[I have to say that this robber understands this. 】

[To be honest, the so-called hatred of the rich is not that I hate them for being rich, but that I hate why the second generation of rich people are not my grandfather. 】

[This rich guy is not good either, his money making ability is actually wrong. 】

[Isn’t this nonsense? They have nowhere to go now and money is no longer important to them. 】

[It’s impossible for them to take the money and spend it in prison, right? 】

There was a lot of heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

The two robbers also showed off their operations.

And here at the scene.

All the hostages around were stunned.

Even Rich Brother's money-making ability failed, which meant that the robbers had no interest in their money at all.

"I said before, if you want to go out, you must give a reasonable reason instead of buying us with money!"

The robber leader moistened his throat and emphasized again.

If it were placed in the past, the banknote ability would definitely be effective.

But things are different now.

They may be arrested by the police at any time now, and no matter how much money is given to them, they will not be able to spend it.

It's like, it's the end of the world, what's the use of money?

that's all.

Several minutes passed.

Suddenly another man came out.

He hesitated and said: "Two robber brothers, I... my wife at home is going to have a baby tomorrow. Can you please be accommodating and let me go?"

"My wife will give birth to a baby tomorrow?"

The robber leader narrowed his eyes, and then kicked him again: "What the hell, since your wife is giving birth tomorrow, why are you still hanging out in the nightclub?"


The man was momentarily speechless.

at the same time.

There was a burst of "scumbag" voices all around.

[Hahaha, this robber is really a sweetheart. 】

[Although they are a bit bad, I like them! 】

[My wife is going to give birth to a baby tomorrow, but she still comes out to hang out in a nightclub. What is this if not a scumbag? 】

[I hope his wife didn’t watch the live broadcast, otherwise it will be useless. 】


It was just when everyone in the live broadcast room was talking happily.

Jingle Bell! ! !

At the scene, a phone ring suddenly rang.

It was the scumbag's phone that rang.

"Brother Robber, my wife called me..."

The scumbag took out his cell phone and spoke to the robber cautiously.

The robber leader frowned and immediately pointed a pistol at him: "Turn on the speakerphone and don't play any tricks on me!"


The scumbag has no choice but to do it.

After turning on the hands-free, a voice came out.

"Husband, when will you come back?"

"I miss you so much!"

"Oh, by the way, didn't you promise to take me out to play tomorrow?"

"I've thought about it, how about we go bungee jumping together tomorrow?"

"Bungee jumping? This is... quite good..."

The scumbag's tone choked up, and he said nervously: "Honey, I'm...going out to socialize right now. Otherwise, I'll talk to you after I get back."


After saying that, he immediately hung up the phone.

And the next second.

A pistol appeared in front of the scumbag's forehead, and the robber leader asked on the spot: "Isn't your wife giving birth to a baby?"

"What? Will you give birth to a baby while bungee jumping tomorrow?"


The scumbag doesn't know what to say.

Originally, he planned to find some excuse to get away with it, but he didn't expect the robber to be so serious.

[Bungee jumping and giving birth at the same time? What a shame! 】

[Don’t you understand this? Bungee jumping is an extreme sport, and if you do it too hard, your child might come out. 】

[Hahaha, this wave of assists is a slap in the face at the speed of light! 】

[How dare you say bungee jumping to give birth to a baby! 】


Jingle Bell! ! !

Suddenly, another phone rang!

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the scumbag's phone rang again!


The robber leader put his gun in front of the scumbag and threatened.

The scumbag tremblingly answered the phone and clicked on the speakerphone.

Soon, another female voice came out.

"Husband, don't forget my birthday tomorrow."

This voice is obviously different from the one just now!

This is another woman!

"Baby, I...how could I forget?"

"Then tell me, how old will my birthday be tomorrow?"

"Six...sixtieth birthday."

"Hehe, you know what's going on. Remember to come on time tomorrow."



The phone was hung up.

However, at this moment, the robber said coldly to the scumbag: "Okay! You have quite a few wives!"


The scumbag doesn't speak.

"Give me your phone!"

The robber leader threatened, then snatched the scumbag's cell phone and opened the prestige address book.

"Wife number one."

"Wife number two."

"Wife No. 3..."

The contacts above are all wives!

"Brother Robber... No, I also want to make a living." The scumbag showed an ugly smile.

"I'm going to fuck you!"

The robber leader slapped him directly.

"Do you know who I hate the most in my life?"

"Wha...who is that person?"

The scumbag covered his face, feeling extremely wronged.

"A person who can eat soft food better than me!"

The words fell.

The robber leader accidentally saw a person with the word "husband" written on him in the address book.

"Husband? What the hell is this?"

The robber leader looked at the scumbag strangely: "You also do it with men?" m.

"That's it, I make money..."

The scumbag laughed.

At the same time, everyone felt disgusted.

[Fuck! What a ruthless person! ]

[He eats both men and women! ]

[How strong is this guy's business ability? ]

[By the way, is it illegal for men to do it with men? ]

[Of course! As long as there is money transaction, it is illegal! 】


"Brother Robber, you have to know that the people who understand men the best in the world are always men! To be honest, men are much easier to deceive than women!"

The scumbag no longer dared to lie, and confessed honestly: "Especially those lsp, just act cute with them and say a few dirty words, it's easy to be fooled."


The robber leader narrowed his eyes and said: "Clip?"


"Come on, you clip one for me to see."


The scumbag said embarrassedly: "This...is not good?"

"I'll let you go after you clip it."


The robber leader even returned the phone to the scumbag and asked him to show on the spot how a clip can deceive lsp.


The scumbag hesitated for a while, and finally picked up the phone and clicked on the voice of "husband" in the address book.

And the next moment.

The voice call was quickly dialed.

But at the same time.

Dinglingling! ! !

The robber leader's phone also rang!

"Second brother, my online lover has contacted me, you help me keep an eye on him first."

I heard his phone ringing.

The robber leader didn't care about anything else, quickly walked away for a distance, answered the call, and said to the person inside:

"Dear, didn't I say? I have important things to do today. After I finish this job, I will buy you a luxury car and a villa..."

Here he came.

The robber leader suddenly found something wrong.

He turned around.

Looking at the scumbag who was talking on the phone with a clip voice...

I am a clown?

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