic of the law at all!

He obviously stole the watermelon, but he implicated his son in it!

You know, their son is only forty or fifty years old and has not yet reached the age of an elderly person.

It simply does not meet the sentencing standard.

In other words, it is possible to be sentenced directly!

And the point is, if you are sentenced, you will have a criminal record.

This criminal record will have an impact on the family and future generations, especially when the children engage in jobs that require political review in the future, this criminal record will be a burden.

And this is not discrimination against this kind of people, but the law needs to be a warning to people. Since you have made a mistake, you have to pay the corresponding price. This is a causal inevitability.

"Comrade police, we stole this melon, but it has nothing to do with our son!"

"If you want to catch you, catch us!"

"That's right, one person does the work and the other takes responsibility. We stole the melons. If you want to catch us, catch us!"

These old men who stole melons became more and more anxious.

They are all elderly people, so they are not afraid of death at all.

But his son is different.

Once his son is sentenced, his grandchildren will be affected.

They don't want the future of their descendants to be ruined by their own hands.

This is simply worse than killing them!

Yang Cangyun said seriously: "We are just following the rules. I hope you won't make it difficult for us. Otherwise, it will only make your crimes worse."

"As the saying goes, the innocent will be innocent."

"We will investigate the crime committed by your son thoroughly. If we have wronged you, we will naturally give you a reasonable explanation."

"But if the crime is true, it will be punished by the law!"

After saying that.

Except for the elderly who stole the melons, the rest were sent to the police station.

Coming out of the police station, the faces of these elderly people looked like they had eaten shit.

"Damn it! This damned thing!"

"It can't beat us, but it actually attacked our son!"

"I heard that Aunt Zhang's son from the next village applied for the teacher and civil servant professions many times after graduation because he had a criminal record. Whether in terms of grades or other aspects, he fully met the relevant regulations, but he was always rejected."

"Damn it, if my ancestors knew that I had caused such a mess for my family, then even if I go to hell, he will scold me to death!"

One step back, the sky is wide, and the more you endure, the angrier you get.

At this moment.

The villagers became even angrier!

"It's really a harmful thing!"

"If it weren't for that kid, how could we have ended up in this field?"

"Just because of a broken melon, they actually sent our son to jail?"

"You don't want us to pick the melons, right? Then I will definitely not let him have an easy time!"


The villagers communicated with each other and went home together to take out a pair of big scissors.

Then they took advantage of the night to sneak into the orchard and cut the surrounding melon seedlings randomly!

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