"Comrade police, don't worry, I will fully cooperate with your work!"

"As long as I know something, I will tell you the truth!"

"There will be no hiding anything!"

Ding Xiu patted his chest and said seriously.


And these words.

Yang Canghai was immediately confused, and even wondered if he heard wrongly.

What about the siblings mentioned?

Is it all a plastic brotherhood?

This is a bit difficult for him to deal with.

At first, he thought that Ding Xiu would do something dangerous to protect his brother, but he didn't expect that he would be so cooperative. Tianlai Novel Network

"Isn't he your good brother?"

While Yang Canghai was puzzled, he couldn't help but ask.

Ding Xiu nodded, and then said: "You are right, Wang Dajian is indeed my good brother! But precisely because he is my best brother, I want him to correct his mistakes in time! "

"Comrade police, let me tell you the truth. I have always admired Brother Da Jian very much, respected him very much, and even obeyed his orders!"

"But it's different now!"

"Wang Dajian actually committed a crime!"

"Since he committed a crime, he should accept legal punishment!"

"And all I can do is help him get more education inside!"

"Because only in this way can he cheer up and start a new life!"

Say so.

But in his heart, he definitely doesn't want Wang Dajian to come out!

I finally got the company, and my wife also got it.

Besides, Wang Dajian's wife is living so well, and he hasn't had enough fun yet.


Yang Canghai's mouth twitched.

This answer made him even more confused.

Getting more education, to put it bluntly, means getting more time in prison.

Ding Xiu said that he was a good brother, but behind his back, he kept stabbing Wang Dajian!

They are completely the real version of superficial brothers!

Ding Xiu smiled: "Comrade police, I will definitely not tell you how many female stars my good brother Wang Dajian has been secretly lurking in these years."

"Oh, by the way, I won't tell you that he also runs some laundry detergent business outside, and now he secretly ships it to some rich people."

"And more, I won't tell you..."

In this way, Ding Xiu directly stated the crimes committed by Wang Dajian one after another with the words "I won't tell you."

After hearing these charges.

Yang Canghai took a deep breath and couldn't help but give Ding Xiu a thumbs up.

"You are really his good brother."

Not to mention other charges, just being suspected of smuggling laundry detergent is enough to keep Wang Dajian in prison for a lifetime, and if the amount of smuggling is huge, he may even be directly sentenced to death!

Originally, Wang Dajian was only suspected of a few common crimes. Even if he was sentenced, it wouldn't take long for him to be released.

But after some manipulations by this good brother Ding Xiu, the sentence was immediately served!

He is simply a veritable layman who imposes additional punishments!

at the same time.

Chen Feng's side.

Wang Dajian had no idea that his good brother was punishing him behind the scenes.

"You little bastard!"

"I admit defeat today, but don't sneer, I won't let you go!"

Wang Dajian stared at Chen Feng with wide eyes.

If it weren't for Chen Feng, how could he be in this situation?

Although he is now ruined, he believes that with his outstanding talents, it will not take long for him to make a comeback!

When the time comes, dealing with Chen Feng, a small internet celebrity, is almost like trampling to death a small powerhouse.


Thirty years of Hedong!

Thirty years in Hexi!

Don’t bully middle-aged people into poverty!

As long as he is given another chance, he can definitely stand up and kill Chen Feng!

"You won't stand a chance."

Chen Feng chuckled.

Just now, he received a message from Yang Canghai. According to an insider, Wang Dajian was suspected of multiple crimes.

The police have also launched an arrest operation.

Not surprisingly.

Wang Dajian can't be arrogant for much longer.

Now, what Chen Feng has to do is very simple, that is to delay Wang Dajian as much as possible and wait for the police to come and arrest him.

For a great director, the scene of his arrest should be quite spectacular.

Regarding Chen Feng’s words.

Wang Dajian just laughed it off: "Huh! Do you really think you can ruin me by exposing my show?"

"I tell you, you are still too naive!"

"Even if I can't survive in China, I still have friends abroad!"

"When the time comes, I will go abroad to escape, and when the storm passes, I can still make a comeback!"

"And what about you? You are just a little internet celebrity. When I come back, I will trample you to death just like trampling to death an ant!"

Speaking of which.

Wang Dajian suddenly paused for a moment.

Immediately, he continued: "By the way, I heard that your nickname is Outlaw, and you specialize in sending people in, right?"

"What a pity, I may disappoint you this time."

"I have never broken the law since I grew up. You can't send a good citizen into this, right?"

Wang Dajian sneered.

At this time, he had been ruined by Chen Feng, so he could only regain some face through oral pleasure.

Besides, the program team had signed a contract with the child's parents before filming. Even if there were problems during the process, it would not constitute a crime.

Otherwise, why didn't the directors of the previous episodes of the transformation program go to jail?

Because this does not constitute a crime at all!

[Fuck! He is still stubborn even when he is about to die! ]

[To be honest, I really can't stand his arrogant face. If I don't send him to jail today, then everyone present will be responsible! ]

[To be honest, we really can't do anything to him. After all, this is just a TV show. Even if the content is all false, they can shirk all responsibilities on the grounds of the program effect. ]

[Damn it! Is there really nothing we can do to him? ]

[Can you tell me his address? I plan to give him two needles in the mouth before he goes abroad! ]


Everyone expressed indignation. This program team has harmed so many families, and now they don't have to bear any responsibility. This makes them very uncomfortable.

And seeing Chen Feng and everyone present speechless.

Wang Dajian felt more comfortable!

This was just like killing an enemy with a low health in the game, not to mention how cool it was.

Outlaw 2.0?

That's it?

He had already thought about it.

When the limelight of this period passed, he would definitely take revenge on Chen Feng.

But he didn't feel proud for long.


Several police cars drove in.

After a while.

Several uniformed policemen quickly came out of the police car.

The leading policeman was Yang Canghai's younger brother, Yang Cangyun.

After all, this place was not under Yang Canghai's jurisdiction.

After receiving the news from his brother, Yang Cangyun immediately came here.

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