"Boss, I can give you thirty yuan for this melon."

After Chen Feng came to his senses, he said to the fruit stall owner: "But the customers you lost have nothing to do with me. It's impossible for all this debt to be put on my head, right?"

You know, these customers are here to watch the fun.

In a sense, they are not customers.

"Yes, this melon is indeed thirty yuan."

The fruit stall owner crossed his arms and said eloquently: "But! The customers were scared away by your words just now! Isn't it reasonable for me to ask you to compensate for some damages?"

"Then how do you want me to compensate?"

Chen Feng asked lightly.

It's not that he's a coward.

But this fruit stall owner is a wanted criminal.

It would obviously be very irrational to offend him at this time.

If you want to take down the fruit stall owner, you can only rely on outsmarting him.

Otherwise, Chen Feng would not have chosen three, but would have chosen two to get the knife and slash with the boss.

The fruit stall owner squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Feng carefully. With his thin arms and legs, he was definitely a rich second generation!

So, he said:

"Boy, it's actually very simple to solve this matter. Just buy all the fruits I have here and forget about it!"

As soon as these words came out.

Chen Feng hasn't spoken yet.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"Bought all the fruits at the fruit stall?"

"This fruit stall owner can do it! You just lost a few customers, so you just let them buy all the fruits on the fruit stall?"

"Do you really treat people as fools?"

"That's right, this is obviously an act of pure injustice!"

Naturally, everyone in the live broadcast room did not know that the fruit stall owner was a wanted criminal.

In their opinion, the boss was extorting Chen Feng's money.

Moreover, every fruit in this fruit stall looks a little rotten, and they don't look like normal fruits at all.

If Chen Feng bought it at this time, he would be almost like a pick-up man.

"Okay, then you can calculate for me how much these fruits cost?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations.

Not only did Chen Feng not refute, but he also agreed to the fruit stall owner's request.

"Haha, young man, you are really a person who understands the general situation. I admire you very much!"

Seeing Chen Feng so cheerful, the fruit stall owner's smile became even brighter: "These fruits are all imported by air from abroad! They are absolutely top-notch! Let's do this. For the sake of your cheerfulness, the price is 30 Wan! Pack it all up and take it home!”

"Three hundred thousand?"

Chen Feng stared, but he didn't expect that the fruit stall owner would dare to say that.

Is it still high-quality?

Anyone with a little bit of knowledge would know that the fruits he sells are all the most rubbish, and they are also the kind leftover from other people's sales.

"Ahem... Young man, I'm not an unkind person. If you think it's expensive, I can give you a discount."

The fruit stall owner coughed lightly and knew that his price was a bit high. He suddenly changed his words and said, "Let's do this. Two hundred thousand is the lowest price."

These fruits are all junk varieties, with a total value of only a few thousand yuan.

This two hundred thousand is already very high.


A smile appeared on Chen Feng's lips, "But, boss, my home is a bit far away, and I can't go back with so much fruit."

Hearing this, the fruit stall owner patted his chest and promised, "What's the big deal? I'll help you drive back if you suffer a little loss."


My intuition was right!

Chen Feng is indeed a rich second generation!

What he likes most is this rich second generation who has money but no brains!

Such a big deal.

Not to mention sending it home, he would be happy even if it was shipped to Malaysia!

"Oh well."

Chen Feng nodded and said: "But I don't have that much money on me now. How about this, boss, you pack all these things for me and send them to my home, and I will give you the money then?"

"no problem!"

The fruit stall owner said it was a relief.

After saying that, he immediately went to clean up his fruit stand and moved all the fruits to a van.

That's when.

Chen Feng took one look at the live broadcast and almost went crazy.

"Wang Defa! Is the anchor crazy???"

"Two hundred thousand dollars to pack all the fruit?"

"Can I ask if these fruits are picked from the heavenly palace?"

"The little fruits he has are all low-end products that are about to rot. Taking over at this time is totally a big mistake!"

In response, Chen Feng smiled slightly.

Then he gave the water friends a look, indicating that they should watch his next operation.

A few minutes later.

The fruit stall owner clapped his hands.

The fruits on the stall have been packed and packed on the truck.

"Boy, everything is packed! Where do you live?"

"My home is far away, so it may take some time." Chen Feng shrugged and replied.

"It doesn't matter."

The fruit stall owner finished speaking cheerfully, then picked up a watermelon knife and stuck it on his waist. He solemnly declared: "Boy, let me tell you in advance. If you dare to lie to me, believe it or not, I will make you walk around without food." !”

"Of course."

Chen Feng smiled.


The two got into the van, fastened their seat belts, and drove directly in the direction pointed by Chen Feng.

Just on the way.

Suddenly a radio news broadcast came on.

"Hello, everyone. I'm here to share the latest news."

"According to the news, a wanted criminal is still on the run in this city. The wanted name is Luo Yangyu, male, 48 years old. If you provide useful clues and capture him, you will be offered a reward of 100,000 yuan!"

Good guy!

A reward of 100,000 yuan!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but look at the fruit stall owner who was driving.

"Fuck! What a piece of news!"

The fruit stall owner gritted his teeth and whispered: "I'm only 47 years old this year!"

And the next moment, the fruit stall owner suddenly noticed Chen Feng's strange eyes: "What are you looking at! I'm not a wanted criminal!"


Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

If I guessed correctly, this wanted criminal named Luo Yangyu should be him!

As long as you hand him over to the police station, you can get a reward of 100,000 yuan!

"Brothers, why do I feel that the owner of this fruit stall looks a bit like the wanted criminal on the wanted list?"

"Could he be the wanted criminal?"


"If that's the case, isn't Brother Feng inviting a wolf into the house?"

At this moment, the mood of everyone in the live broadcast room was instantly tense.

If it's really a wanted criminal, isn't Chen Feng in danger now?

After talking about the news of the first wanted criminal.

The broadcast continued:

"In addition, there is an international wanted criminal who has been on the run for five years and has fled to China. His whereabouts are currently unknown."

"According to news released abroad, this person has killed more than a dozen people in a row abroad, and he also killed people with a mobile phone and a gun!"

"This person's gender is unknown, age is unknown, physical characteristics, all in black!"

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