Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 502: Life goes on, and so does the truth.

As Chen Feng finished speaking.

Everyone in the arena turned their eyes to the audience.

And the figure sitting in the dark corner was also exposed.

Take a closer look.

This person looks exactly like the victim Song Jun!

[Song Jun!!!]

[Fuck! It really is!]

[Isn't this too scary?]

[I guessed all the murderers, but I didn't guess that the murderer was the victim himself!]

[Using the identity of a dead person to kill people, this meticulous method of committing the crime is too scary!]

[To be honest, if Brother Feng hadn't seen through it, I'm afraid the case would have become a headless case.]


At this time.

The surrounding bailiffs quickly went up and pressed Song Jun to the ground, and then put on a pair of exquisite silver bracelets.

This perfect crime that had been planned for many years ended in failure.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right?"

Before being sent away.

Song Jun turned around and looked at Chen Feng deeply: "Can you tell me how you figured it out?"

At this point, his method has been seen through, and he can only admit defeat.

The only thing that puzzled him was how Chen Feng saw through such a perfect crime.

Chen Feng smiled: "Eliminate all the impossibilities, and the remaining ones are the truth even if they are impossible."

That's what he said.

But to be honest, it was the system's skills that made a difference.

After all, it's impossible to say that he cheated, right?


Song Jun let out a long breath and looked at Chen Feng straight: "Can I ask you another question?"


"Excuse me, is there really a perfect crime in this world?"


Chen Feng shook his head without even thinking about it.


Song Jun was a little surprised.

He had planned for so many years to commit a perfect crime, but in the end, Chen Feng saw through it.

You can imagine.

Chen Feng definitely has rich experience in criminology.

Chen Feng said very seriously: "Because the real perfect crime will not be known to the world."


With Song Jun being arrested by the police.

The Qiqi murder case also came to an end.

At the same time.

As a suspect, Ye Qi was also acquitted.

"Sister Qi..."

Chen Feng was just about to speak, but he never thought that Ye Qi would give him a big hug.

First, he experienced a murder case, then he was detained as a criminal suspect, and even almost convicted.

And all this was thanks to Chen Feng.

So facing Chen Feng, she could no longer express her gratitude in words.

"Sister Qi..."

"Don't talk, lend me your shoulder first."

"No... Sister Qi, I want to say that I can't breathe."

Chen Feng's face was a little ugly. He was almost out of breath with Ye Qi's weapon against his chest.

And this scene.

It was transmitted into the live broadcast room and caused a burst of angry voices.

[Too much! It's really too much! ]

[This is obviously not treating us as human beings! ]

[If you have the guts, let the landlord's wife go and let me do it! ]

[Let you do it? Three yuan for a key, ten yuan for three keys, would you do it? ]

[Ahhhhhh!!! I wish all lovers in the world can become siblings! ]


And the next moment.

A mechanical sound suddenly rang in Chen Feng's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing all tasks! ]

[The bad luck constitution for cases has been automatically lifted for you! ]


Chen Feng's face was full of question marks: "System, what does this mean?"

[After the bad luck constitution for cases is lifted, from now on, the host will return to a normal human life. ]

"In other words, the reason why I encountered so many cases is because of you, right?"

[You can understand it this way. ]

"Dog system..."

"I ****! (Love you)"

Chen Feng greeted the system like a relative.

[Host, don't be angry, this is not, it's required by the plot. 】m.


Chen Feng paused slightly: “Are you leaving now?”

[All good things must come to an end. ]

[Besides, other travelers still need me. ]

As soon as the voice fell.

The system’s voice gradually disappeared.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, feeling mixed emotions.

I once had a sincere love in front of me, but I didn’t cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it.

If God could give me a chance to start over,

I would say six words to the system:

Grass Mud Horse, dog system!

Back to reality.

Looking at the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng smiled freely: “Brothers, although it’s a bit abrupt, I have something else to say today.”

“From today on, I announce an indefinite suspension of broadcasting!”

“As for how long the suspension will last, I’m not sure.”

“I can only say, see you again if we’re lucky.”

After these few words, the live broadcast room was instantly bombarded with comments.

[Indefinite suspension? ? ? ]

[Is Brother Feng going to quit the Internet? 】

【Brother, the indefinite suspension does not mean that he will quit the Internet, and Feng Ge also said that this is just a suspension. When he wants to live broadcast one day, he will come back. 】

【In other words, we will see each other again in the future? 】

【Of course! Feng Ge is our belief! Without him, where can we go to make a living in the future? 】

"Well, this brother is right. Suspension of broadcast indefinitely does not mean withdrawal from the network. Maybe... the next time we meet, we will be on a more serious road."

Chen Feng sighed and said very pleased.


"Life never stops, and truth never stops!"

[Hahaha, well said! 】

[Life is endless, and truthfulness is endless! 】

[If Brother Feng encounters trouble one day, remember to call us on the road. 】

[As long as Brother Feng’s live broadcast room is still there, we will always be there! 】

【You are not alone on the true journey. 】


Chen Feng was very pleased, and the reporter bowed deeply to the fans: "Thank you for your support and company."


This live broadcast room with hundreds of millions of fans has been closed.

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