Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 8 You are still arrogant, right?


After the call thief said these words, he immediately hung up the phone.

As for the bad attitude of the account dealer, not only Chen Feng, but also the fans in the live broadcast room said they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Damn! This account-stealing dog is really crazy!"

"This tone is totally inappropriate."

"Don't forget, the anchor just paid a real deposit of one million to enter!"

"After this sentence, it will take several years, right?"

“I just don’t know if things in virtual games can be filed.”

"How can it not be counted? Didn't you see that the host just spent real money?"

"That's right, so many pairs of eyes are watching."

Because Chen Feng's mobile phone had the hands-free function turned on, everyone in the live broadcast room could hear clearly what he just said.

As for Chen Feng, of course he couldn't bear it.

What's more, I still have a mission, no matter what I do today, I must bring this account-stealing dog to justice!

"Brothers, I have to rush to the police station to file a case now. That's the end of today's live broadcast."

That being said.

But all the water friends expressed their unwillingness.

After all, who doesn’t like eating melon?

Rather than live streaming the game, they want to know the next development.

"No! Anchor, please don't turn off the live broadcast!"

"Yes, yes, you can change the live broadcast to an outdoor live broadcast."

"Today we must see with our own eyes how this damn hacking dog was brought to justice!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room is surging like crazy, and it is even more popular than playing games live.


Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, but he had no choice but to agree.

You know, he originally planned to become a game anchor, but now... he seems to have become an outdoor anchor.

Ever since, Chen Feng switched to using his mobile phone to start the outdoor live broadcast. After putting on a pair of shoes, he walked out directly.

About half an hour.

Chen Feng came to the local police station.

"Huh? Brother Chen Feng, do you have anything else to add?"

Seeing Chen Feng running towards the police station again, Officer Yang couldn't help but ask. m.

"Officer Yang, that's it. I want to report the crime."

"Report a crime?"

Officer Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If it is because of the previous case, don't worry, I will be fair and just."

"No, I'm handling another case this time."

Chen Feng shook his head.

It was obvious that Officer Yang seemed to have misunderstood what he meant.

"Another case?"


Chen Feng didn't talk too much nonsense, but said directly: "Officer Yang, Internet assets should also be protected by law, right?"

"Of course."

Officer Yang nodded.

Regarding online assets, there may have been many loopholes in the past, but because online fraud occurs so frequently, the law has filled these loopholes one by one.

"Okay, I want to report the crime. My online assets have been stolen."

Hearing this, Officer Yang frowned, "What are your online assets? Can you be more specific?"

"game account."

"game account?"

Officer Yang touched his chin and then asked: "What is the specific amount stolen? Do you have complete transaction records or evidence?"

Online assets are quite complex to deal with, especially when it comes to games.

If you want to file a case, you must have complete transaction records as evidence.

Chen Feng certainly knew this.

So, he handed all his recharge records and previous video recordings to Officer Yang for review.

"A million in game assets were stolen from you?"

After roughly understanding the whole process, Officer Yang's eyes widened.

You must know that a million-level case is not an ordinary case. He must set up a task force to investigate.

Chen Feng suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, Officer Yang, I also have the gangster's call recording and the call number here."

Fortunately, I was smart enough to turn on the phone recording when I was talking to the person who hacked the number.

Officer Yang's face gradually became serious.

There were so many clues that he could start working on them now.

"Little brother, we have accepted your case."

"Now we are trying to get your interests back. If we can't get them back, we will take another measure."

After speaking, Officer Yang dialed the phone number of the thief according to the number given by Chen Feng.

"Hello, we are at the police station here. You have been reported on suspicion of a theft case. I hope you can come to the station to cooperate with our investigation."


Hearing that the other party called himself a police officer, the hacker was slightly startled, and couldn't help but murmur in his mind: I didn't expect that the police were actually called?

"Uncle policeman, may I ask what happened to me?"

Although his tone was softer, he no longer meant to repent.

He just stole the game account. In his understanding, this kind of game asset is not subject to legal interference.

The most important thing is that these game accounts are not worth much money, and they are not worth more than calling the police and filing a case.

Officer Yang said in a serious tone: You stole millions of Internet assets. This alone can confirm your crime. "

"If you resist, you will be punished harshly, if you confess, you will be punished leniently. As long as you come to the police station and surrender yourself, the future will be bright."

"Assets worth millions??"

The hacker was completely stunned.

He had just started working in the industry not long ago, and even if all the cases were added up, it would only be a few hundred thousand.

Where did the millions come from?

"No, police comrade, are you kidding me?"

The hacker was immediately puzzled, "I have only stolen a dozen accounts at most, and these are game accounts, just a bunch of useless data, not worth much money, how can there be assets of millions?"

It can be seen.

Before doing all this, the hacker had already done enough homework, and ordinary game accounts were not enough to file a case.

But he didn't know that Chen Feng's account was not an ordinary account.

"Oh, I understand. You are playing tricks on me, right?"

The hacker seemed to have figured out something, and his tone became arrogant again: "I am just surprised. I have only been in this business for ten days, and I have only made a total of 100,000 yuan. It turns out that you are playing tricks on me, right?"

"You are still pretending to be a policeman? It's fun, right? If you hadn't let it slip, I almost believed it!"

"Waste my precious time! Get out of here!"

After saying that, the call was directly hung up by the other party.

"Arrogant! Really arrogant!"

After the call was hung up, Yang warned that he slammed the table in anger.

Obviously, the attitude of this gangster is also quite bad.

He originally tried to negotiate to see if the matter could be resolved peacefully, but now the other party is not cooperating at all.

If the other party does not cooperate, they can only go to the scene to arrest him.

"Find this address immediately!"

Officer Yang mobilized police officers to find the location of this phone.

After some searching and matching.


Officer Yang finally found the address.

Seeing this address information, Officer Yang was slightly surprised.

Because this address is right across from the police station!

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