"Is there a problem? It's a big problem!"

The neighbor aunt was so angry that she laughed: "Do you know how important my son's future is? You delayed my child's study. Can you bear this responsibility?"

After this, the water friends in the live broadcast room also began to complain.

"Fuck! This person is really shameless, right?"

"Too damn disgusting!"

"Your child is a child? Other people's children are not people?"

"Typical self-centered, as if the whole world revolves around her!"

"I, Fat Tiger, disagree!"

Now it has been changed to outdoor live broadcast on mobile phones, and the water friends can clearly see this scene.

In their eyes, this neighbor aunt is completely Fat Tiger's behavior.

When Chen Feng heard this, he did not get angry, but asked leisurely: "So, this is your child, what does this have to do with me?"

"If he makes money in the future, I won't get a penny."

"As for the wifi, it's mine, what does it have to do with you?"

"Fuck you!"

Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

This sentence directly made the neighbor aunt speechless.

His meaning was very clear.

Her son's future had nothing to do with Chen Feng.

On the contrary, Chen Feng's wifi had nothing to do with her.

In short, I won't let you use the Internet, what can you do?

"Little bastard! You wait!"

The neighbor aunt gritted her teeth. After being said by Chen Feng, she was a little angry. "You don't let me use it, right? That's fine! Since I can't use it, you can't use it either!"

After saying that.

The neighbor aunt took out a pair of scissors and cut the external network cable in half in front of Chen Feng.

"Uh? Cut my network cable in front of me?"

"Good guy, it's really cruel!"

Chen Feng sighed helplessly.

You know, this network cable belongs to his personal property, and the neighbor aunt's behavior is completely a deliberate destruction of other people's property.


At this moment, a question mark floated in the live broadcast room.

"Sure, you don't allow me to use it, but you cut the network cable?"

"The world is so big, there are all kinds of things. I've seen it today."

"This behavior is considered to be damaging personal property. You can report it to the police!"

"Yes! You must report it! Anchor, I happen to have a good relationship with a police officer. If you need help, you can contact me at any time!"

Although the wifi was disconnected, because Chen Feng changed the network of his mobile phone to data, even if the network was disconnected, it would not affect the live broadcast.

"Hmph! You asked for it!"

The neighbor aunt raised the corner of her mouth and clapped her hands, looking like she had done something big, "You really think that if you don't let me use it, I can't do anything to you, right? I tell you, I have a lot of ways to make you unable to use it!"

"Auntie, cutting my network cable is considered to be damaging my personal property."

Chen Feng kindly advised.

But she not only did not mean to repent, but became even more arrogant.

"Yo yo yo? Still trying to educate me about the law?"

The neighbor auntie said confidently: "Boy, don't try to scare me."

"There are only three of us here, and there are no cameras. My son will definitely not testify for you, and you are alone without evidence, no one will believe what you say."

"Let me tell you this, even if you call the police, no one will care about you."

Although she doesn't understand the law, she also understands one thing, any accusation requires evidence!

There are only three of them here, no extra witnesses, and no cameras. Even if she cuts his network cable in front of Chen Feng, he can't do anything about her.

But she doesn't know--

At this moment, several thousand people in Chen Feng's live broadcast room can see it clearly.

"Fuck 666! I didn't expect this auntie to be such a clever ghost!!"

"Hahahaha, I'm about to burst out laughing, it turns out that everyone here is not human???"

"No more, tell me the address, I'll go over and be a witness for the anchor right away!"

"Me too!"



The barrage in the live broadcast room is about to explode.

The live broadcast room, which originally had a popularity of several thousand people, has soared to 10,000 people!

Looking at the rising popularity of the live broadcast and the crazy barrage, Chen Feng smiled slightly.

At this time, his mobile phone was placed on the pocket of his chest, with only a camera exposed, so the neighbor aunt did not realize that his behavior just now had been seen by tens of thousands of people.

"Does that mean you are not going to pay for it?"

Chen Feng asked the neighbor aunt very clearly.

"Pay for it? Why should I pay you for it?"

The neighbor aunt crossed her arms and became even more proud, "Besides, there are many rats near this community. Even if you tell them, they will at most think that it was bitten off by rats."

"This time, just treat it as a lesson for you!"

She looked at her son lovingly, "Let's go, son, it's just a broken wifi, let's find another one to use, don't delay your studies."

After saying that, the two went home directly and closed the door, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this.

Chen Feng took out his cell phone from the pocket on his chest and said, "Brothers, I have already given her a chance, but she didn't take it. Now it seems that I can only trouble the police uncle for a visit."

If she had paid money and apologized just now, maybe it wouldn't have come to this.

Based on her rebellious attitude just now, this matter would definitely not end so easily!

"Call the police! Must call the police!"

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a shameless bitch in my life!"

"That's right, if you let her go once, she will definitely go further next time!"

"The hammer of justice may be late, but it will never be absent! Call the police to deal with her!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room supported Chen Feng's decision.

It's okay to use other people's wifi, but actually cut their network cable?

No one can stand this kind of thing.

Chen Feng originally planned to close the live broadcast and report the case, but because all the water friends in the live broadcast room were eyewitnesses, he could only take everyone in the live broadcast room to the police station.

The police station was very close to his home. In less than ten minutes, Chen Feng arrived at a local police station.

"Hello, police uncle, I want to report a case."

After hearing Chen Feng's words, a police comrade came over and asked: "Little brother, please sit down first, let's talk in detail."

In this way, Chen Feng told the details of the process one by one.

At the same time, he also showed the live video just now to the police uncle.

"Rampant! Too rampant!"

After watching this video, the police uncle's face suddenly became serious.

He used other people's wifi and cut off other people's network cables because they refused to use it.

And he did it in person!

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such an arrogant person!

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