Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 260 If you don't pay, you will be jailed for life

D-level danger!

At this moment, the owners who were still hoping for the best were in a bad mood.

This means that their house has become a dangerous building from now on.

You know, if a house becomes a dangerous building, the value retention rate will be greatly reduced.

After all, who would spend a lot of money to buy a house with safety hazards?

"Damn, it's actually D-level, it has become a dangerous building that cannot be lived in!"

"You two are evil! It's okay to cause trouble for yourself, but you even implicate us!"

"I tell you, if our house can't be repaired, you're dead!"

"That's right, we'll put you in jail for life!!!"

The owners around gnashed their teeth, and they all wanted to chop Zhang Zhu and his wife into meat paste.

Some owners with bad tempers even attacked the couple directly.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"Stop pulling my hair!"

"Why are you hitting me?"

"I'm going to sue you! I'm going to call the police to arrest you!"

"Fuck! I'm going to fight you!"

Facing the attacks of several owners, Zhang Zhu kept roaring and fighting with them.

Liang Baojian suddenly stood up.

He said to the crowd: "Everyone calm down and listen to me."

"I work on the construction site and I know a little about the structure of the house."

"Although this incident was caused by us, there are still many load-bearing walls around the house."

"In fact, demolishing one or two walls will not have a big impact, so it will definitely not affect the foundation of the house."

"I think it won't take long to fix the safety problem of the house."

As these words fell.

The surrounding owners calmed down a little.

At this time, Zhang Zhu, who was fighting with the owners, had his clothes torn, his hair was like a chicken coop, and there were several scratches on his face.

The property management of the community looked at the couple and said:

"The safety problem can be solved, but according to the regulations, we cannot move back to this building until the safety problem of the house is solved, and you need to pay a resettlement fee to each owner."

"There are a total of 36 households in our building."

"Each household needs to pay 4,000 yuan in resettlement fees."

"So I hope you can pay each owner."

After all, because of Zhang Zhu and his wife, all the owners have to move out temporarily, and it is completely reasonable for them to bear this money.

"4,000 yuan per person?"

Hearing this.

Zhang Zhu and his wife were stunned for a moment.

4,000 yuan per household.

The total of the 36 households is 144,000 yuan!

Of course.

This is just the resettlement fee.

The subsequent problems of the house and the cost of repairs will all need to be borne by them.

Zhang Zhu softened his tone and said to the owners around him.

"My husband also said that this is just a small problem and it will be fixed soon."

"And if you need it, my husband can also help."

"How about this, I will give you a red envelope in the owner group."

"After all, red envelopes have a good meaning and can be regarded as auspicious."

"What do you think?"


Hearing this.

The owners around sneered.

You know, a red envelope can only give a maximum of 200 yuan. Even if he gives one to each household, the total is only 7,200 yuan.

You want to get rid of yourself with this little money, do you really think you are getting rid of beggars?

"Haha, you have a good plan, you want to get rid of it with a red envelope?"

"Because of you two idiots, I can't even live in the house!"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't give money, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Also, even if this building is repaired, the cracks in our house are not counted yet, you still need to compensate us for the renovation fee!"


Let's talk about Chen Feng.

He sat on the lawyer's sofa, drinking hand-brewed coffee leisurely.

"They... probably won't be able to get out in this lifetime, right?"

Looking at the series of charges in the indictment.

Zhang Yida's mouth was wide open.

To be honest, when the verdict comes, the judge will probably have a cramp in his mouth just reading these charges.

"The appraisal of the house has just come out, it is D-level."

"Now all residents must move out of the house, and they can move back when the house is safe."

Zhang Yida was a little excited.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a success in driving the rogue couple out.

"It's just... this house."

Zhang Yida fell into deep thought for a while about the appraisal result.

Although the people were driven out, the problem is that the house can't be repaired for a while.

"This is not a problem we need to worry about."

Chen Feng smiled and replied.

"That's right."

Zhang Yida nodded in agreement.

The case they were responsible for was just to drive these two rogues out.

As for this sudden accident, it was completely out of their business scope.


I don’t know how to repair the house, so worrying is useless.

In the next moment.


The door of the law firm was kicked open mercilessly.

Two figures came in in a state of disgrace, their clothes were disheveled, like beggars.

They were Zhang Zhu and Liang Baojian.

The reason they were in such a state of disgrace was that the negotiation with the owner had just broken down and they had a dispute, so the two sides started fighting.

And now that the house was sealed, they could be said to be homeless.

"You unscrupulous lawyers!"

"You scumbags!"

"Did we provoke you or offend you? Or have your consciences been eaten by dogs?"

"Not only did you rob our house, but now you are harming us!"

"I tell you, you will be punished sooner or later!"

Zhang Zhu was like crazy, roaring at Chen Feng in a series of roars. At this time, she wanted to kill Chen Feng, the bastard.

If it weren't for him, how could she have fallen to this point?

The house was gone, and she was in debt.

"Police comrade, they are here!"

"These two mad dogs are biting people everywhere again!"

"Quick! Catch them!"

Following them in, there were several owners in the community. Zhang Zhu and his wife did not cooperate with compensation at all, so they called the police.


Several more police officers came out.

The police rushed up quickly and successfully controlled the couple.

"Let me go! Let me go!"ŴŴŴ.

"The person you want to catch is him!"

"This guy is hurting us! We were framed by him!"

The couple was like crazy, and even fought with the police.

In response.

The police frowned, immediately took out two pairs of handcuffs, handcuffed them on their wrists, and then took them to the police car and took them directly to the local police station.

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