Outside the hotel.

The anti-pornography policeman finished showing his ID.

Then directly search the hotel rooms one by one.

Although it is a search.

But not every room was searched, but rooms suspected of being used for prostitution were searched.

As for which rooms are suspected of being used for prostitution, the police have data.

Because when booking a hotel room, you need to register your ID card information.

At this time, the information will be passed to the police station.

Once it is discovered that a man and a woman are renting a house and there are also monetary transactions, they will be listed as the highest suspect.

And if they are a normal couple, there is no need to worry about being interrupted midway.

"I heard that young people nowadays are playing very perverted things, but I don't know if that's true."

"You're new here, right? There are so many perverts in the real anti-pornography campaign."

"Last time I fucked a guy and he dated three girls at the same time. I don't know how his kidneys could withstand it."

"Maybe this is the legendary Golden Kidney Fighter."

Several policemen discussed.


They open the first suspect room.

The way to open the door is also very rough.

Just kick the door open.

I saw a man and a woman in the room.

Both were disheveled.

"Get dressed now!"

"Then show me your ID!"

The police did not waste any nonsense and directly revealed their identities.

And to prevent the two from escaping, they blocked the doors and windows.

After the two of them got dressed.

The policeman glanced at them and began to ask, "What is your relationship?"

The two looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards.

The man said: "Comrade police, we...we are boyfriend and girlfriend."

The woman also nodded crazily: "Yes, yes, comrade police, it's not against the law for a boyfriend and girlfriend to have a room together, right?"

"Of course it's not illegal to have a boyfriend or girlfriend."

The policeman frowned and said in a serious tone: "But if it is a prostitute, it is illegal."

"As far as I know, you just met today, right?"

"We just had sex on the first day we met?"

The words fell.

The two were taken to two different rooms for questioning.

After all, it is impossible for them to say that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and the police will just accept everything.

It is actually very simple to tell whether the two parties are boyfriend or girlfriend.

First of all, in the police uncle's archives, there is a column for "Entertainment Industry Employees".

Men and women working in nightclubs, bars, and bathing centers will all be entered into this system.

The identity cards of men and women in these nightclubs will be very sensitive once they are swiped, especially in hotels and other places.

Once the room is opened, if nothing unexpected happens, the water meter will be checked immediately.


There is another way.

That is to bring the man and woman into a separate room, and then ask each other's birthday, mobile phone number, or family information, etc., a series of questions that can prove that the two parties are in a relationship.

If these can be answered, and both parties say the same thing, then it can be proved that the relationship between the two parties is indeed boyfriend and girlfriend.

But if you can't answer any of them, then nine times out of ten, you are a prostitute.

Facing questions from the police.

The two men and women could not answer at all and were eventually taken back to the police station.

Soon, it was the next room's turn.

This room is relatively normal.

Even though she was visiting prostitutes, she was just wearing clothes with a few holes in them.

Immediately afterwards.

The police searched several rooms one after another.


I met a lot of weird prostitutes.

After all, if you live a long time, you will encounter all kinds of weird things.

Think of this.

The policeman sighed softly, came to the last room, followed the hotel staff to unlock the room, and then kicked the door open with a "bump".

The door opens.

Only inside the room.

A man is on top of another man.

The two are Chen Feng and Runtu.

Of course, they did not have the kind of relationship you imagined, but Chen Feng subdued Runtu in turn.

After all, he has been systematically strengthened.

When it comes to fighting, I can fight ten!


The policeman's eyes widened and his expression looked like he had seen a ghost.

Even though they have seen countless weird prostitutes.

But something like this seems to have gone beyond their cognitive scope.

"Captain...is it illegal for a man to be with a man?"

A long while.

One of the people looked up at the leading captain with a strange tone.

The anti-pornography captain came back to his senses and his tone became more serious.

"Nonsense! Prostitution is prostitution. Regardless of gender, as long as there is a financial transaction between the two parties, it is illegal! Arrest them immediately!"

that's all.

Follow the process.

Chen Feng and Runtu were taken to two different rooms for questioning.


"Chen Feng."

"Chen Feng?"

The policeman raised his eyebrows.

For some reason, this name always feels very familiar, but for a while, I can't remember it.

"What were you doing in bed just now?"

"I was kidnapped."

"Kidnapped? Tied to the bed?"

The policeman’s eyes became more and more strange.

After all, when they entered the room, they clearly saw Chen Feng holding down another big man.

"Little brother, I know and understand your mood and hobbies. Everyone is different, so I hope you can answer my questions honestly."

Obviously, he didn't believe it.

After all, this is a couple hotel.

What can two grown men do in bed? In addition, young people nowadays like to play kidnapping tricks, so it's no wonder he thinks so.


Chen Feng was a little helpless and didn't know how to explain.


He took out the live camera and prepared to take out the video, and the water friends in the live room could also testify.

But at this moment.

For some reason, the live room has been blocked, but fortunately the ban time is not long, only two or three minutes.

Very soon.

Chen Feng reopened the live room.

[Fuck! What's going on? Why is the screen black for no reason? ]

[The exciting part is black, I thought I was disconnected from the Internet, and I was so anxious that I threw my phone directly to find out that the live room was blocked. ]

[Dare to block Brother Feng's live room, this super administrator is getting more and more bold. 】

【Excuse me for asking, did I miss something exciting just now? 】

【Damn super administrator, come out and get beaten! 】

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