【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing option three! 】

[Get reward: Antique Appraisal Technique! 】

[Get reward: clues to the tomb robber! 】

"Antique Appraisal Technique?"

"Clues to the tomb robbers?"

Seeing this series of rewards, Chen Feng was slightly startled.

In the past, the system has always rewarded itself with ordinary things.

This was the first time he had seen these skills.

Subconsciously asked: "What is the use of this system?"

[Antique Appraisal Technique: It can make the host familiar with all antique knowledge. 】

[Grave robber's clues: It can provide the host with a certain amount of grave robber information. 】

The art of antique appraisal is not difficult to understand.

To put it simply, you can transform yourself from an ordinary novice to an antique expert.

As for the clues about the tomb robber, Chen Feng was a little confused: "System, that means you can provide me with information about the tomb robber?"

【Can. 】

Immediately afterwards, the system popped up a series of prompts: [Note: All information provided by the system must not be shared with other people. 】


Chen Feng was thoughtful.

The fact that you have a system in your body must not be revealed to the outside world, so this request is understandable.

At this moment.

Yang Canghai's eyes became very serious.

I have to say that this tomb robber's hands and feet are very neat.

Almost all the valuable things on site were removed by the tomb robbers, leaving mostly worthless things.

In addition, there are many traces of bombs used at the scene.

You know, these ancient tombs themselves have been very fragile over thousands of years, and they actually used explosives.

"This tomb robber is really after money, why would he do such crazy things!"

Yang Canghai raised his brows and immediately said to several policemen on the scene: "Hurry up and inform me. We must not let these tomb robbers leave smoothly! Issue a city-wide arrest warrant immediately! Once we provide clues to solve the case, we will receive a reward of three million !”

These are ancient cultural relics, and their value cannot be estimated by money at all.

As the saying goes, time waits for no one.

If this group of tomb robbers were allowed to take the ancient cultural relics out of the country, it would be difficult for them to continue tracing them.

And what they have to do now is to catch these cultural relic dealers no matter what method they use!

"Brother Chen Feng? What's wrong with you??"

After Yang Canghai finished handling the scene, he looked at Chen Feng, who had been standing still.

From just now, Chen Feng has been standing where he is.

I don’t know, other than whether he had an out-of-body experience.

Hear this sound.

Chen Feng quickly came to his senses.

Just now, after an in-depth exchange with the system, he had already identified a rough clue.

But due to system reasons, this clue must not be announced to the outside world, so he could not reveal it.


Chen Feng shook his head quickly, and then said: "That's right... Officer Yang, is your wanted order effective now?"

Although he has decided to send this tomb robber in, if he can get the reward, he will definitely be more motivated!

After all, who wants too much money?

Even Mr. Ma, who says he has no interest in money, is still struggling to make money every day?

"Of course this works."

Yang Canghai nodded.

He only needs to submit the application process, and this process only takes a few minutes.

After all, this case is no ordinary case.

But an ancient cultural relic.

This kind of thing is priceless to a country.

Even the superiors will take it very seriously.

However, he did not place his hopes on Chen Feng.

After all, the tomb robbers are far away now, and they are still a deck car.

In addition, these tomb robbers are very cunning. Even Chen Feng found it very difficult for them to handle the case.

In response, Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Officer Yang, if nothing happens, I will leave first."

"Wait a minute!"

"Any thing else?"

Yang Canghai rolled his eyes at Chen Feng angrily: "If you have time, go and pay homage to the temple."


Chen Feng paused for a moment.

Is this to ask the Bodhisattva to remove the bad luck from his body?

"Hahaha, Officer Yang can't stand it anymore."

"It's normal. Brother Feng's physique is really evil."

"Walking Conan 2.0!"

"If this continues, it won't take long for Officer Yang to be promoted to director!"

"As long as Brother Feng is here, there is no need to worry about performance!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room started laughing.

Farewell to Yang Canghai.

Chen Feng got into his Ferrari, where the front and outer systems guided him.

And this place is the antique market!

That's right, after most tomb robbers obtain ancient cultural relics, they will definitely try to sell these things as soon as possible.

After all, their purpose of stealing ancient cultural relics is money.

The antique market is where most antique lovers gather, and it is also where these tomb robbers often visit.

Chen Feng arrived at his destination according to the navigation position. He found a place to park his car and then entered the antique street.

The antique street is surrounded by crowds of people, and it is very lively.

"Antique Street?"

"Brother Feng, what are you doing in the antique street?"

"Yes, yes, didn't you say you wanted to send this tomb robber in?"

In response to everyone's questions.

Chen Feng smiled and explained: "Brothers, you don't understand this, right? These tomb robbers stole so many ancient artifacts for money. If they want money, the antique market is a good sales channel."

"Of course, this is just my personal speculation. Whether the tomb robbers can be found or not, the probability is probably only 50-50."

Although it can be confirmed that the tomb robbers are hiding in the antique market, he did not say it too bluntly.

Otherwise, it is impossible that this is a clue provided by the system, right?

That's it.

Chen Feng took his friends to walk on the antique street, looking left and right.

There are many antiques here.

But unfortunately, most of them are fakes.

These antique markets are very deep, and ordinary people can't grasp them at all.

If you are not an expert in antiques, it is easy to be fooled and buy fakes.

And Chen Feng now has the antique identification technique, which is completely comparable to experts, and can distinguish the authenticity of these antiques at a glance.

Chen Feng walked around the antique street for several times, but didn't find anything.

Because the system can only provide general clues, he has to rely on himself to find people more specifically.

When he was about to give up.


A series of voices came into Chen Feng's ears.

"Brother, this is a good thing!"

"I spent a lot of effort to get this top-quality product!"

"And look at it yourself, there is still mud on this thing. It's just fresh out of the oven and it's still hot!"

"I tell you, if you miss this village, there will be no such store!"

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