[Ding! The host is about to enter a scam. ]

[The options have been automatically generated for you! ]

[Option 1: Refuse this investment and say loudly to everyone: I don't lack money! ]

[Reward: You are very brave. ]

[Option 2: Expose this scam in person. ]

[Reward: Anti-counterfeiting King. ]

[Option 3: Expose this investment scam and let the parties receive the due punishment. ]

[Reward: A Rolex Patek Philippe watch. ]

Looking at the system prompt, Chen Feng was not too surprised.

To be honest, how could there be a pie in the sky in this world for no reason?

How could people give you a project that can make money several times cheaper?

Old classmates?

Not to mention classmates, even your relatives and friends will not give you such a good thing.

What's more, these are still strangers who haven't seen each other for several years.

Looking at these three options, Chen Feng suddenly hesitated.

Although the first option is the safest choice, the reward is a bit too lame.

The important thing is that it is a bit too deliberate and embarrassing to say loudly: I don’t lack money.

The second option is actually not bad.

But the problem is that if you expose this scam in person, someone has to believe it!

Now all the students on the field have been blinded by money, just like being possessed by a demon.

In the absence of any evidence, no one would believe him even if he said it.

So in the end, Chen Feng still chose option three!

"I choose three!"

Yes, he chose benefits!

For these worthless titles, he prefers Rolex and Patek Philippe.

"Huh? Chen Feng? Why don't you speak?"

Seeing Chen Feng standing there without speaking, Sun Xiang and the students asked in confusion.

"Don't you have no money to invest?"

"Yes, how much money can he have as a webcaster?"

"Why don't you go find someone to borrow some money from? Family members, relatives or friends."

Sun Xiang immediately said: "Student Chen Feng, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you don't know how long you have to wait for it. You may regret it for the rest of your life."

You know, with seven or eight times the net profit, normal people can't resist this temptation.

And Sun Xiang just grasped this point.

Human greed!

At the same time, Sun Xiang also raised his green water ghost watch and Porsche car keys, and said loudly to the people around him:

"Brothers, I was actually like you back then. Life was a problem, let alone buying a house."

"But because of an accidental investment opportunity, the project I was interested in doubled dozens of times!"

"At that time, I invested tens of millions and directly made hundreds of millions, which is why I am here today!"

These words were like a reassurance pill. When everyone heard them, they had more confidence in this project.

Some even wanted to sell their houses for additional investment.

After all, Sun Xiang and himself were both from grassroots backgrounds, so why could he do so well?

Because he had a good eye for projects!

Moreover, he was worth hundreds of millions, so how could he possibly be interested in their mere hundreds of thousands?

"Forget it, forget it, I've given you the opportunity, and if you really don't want to invest, I won't force you."

Sun Xiang sighed softly, with an expression that he had lost 100 million.

The money of all the classmates added up to at least several million, so it was almost time to call it a day.

In addition, Chen Feng didn't look like a rich man at all.


A voice fell.

Chen Feng immediately came to his senses: "How can I forget it? I must invest in such a good project!"

Not only did he have to invest, he also had to invest all the money in his bank card!

"The anchor is confused!"

"Don't invest, this guy is a liar!"

"If you invest money, it's equivalent to giving money to others for free."

The live broadcast room dissuaded him.

But Chen Feng ignored them, but gave them a look and let them experience it for themselves.

Seeing his eyes, the fans gradually understood.

Because of this look, two people have been sent to the police station.

Hearing this, Sun Xiang's mouth curved without leaving a trace, as if the conspiracy had succeeded, "Student Chen Feng, your decision is correct, but the profit point of this project is very high. I suggest you invest more, for example... borrow from relatives and friends."

"No need to borrow."

Chen Feng waved his hand, "Your project can be started with 10 million, right?"

"Yes, it can be started with 10 million."

Sun Xiang nodded.

"The total amount of money now should not be 10 million, right? Then how should this project be implemented?"

After Chen Feng finished speaking.

Everyone noticed this key point.

The total amount of their money is only a few million, not even 10 million.

If it is not 10 million, then this project cannot be started.

Sun Xiang's face froze, but in order not to reveal any flaws, he quickly said: "It's okay, I have some savings in private, so it should be no problem to pool them together."

"Okay, next question."

Chen Feng's face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "What is the specific content of your project? We have invested so much money, so we are shareholders, right? Do we have the right to know the specific content of this project?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

After talking for so long, they didn’t even know what the project was, let alone the content of the project.

"Yes, Mr. Sun, should you tell us what exactly this project is?"


Sun Xiang was speechless.

The project is of course fake and does not exist.

That’s right!

This in itself is a scam!

Anyway, there are risks in investing.

As long as they say that the project has gone awry and money has been lost, they will have nothing to do about it.

After all, normally speaking, this is a loss on an investment project, so the case cannot be filed.

"This is a golden project."

Sun Xiang rolled his eyes and quickly thought of an idea: "I think you all know that gold is one of the common trading currencies around the world. This thing will always maintain its value, and there is no problem of loss."

"Oh, so you mean to collect gold?"

Chen Feng asked again.


Sun Xiang was obviously impatient: "Isn't there going to be a war in Syria in the past few days? If they want to buy weapons, they will buy them through gold. The price of gold will definitely rise by then!"

"I see, you are indeed Mr. Sun!"

"Sure enough, you can predict things like a god!"

"If it were us, we definitely wouldn't be able to think so far ahead."

These students couldn't help but admire them.

This is indeed the truth.

If you want to quickly obtain good equipment and weapons, the most effective way is to use gold trading.

However, Chen Feng shook his head: "You mean, this gold can be doubled seven or eight times?"

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