"Aunt, this is my toast to you!"

Chen Feng picked up the apple cider vinegar and handed it to his aunt Li Rongrong.

Hearing this.

Li Rongrong was slightly stunned. Although she couldn't figure it out, she still smiled and took the apple cider vinegar.

"You kid, it's good to admit your mistakes. Since you apologized, there is no reason for your aunt to not accept it."

"Aunt forgives you!"

Li Rongrong was very satisfied with Chen Feng's attitude.

"No... Grandma."

Seeing that the apple cider vinegar was in Li Rongrong's hands, Deng Dachun's face turned pale instantly. After all, he carefully prepared this homemade drink for Chen Feng.

"What's wrong, Dachun?"

Li Rongrong looked at her grandson, looking a little strange.

"No, no, no, nothing."

Deng Dachun wanted to say that he couldn't drink it.

But thinking that this drink was his urine, if he said it honestly, he would definitely be punished.

In this way, he finally chose to remain silent.

What's more, he didn't drink it himself.

Deng Zuifu stood up, raised his glass, and said to everyone: "What happened just now was indeed a misunderstanding. Let's have a toast to express our apology!"

"Okay! Cheers!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank the drink in the glass in one gulp.

Li Rongrong also drank the whole cup of apple cider vinegar in one gulp.

After drinking it, she carefully tasted the taste in her mouth. For some reason, the taste was very strange.

Li Rongrong felt a little strange and said: "Is this apple cider vinegar expired? Why does it taste weird?"

To be honest, this apple cider vinegar is not sour at all, but salty and a little bit smelly.

She couldn't describe this weird taste in words, after all, it was her first time to taste it.


Chen Aiguo shook his head and said: "It's impossible. I bought it a few days ago. How could it be expired?"

"No! Bring the apple cider vinegar here for me to see!"

The more Li Rongrong tasted, the more she felt something was wrong.

As the taste in her mouth spread.

She even felt nauseous!

"Apple cider vinegar? What apple cider vinegar?"

Mother Chen looked suspicious: "Husband, are you getting old and confused? When did our family buy apple cider vinegar?"

Chen Aiguo slapped his forehead and was immediately surprised: "Yes, our family has never bought apple cider vinegar!"

"Then... where did this cup of apple cider vinegar come from?"

Li Rongrong's face turned pale, and she looked at Chen Feng at the first time, after all, this cup of apple cider vinegar was toasted to her by him.

"You ask me..."

Chen Feng spread his hands innocently, and then looked at Deng Dachun who was sitting at the opposite table: "Who should I ask?"

The voice fell.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at Deng Dachun!

You know, they all saw with their own eyes that this cup of apple cider vinegar was toasted to Chen Feng by Deng Dachun!

Li Rongrong immediately asked: "Dachun, tell me honestly, where did this cup of apple cider vinegar come from?"


Deng Dachun hesitated.

He hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Hurry up and tell me!"

"How did you get this cup of apple cider vinegar?"

Li Rongrong's eyes turned red with anxiety.

But at this moment.

Chen Feng pointed to the wet mark on the edge of Deng Dachun's pants that had not yet dried: "Aunt, did Dachun pee in his pants?"

"Pee in his pants?"

Li Rongrong didn't react at first, but after a few seconds, she instantly understood what Chen Feng meant.


Not only her.

Everyone present understood what Chen Feng meant.

"Dachun, tell me honestly, is this... pee?" Li Rongrong was a little unbelievable.


Deng Dachun stopped talking directly.

And his silence made Li Rongrong even more uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, Li Rongrong immediately took off her grandson's pants and smelled the wet smell on it. It can't be said to be the same, but it can only be said to be completely consistent!

In other words, the cup of apple cider vinegar she just drank was Deng Dachun's freshly baked urine!


Remembering that she drank a whole cup of urine.

Li Rongrong suddenly felt like vomiting!


Li Rongrong gritted her teeth and went berserk on the spot!

"Grandma... I, I was wrong."

Deng Dachun took a few steps back and trembled, saying, "I know I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again."

"Since you know it's urine, why didn't you stop me just now?" Li Rongrong's face was very ugly.

You know, Deng Dachun could have stopped himself from drinking it just now, but he didn't do it!

"I... I'm afraid you'll hit me."

Deng Dachun said with a trembling voice.


Li Rongrong's face froze.

Just at this time.

Chen Feng suddenly came up.

He kindly pleaded for Deng Dachun.

"Aunt, don't be angry, Dachun is still young, it's normal for him to be ignorant. Besides, how old are you and how old is he? Why are you arguing with a child?"


After saying this.

Li Rongrong's anger value exploded!

She didn't care about anything, and directly pressed Deng Dachun on her legs and slapped him on the butt!

At the same time

The screams were like those of a pig being slaughtered!

Deng Dachun burst into tears!

After being slapped several times in a row, Deng Dachun's buttocks shook, and then a stream of hot stuff flowed out.

Shit came out!


Chen Feng returned to the room, which was filled with urine and shit. He really had no appetite to continue eating.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was full of crazy discussions.

[What happened outside? ]

[I seem to hear a pig-killing cry. ]

[This... seems to be the scream of a naughty kid being beaten? ]

[Naughty kid? Isn't this the relative who just harassed Brother Feng? ]

[Hahahaha, he seems to be beaten now. ]

[I can only say, it's what he deserves!!! ]


After a small episode, Chen Feng continued the live broadcast.

With the lessons learned from the previous two times, Deng Dachun also became much more obedient and never dared to break in and make trouble again, so the following live broadcast was quite smooth.

Soon, Chen Feng started the qualifying promotion match again.

Without the harassment of the naughty kid, Chen Feng was very smooth. As expected, he won consecutive games and became the king!

[Fuck! 666!!! ]

[It actually succeeded! ]

[Brother Feng actually succeeded in the promotion match! ]

[The curse was broken? ? ? ]

[Impossible! Absolutely impossible!! 】

【Too unscientific! There was no accident this time? 】

【Can anyone tell me if I am dreaming? 】

【My youth is over!!!】

Looking at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng exhaled lightly.

Canyon King!

Now, he finally fulfilled his wish!

"Brothers, go to the bathroom and wait for a while."

"Come back and broadcast Genshin Impact to everyone."

Chen Feng stood up and turned to go to the bathroom outside.


Seeing Chen Feng coming out of the room.

Deng Dachun gritted his teeth, his face full of reluctance!

If it wasn't for Chen Feng, how could he have fought?

He had never suffered such a bird's anger since he was a child!

As the saying goes, take a step back, the more you think about it, the angrier you get; endure for a while, the more you think about it, the more you lose!

Thinking of this.

Deng Dachun walked into Chen Feng's room again.

Looking at the game screen inside.

A good idea suddenly emerged in his mind!

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