Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 73 Dowry money? No, I want a full refund

As Chen Feng finished his words.

Wang Rong's face was extremely ugly.

The reason why she fell in love with Li Yong was not because he was rich, but because Li Yong was an honest man.

The biggest characteristic of honest people is that they are easy to be bullied and deceived.

So, Wang Rong took Li Yong to a fake civil affairs bureau and got a fake marriage certificate.

I thought this would go smoothly.

But who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would show up halfway!

Of course.

Her biggest mistake was that she didn't calculate the date correctly and took Li Yong to get the certificate on Sunday.

Getting a marriage certificate on a holiday on Sunday, isn't this pure nonsense?

Thinking of this.

Although Wang Rong was very unconvinced in her heart, she still smiled. She twisted her small waist, walked in front of Li Yong, and took his wrist.

"Hehehe... We were just joking, right? Li Yong, look how nervous they are."

"We just had a quarrel, why are you taking it so seriously?"

"I just remembered it wrong because I was confused. Anyway, we will be husband and wife sooner or later. Sooner or later, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register. There is no property or no property. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."

It is definitely impossible to ask her to return the betrothal money.

And in order to break the current situation, the only thing Wang Rong can think of is to start with the "honest man" Li Yong.

As long as Li Yong doesn't pursue it, they can't do anything to themselves.

"Damn it? Does this woman have any shame? She changes her face faster than turning a page of a book?"

"Is this the legendary face-changing monster?!"

"Disgusting! Just now she was talking about divorce and property division, and now she says it's a misunderstanding?"

"These women are really the same. Once their own interests are involved, they can do anything."

"The problem is, whether they are husband and wife is a problem."

While everyone was discussing.

Eyes were focused on Li Yong.

After all, he was the person involved, and it was up to him whether to pursue the matter further.

"Get out of here! Who wants to marry you?"

Li Yong cursed angrily, and then pushed Wang Rong away from him.

Seeing this kind of woman, he immediately felt sick.

To be honest, if Chen Feng hadn't analyzed this matter today, he would probably have been cheated to death by this woman.

And he finally got hard once and directly started to fight back: "Damn bitch! It's okay that you cheated me to get married, but now you even want to cheat me of the betrothal money my parents gave me and my house? Isn't it too fake to tell me this now?"

He definitely couldn't just let this go today.

After saying this, Li Yong's eyes immediately looked at Chen Feng, after all, he didn't understand this knowledge.

"Brother Feng, do you think this matter can be handled this way?"

Not only him.

Even Wang Rong and the eyes around him subconsciously looked at Chen Feng.

It seemed that Chen Feng was just like the judge here.

Facing these gazes, Chen Feng said to Wang Rong calmly:

"Madam, your current behavior is fraud. If the amount involved is large, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, detention or control, and a fine or a single fine."

"Less than three years??"

As soon as these words came out.

Wang Rong felt dizzy.

Let alone three years, even one year would be enough for her!

You know, she lives on her youth.

And if she goes to the police station, she will have a criminal record. What will she do with the rest of her life?


Before Chen Feng finished speaking, he continued: "This is only for large amounts, but if the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, a fixed-term imprisonment of more than three years but less than ten years and a fine."

"If the amount is particularly huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances."

"Imprisonment of more than ten years or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property!"

In modern society, this kind of marriage fraud is nothing new.

Especially some improper marriage agencies.

To put it bluntly, these are all black agents.

They are also the places where marriage fraud is most likely to occur.

Because these black agents don't care who the other party is.

As long as you pay, the black agents will immediately arrange someone for you to go on a blind date.

And these marriage fraud women are specifically seducing modern men with their beauty, taking advantage of the fact that it is difficult for them to get married.

Especially honest men, they are simply their favorite.

That's why honest people are always the ones who get hurt.

Moreover, these marriage fraud women may even take your money and serve multiple male customers at the same time.

It can be said that they kill two birds with one stone.

And at this time.

Wang Rong's face became even paler.

From less than three years at the beginning, it has now become more than ten years, or even life imprisonment?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Wang Rong bit her lip: "Don't talk nonsense, kid. I... I just took his 200,000 yuan betrothal gift, and he gave it to me voluntarily! I didn't cheat him of the betrothal gift!"

"Voluntary? Yes, he did volunteer, but the premise is that you are married."

At this point, Chen Feng suddenly paused: "I want to ask, are you really married now?"

"How about you show us your marriage certificate? Let us check it?"

After saying this.

Everyone stared at Wang Rong.

If this is a fake marriage certificate, she will also be involved in making a fake certificate.

This will undoubtedly further escalate her crime.

"Isn't it just 200,000? Can't I return it?"

Wang Rong took a deep breath.

She also realized the seriousness of the matter, so she didn't want to make a big deal, so she could only choose to surrender.

But if the marriage certificate was found to have problems, she would definitely go to the police station.

Compared to going to the police station, she hoped to save herself.

Although this 200,000 is a lot, she is still young and has the opportunity to continue to spend her youth money.

Besides, she is so good at talking.

This 200,000 can be dealt with by just finding a rich and honest man.


Chen Feng smiled slightly, and then said: "Madam, this 200,000 is just the money you should pay back."

"In addition, I hope you can return all the money I spent on you without missing a single one."

He didn't intend to be soft-hearted when dealing with such a woman.

Because women who bully honest people are what he hates most in his life.

She makes you spend money on her in various ways, and when you have used up your value, she will ruthlessly cut off ties with you.

To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to using marriage as bait to keep you spending money on her like crazy.

This behavior may have been okay in the past.

But it is different now.

With the development of the times, the law is also constantly improving.


Wang Rong couldn't help it at the time.

She tolerated the return of the betrothal money.

But if she was asked to return all the money she spent on herself, she couldn't bear it!

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