Looking at the comments of the netizens.

Chen Feng finally called the customer service.

Encountering such a situation that cannot be handled, you can only ask the customer service for help.

"Hello, sir, how can I help you?"

A female customer service voice came from the phone.

Chen Feng also turned on the hands-free function: "Well, I want to ask, why can't you cut down the mobile phone for free?"

"Can't cut it down?"

Hearing this, the customer service girl smiled, with a hint of ridicule in her tone: "I want to ask, how many people did you cut down?"

"The event we held is not just a few people, or a dozen people can cut it down. If you are lucky, maybe thousands of people, and if you are unlucky, it may take 10,000 or 20,000 people."

Her meaning is very clear.

If you only have dozens of people to cut, it is normal even if you can't cut it down.

And she has received many such calls in the past few days, so her answer is also very straightforward.

"Oh, there are not many people here, just tens of thousands of people."

Chen Feng said simply and directly.

In fact, he was already conservative.

After all, with his current popularity, he believed that the number of people online should be conservatively around 100,000.

"Tens of thousands of people???"

When the customer service girl heard this, she was stunned.

She didn't speak for a few seconds.

After a moment of hesitation.

The customer service girl said, "Tens of thousands of people? Sir, you are really joking."

Tens of thousands of people?

How could a normal person have so much appeal?

So she subconsciously thought that Chen Feng was just bragging.

"Are you kidding???"

"Are our millions of troops a joke?"

"That should be what their customer service said."

"That's right, the single-key of my family of three is almost broken."

The bullet comments in the live broadcast room kept refreshing the screen.

As soon as each bullet comment appeared, it was instantly drowned by the next bullet comment.

This also proves how terrifying the number of people in the live broadcast room is.

If you do what the customer service just said, if you are lucky, you will need thousands of people, and if you are unlucky, you will need 10,000 or 20,000 people, but now it is obviously more than that number!

You know, tens of thousands of them have really helped Chen Feng cut a knife, but so far, they still haven't cut the phone down.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry and responded: "Whether I am joking or not, you can go to the background to check it yourself."

"Wait a moment."

The customer service girl said, and then opened the background to check Chen Feng's data.

You don't know until you see it.

She was shocked when she saw it!

The background showed that there were more than 100,000 people!

She had never seen such an outrageous thing in her life!

"Sir, is your data fake?"

The customer service girl said: "If it is fake data, we will not give any reward."


This answer also made everyone speechless.

Of course, this can't be blamed on her.

Tens of thousands of people cut orders, this kind of thing is absolutely unprecedented.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and asked back: "Then how do you prove that my data is fake?"

"This is very simple, because we have never seen such outrageous data in history."

The customer service girl's voice was a little impatient.

"Oh? Just because of this?"

Chen Feng laughed directly. He had worked so hard for so long, but not only was it in vain, he was also judged as a fake order. No one could bear this.

"Could it be that you have never appeared in history, so you don't allow others to appear?"

"Then will all such cases in the future be treated as fake orders?"

"If that's the case, then I want to ask, what's the point of your event?"

"The Guinness World Record is broken every year."

"According to your statement, should those who break the record in the future be treated as fouls?"

After a series of words, the customer service girl was speechless for a while.

"Brother Feng said it very well!"

"If we succeed, you say we are fake, and if we fail, you take it for granted. This wave of operations really shows me."

"Are you allowed to fleece us?"

"We helped you with publicity, and in the end we worked in vain? Aren't we just tools?"

The fans expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

This is simply a contradiction.

After a moment of silence, the customer service girl took a deep breath, her voice becoming more and more impatient: "You are a fraud, how dare you say this?"

"I am not pointing it out to you, your background shows that there are more than 100,000 people helping you to cancel orders, huh? More than 100,000 people helping you to swipe a mobile phone, you are really brave! How about swiping more? Just swipe one million or something."

Speaking of this.

The customer service girl did not intend to talk nonsense with Chen Feng any more, "In addition, we have properly handled your result. If you are not satisfied, you can directly report it to your superiors. I am really powerless."

After saying that.

The customer service girl did not care about Chen Feng's feelings and experience, and directly changed the manual customer service to robot customer service.

This operation made everyone look confused.

It was the first time they saw the customer service hanging up the customer's phone.

"This may be the so-called store bullying."

"That's right, isn't customer service used to solve troubles?"

"Now the problem has not been solved yet, you just changed to a robot customer service?"

"To be honest, all customer service is the same. They just read the process like a script and ignore you."ŴŴŴ.

"Especially the robot customer service, the answers are basically the same, and they keep repeating the same words."

Looking at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Brothers, is the attitude of customer service like this now? As customers, we don't even have the most basic customer treatment. Isn't this a bad experience?"

Said so.

Chen Feng continued to dial the hotline of the manual customer service.

Soon, another customer service girl rang.

"Why is it you again!"

Hearing this familiar voice.

Chen Feng recognized it almost immediately.

The attitude of the customer service girl was still the same as before, and her tone was extremely impatient.

"I told you that your problem has been solved. Your behavior of brushing orders will not be rewarded by our company."

She said coldly.

The customer's phone number will be displayed in the customer service background, so as soon as she saw the phone number, she knew it was Chen Feng.

"Haha? Are you so sure? Don't you check it carefully?"

Chen Feng's tone was not polite at all.

Since she didn't respect herself, there was no need for her to respect her.

After all, as a customer, she didn't experience the treatment that a customer should have, but she was judged as a malicious order for no reason.

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