Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 81 Getting more and more insightful

At this moment.

Wang Defa walked furtively ahead.

Chen Feng followed him.

"Strange? Why can't I contact this guy?"

Wang Defa kept pressing the phone.

But there has been no news from his informant since he sent back a sentence.

"Is the phone battery out of battery?"

Wang Defa scratched his head in confusion and could only think of this possibility.

Forget it.

Wang Defa didn't hesitate for too long. After finishing this vote, he planned to retire.

Making money is the key right now.

As for the informant, he will naturally pop up when his salary is paid.

that's all.

Under the leadership of Wang Defa.

The two walked through several alleys and soon came to the door of an old house.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !


"Third brother-in-law, it's me, Wang Defa."

Wang Defa knocked on the door of the house and said with a smile.

Hear this sound.

The people inside opened a small secret door. After confirming that it was Wang Defa, they opened the door.

"Who is this?"

The third brother-in-law looked at Chen Feng, frowned and asked.

They all specialize in back-fighting. Whenever they see a stranger, they will subconsciously become cautious.

"Don't panic, third uncle, we are on our own."

Wang Defa didn't talk too much and immediately introduced to Chen Feng: "This is the big customer I introduced to you. Let me tell you, despite his young age, he knows a lot more than me. …”

In this way, Wang Defa told his third brother-in-law everything that had happened.


Hearing these words, the third brother-in-law said nothing. He glanced at Chen Feng from top to bottom.

No matter how you look at it, Chen Feng is just an ordinary young man.

To be honest, antiques are very deep and ordinary people cannot grasp them at all, let alone a young person.

Young people of Chen Feng's age should still be studying.

So, this made him very suspicious.

"Third uncle, if you don't believe it, you can bring your treasure over and let him identify it for himself."

Wang Defa naturally saw it.

After all, he didn't believe it at first.

But Chen Feng's appraisal ability has already explained everything.

Let’s not talk about the few gadgets at the beginning.

After the ancient black gold sword was stolen by Wang Defa, he asked countless appraisal experts and consulted several ancient historical books before confirming that it was an ancient black gold sword.

And what about Chen Feng?

You can see it just by looking at it.

Moreover, on the way, Wang Defa also asked Chen Feng several questions about antiques. Chen Feng answered them very smoothly, and he also learned that Chen Feng not only knew the knowledge of antiques, but also knew the insiders in this circle. .

What does this mean?

This is definitely a big shot in the antiques world!


The third brother-in-law led the two of them to the living room with doubts.

On a shelf in the living room, there are dozens of different antiques displayed.

Seeing this, Chen Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because there are antique appraisal skills provided by the system.

He could tell the authenticity of these things at a glance.

That’s right! These are all genuine!

If nothing else, this third brother-in-law is also an excellent cultural relic dealer!

Adding up such a huge number, it is estimated that the crime sentenced will not be lower than Wang Defa.

"Brothers, if these are all ancient cultural relics, how long do you think this third brother-in-law will have to sit there?"

"Wuji definitely didn't run away! He will be shot in a matter of minutes!"

"Haha, even if I beat him to death, he wouldn't think that the mole is right next to me, right?"

"By the way, the informant just now should have had his water meter checked, right?"

“All of this is thanks to Wang Defa’s nephew’s amazing assist!”

The live broadcast room was abuzz.

The cultural relics dealer appears in front of them struttingly. Isn't this better than the TV series?

And the next moment.

In order to confirm the doubts in his heart, the third brother-in-law planned to test Chen Feng's appraisal vision to see if it was really as powerful as Wang Defa said, so he took out a white jade pendant and handed it over.

"Boy, can you tell what this is?"

After taking the jade pendant, Chen Feng held it in his hand and fumbled around carefully.

Then he said: "Well, this jade pendant is good and in good condition. It should have been produced from the general's tomb."

"From the general's tomb? How do you know?" ŴŴŴ.

As soon as these words came out, the two of them looked at Chen Feng at the same time, their faces full of surprise.

Most cultural relic dealers like them only know the value of this thing.

As for the place of production, they have no idea.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "It's obvious. Take a closer look. This kind of jade pendant is decorated with moths. In ancient times, it was awarded to people with military exploits or meritorious service, so it is possible that it is a general. Very big."

"As for its value, it's probably tens of thousands of dollars."


The two said nothing and looked at each other.

He was obviously shocked by Chen Feng's words.

You know, Chen Feng just took one look at it and analyzed the jade pendant thoroughly.

They couldn't do it anyway.

The third brother-in-law quickly came to his senses and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Little brother, I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you just now. I'm impressed by your strength."

Beside him, Wang Defa chuckled: "Let me tell you, this guy is not an ordinary person. Third uncle, don't hide it. It's better to bring out some real treasures quickly."

Hear this.

The third brother-in-law immediately turned around and entered a room.

After about a few minutes, the third brother-in-law took out a small box and placed it gently on the table.

"Little brother, I will make your eyes widen today!"

With that said, the third brother-in-law reached out and opened the lid of the box.

Inside the box, I saw a seal.

There is a dragon carved on the seal, which looks lifelike and exudes an imperial aura.

"Imperial jade seal?"

Chen Feng reacted instantly.

Good guy!

There is even a jade seal!

These cultural relic dealers are really too cruel!

You know, this kind of jade seal was something used by emperors!

In terms of value, it is also a priceless treasure!

"Haha, little brother really has a good eye."

The third brother-in-law carefully took out the jade seal: "You should also know that the jade seal is used by the emperor and is also a symbol of status. In our expert words, whoever owns it can keep himself safe and wealthy throughout his life. Great nobleman, prosperous and prosperous, full of descendants!"


Chen Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

Is not this nonsensical?

How could a person who can afford a jade seal not be a wealthy person?

In other words, do you think ordinary people can afford it?

To be honest, these ancient cultural relics can bless you with wealth and wealth, which is a kind of superstition in itself.

After all, you can already afford antiques, are you still short of money?

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