Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 75 I seem to smell the scent of a case

On the table.

The two couples continued to discuss.

"Scammers like this deceive and abduct every day. It is their retribution to be sanctioned!"

Qin Yu suddenly became angry when she recalled the money she had been defrauded by fraudsters.

If it weren't for Chen Feng, the 50,000 yuan she was defrauded would have disappeared long ago.


Chen Aiguo also nodded in agreement and took another sip of porridge in the bowl.

This kind of person who makes money by deceiving people is not worthy of sympathy at all.

Soon, Chen Aiguo continued: "But this news is just one of them."

The two looked at Chen Aiguo at the same time: "One of them? What do you mean?"

"Of course there is another news."

"Another news?"

At this moment, not only Qin Yu, but also Chen Feng beside him couldn't help but be a little curious.

You know, there has been no news in my hometown village for decades.

Two pieces of news came out in just one day, which is obviously something wrong.

Chen Aiguo touched his chin, then turned the newspaper page to the two of them, and then said, "I heard that someone discovered ancient cultural relics in our village."


Chen Feng was slightly startled when he heard these three words.

Ancient cultural relics are national treasures, and their own value is even more astonishing.

Of course, selling is prohibited in the country.

And once ancient cultural relics are discovered, the first thing to do is to hand them over to the state.

Qin Yu said: "This must be a rumor. I heard it a few years ago. These reporters must be doing nothing."

After all, it’s not just a matter of a day or two for journalists to make a fuss.

Whenever there is a little bit of movement, the media will spread it everywhere.

"I really don't understand what's so good about this evil thing."

"Don't you understand this?"

Chen Aiguo chuckled, then put down the newspaper in his hand, and said: "Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean that others don't like it. The cultural relics of our Dragon Kingdom are the greatest masterpieces in the world, and those foreigners don't know how much they like them."

As he spoke, Chen Aiguo pointed to a ceramic vase in the newspaper, "Look, do you believe that just this one ceramic vase can sell tens of millions?"

"Tens of millions?"

Qin Yu's eyes widened, obviously frightened by this number.

At this time, Chen Feng immediately interrupted: "Mom, don't listen to him. It is illegal to sell these things. These cultural relics belong to the country. If we see them in the future, we will hand them over to the country as soon as possible. "


Hearing this, the two couples looked at each other and smiled without refuting.

They know Chen Feng's character very well. He is good at everything, but he just likes to be more serious.

After breakfast.

Chen Feng originally planned to live broadcast the game, but because his hometown did not have a computer, he had no choice but to continue the outdoor live broadcast.

"Damn it! Brother Feng actually broadcast live on time."

"It shocked me for a fucking 10,000 years!"

"Do you know how I survived these ten hours?"

"I've been a fan for ten years, and this is definitely an unprecedented first time."

"Ten years old fan? How long has Brother Feng been live broadcasting? Are you a fake fan?"

It has just launched and is as popular as ever.

In just a minute or two, the popularity rose to around one million.

Watch the live broadcast.

Chen Feng scratched his head and said: "Brothers, I'm still in my hometown today and I won't go back until tomorrow. I definitely won't be able to broadcast the game to you. How about this? Today I will take you around the village and let you know what you want. Feel the customs of our countryside. ”

As soon as these words came out.

The live broadcast room instantly became popular.

Compared with watching Chen Feng play games live, outdoor live broadcast is obviously more attractive.

Although there is no case today, it would be nice to take a look at the rural scenery.

that's all.

Chen Feng walked on the country road, taking water friends to visit the local characteristics.

"The scenery is really nice. It's still nice in the countryside! It's not like me staying in a big city and rolling around every day. It's just like playing a survival game."

"Haha, if nothing else, today should be a day without cases."

"Peace is the best!"

"Hey, look at what you guys said one by one, who do you think Brother Feng is? What kind of accidents can happen in a village?"

"That's right, do you think this is a TV series?"

"Conan doesn't act like this, right?"

Just when the water friends were discussing.

Suddenly, a jeep appeared on this mountain road.

The jeep was heading this way at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

The place where Chen Feng was walking was a mud road with many quagmires around it, and there was a lot of rainwater remaining on the quagmire.

The jeep quickly caught up with Chen Feng. When it was about to pass Chen Feng, the jeep accelerated instantly.

The wheels rolled over the mire, and the water below instantly flew away.

Wow! ! !

Water splashed all over Chen Feng.

"Oh no! This piece of shit is intentional, right?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the live broadcast room immediately defended Chen Feng.

Normal people would slow down when they see someone next to a mud puddle, but instead of slowing down, this jeep accelerated.

It was obvious that the jeep driver did this on purpose!

Chen Feng patted the water stains on his body: "Brothers, we met a dog. Let's do this for today's live broadcast. I have to go back and change clothes."

After all, he was driving a car, and he couldn't catch up.

Just when Chen Feng was about to turn off the live broadcast and go home to change clothes.

Not far from him, a faint black smoke was diffused.

"Could it be that the group of bastards just now did it?"

Setting fire to the mountain, jail for life!

Thinking so.

Chen Feng didn't care about the water stains on his body, and immediately raised his steps and walked up. The distance was not far, only about a hundred meters, and it took a few minutes to get there.

There was a hole inside.

The hole was not big, just enough to accommodate two or three people.

This is a tomb robbery hole!

Chen Feng was shocked.

He had also seen some tomb robbery movies, so he could tell at a glance.

And it was just blown open with explosives, and even the surrounding soil was warm.

In other words, the people in the jeep just now were tomb robbers!

They dug a hole here and stole the things inside!

And this scene was naturally transmitted to the live broadcast room.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also showed a shocked expression.

"What the hell? This is a hole for robbers!??"

"No need to think, it must be done by the group of people just now!!!"

"As expected, there will be another accident."

"Xing! I seem to smell the scent of a case."

"It's really worthy of my brother Feng. Wherever he goes, there are cases."

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